Age of Arcane

Chapter 379 Engagement Ceremony

Helkkin didn't want Dalikova to know the secret between himself and Luke, so he left after drinking a cup of tea.

But Dalikova still noticed something strange. She quickly checked the place where Helkkin had been sitting, and then watched all the ice cave agents leave through the window.

Then he said to Luke: "I know Helking quite well. He must have brought so many people here this time to try to plot against you. Can I know what happened? Only in this way can I protect you .”

The secret is not yet known to Dalikova, Luke poured tea for her, and explained: "It's nothing, he just reminded me to be safe. I heard that the spies of the Golden Shield Empire have been very active recently, and even stole snow. Important information about our army in the dungeon.

The League of Counties has already been defeated in Snow City. "

"What! The Union of the County was defeated in Snow City!" After leaving the ice cave, Dalikova's information lagged a bit. Hearing the news, she couldn't help being surprised: "The Union of the County has an absolute advantage in Snow City, yes What information leak? It can cause such a big reversal in the battle situation!"

Luke replied: "It seems that the heating system of the Snow City battlefield was precisely destroyed by the agents of the Golden Shield Empire. The cold made the soldiers of the County Union lose their combat effectiveness, and they were counterattacked by the Snow City defenders led by Queen Christina."

Dalikova knows how important the battlefield heating system is to the army of the Art County United: "The layout drawing of the battlefield heating system should be top secret. How did the spies of the Golden Shield Empire get it?"

Luke drank his tea and said without interest: "This is something that Helkkin has to worry about, our job is to perfect the Titan-[-] prototype as soon as possible.

Indoor testing has basically been completed, and the next stage is testing in complex underground environments.These tests carry a certain degree of danger, and you need to get yourself in shape. "

Dalikova remembered that she was no longer an ice cave agent, so naturally she didn't need to think about the intelligence battlefield anymore. She even gloated and wanted to see how Hulkkin would get embarrassed.

Hearing Luke's inquiry, Darikova immediately replied: "I have no problem at all... It's just that why the underground test was carried out first, and the outdoor test on the surface has not yet been carried out."

Luke looked out of the window and said, "We don't yet know how the performance of the water molecule two-phase steam engine will change in cold temperatures. The snow is slippery, and it is not suitable for large-scale maneuvering tests.

How to test, just listen to my arrangement.drink tea! "

"Yes, Mr. Luke." Dalikova took a sip from her teacup, and said involuntarily: "You and Miss Angelia have met many times, but every time they met, they broke up. She is not a A qualified partner is even more unworthy of you. If...

If you are willing to leave the winter capital, I can arrange a safe route.With your talents, you can have everything here wherever you go. "

Luke didn't expect Darikova to encourage him to escape, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Your behavior is treason!"

The crime of treason made Dalikova's mind a little trance.She has been trained in the ice cave since she was a child, and her first lesson is to be loyal to the county union.Although she has left the ice cave now, the imprint on her spirit still affects her.

After hesitating for a long time, she said: "If you want to leave, I will arrange it. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Luke said: "You don't need to worry about this matter. My greatest wish is to concentrate on doing research. A failed marriage may not be a bad thing for me."

"But you deserve better!" Dalikova said impulsively, "Do you know that the days when I left the ice cave were the most decadent times in my life; do you know that the first job you gave me , for me is definitely a second life.

Do you know... when I stop looking at you through the eyes of Agent Ice, your charm is so irresistible to me.

I, I know my background is not good enough for you, you should have a better woman!

Although sending you away from the county union is an act of treason, I am willing to... make a mistake for you. "

Darikova's sudden emotional outpouring made Luke almost unable to keep calm.

He smiled modestly: "It is said that women in the polar region have a fiery heart, dare to act and speak out. I'm afraid you won't have such impulses anymore if you understand the real me."


Luke reached out and made a silent gesture to prevent Darikova from continuing: "This topic ends here. I don't remember everything you said. After drinking this cup of tea, you go to the laboratory and supervise the workers. The Titan I prototype is packaged in a transport case.

