Age of Arcane

Chapter 378

The fragrance of tea permeated the whole room with the misty smoke, and the gramophone played soft music.Outside the closed windows, there was heavy snow splashed in the strong wind. This was the biggest snowfall in winter since the beginning of winter.

The knock on the door broke the tranquility. Through the rhythm of knocking on the door, one could hear the urgency of the people outside the door, but they still restrained themselves and maintained proper etiquette.

"Come in, the door is unlocked..."

Luke set out the cups for tea and picked up the teapot to pour tea.

The door was pushed open with a "squeak", and Helkkin, who was wearing the uniform of the head of the ice cave, came in.He turned back and asked the subordinates he had brought to wait outside, then closed the door and walked in front of Luke.

"You didn't escape, which surprised me!"

Helkkin looked at Luke with an extremely complicated expression.Although I also thought that this genius steam engineer was a spy from the Golden Shield Empire, but that was just a thought, and then I vetoed it.

Now the situation on the Snow City battlefield has deteriorated irreparably, and the army of the Yate County United has suffered extremely heavy losses.The strategic vision of quickly defeating the Golden Shield Empire was completely shattered, and the county union had to really fight a protracted war.

The reason for all these consequences is that the heating system of the Snow City battlefield was precisely destroyed by the agents of the Golden Shield Empire.

The blueprint of the snow city's war heating system was definitely stolen by the secret agents of the Golden Shield Empire secret information bureau lurking in the winter capital. This is an extremely serious information leak.The Congress has already issued a strict order, requiring Bingku to investigate the process of the information leak and destroy the intelligence station set up by the Golden Shield Empire's Secret Information Bureau in Dongdu.

But it is estimated that no one thought that such important information flowed out from the hands of the head of the ice cave.

"If I escaped, wouldn't there be no one to answer you with so many questions in your mind?" Luke smiled and invited Helkkin: "Sit down... I don't have coffee from the Imperial Secret Service here, only The court tribute tea of ​​the empire. Even if you are the head of the ice cave, you should not be able to drink such good tea."

There were indeed too many doubts in Helkkin's mind. Seeing that Luke had no intention of running away, nor did he seem to want to resist, he sat down opposite.

"You admit that you are an agent of the Golden Shield Empire!"

Luke picked up his tea and drank it: "Recognize, there is no need to keep concealing this. I am a secret agent of the Golden Shield Empire. I restored the heating system of the Snow City battlefield through your thesis, and then gave it to the eldest princess of the empire." Gasha.

Judging by your appearance... the Battle of Snow City should be over. "

Helkkin didn't drink tea, and facing Luke, he was extremely cautious: "Although the Battle of Snow City is not completely over, the defeat of the County League is already set.

If you can go back alive, the Empire will definitely award you a medal.You saved Queen Christina and dragged the battlefield beyond winter.

In fact, I feel very sorry for you!
Originally, you didn't need to reveal your identity, you would bear the title of a genius steam engineer, and with the support of the Elvis family, you would gradually become a powerful politician who could influence the Yate County United.It is not impossible to even become the president of the county union.

At that time, the political core of the county union had the spies of the Golden Shield Empire, and all the secrets were not secrets... What a terrible thing that was.

County United failed in Snow City, but in the long run, the defeat was well worth it.

Just one thing I can't figure out, why you?Your talent and knowledge should be well protected, in my opinion... your value is far more than that of Queen Christina. "

"Thank you for taking me so seriously. How should I answer your question..." Luke thought for a while and said, "In fact, everything was an accident. I didn't expect to make myself so eye-catching , It was Enoch who found me. In order to prevent the ice cave from touching me, I had to change my original plan, and things were out of my control.

This accident made me happen to be able to contribute to the empire's Snow City campaign. "


If Luke's real purpose wasn't to get into the Attorney General's Congress, what was he coming to Winter for.

Thinking of Enoch dead, and the case he was investigating.

Helkkin asked: "You are Mr. Baiye, and the secret service of the Empire is indeed behind the underground rebel army."

