Age of Arcane

Chapter 320 The Status of the Royal Court

At this time, Qingkong was standing by the window of the room, wearing a smock full of wind and sand.Shaking off the sand, he took off the smock, which contained the magic professor's gown of the Oulu Academy.

Then Qingkong walked towards the door of the room, and said: "It seems that I arrived in time. You continue to talk, I will go to rest, and let me know when I will act."

Qingkong opened the door and went out, letting the attendant outside take him to find a room to rest.

During the whole process, Earl Ould was dumbfounded.

This elf is too courageous, he dared to be so rude to the eldest princess of the empire.

Looking at the eldest princess again, she seems to be accustomed to the performance of the elves, not only did she not get angry because of it, but she looked delighted.

Earl Uld asked carefully: "Which master is this elf magician?"

The clear sky is here, and Agatha knows that Meteor has shown his cards. Although she doesn't know what happened, she just waits for the victory as before.

Agatha, who was in a happy mood, said to Earl Ould: "Just now this is the head of the Oulu Academy of Raging Waves, the head of the St. Lun City Branch of the Oulu Academy, and Miss Qingkong, a member of the Upper Council of Raging Waves City.

During the battle against the Temple of the Abyss in the City of Raging Waves and the City of St. Lun, Miss Clear Sky successively killed the seventh apostle Harriman, the fifth apostle Polem, and the fourth apostle Morris.

No matter which apostle is sent by the Abyss Temple, just leave it to Miss Qingkong to deal with it. "

Hearing that the elf mage who just walked over turned out to be such a character, Earl Uld couldn't help being awed, and at the same time thanked himself for surrendering in time.Obviously, the eldest princess and Governor Meteor are ready to close the net, and his arrival just reduces their difficulty.

"Your Highness, Governor, when will we wipe out the rebels?"

Agatha looked at Luke and asked, "When do you think it's appropriate?"

Luke waited for Qingkong to arrive in the room and log off. The bottomless red battery of the phone made him sweat secretly.

Prices in Sunshine City have risen, and the great nobles from the western region have arrived. Luke knows that the decisive game will start at any time, so he asks Qingkong to come to Sunshine City to support him as quickly as possible.

Qingkong handed over the establishment of the Moonlight King's Court Elder's Home to the fierce high priest Galan of Warsong, leaving Jenniferni and the others to participate in the Harvest Festival with the Moonlight King's Court Mission, while he rushed to Sunshine City alone at full speed.

Fortunately, he arrived before the battery was completely exhausted, and Luke immediately let Qingkong go offline to charge to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Hearing Agatha's inquiry, Luke asked Earl Ould, "When are they going to do it?"

"Gather at two o'clock in the morning, and launch a full-scale attack on the Central Island Castle at three o'clock. At that time, there will be mages freezing the lake, and the rebels can encircle the place through the ice."

Luke took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

23:[-] a.m.

Luke considered recovering as much power as possible for the clear sky, and said after some consideration: "Siege us, Erguya will definitely go all out, and will not give any room for the nobles of the western region to turn around. He will concentrate all the things he brought to Sunshine City Strength, desperately put all into the night's battle.

This gives us the opportunity to bring them all together and eliminate them.

Since the time set by the rebels was three o'clock in the morning, we also set the time at three o'clock in the morning.At that time, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess will be responsible for defending the castle and stabilizing the nobles in the western region.The Earl, Miss Weather and I concentrated our efforts on dealing with Erguya. "

Agatha considered Luke's countermeasures.

The nobles of the Western Region are more savvy than the other, and they are definitely not willing to bear the crime of killing the eldest princess of the empire, so as long as Er Guya doesn't do it, they will definitely not do it.Sitting in the middle of the town and stabilizing the nobles in the western region, you can buy time for the encirclement and suppression of Erguya.

"Okay, just follow Governor Meteor's plan."

Earl Ould discussed some details of joint operations at night with Agatha and Luke, and then quietly left the Castle of Central Lake.

Luke also talked about what he had done in Sunshine City during this period and the changes in the grasslands of the ancestors.

Hearing the revival of the World Tree and the establishment of the Moonlight King's Court, Qingkong is now the Moonlight Queen.

Agatha was completely dumbfounded.

"You, are you kidding me? The clear sky comes from the grassland of the ancestors, it is a ferocious battle song, and now it is the queen of the Moonlight Royal Court?"