Tell Major Airloh to let them escort the prototype and instruments into the underground steam city first. "

Dalikova finished the tea in the cup, then stood up, and said before leaving: "Sir, the engagement ceremony between you and Miss Angelia will be held in three days. During this period, if you want to leave, I can arrange it at any time.

goodbye! "

Darikova left, the room became quiet again, and Luke continued drinking tea.Music was playing, and the wind outside was shaking the windows.

Two days later, the news of the Snow City battle finally reached Dongdu, but after various processing, the real situation of the battle has changed beyond recognition.

"The front-line army of the County League in Snow City has discovered signs of a large-scale concentration of troops from the Golden Shield Empire. In order to prevent the soldiers of the County League who have been fighting for a long time from being attacked by the despicable imperial army, the General Staff of the Army Headquarters decided to take the initiative to end the attack on Snow City. To attack, order the army to turn to the military stations in the north.

During the transition period, Empress Christina of the empire dared to pursue her, but she was defeated by the army of the county alliance, and fled into Snow City in a panic, never daring to come out again. "

Anyway, no matter how you make it up, the ordinary people of Yate County United who have no way of knowing the real battle situation on the battlefield can only passively accept the information given to them.

Therefore, the defeat in Snow City did not cause too much disturbance in the bottom of Yate County United. Everyone just felt a little sorry for not capturing Queen Christina.

But among the upper class of the county union, the defeat of Snow City caused a great shock.

This defeat completely cut off the possibility of the County League winning a decisive victory in the winter.Those active war initiators who boasted before the war that they could come to the city of Shenglun in the spring will naturally be held accountable and liquidated.

A group of congressmen and military generals fell.

But the war still has to be fought. Those oligarchs who have tasted the sweetness of the war are very much looking forward to the next stage of the war.So another batch of spokespersons and puppets were sent to the Congress and the military.

The ruling layer of County United shuffled methodically and quickly, and Elvis was undoubtedly one of the oligarchs who won the most.

As the winter passed, the navy of Art County United was about to face the Raging City fleet. The military's order made all the shipyards of Harut Heavy Industries build all-metal warships.

The two-phase steam engine of water molecules allows Harut Heavy Industries to grasp the future.The Titan Project and a series of high-tech weapons projects gave Elvis a solid political capital.

Elvis is very clear about who brought his elevated status, and he is more actively preparing for the engagement ceremony between Luke and Angelia.The County Union also wanted this high-profile engagement ceremony to divert people's attention from the battle in Snow City.

In public and private, under the bombardment of large-scale carpet-style repetitive information, the engagement ceremony of Luke and Angelia became the only focus of the entire Yate County United.

As a genius steam engineer, Luke was quickly deified. It seems that he will soon trigger a revolution in steam technology and become a milestone figure in the history of steam science.

Everyone believed that the combination of Luke and the Elvis family must create a miracle.

time flies.

The day that everyone is looking forward to is coming in the eyes of everyone.

The auditorium of the Grand Amba Hotel was full of guests who came to congratulate them. Their identities were either rich or noble, almost equivalent to gathering half of the Congress and half of the invisible government of the county union.

No matter what mood they are in at the moment, everything on the surface is congratulations from the newcomers.

In the dressing room backstage at the hotel, Elvis, in a tuxedo, looks at his daughter sitting in a vanity mirror as three makeup artists adorn her.

The tight white dress made Angelia very uncomfortable, and her face was full of impatience.

Elvis knew his daughter's thoughts, he reminded: "I don't care what you do after the ceremony, you must respect your Elvis family identity and respect your fiancé during the ceremony.


"Otherwise, you will cut off all my living expenses." Angelia looked at her father in the mirror, raised her eyebrows and said, "What else can you do other than scare me with this trick?"

