Age of Arcane

Chapter 376 Information

Qingkong's words made Princess Dai'er's heart as sweet as drinking honey water, and then she ran away with a smile.

Qingkong continued to draw blueprints, sorting out the gains from the "Project Titan" these days.

It's time to get ready to leave.

Agatha sent an urgent message through the intelligence station of the Secret Intelligence Bureau this morning. Through the interpretation of the special key, the eldest prince Fania has been very restless recently.

The attack on the Tedgar Hills on the southern front came to an abrupt halt. General Joshuar ordered the entire army to shrink and turn to defense, and even voluntarily abandoned several important forts, allowing the barbarian army to take them back.

The Battle of Snow City is in full swing in the northern border, and the empire is also taking the initiative to retreat. Judging from the situation, it seems that Snow City is about to be abandoned, and the defenders inside are left alone to face the offensive of the Art County United.

In the imperial capital, Fania frequently summoned the important ministers of the empire, repeatedly emphasizing that he was the eldest prince and the legal successor of the empire's number one.

The number of exercises of the Fourth Division of the Imperial City Guard Corps has increased.

In the court, Fania also paid more and more visits to Emperor Augustine.Morning, noon, and evening are fixed three times, and at other times, they will randomly enter the palace to meet.

Augustine the Great never showed up, Queen Christina was trapped in Snow City, and Fania became more and more daring. Except for the emperor's bedroom, which was firmly guarded by the Milcombe Knights, there was no place in the palace that he dared not go.

It can be seen that the eldest prince Fania has no patience, and now he is stepping up to test Emperor Augustine step by step, to see if he can be forced to show up, so as to find out his physical condition.

If Augustine the Great still does not show up, Fania's actions are to accumulate winning percentages for the final palace coup.

According to common sense, if Fania did this, Augustine should have shown up long ago when he felt the crisis.But there was no movement in the emperor's bedroom, only the knight of Millscombe silently guarded the door, preventing anyone from entering.

What the hell is Augustine doing?
Luke was puzzled.

He provoked Fania to launch a palace coup, just to find out about Augustine, but he didn't expect the old emperor to be so calm.

Is it because of something that keeps him from being distracted?Or is he not afraid of Fania making such a fuss?

Can't judge...

But what is certain is that Fania's gambler will never stop at the last moment.He is betting all his betting money on the gaming table little by little, just waiting for the last stud.

If he wins, he is the new Emperor of the Empire.

Losing...he didn't think he would lose.

The timing of Fania's action should be a major change in Snow City.

If the Yate County United did not capture Snow City and chose to retreat and recuperate, the entire winter would end, and the Yate County United's army would have no way to launch another round of large-scale offensive.The situation in the northern border is stable, and the prestige of Queen Christina, who has personally visited the frontline guarding the isolated city, will reach its peak.

When the queen returned to the imperial capital from the north, she was no longer the former queen, so Fania had to do something before the queen returned to the imperial capital.

If the Yate County Alliance captures Snow City, Fania will have to seize the throne, so as to quickly integrate the power of the empire to resist the Yate County Alliance going south.

Perhaps, Fania has secretly reached some private agreement with the Celtic Duke...

Agatha's message to Luke reveals her anxiety.If Fania really launched a palace coup, the Bureau of Secret Intelligence would not be able to stop him.As for the Royal Knights and the palace guards... facing Fania, who has declared himself as the successor to the Golden Shield God-Bestowed Emperor, most people may choose to wait and see.

After all, no one knows what happened to Augustine the Great.

"Please come back immediately after finishing your work... The Empire needs you!"

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

Luke felt that since he was in Winter Capital, he might be able to do something for Agatha while doing his own thing.

For example, provide some off-site help for Snow City.

As long as Queen Christina is alive, Fania's palace coup will definitely encounter resistance from the Royal Knights and palace guards, and the current Northern Legion will not listen to Fania.

"Mr. Luke, what are you thinking?" Helking, who came to the laboratory after get off work in the evening to make up lessons, reminded Luke who was a little distracted.He had brought a paper he had written and was waiting for Luke to review it.

Luke came back to his senses and said to Helkkin: "Most of your paper is a spliced ​​summary of other papers, and it is almost impossible to see anything that is your own.

