Age of Arcane

Chapter 294 Prom

Seeing Dai'er, Queen Christina smiled. She took off the small silver princess crown on Dai'er's head, took a slightly larger golden princess crown from the tray in the hand of the attendant, and put it on Dai'er's head. Get your hair done.

"When I entered the palace, you were a carefree child, and in a blink of an eye you became an adult.

Soon you will have a husband who loves you, and you will have a healthy and beautiful child with him, and you will live a happy life like a princess in a fairy tale.

The ancestors of the Augustine family will bless you, your father will bless you, and I will bless you too..."

Queen Christina and Dai'er embraced each other intimately, but a look of desolation flashed in their eyes.

The same princess, she dedicated her whole life to the happiness of the country, and will be trapped in this cold palace for the rest of her life.

The ceremony is over and the celebration begins.

The hall began to rise after a slight vibration.

It was the entire imperial palace that floated up, and the palace group was lifted up by the pedestal.Without the cover of the surrounding high walls, sufficient light comes in from all sides, and after passing through the special glass windows, it sprinkles pieces of golden light in the hall.

The space wall outside the palace was lifted, and the flying palace showed its majestic appearance to the entire city of Shenglun, declaring the supreme national power of the empire.

All the citizens of the imperial capital who saw the palace cheered, and fireworks rose from every corner of the city, pushing the celebration to a climax.

In the hall where young people gather, three walls expand outwards to form a circle of suspended terraces.The court attendants set up tables, chairs, food, drinks and umbrellas for people to rest, and the dance floor in the middle was quickly emptied.

The palace band played melodious dance music, and people around the dance floor waited for today's protagonist, Princess Dai, to lead the first dance.

According to the prior arrangement, Luke should walk up to the podium and invite Del to the dance floor at this time.But a young man walked up first, his clothes and accessories showed an extraordinary family background, and his demeanor was very haughty.

He walked up to Empress Christina who was sitting upright, and bowed to salute: "His Royal Highness, Father asked me to bring his thoughts for you. The wind in Lusien Bay is still as gentle and peaceful, This year is another bumper year..."

While Queen Christina was talking to the young man, the grandson of Sinclair appeared beside Luke.He said: "That is the little prince Macdonald Luthen of the Kingdom of Luthen, my... queen's younger brother.

God!My grandma is younger than me.Without you, my aunt Princess Dill would have married my grandma's brother Prince Macdonald.

Is it confusing? "

Luke said: "It's really confusing, and I sympathize with you."

Sinclair spread his hands and expressed that he was used to it. He said: "McDonald definitely went on stage for Aunt Dai. The first person who invited her to dance represented the support of the royal family. The Queen's relationship is taking your place."

Luke looked at the people on the stage, except for the queen, no other major royal family members appeared.Prince Acrylic is not in the imperial capital because he went to the Western Front; the eldest prince Fania sent Sinclair as a representative; Agatha has not shown up, it should be shouldering the duty of protecting the palace, and also to deal with "emergencies".

The clear sky didn't come either, as a deterrent of force, she should have stayed where she wanted to be.

However, under the leadership of Jenniferni, the students of the Department of Occult Arts all came to participate in the celebration of Dai'er's coming-of-age ceremony.

Luke asked Sinclair: "You seem to dislike Prince MacDonald?"

"It's not to say that I don't like it. The Kingdom of Lucen is the granary of the empire. The empire provides military protection for the Kingdom of Lucen. The two families often strengthen their relationship through marriage.

I just think Aunt Dill is a perfect match for you and Father wants you to be a royal.Of course, the same goes for me if you marry Aunt Agatha. "

Luke smiled and said, "You seem to be eager to call me uncle."

"As the emperor's grandson, I'm used to it...Look, that kid McDonald is about to move!"

Luke looked towards the podium.

After the conversation with Queen Christina, Prince Macdonald turned around and saluted Dai, and extended his right hand to invite: "Beautiful Princess Dai, I was fascinated by your beauty and purity the first time I saw you .

