Age of Arcane

Chapter 321 The Encirclement

Due to the special status of Sunshine City in the west, Earl Ould often received visiting lords, nobles and tribal leaders, so he built many independent courtyards in Sunshine Manor for reception.

Jingting Courtyard is one of the many large courtyards used to entertain visitors in Riyao Manor. It is luxuriously decorated and only distinguished guests will be arranged to live in it.

As the special envoy of the Duke of Celtic, Erguya and the people he brought lived in Jingting.

After noon, in the small three-story building near the artificial lake in Jingting, Erguya stood behind the window and watched the central island castle quietly through the gap. You could see many soldiers and magicians standing inside the castle walls and four-corner towers. .

The halos emitted by the detection magic come and go.

At this time, a barbarian walked sideways through the slightly narrow door to him, and then beat his chest to Erguya: "My lord, the soldiers are all ready. These days we can't go out in this small place, let us It was very uncomfortable, and the soldiers all wanted to have a hearty battle.

Use the blood of the Augustinian family to commemorate the compatriots who died fighting for the Tedgar Hills. "

Erguya slowly closed the gap in the window, and then turned to look at her most trusted subordinate: "The defense of the Central Island Castle has always been very tight, and Agatha is protected by the most elite soldiers and mages of the empire. We can have high-spirited Fighting spirit, but not any contempt.

You go back and restrain our soldiers, don't make mistakes at this most critical moment.Rest well, our victory tonight is the best gift Jin can give to His Majesty the Duke. "

The barbarian hammered his chest heavily: "Yes, Lord Erguya! Dedicate victory to the Duke of Celtic!"

Erguya hammered his chest, and then let his subordinates leave.

The room was quiet, and in a corner, shadows spread out from the wall, and then gathered into a masked woman.The woman was wearing a long black dress like smoke, her mask was bone white, and her eyes were filled with red light.

Erguya immediately stood upright when she saw the woman coming, and gave the elegant human etiquette: "Ms. Silvia, you should have heard the news about tonight's action."

Sylvia is the sixth apostle of the Abyss Temple. This time, she was sent to assist Erguya in attacking the western region. She is the strongest force Erguya can use.

Sylvia was floating like smoke, she came to a chair and sat down, and the black smoke like a silk veil swayed and covered her inside.Red eyes projected from the black smoke, and an emotionless voice echoed erratically in the room: "I already know that the Blood Oath Altar has also been set up. When the operation begins, I will work with all the abyss mages to fight for all the barbarians. Human warriors exert blood-sworn brute force to help you achieve victory.

Kill Agatha, and Meteor! "

Sylvia said Meteor's name very emphatically, with deep-seated hatred in her tone.Two of the three dead abyssal apostles died in the siege commanded by Meteor, and Qingkong who killed the three abyssal apostles had an unusually close relationship with Meteor.

The seven apostles of the abyss established the temple of the abyss in the past hundred years, studied the abyss together, and forged a relationship that surpassed that of a true friend.But who would have thought that in this short period of less than two years, the three abyssal apostles passed away one after another.

It was an unacceptable blow to the Abyss Temple and the remaining Abyss Apostles.

Erguya could feel Sylvia's uncontrollable anger through the violently shaking smoke.

He sat down in the chair next to him and said to Sylvia: "I heard that Morris once sent news from the city of St. Lun that the elf Qingkong knows many secrets of the Abyss Temple, and some secrets are only you Abyss Apostle It is possible to know.

Morris has been operating in St. Lun City for so long, claiming to be able to destroy half of the city when necessary, but he was easily defeated and killed by Qingkong, which seems to confirm this rumor. "

The smoke shrank, and Sylvia said vigilantly, "What do you mean? Are you suspecting someone from within the Abyssal Apostle to be betrayed?"

Erguya said with a threatening tone: "Your Excellency the Duke should not be concerned with the affairs inside your Abyss Temple, but the traitors among you not only caused heavy losses to the Abyss Temple, but the Duke also paid a very large loss.

The action tonight is very important, Agatha and Meteor are surrounded.If the two of them can escape in this desperate situation, of course I will apologise, and you will probably be suspected by Sir Victor Apostle. "

Before his death, Morris passed a lot of information from Shenglun City to the Tedgar Hills, including his guess that there was a high-level inner ghost inside the Abyss Temple, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why Qingkong knew the unique secrets of the Abyss Temple.

Through the analysis of all the intelligence related to Clear Sky, the Temple of the Abyss can conclude that there are definitely traitors in the upper echelons of the Temple of the Abyss!