"As long as it works. I have been completely disappointed in you for a long time. I don't ask you to be a lady, and I don't care about the absurd things you do. I only ask you to complete the engagement ceremony honestly and honestly. Finish the wedding ceremony later."

"You just use me as a tool to win over Luke. I really don't know what's so good about that nerd, you all admire him so much."

"This is where I am most disappointed in you... You are overestimated. I don't know that without the identity of Miss Elvis, you are nothing."

Angelia turned her head and said fiercely, "You don't know how powerful I am in the underground steam city!"

"That's because..." When Elvis wanted to continue beating his daughter, a subordinate hurried in.

"Boss...Mr. Luke hasn't arrived yet."

Elvis asked eagerly, "Is there any accident?"

The subordinate said with a strange expression: "No, there is no accident. Early this morning, Mr. Luke went into the underground steam city to test the Titan I prototype. He said that the engagement ceremony would not be delayed."

"This workaholic, besides eating and sleeping, all he has to do is work." Elvis was very helpless with Luke's work attitude: "You immediately send someone to remind you and tell them... to come to participate There are many important people in the ceremony, don't keep them waiting."

"Yes, boss."

The subordinates ran out in a hurry.

Angelia sneered: "You marry me to such a boring person, you are ruining my happiness!"


At this time, Luke was at a test field outside the underground steam city.

This is an open field, and the staff have installed the instruments needed for the test in different locations.In the middle of the test field was a super-large transport box, and the Titan-[-] prototype was lying in the transport box right now.

Due to the underground rebel activities, the soldiers responsible for protecting the Titan [-] prototype stood very scattered.

Luke walked around the shipping box, carefully examining the alchemical seal on the shipping box.

Dalikova followed him, and asked after a while, "Why didn't you see Rebecca?"

Luke walked and said: "Her family has something to ask for leave. Anyway, we will go to the Da Amba Hotel for a test, and there is nothing else to do today."

Dalikova didn't focus on asking Rebecca. She looked around and asked in a low voice: "Are you really determined to attend the engagement ceremony? If you want to leave, there is still time!"

Luke paused and said to Darikova: "I hope that our experience will be a good memory for you. Please forgive me for not being able to respond to your emotions, because that will only bring you Endless troubles."

Dalikova looked at Luke with unrelenting enthusiasm in her eyes: "I don't understand what you mean, and I never asked for any promises from you. Everything is voluntary."

"You will understand in the future. Take this moment as a farewell. Maybe we will meet again next time, and it will be different."

bid farewell!

Darikova asked anxiously: "Sir, are you going to fire me?"

"That's it!"

Luke once had the idea of ​​bringing Dalikova back to Rage City, but it may not be a good result for her.After all, she was the ace agent of the Ice Cave after all, and had too many disputes with the Imperial Secret Service.To protect her by herself is to bind her, and this should not be her life.

She is a flower in this ice and snow world, and she will only wither in the warm environment of the south.

The sudden dismissal made it difficult for Darikova to accept: "I know that my emotions have troubled you, but please don't fire me. I, I am a tester of the Titan I prototype, at least let me...

Watch out, Mr. Luke! "

When Dalikova was fighting for her own job, the ground shook suddenly.Then a large stone fell from above, and hideous cracks appeared on the ground.

Dalikova reached out to grab Luke, but she was pushed by Luke and flew backwards.

"Mr. Luke! Mr. Luke!"

Dalikova in the air screamed at Luke, she stretched out her hand, but she was getting farther and farther away from Luke.Then she saw the ground under Luke's feet collapse suddenly, and a bottomless pit appeared. Luke and the transport box containing the Titan I prototype fell into the deep pit mixed with huge stones.

Dalikova, who landed on the ground, bounced forward in an instant, and she dodged the falling stones and rushed to the edge of the deep pit.

In the dark pit, Luke has long been invisible.

Dalikova knelt on the edge of the deep pit, staring blankly at the bottom, with big teardrops dripping down.

"Why, why did this happen!"

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