Please excuse my offense, may I have the honor of asking you to dance? "

Dai'er froze for a moment, obviously the procedure was wrong, didn't she agree that the first dance would be with Meteor?She looked at the queen beside her, but Christina glanced at Meteor below the stage.

Daier turned to Prince Macdonald with a smile and said, "Uncle Macdonald, I really want to dance with you, but you are my elder, so I can't dance with you for the first dance."

Macdonald's face changed drastically, and Dai'er not only refused her invitation, but even kicked herself out of the list of suitors out of her seniority.This is not as simple as being embarrassing, it is simply humiliating yourself in public.

But Dai'er's innocent look didn't seem to know the meaning of what she said.

The scene was extremely embarrassing.

Fortunately, Queen Christina said at this time: "MacDonald, stop joking with Dill, everyone is waiting for the ball to start. You sit next to me, I have a lot to ask you about Lusien Bay."

With the Queen's relief, MacDonald sat sullenly on the chair brought by the attendants.

Sinclair in the audience smiled and said to Luke: "Go, I don't think anyone can lead Aunt Del into the dance floor except you."

"It feels like there is an extra enemy for no reason."

Luke walked towards the podium, he could feel Prince Macdonald's eyes of hatred towards him, and...

Queen Christina is also watching herself, and she has been watching me just now.

Luke came to the stage to salute the queen, and then extended an invitation to Del.

Del put her hand in Luke's hand obediently, and then the two walked down the stage and onto the dance floor holding hands.

"Sister Agatha said, you just learned court dance."

"Yeah, dancing is harder than dealing with those downtown thugs."

Dai'er rubbed her fingers, sprinkled the fluorescent powder, and a few goblins were summoned from the crystal powder: "It seems that I can only dance some simple steps?"

The goblin danced around the two of them, spilling stars and bands of light.

The two held their hands together, and Del took a step back to the beat of the music, leading Luke into the rhythm of the dance.

The smooth and silky feeling made Luke marvel: "You dance much better than Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Of course, my grades in dance class are very good. Sister Agatha is already managing the Secret Service at my age, and I have to face all kinds of classes that are full every day.

Fortunately, my father asked me to go to Miss Qingkong's class. It's really interesting to study with so many classmates! "

Dai'er's dancing steps are as light as an elf, which makes Luke very relaxed, and he can't even tell that he is just a beginner.

"It seems that His Majesty has given you a lot of freedom, and even allowed you to choose who you want to marry in the future. It seems that you don't need to escape from here."

Dai'er said close to her body: "The freedom of rewards can be withdrawn at any time. For example, this kind of dance is not what I want. Most people here are not here to bless me, but to get something from me.

I don't want to be like Christina, whose fate is ruthlessly manipulated by the people closest to me.

You promised me..."

"I promised you, I will take you out of this cage."

Dai'er smiled sweetly: "This is my Mr. Luke."

Luke and Dai led the dance, and other noble children also invited their partners to the dance floor, and a joyful atmosphere filled the hall.

After a song, Luke and Del separated.Del returned to the podium, and Luke went to the terrace seating area to find an empty place to sit.

After the waiter poured a glass of wine for Luke, a man sat directly opposite Luke very impolitely.

It's Macdonald.

He hated Luke as if he was wearing a cuckold, and threatened: "Stay away from Dai'er, the only one who is worthy of a princess is a prince!"

Luke picked up the wine glass and leaned comfortably on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed: "You're right!"

MacDonald thought that Meteor was afraid of him, and said arrogantly: "You have self-knowledge, that's good!
I will tell my sister, your queen, to give you other rewards. "

"Then thank you, Your Highness. If you have nothing else to do, please leave and don't hinder me from seeing the scenery of the imperial capital.

There are not many opportunities to overlook the entire city from the palace in the sky. "

Luke's teasing tone gave Macdonald a taste.

"Are you entertaining me?"

"Not arguing with idiots is my principle of doing things."

"You!" MacDonald stood up angrily: "Meteor, do you know who you are talking to! You are just an acting governor, Lord, and I am the prince of the Kingdom of Lusien, and the Queen of the Empire is my sister .