No accidents are allowed in the siege of Agatha and Meteor this time, so Erguya issued a warning to Sylvia regardless of the face and relationship between the two parties.

In the face of Erguya's distrust, Sylvia did not make a fierce rebuttal. She said: "Clear Sky's theft of the holy scriptures of the temple, and knowing so many secrets of the temple, has attracted our highest attention. Victor believes that the inside of the temple is indeed There are traitors, and there is a system that can cooperate to steal the top secrets of the temple, but the abyssal apostles can still be trusted.

We are the apostles closest to the abyss, and share the same goal..."

"But there is a book of disaster in Qingkong's hand, and she is the one closest to the abyss." Erguya insisted on his distrust, and he warned: "Since the accident in the Abyss Temple, many abyss mages have been eliminated, and even seriously affected The fighting power of the barbarian army. I can only hope that you have killed all the traitors. The abyssal apostles are really trustworthy.

Tonight, I don't listen to your promises, only what you do! "

Sylvia replied: "I personally arranged and released the blood oath brute force secret technique, and something went wrong... You don't need to pursue it, Victor will not let me go."

After finishing speaking, Sylvia turned into a cloud of black smoke and penetrated into the wall, without the arrogance and arrogance of the apostle of the abyss at all.

The death of the three abyssal apostles dealt a great blow to the abyssal temple. This was not only the loss of the three most important apostles, but also revealed that the abyssal temple was riddled with holes.

Although the remaining four abyssal apostles still insisted on mutual trust verbally, cracks have appeared in the century-old solidarity.Especially after the large-scale purge of "traitors" in the Abyss Temple, the more suspicious abyss mages were caught, the more suspicious they became.

This has seriously affected the strength of the Abyss Temple, which in turn affected the combat effectiveness of the Barbarian Legion.

Facing Erguya's suspicion, Sylvia couldn't make any confident counterattack, and could only prove herself with her actions at night.

In the basement of Jingting, the barbarian warriors sat cross-legged around the faint blue fire of burning dry bones.They took off their tops to reveal their big, toned muscles, and hummed ancient tunes together in deep, deep tones.

The abyss mages held wooden barrels filled with blood, and used brushes stained with blood to draw mysterious patterns on the barbarians.He took out the armor made of bones, and nailed it to the barbarian's body component by component.The sharp long bone spurs on the skeleton penetrated the skin and pierced deeply into the muscles, and blood flowed out from the pierced places, forming a set of formations with the secret art patterns drawn by the blood.

On the wall of the basement, amidst the green firelight, a cloud-like black shadow was flying above.In the clouds and mist, a graceful woman can be vaguely seen dancing inside, and the atmosphere in the room is becoming more and more depressing, even the blue fire in the middle can't help but suppress the fire.

The abyss mages took helmets made of beast skulls and installed them on the heads of the barbarians.The mages beat the helmet with a hammer, causing the bone spur at the bottom of the helmet to drive into the barbarian's skull.

During the whole process, not a savage cried out in pain, and there was not even any interruption in the singing of songs.

At the end of the secret art preparation stage, the abyss mages put the secret art phrases made of corpse parts in place, and then exited the basement one after another.

Black mist emerged from the wall, turning around the barbarian, a withered hand stretched out from the mist, and its sharp fingertips scratched the back of the barbarian's neck.

Blood oath brute force!
A mass of blood spurted backward from the savage's neck, gathering in the air to form a cloak.Those bone armor components were pressed deeply into the flesh by an invisible force, and fused with the barbarian's bones to become one.The pattern of blood turned into a red ribbon, wrapped between the barbarian's body and the bone armor.

The silk belt is tightened, the bone armor is closed, and some muscles and muscles are snaking through the skin and clinging to the fulcrum of the skeleton.

The song stopped at this moment, and there was a low roar like a beast from inside the bone helmet...

The barbarians and abyss mages in the quiet court were preparing for the night's battle. In the small buildings and courtyards around the artificial lake, the nobles of the western region also gathered their best forces together.

The retinues put on armor for the knights, and the knights raised their swords and recited the oath of allegiance to the lord.

Under the light of the fire, everything looked solemn and bleak.

In order not to die under the butcher's knife of the empire, the great nobles in the western region decided to follow the legacy of their ancestors and express their opposition to the Golden Shield royal family with their swords.After tonight, the eldest princess of the empire died, and the entire western region would gather a large army to rush to the New Moon Oasis.

Join the Celtic Dukes in overthrowing the treacherous Augustinians.

"When the strength of the Blade Brotherhood is getting weaker and weaker, the Duke of Celtic and the nobles of the Western Region are the last backbone of the Brotherhood.