Luke spread his hands helplessly: "I just let Qingkong go to the grassland of the ancestors, and through the revival of the world tree to gather the barbarian forces to put pressure on Earl Uld, but I didn't expect that this world tree would share the legacy of the previous world tree with Qingkong.

Clear sky is a ferocious war song, and it is reasonable to lead the barbarians in the western border. "

Agatha could only accept this information slowly, while thinking about how the appearance of the Moonlight Court would affect the western border of the empire.

She quickly asked Luke: "Qingkong became the queen of the Moonlight Royal Court, and even when I saw her, I had to call her 'Your Majesty'. She has seriously distanced herself from your status, and your relationship can still be as stable as before. ?"

Luke replied in the affirmative: "My relationship with Qingkong will not be shaken by any changes."

"Why?" Agatha asked.

Luke smiled meaningfully: "No comment, anyway, you just need to know this fact."

Agatha couldn't figure out how the relationship between Meteor and Qingkong could be so strong. Although Qingkong had denied that he and Meteor were lovers, it was impossible for them to have such an unbreakable relationship even if they were lovers.

If Meteor is telling the truth, the Empire will have to rethink how it treats Clear Sky and Meteor.

"The empire has the right to rule the Western Territory!"

Agatha says what matters most to her.Although the power of the empire has never really entered the western region, it has always claimed that the western region is the territory of the empire.Now the Moonlight King's Court suddenly appeared in the western region, and it naturally has centripetal force towards the barbarians in the western region. It is an existence that can truly separate this vast land from the empire's territory.

Of course, Luke also knew that the appearance of the Moonlight Court had put a lot of pressure on Agatha.If it is not handled properly, it may become a more serious incident than the rebellion of the nobles in the western region.

"The World Tree is a great existence at the same time as the five ancient civilizations. Although it was destroyed in ancient wars, it still nourishes the Western Region for thousands of years with its remaining roots. Miss Weathering has traveled the world to find a way to revive the World Tree. Now she's done it.

Now the empire must face up to the existence of World Tree and respect its influence in the western region. "

Agatha said: "The empire must not give up the western region now, otherwise we will have no legal support for the war against the Tedgar Hills. I hope that the Moonlight King's Court will declare it a vassal state of the Golden Shield Empire, and the empire can give the Moonlight King's Court a place in the Western Region." maximum autonomy.

This is the limit of the empire's concessions. "

Of course Luke would not agree to this request, and he also knew that it would be difficult for Agatha to make greater concessions.He said as a friend: "Agatha, you haven't figured out how much the revival of the World Tree will affect this world.

Because the Moonlight Royal Court inherited the legacy of the previous generation of World Tree, it is equivalent to the existence of the five ancient civilizations now.Moreover, because the World Tree of the previous generation was destroyed in an ancient war, the Moonlight Royal Court was the victim, and the five ancient civilizations were to be held accountable.

Do you think the Moonlight Royal Court can deal with those five ancient civilizations as a vassal state?The Moonlight Royal Court asked for compensation, which would be more beneficial to the empire or a vassal state with a high degree of autonomy? "

Luke's words instantly revived Agatha's mind.

She asked Luke in a low voice: "Moonlight Kingdom still needs compensation from the five ancient civilizations?"

"Of course you have to pay for it!" Luke said firmly: "The previous generation of World Tree provoked whoever! It raised all spirits but didn't ask for anything. Five civilizations fought and burned such a great World Tree as soon as they said it. Why? !
In the past, no one could speak out for the World Tree. Now that the current World Tree that inherited the previous generation of the World Tree has grown up orthodoxly, it is completely reasonable and legal for the Moonlight Royal Court to hold the successors of the five ancient civilizations accountable. "

Agatha felt that what Meteor said was very reasonable.

The previous generation of World Tree had never participated in ancient wars, and it was completely lying down and being shot and hit the fish in the pond.As the successor of the previous generation of World Tree, this generation of World Tree held accountable to the five ancient civilizations, absolutely standing at the highest point of morality, and the five ancient civilizations could not even refute it.

Although the five ancient civilizations are all low-key and not as powerful as before, they are all civilizations composed of extraordinary species after all, and a lean camel is bigger than a horse.They want to be born to do things, really no country can handle it.

If the Moonlight Royal Court really seeks compensation from the five ancient civilizations, it is indeed not suitable for the empire to include the Moonlight Royal Court as a vassal state.Besides, if the Moonlight Royal Court annoyed the five ancient civilizations and burned the World Tree again, the empire should stand farther away.

But just letting the Moonlight Royal Court cut off the Western Territory from the empire's territory, the empire is really a headache, and it can't calm down the voices of internal opposition.