Luke said helplessly: "Actually, it was also an accident. I said something and Mina told her father, and then Mina's father made up a name 'Mr. White Night' for me. The Rebels, the Imperial Secret Service funding the Rebels came later."

This is also an accident!
Helkkin asked forcefully, "What do you want to do in Dongdu?"

"I won't answer this question." Luke put down his teacup and asked Helkkin, "What will you do with me when you catch me? After all, I got my information from you, and your joint charges are not light .”

Helkkin, who had already thought of a way out for himself, replied: "That's why I came to see you alone. I will personally investigate your criminal evidence, and your source of information is naturally the Society of Steam Engineers.

If Mr. Elvis knew that you were an agent of the Golden Shield Empire, he would definitely not let this matter become a scandal for the Elvis family.You will die in an accident, and everyone will be sad and sorry for your passing. "

Luke praised: "Very professional!"

"We are professionals! Tell me now, your real purpose in coming to Winter Capital!"

Luke poured tea for himself: "Do you want to take an extra job and work for the Imperial Secret Service?"

Helkkin sneered and said, "Is this your last resort? To be honest, I am very disappointed!"

"Don't rush to refuse, let me explain to you. Your plan is entirely based on the premise of catching me. If you don't catch me, the leak will be a big deal for you."

Helkkin snorted and said, "This trick is definitely smaller than working for the Imperial Secret Service, and even if it is exposed, my credit is greater than my fault. Tell you, don't think about unrealistic things, you can't escape today .”

Luke picked up the teacup again: "If I were the special cabinet minister of the Golden Shield Empire and the governor of Raging City Meteorite, and you have such a close relationship with me, how many people in the Commonwealth of Arthur County would believe your self-defense?"

Seeing Luke drinking tea slowly, Helking laughed and said, "You are the meteorite of the Golden Shield Empire? His status is so noble, how could he take the risk to come to Winter Capital!"

"A talented steam engineer who should be protected has come, why can't Meteor come?

Besides... Aren't you all curious about why Qingkong came to Dongdu at this time? "

The smile on Helkkin's face stopped abruptly, the muscles of his whole body tensed, and the magic power could not help but leak out of his body.


Why did Qingkong come to Dongdu at this time? This is a question that Bingku has never found an answer to.

Helkkin remembered that Enoch had said that the clear sky might have come to protect the meteor.It's just that after his death, no one mentioned this absurd guess again.

"You, you are really a meteor!"

Luke took off the glasses he was wearing, looked at Helkkin and said, "It's up to you to judge."

Helkkin looked at Luke and compared the meteorite information collected in the ice cave.

There is no separate portrait of Meteor coming out, but he is a frequent visitor to major newspapers in Rage City and Saint Lun City, and some magical images of him can be collected.Although the magic image is not clear, it can still splice out his general appearance.

He had never thought of Luke as Meteor before, but now when Luke took off his glasses, Helkin found that he was really very similar to Meteor.

At this moment, Luke activates the thunder and fire pupil.

With such unique eyes, Helkkin no longer has any doubts.

"You are really a meteor! How dare you come to Winter Capital!"

Luke lifted the thunder-shocking eyes, and put on the glasses again: "I'm here, why do you dare to ask? Now, you understand your situation."

Helkkin's heart was beating violently.

Meteor is right in front of her, which means that Qingkong, the elf, has not left Dongdu, she is nearby.Moreover, Meteor's identity determines that he is not a dead man who can dedicate himself to the mission. Even in the face of a tight siege, he must have a way to escape.

These days, I ran to Luke's steam laboratory every day, and even advertised that I was learning steam technology from Master Luke.

If Luke was just an ace agent sent by the Golden Shield Empire's secret intelligence bureau, he could explain that he had suspected his identity for a long time, and all he had done was to uncover his disguise.

But Luke is a meteor.

What he has done in the past three months in Dongdu... Guessing, it is enough to clean up the Yate County United.

And I must be in the ranks of those who would rather kill by mistake than let go.

"Governor Meteorite, I really don't know how to express my feelings at the moment. But please don't question my loyalty to the country, your value is enough for Bingku to make any sacrifice."

