Age of Arcane

Chapter 375 Blind Date

Da'anba Hotel is a landmark building in Dongdu. It uses a large number of cylindrical structures in its design. From the outside, it looks like a jungle composed of steam pipes.

At night, the Da'anba Hotel is brightly lit, and the singing of warbler-like songs echoes in the night sky.

A charity gala is being held in the hotel.Rich people in the city regard the evening party as an important social place.Holding glasses of wine, they gather in groups of three or four to talk loudly, express how much money their business has earned in exaggerated words, and try their best to package themselves as successful people in order to attract investment from others.

The so-called charitable donation is just a pretext, and its real purpose is actually to test the financial resources of the guests attending the party.Because although some people look well-dressed, they actually think of empty-handed white wolves with empty pockets.

By the time Luke arrived at the Grand Amba Hotel by car, the charity party was already halfway through.He took off his windbreaker and hat, handed it to the hotel waiter, walked in very low-key, and then went to the donation counter to hand over a check to the staff in charge of receiving donations.

"May I ask your name?" The staff looked at the amount on the check with a look of disdain. Compared with the donation from the rich just now, there is at least one zero missing on this check.

But the staff did not get an answer. He looked up and saw that the donor had walked away.Along with the donor, there is also a slim beauty.

A bearer check, and the donor did not leave his name, the staff suddenly had an urge to hack this check, which was an amount that he had not saved after working hard for more than ten years.

However, this is only a moment of greed.He has worked in the Grand Amba Hotel for so long and has met too many people. Those who donate can't wait to write their names in the most prominent position in large characters.

It was the first time he encountered a donor who used a bearer check and did not leave his name.

Such a person is definitely not an ordinary person!

The staff put the check in the donation box and turned their attention to the anonymous donor...his girlfriend is so beautiful!

Dalikova dressed up specially tonight, and chose a dark dress to set off her smooth and fair skin.She held Luke's arm, showing a confident demeanor to the eyes of her surroundings.

"Why did you put down the check without leaving your name?"

When Darikova asked Luke, she glanced around, and the men who sneaked over avoided their eyes, causing Darikova to smile.

Luke brought two glasses of red wine from the tray in the hands of the passing waiter, handed a glass to Darikova, and explained pointedly: "This war has more or less something to do with me, donate some money to help those affected by the war. People, can be regarded as seeking a psychological comfort, there is no need to leave a name."

Dalikova didn't understand Luke's deep meaning, thinking he was referring to the Titan I being developed.

At this time, Helking, who knew Luke had arrived, walked over anxiously, and he couldn't help complaining: "Sir, why are you here so late?
Darikova... why are you here too? "

Helkkin frowned when he saw Darikova, who had such a good appearance and attire, it was obvious that he was here to kick the field.

Luke explained: "It's not safe at night in the winter capital recently. I heard that the underground rebels have begun to operate on the surface. Miss Dalikova chose to work overtime to protect me. She will not affect my relationship with Miss Angelia. Meet."

Helkkin saw that Dalikova didn't say anything, but said to Luke: "Come with me... I will introduce you to some important people who came to the party first, and then I will meet Miss Angelia.

Miss Angelia tonight is very beautiful, you will love her. "

"Okay, tonight's arrangements are all up to you."

Luke bid farewell to Dalikova, followed Helkkin around the party hall, and met several high-ranking government officials and wealthy businessmen of the Yate County United.

Then I met Miss Elvis family... Angelia in the rest area.

Angelia has short-to-medium-length hair in a brown-green color with some emerald green highlights.The clothes are neutral, long trousers and boots, a white silk-trimmed shirt, and a bow tie at the neckline.

Dark red lipstick was on the lips, and a pair of gold-rimmed round sunglasses stood on the bridge of the nose.

After Helkkin brought Luke closer, Angelia not only didn't stand up, but put her legs on the coffee table arrogantly.

"Your name is Luke, the genius steam engineer they call?" Angelia looked at Luke from the top of the sunglasses, and then let out a disdainful chuckle: "You are not my type! I didn't expect my father to Let me marry a nerd."