Apologize, apologize immediately, otherwise I will punish you for insulting the Golden Shield royal family and the Lusien royal family. "

Luke drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, then shouted, "Sinclair, come here."

On the dance floor, Sinclair is dancing with a beautiful lady.But when he heard Meteor calling him, he immediately put down his partner and ran over.

"what's up?"

Luke handed over the empty wine glass: "Pour me a glass of wine."

Sinclair was still puzzled at first, why did he call himself over to pour the wine with the attendant next to him.But seeing Macdonald here, with the same face, he knew what was going on.

"Yes, Your Excellency Governor." Sinclair immediately took the wine bottle from the attendant, poured red wine into Luke's glass, and asked, "Is there any other order?"

Luke sighed secretly, and this kid Sinclair just said: "No more... You have a good eye, and you found a beautiful partner, go dance."

"Yes, my lord governor."

Sinclair ran back to the dance floor and continued to dance with his female partner.

Luke took a sip of the red wine from his glass, and then asked Macdonald, "Sorry, I didn't catch what you said just now...can you say it again?"

MacDonald was dumbfounded.

Who is Sinclair?

The eldest grandson of Emperor Augustine!

After the second prince Yakeli left the imperial capital, the current eldest prince Fania is widely regarded as the heir to the empire.

With his status as the eldest grandson and his deep relationship with the military, Sinclair will definitely inherit the empire and become the emperor of the empire in the future.

Can the little prince of a subordinate country compare with the future emperor of the empire?

Of course not.

But Meteor Xing dared to call Sinclair's grandson to pour wine by himself, it was too disrespectful, too...

How dare he!
Macdonald stood there, not knowing what to do.

Fortunately, Queen Christina came over at this time, and she said to MacDonald: "Governor Meteor is one of the busiest people in the empire, so don't disturb the Governor's rest here. Many ladies from noble families are here today, go find Let them."

"As you order, Your Highness." The dazed Macdonald left immediately.

Queen Christina sat down opposite Luke, and let the accompanying servants leave.

"I'm sorry, Governor Meteor, I apologize on behalf of my ignorant brother. The Kingdom of Lusien is a relatively closed country. He is a spoiled child. I will teach him a good lesson."

Luke stood up and saluted Christina, then sat down: "I'm not going to be mad at this kind of thing. And Prince MacDonald just targeted me because he likes Princess Del."

"Daier's biggest feature is that everyone can't help but like her. And you... seem to be the focus of everyone's attention wherever you go.

Let Sinclair pour wine, I am afraid that only you can do it here, and dare to do it. "

Luke laughed and said: "I have a very good personal relationship with Sinclair. He asked me to treat him as a friend, and I took him as a friend."

Christina looked at Luke with a look in her eyes that wanted to see through him.

"You are very special! If it were me, I would definitely not dare to come to this ball, but leave the imperial capital immediately and return to Raging Waves City."

Luke also looked at the young queen, and asked with a smile: "I don't understand what you mean, why am I afraid to come to the ball?"

Christina dodged her eyes from Luke's gaze, and she looked at Del on the podium.

"Dale turned down all the guys who asked her to dance, and you were probably the only one she danced with at her bar mitzvah.

The palace will float for three days, and everyone will stay here overnight.If you want to leave safely in three days, let Dill like you.

Dill is the only one who can soften his heart, and this is my advice to you. "

Luke said: "Thank you for your reminder, Your Highness, but I don't need a woman's protection. Since I'm here, I can go out with my own strength.

The pressure is not with me! "

Christina looked at Luke again, with another look in her eyes: "I finally understand why you made him pay so much attention, and even let the palace fly up to show your strength. But obviously you are not overwhelmed by this power, I understand from you I didn't see your awe of imperial power in my eyes.

If he was young, he would kill you at all costs.But he no longer had the courage of the past, and he didn't even dare to face his aging body.

You will change the empire, you will change the world, and you will probably change..."

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