Luke said with a smile: "Helkkin, I know you much better than you know yourself. In order to catch me, Ice Cave can make any sacrifice, but definitely not including you.

You just want to rely on a steam engineer qualification certificate to get rid of the identity of ice cave agent that prevents you from climbing up.Here is a letter of recommendation written for you in my capacity as Luke, and my thesis on the subterranean steam system of Winter Capital, signed by you and me.

With these two things, the doors of the Society of Steam Engineers are open for you. "

Luke picked up the two documents that had been placed by his side, and pushed them to Helkin on the table.

Helkkin picked up the document and looked at it. With these two things, the other exams are basically just a cutscene.

But Helkkin threw the document on the table: "You want to bribe me with this, you look down on me too much!"

"After I leave, all the materials for the water molecule two-phase steam engine will be left to you. You can contact me through a single line, and you can find me for any research problems you encounter. In the end, I proposed the water molecule two-phase steam engine, and you invented it.

You will become a late blooming star steam engineer, reaping the fame and fortune brought by the new steam engine in my place. "

Helkkin couldn't calm down a little.

"The two-phase steam engine of water molecules can really be created, it is not a scam designed by you to conceal your identity."

Luke couldn't help laughing: "Scam! Do you think if this is a scam, it can be fooled by the Society of Steam Engineers?
The steam engine with two phases of water molecules can be produced, and the Society of Steam Engineers gave me such a great honor.Even without me, with the model I designed, the Society of Steam Engineers can still create a water molecule two-phase steam engine.It's just a question of when and who made it.

With my guidance, you will definitely make it faster! "

Of course, Helkkin knew what the appearance of the water molecule diphasic steam engine meant; he also knew what it would mean to him if he could become the successor of Master Luke's mantle.

Even if Luke's current influence cannot be fully inherited by him, even if he inherits half of it, it is enough for him to rise to the top in the future.

And the price to pay is also obvious.

"I will not entrust my future destiny in the hands of the enemy!"

Luke said: "There is no eternal enemy. The Yate County Union cannot destroy the Golden Shield Empire, and the Golden Shield Empire cannot destroy the Yate County Union. The two countries are tired from fighting and will eventually sit down for peace talks and have to become friendly neighbors.

The relationship with me will become your strong political capital in the future, and the higher you go, the less binding power I will have on you. "

Following Luke's words, Helkkin analyzed the current situation in the two countries.

There will be a day when the war will end.

Art County United missed the best opportunity to defeat the Golden Shield Empire, and the war dragged into a protracted war of attrition.In the future, as the anti-war voices within the county federation become louder and louder, the Congress that cannot continue will naturally seek peace talks.

At that time, if I could sit in a good position, I could make a lot of political capital for myself during the peace talks.The country after the war must be reshuffled, a group of scapegoats will go down, and a group of heroes who ended the war will come up.

As Meteorite said, Art County United is not the Golden Shield Empire. As long as one's position is high enough, the previous stains are not stains, and Meteorite's restraint on oneself will become smaller and smaller...until it is not worth mentioning.

"Governor Meteorite, you are really accurate!"

Helkkin showed a somewhat disobedient smile on that tough guy's appearance: "How are you going to get away perfectly?"

Luke held a teacup and invited Helkkin: "Didn't you just make arrangements? I will die in an accident, and everyone will feel sad and regretful because of my passing away."

Helkkin held up his teacup: "Very professional!"

Luke and Hulking smiled at each other and drank the tea in their cups together.

At this time, Dalikova broke open the door and broke in: "What happened, why are there so many Ice Cave agents outside. Helkkin, what do you want to do to Mr. Luke?

Dalikova was stunned when she saw the two people drinking tea. The arrangement of the Ice Cave Agents surrounded outside was obviously a position for a strong attack.

Helking responded with a smile: "Information shows that the Golden Shield Empire has sent an ace agent, who is going to be unfavorable to Mr. Luke.

I specially brought someone to protect Mr. Luke! "

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