Helkkin didn't expect Angelia to be so arrogant when he came up. Just as he was about to explain, Luke said, "Chief, just leave it to me... Anyway, it's just a show, and it's for outsiders to see."

Helkkin looked around, and many people turned their attention to this side intentionally or unconsciously.

The marriage between the Elvis family and Engineer Luke will greatly affect the future situation of all parties in the Art County Union.

"Sir, I will leave it to you here, and no one will disturb your conversation."

Helkkin leaves.

Luke sat down on the sofa opposite Angelia, looking at this savage Elvis family lady with unscrupulous eyes.

Anglia, who was already unhappy because of the arranged marriage, was so angry when Luke saw it: "What are you looking at, believe it or not, I will gouge out your eyeballs!"

"I do not believe!"

Angelia was immediately enraged, she stood up and picked up a crystal ashtray on the table and threw it at Luke.

But before the ashtray hit Luke, he put a hand in front of the ashtray.Angelia tried harder, but the ashtray not only failed to move forward, but shattered into countless pieces and fell down.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

Angelia saw a very feminine and beautiful woman blocking between herself and Luke, and at the same time there were two men wearing trench coats with their hats lowered standing on either side of her.

Facing Angelia's questioning, one of the men in the windbreaker said respectfully: "Miss Angelia, Mr. Luke is very important to Harut Heavy Industries and County United, please restrain your anger and don't endanger Mr. Luke's personal safety .

I wish you all a great night. "

The figures of the two windbreaker men gradually faded away, and it was the first time that Luke saw the "bodyguard" arranged for him by Harut Heavy Industries.

Luke patted the place next to him, and said to Dalikova who was in front of him: "Sit here... Next time Miss Angelia is about to hit me with something, you can shoot it faster."

Dalikova sat down beside Luke obediently, and the two of them looked very close to each other.

Angelia is reckless, but she can see the situation clearly. Under such strict protection, she really can't move the man in front of her.


"Who is this woman? As my future husband, how can I be so close to another woman!"

Luke said: "You don't like me, and I don't like you either. Since this marriage is completely based on interests, let's not care about each other's private life?
If you agree, we will meet together a few more times, and then we can discuss the engagement. "

Angelia looked at Darikova with hostility. Luke brought such a beautiful woman here on this occasion, it was a provocation to himself.

"Okay, you understand your status very well! Let me introduce you first... I heard that you are very good at steam science?"

"Yes, I am very good at steam's your turn!"

Angelia didn't expect Luke's self-introduction to be so simple: "Is that all?"

Luke said helplessly: "If I say how many papers I have published in "Steam Weekly", what achievements I have made in steam academics, and what kind of trans-epochal significance my research has.

Can you understand? "

Being ridiculed mercilessly again, Angelia felt that she had been passive since the first meeting.

Obviously I made you embarrassed.

"Okay, it's my turn to introduce. My name is Angelia, the lady of the Elvis family... I like drinking, fighting, and racing!" Angelia said proudly: "I also have a gang, I am Gang boss, and I have a motorcycle fleet in the underground steam city.

Does the motorcycle party know? "

"I heard that they are very powerful in the underground steam city."

"I know their boss very well!"

Luke suddenly wondered.

The boss behind the motorcycle party is the demon Chi Yan, and the boss on the bright side is a hell horned demon. Which boss do you know?

And you know the boss of the motorcycle gang very well, what's so proud of that!
Your father's power is no bigger than that of a motorcycle gang.

Elvis is anxious to marry you off, is it because there is a silly girl in the family who is too embarrassing and asks you to harm others?
Luke couldn't help looking at Dalikova beside him, and Dalikova also showed a helpless expression.Angelia sometimes caused troubles, and even sent out the ice cave to wipe her ass.

Faced with such a woman who has nothing but family background, Luke is even less interested.

He stood up and said to Angelia: "Okay, this meeting will be regarded as we know each other. From now on, I will run my laboratory, and you will run your gang. Everyone will not interfere with each other.