I don't think purely academic papers are suitable for you...maybe you can find a suitable topic from your working life. "

"My work life?" Helkkin asked puzzledly: "I don't know what the relationship between intelligence and steam is, can you give me some hints?"

Luke said: "Yes... Take the current war with the Golden Shield Empire as an example. It is the coldest period of winter, and it is also the time when the war is most intense. Our army surrounded the Golden Shield Empire in Snow City. Queen, hundreds of thousands of troops from both sides fought fiercely around the city.

So many troops to keep warm in such cold weather is a very good topic for steam engineers. "

Helkkin nodded thoughtfully: "The army of the county alliance can maintain its combat effectiveness in the harsh winter because of the use of the urban heating system to provide central heating for the fighting army."

Luke nodded: "Yes, the Society of Steam Engineers has designed an easy-to-build winter combat heating system for the military, which uses pipes to send heat to different locations. Guaranteed hundreds of thousands of our soldiers, Rest in a warm environment to restore energy and morale.

This topic is very time-sensitive, and it is also out of reach of other people who are preparing for the steam engineer exam.If you can take out this paper during the steam engineer qualification exam, as long as the quality is good, you will definitely pass. "

As the head of the ice cave, Helking knew very well that the army of the county alliance had specially built a large-scale heating system for the army in order to fight against Snow City.In order to protect this heating system, the ice cave also sent many agents to carry out anti-infiltration operations against the Imperial Secret Service.

I am definitely the only one writing a thesis on this topic.

And by the time I took the steam engineer qualification exam, the Battle of Snow City had already ended, and the heating system had been dismantled, so there was no problem of leaking secrets.

Just out of professional instinct, Helkkin couldn't help but doubt Luke's purpose for raising this topic.But soon Helkkin couldn't help laughing at himself: Mr. Luke dedicated the water molecule dual phase steam engine magic model to the County Union, which is a cutting-edge technology that can bring about subversive changes in national strength.

This thesis was written by me and supervised by Mr. Luke. Only the two of us knew about it before the steam engineer qualification test... We will never leak it.

If the secret is contribution will only be greater!
Helkkin immediately shook off the random thoughts in his mind.

Anyway, no loss!

"I listened to you, Mr. Luke, and wrote a thesis on Snow City's combat heating system. Sir, you have been researching the underground steam pipeline system in Dongdu, and you will definitely be able to provide guidance for my thesis."

Luke didn't care about his identity being exposed a month later, so he said casually, "If you let me see it, I'll see it."

"Thank you for your advice, I will go back and prepare my thesis now."

"Go, I don't have homework today, I'm too busy here."

Helkkin left happily, and Luke handed over the work of the laboratory to other engineers, and then returned to his office to write a letter for Agatha.

"I believe that through the newspapers and intelligence stations in Winter Capital, you know that I now have a unique position in the Art County United. I will do something for the empire on the premise that things that do not affect me.

The underground rebel army in Winter Capital is a dagger piercing the back of the Yate County Union. I will let the rebel army move frequently during this period to slow down the production progress of the Yate County Union's materials.

In addition, I am trying to get the heating system deployed by the United Army of Yate County around Snow City. When you receive this letter, you must call up elite agents to stand by immediately. The frontline heating system was sabotaged.

Without heating to keep out the cold, there is no way for the soldiers of the Attorney League to fight in the extremely cold weather.

The other is about the First Prince... After the siege of Snowfield City is lifted, you immediately go to Rage City, and don't care about what he does.

Your safety is the most important!
I'll be back in a month, whatever happens, just wait until I get back. "

After the reply letter is written, the content is encrypted using the alchemy key, and any misinterpretation will cause the letter to self-destruct.

The letter was sent through the Secret Intelligence Bureau's intelligence station in Dongdu, and it took five days before it was delivered to Agatha.

In the Rose Manor in Saint Lun City of the Golden Shield Empire, Agatha read Luke's reply over and over again.

These days, she didn't sleep well one day, and she was afraid that the eldest prince Fania would suddenly lead troops to attack the palace, and she had nothing to rely on in the imperial capital.This is a dangerous situation that she has never encountered before. If she makes a wrong move, she will be decapitated. Fania dares to kill Dai'er, let alone herself who is in control of the secret situation.

I wish Meteorite was in the imperial capital at this time...or in Raging Waves City.