This time when Princess Agatha went on a mission to the west, she brought Meteor, the representative of the pseudo-nobles.They want to tear our bodies apart, suck our flesh and blood, and make us work for a year, but they can't eat meat or drink alcohol.

Let us have to sell the sword in our hands, the armor on our bodies, and the land and honor left to us by our ancestors.

If we don't resist today, we will lose our last chance to resist; if we don't support the Celtic Duke today, we won't get any support anymore.

Raise your swords high, my brothers!

The friendship of our ancestors is with us! "

"The friendship of our ancestors is with us!"


After nightfall, the entire Sunshine Manor was silent, only the cries of frogs by the lake and insects in the jungle.The full moon hangs high in the clear night sky, and the wind blows the sand and knocks on the leaves like raindrops.

The guards on the center island castle are very tight, and the dark night makes the halo of detecting magic very beautiful.In particular, the light emitted by the underwater detection alchemy props makes the waters around the central island beautiful.

There are no dead ends in such a defense. An attack on the Central Island Castle from any direction will be immediately detected by the guards in the castle.

But what if you find out?

In the face of the four-sided attack of the superior forces, the forces in the center island castle have no blocking force.The key to this battle is absolutely not allowing Agatha and Meteor to escape.

And better let the barbarians from the Tedgar Hills kill them.

The nobles of the western region quietly observed the castle in the center of the lake from their respective residences, waiting for the time to launch a general offensive.

The time came to two o'clock in the middle of the night. Under the contact of the guards of the Sunshine Manor, the army that participated in the attack on the Castle of Central Island walked out of the hidden residence.Now they don't need to hide anymore. In the face of absolute power, the people inside the castle are lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Troops in different costumes marched to the edge of the artificial lake, and the army mage released spells to freeze the lake.Soldiers beat shields or armor, and whistled to challenge the guards inside the castle.

When the central island castle found a large number of troops gathered in the lake case, a large number of soldiers climbed onto the city wall and set up a loudspeaker to shout towards the lake.

"This is the palace of His Royal Highness Agatha, the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire. Any attack by you is regarded as a betrayal of the empire. Immediately stop all hostile behavior and disband on the spot. If you have any demands, you can send representatives to accept the elder A summons from Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"This is the palace of His Royal Highness Agatha, the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire. Any attack by you is regarded as a betrayal of the empire. Immediately stop all hostile behavior and disband on the spot. If you have any demands, you can send representatives to accept the elder A summons from Her Royal Highness the Princess!"


The castle's shouting did not have any effect, but instead attracted a burst of noise and laughter.The magician continued to create ice, and some soldiers fired crossbow bolts at the castle.

The ice spread towards the castle.

It's just that the defenders in the castle didn't respond to the extending ice layer. They neither used magic to destroy the ice layer nor used special means to attack the magician who made ice on the shore.

Allow the ice to extend to the center island.

At this time, the noise on the shore gradually decreased, and then gradually became quieter.Looking at the ice surface that could charge directly to attack the castle, no one stepped on it.

At this time, all the nobles in the western region raised two questions.

Why are the defenders in the central castle so calm?
Why are the barbarians in the direction of Jingting so quiet?
Even, they didn't even make ice.

On the artificial lake, the ice covered almost the entire surface of the lake, only the lake in the direction of Jingting was still full of waves.

What are the savages doing!
We are waiting for you to come first!

Looking in the direction of Jingting, there is obviously a large army gathered in the dense torches over there.In the light of the fire, it can be seen that there are a large number of barbarian soldiers in this army. The armor and identification objects show that they are soldiers from the Sunshine Oasis.

The nobles of the Western Region were puzzled again... How did Earl Ould give all his soldiers to the barbarians? Was he anxious to show his loyalty to the Duke of Celtic?
Just when the nobles of the western region were facing this strange battlefield and didn't know what to do, Agatha in a suit of armor climbed onto the wall of the central castle.

Loudspeakers broadcast her voice throughout the Sunshine Manor.

"I really think highly of you guys. No warrior dared to rush over the ice surface made with so much effort. From this point of view, you just have the heart to rebel, but you don't have the guts to rebel.

I am envoy to the Western Territory under the order of His Majesty the Emperor, just to meet you and talk about the position of the Western Territory in the empire.Now that you are all here, let's walk over this ice together.

After Earl Uld and Viscount Meteor wipe out the rebels from the Tedgar Hills, we will be able to talk clearly about the issue of the Western Territory. "

Agatha, who was standing on the city wall at this moment, had long golden hair flying in the wind, and all the nobles in the western region could only curse in their hearts.

"Ould, you traitor!"

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