Goodbye, Miss Angelia. "

Luke didn't look at Angelia, turned and left with a disdainful expression.

Seeing Luke walking away, and the beautiful woman beside him, Angelia couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.She could feel how contemptuous Luke looked at her. No one had dared to treat her like this before.

"Luke, we've got plenty of time!"

Angelia kicked the coffee table over, and the people around just looked at it, and then continued to do their own things.

On the other side, Luke, who was about to leave the party, was stopped by Helkkin.

"Mr. Elvis wants to see you."

Luke was taken to the lounge next to the hall, and saw Elvis who had been waiting here.

The last time the two met, they were still discussing how to set up a water molecule two-phase steam engine research laboratory.Elvis already valued Luke a lot, but not as much as he does now.

The meeting between Luke and Angelia has already been reported in detail by his subordinates.

Far from being angry that Luke had annoyed his daughter, Elvis was delighted.

He asked Luke to sit down, and took out a cigar from the humidor at hand: "Do you want a cigar from Falford Dryland?"

Luke said, "Thanks, Mr. Elvis, I've been quit smoking for a while."

Hearing that Luke quit smoking, Elvis appreciated it very much and said: "Quitting smoking requires a lot of perseverance. People who can quit smoking are psychologically strong.

I spoke to Editor-in-Chief Molson about you.In addition to praising your talent, he also highly praised your self-discipline in life and hard work in academics.

Can your first boy with Angelia be named Elvis? "

Luke was a little surprised!

Angelia and I just met, and we still broke up, why are you talking to me about the child's last name?
"Mr. Elvis, do I think it's too early to discuss this matter now?

Miss Angelia seemed to dislike me. "

"It's enough that I like you, and your relationship can be cultivated slowly after marriage.

As long as you marry her, I will give you 5.00% shares of Harut Heavy Industries, and I will fully support all your academic and political opinions.If your first child's surname is Elvis, I will give you another 5.00% of the shares and train him as the heir of the family.

The blood of the Elvis family needs the genes of a smart person like you.

When will your marriage be finalized? "

Elvis thinks that the conditions for opening are very generous.

It's just that Luke doesn't like the [-]% stake in Harut Heavy Industries. Even if Elvis takes the entire Harut Heavy Industries as a dowry, Luke will not wrong himself to marry such a woman.

Luke replied: "Mr. Elvis, the development schedule of the new steam engine is very tight, and there is also the test of the Titan I prototype. In the past month, I'm afraid..."

Elvis was afraid that such an excellent son-in-law would be cut off by others, so he said immediately: "I will give you a month to complete this development stage, and hold your engagement ceremony with Angelia here one month later!"

The next day, the major newspapers in Dongdu reported the news that Luke, a genius steam engineer, and Miss Angelia of the Elvis family fell in love at first sight at a charity party.

Elvis, the owner of Harut Heavy Industries, expressed his appreciation for Luke and revealed that he is already preparing for the engagement ceremony for the two...

Dongdu Magic Steam Academy.

Princess Dai has developed the habit of reading newspapers every day.

Luke is in the papers quite a lot these days.Everyone likes to discuss this genius steam engineer very much. The newspaper office also found the traffic code and often publishes reports related to Luke.

Since we met at the last Winter Hunting Festival, Dai can only find news about Luke in the newspaper.

It's just that the contents of today's newspaper surprised Princess Dai, she took the newspaper and ran to find Qingkong: "Miss Qingkong, Luke is going to be engaged to the lady of the Elvis family!"

Qingkong sat by the window and concentrated on drawing the blueprints. Facing the anxious Dai'er, she said calmly, "We will leave Dongdu before we get engaged."

Princess Daile breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Qingkong say this: "It scared me to death... But, is Luke cheating Miss Angelia's feelings by doing this?"

Qingkong replied: "Don't ask Luke with the standards of an upright person. He has deceived many people, and Miss Angelia will not be the last."

Princess Dai said confidently: "But Luke will never lie to me!"

Qing Kong couldn't help smiling: "Yes, he won't lie to you...I won't lie to you either."

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