"Is there no other more suitable solution?" Agatha asked Luke, and said firmly, "You must have a solution."

Luke also knew that with the current situation of the Golden Shield Empire, poaching the Western Territory would kill it.Moreover, the rule of the Moonlight Royal Court is at the spiritual level, and the size of the territory is not important.

"The Western Territory is still owned by the empire, but the barbarian tribes and oases that belong to the Moonlight Royal Court must be self-governing. The territory of the Moonlight Kingdom is the oasis of the ancestors, and enjoys the same status of independence and autonomy as the Golden Shield Empire.

This is the bottom line, you can't let it go any further! "

Agatha imagined the location of the Western Territory and the Grasslands of the First Men.According to the division of meteorites, the Moonlight King's Court is a country within a country embedded in the western border of the Golden Shield Empire, and its area is not too large.Considering the special status of World Tree, it is not a bad idea to give this oasis to Moonlight Royal Court to be independent.

As for the autonomy of the barbarians in the western region... the empire has no control over there.As for the future, we can wait until later to solve it, and now we should solve the immediate problem first.

"This is probably a division that both parties can barely accept. Moreover, the Moonlight King's Court cannot be treated as a country in the traditional sense. On behalf of the Golden Shield Empire, I can admit that the Moonlight King's Court is an equal existence to the empire, but the division of the territory still needs to be done. The approval of the Emperor of the Empire is required."

Luke said straightforwardly: "Anyway, I have to go back to the imperial capital under the clear sky, and I have time to talk to His Majesty."

Agatha couldn't help asking: "Little Clear Sky... Is Her Majesty the Queen going to Saint Lun City for a visit? Or is it a permanent residence?"

"Let's call it Qingkong in private, we are all friends, so you don't need to make it too pretentious." Luke said with a smile: "I have communicated with Qingkong using a magic messenger. She was not familiar with the matter, so she set up the elders' house in the royal court, and the court's affairs were all handled by the elders' house. She... went back to Saint Lun City and continued to be her magic professor, teaching those children while studying."

Agatha was really surprised to hear that Qingkong let the queen go back to the academy to continue working as a magic professor: "Miss Qingkong's mind is admirable."

Luke rubbed his tired head from overthinking, and said to Agatha: "Didn't you just say that the Moonlight King's Court is not a country in the traditional sense, and Qingkong will represent the World Tree to hold the five ancient civilizations accountable. Negotiating with them in Shenglun City or Raging Waves City is much more convenient than in Moonlight Royal Court.

Let's talk about the matter of the Moonlight Royal Court here. Anyway, it will take a long time in the future, and we can talk about everything slowly.

The rest is to recruit Ansha Pirates and let them open up commercial routes in the west.

With the oppression of the Moonlight King's Court and Earl Ould's contribution, the construction of the Crescent City, Sunshine City, and Moonlight King's Court Railway can be facilitated.With the railway as the main road and the business road opened up by the logistics company in the western border, the trade exchange between the empire and the barbarians in the western border can be increased.

In this way, the aristocrats in the western region would not be able to act as middlemen, so they would naturally return to their original positions.They rely on their own territory to produce, and it is no problem to be a rich man, and they have absolutely no financial resources to support a powerful army.

At that time, the crisis in the western region will be resolved. "

"No, as long as tonight is over, those western nobles will be able to see their future.

You have permanently removed the hidden dangers in the west for the empire. "

Luke laughed and said, "It seems that I can receive His Majesty's reward again this time when I return to the imperial capital."

Agatha smiled wryly and said, "I don't know what kind of reward Father will give this time, so as to match your contribution to the empire and the additional status you have gained because of the Moonlight Royal Court."

Luke stood up easily: "That's what our Majesty needs to worry about. What we need to think about now is how to make the work tonight clean and beautiful.

I'm going to mobilize and pick out who will strike tonight. "

Luke bids farewell to Agatha and leaves.

Agatha sat there for a long time without moving, she looked at the sky outside the window, and the sand by the window that was shaken down by the clear sky.

According to Qingkong's strength, she could have been less embarrassed, but for Meteor, she didn't care about her status as queen, and came all the way from the grassland of the ancestors alone for reinforcements.

Even returning to Shenglun City for permanent residence in the future, the more reason is probably to protect the meteorite.

What is their relationship?
And... how should the empire and itself treat the meteor that controls the Moonlight Royal Court, World Tree and Raging Waves City in the future?

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