But he is in the far north, and has become a talented steam engineer sought after by all parties.

When Agatha knew the news, she couldn't be sure if the engineer named Luke was a meteor.After repeated confirmation through different channels, it was determined that Luke was the meteorite.

At a certain moment, Agatha even felt that Meteor would not come back, and it seemed that Art County United was more suitable for him.

Until now, I received his reply letter, which clearly stated "I will go back within a month, no matter what happens, just wait until I go back."

He will come back and everything will be fine when he comes back.

Agatha let go of the hanging stone in her heart, no longer hesitated about the crisis in front of her, and regained her former bearing and self-confidence.

The personal female officer noticed the change in Agatha, and she asked, "Is it the Governor Meteor who sent the good news?"

"Yes, Governor Meteorite sent me good news. You personally selected a group of elite agents to go to Snow City to carry out missions. After Governor Meteorite sends the next piece of information, let them go immediately.

In addition, we will send people to sneak into Snow City and tell the Queen to hold on for a while longer. Meteor Governor and I are trying to find a way to provide her with a strong foreign aid.When this foreign aid is in place, she can organize a counterattack... If it goes well, she can fight the biggest victory since the Yate County United invasion. "

The female officer was very curious about such a powerful foreign aid, after all, it was impossible for the empire to send large-scale reinforcements to the northern border throughout the winter, but her professional ethics made her refrain from asking: "Observe, Your Royal Highness, I will arrange it now. "

The message was sent from the Rose Manor in the imperial capital to the northern border of the empire.An imperial agent crossed the snowy ice field, passed through the siege of the Art County Union through the cracks, and finally climbed over the walls of the Snow City.

At this time, Queen Christina was standing at the head of Snow City. She was wearing a fur coat, her face was full of fatigue and confusion about the future.

Outside the city is an endless snowfield, full of wreckage of destroyed war fortresses.Days of heavy snow covered the battlefield, and the broken flags were planted on the snowdrifts below, swaying in the cold wind.

Farther away, the army of the Art County Alliance gathered around steaming war fortresses, and a new round of attack was imminent.

On the other hand, Snow City.

Three days ago, there was no trace of the imperial army on the glaciers in the south of the city, and the Yate County Union sealed all the gaps and completely surrounded Snow City again.

Queen Christina could feel that this time the imperial army took the initiative to leave the battle, and Snow City was abandoned by them.

What made them abandon such an important strategic node and the queen of the empire!
Queen Christina realized that she was still too naive, thinking that after reading a few biographies of the emperor, she could take advantage of the current situation and establish her prestige in the empire by virtue of the Northern War.

In the end, I still underestimated the cruelty of politics and was too idealistic.

Now there is no need to think about whether there will be reinforcements. At least until the end of winter, there will be no more imperial soldiers on the glacier south of the city.

We can only fight the war on our own...

But even if I am lucky enough to survive the winter, what will greet me?

Probably a noose.

Queen Christina let out a long breath, but she had to show confidence and not let the soldiers know...they were abandoned.

At this time, a messenger ran up to the city out of breath: "Your Highness, an agent from the Imperial Secret Service broke through the siege and entered the city. He brought a letter from His Highness the Eldest Princess."

Secret Service sent someone!

No one has abandoned me!

Empress Christina tried her best to restrain her excitement, took a deep breath and asked steadily, "Where is the person?"

"It's being delivered!"

After a while, four soldiers ran up carrying a stretcher. On the stretcher lay a man covered in ice and blood. A mage followed him and released healing magic for him.

The spy was relieved when he saw that the queen was safe and sound. He lifted the padded jacket and took out a letter from the inner pocket: "Your Highness, this is the eldest princess..."

Before the spy could finish speaking, Queen Christina had already taken the letter.

First confirm the anti-counterfeiting alchemy beeswax, and then use the queen's exclusive seal to unlock the seal, which contains a message with chaotic words.

Queen Christina recited the magic pattern key, and the text on the letter was reorganized into a message.

After reading it, although she was full of doubts, Queen Christina still said loudly to the generals: "Princess Agatha and Governor Meteor of Raging Waves City have organized a support force to come to support us, and we are going to fight back. "

All the generals and officers were all shocked.

In this world of ice and snow, it would be nice to have reinforcements to enter the city to replenish the source of troops and supplies.Fight back... what a joke!

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