Age of Arcane

Chapter 380

Chapter 380
At the Grand Amba Hotel, guests in the auditorium wait for the ceremony to begin.In the middle of the auditorium is a red carpet. Flower girls are standing on both sides of the carpet with flower baskets, and the band is playing festive yet serious music.

In the background, Angelia, who has been dressed up, has a decadent look.The long wait made her very impatient, but she didn't dare to run away, so she took out a cigarette and held it in her mouth.

Before Angelia took out the lighter to light the cigarette, the cigarette in her mouth turned into pieces.

"Father, you are too much!"

Facing his daughter's complaints, Elvis said blankly: "Remember your identity today and your responsibilities to the family."

"I've done as you asked, wearing my breathless corset and waist, and dressing myself like a vase. But where is my fiancé? He doesn't seem to care about you at all!"

"I have already sent someone to call Luke, he will be here soon, and will not delay the start of the ceremony..."

When Elvis spoke, the ground shook slightly.Since the first shock occurred not long ago, there have been countless micro-quakes.

People who live in Dongdu are used to this kind of vibration. The large-scale underground explosion and geothermal movement will cause the vibration, but it seems a bit too dense today.

Elvis took out his gold pocket watch and looked at the time, calm on the surface but already very anxious in his heart.

The guests waiting outside are all persons of status, and the ceremony must be carried out on time.

And when Elvis was about to send someone to remind him, a subordinate ran in in a panic.

"Old, boss... I don't know what's going on underground now, there are earthquakes and landslides everywhere. Mr. Luke, he..."

Seeing his subordinate's appearance, Elvis had a bad feeling, and asked urgently, "What happened to Luke? Is he injured?"

"The underground test site of the Titan-[-] subsidence occurred during the earthquake, and Mr. Luke and the Titan prototype all fell into the cave. Below the cave... is a lava river."

The sudden change made Elvis stand a little unsteady, he roared: "How did you protect him! I said, you can all die, but he can't be injured at all."

"Boss, the accident happened so suddenly that we didn't have time to respond. Now we are organizing rescue, but the collapsed rocks are blocking the hole below, and the rescue is very difficult!"

"No matter how difficult it is, we need to save it. Go to the best rescue team in Winter City, ask the geology professor and earth magic professor from Winter City Magic Steam Academy, and ask them to help rescue Luke..."

Elvis gave orders one after another.

In this short period of time, his heart fell directly from the sky to the ground, and the peak moments of the family were all in vain.

Angelia heard that Luke fell into the cave with the lava river, and she was stunned for a long time before she could react. After a while, she asked, "Father, is the engagement ceremony still going on?"

But seeing her father's red eyes, Angelia immediately shut up: "Okay, I won't ask!"

The news of Luke's death in the underground gradually spread in the Grand Amba Hotel. Some people were sorry, some were happy, and some were thinking about what kind of chain reaction would be caused if Luke really died unexpectedly.

At this time, Luke was riding Taotie and landed on a high underground cliff.

Under the high cliff, a long section of steam pipeline is undergoing abnormal changes.The straight pipe twisted its body like a giant python. It broke free from the bracket that fixed itself on the stone wall, turned over and penetrated the ground to get in.

The ground cracked and shook, and the rubble was scattered.After all the pipes disappeared, only a bottomless hole was left.

Taotie let out a dragon cry, then jumped up and slid into the back of Luke's hand.When everything around was quiet, a figure came out from the shadows.

"Governor Meteorite, is this what you have to do in winter?" The person who came was Helkkin, who stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down at the hole left by the disappearance of the steam pipe, and asked Luke: "Where are they going?" Where is it?"

"Rage City!" Luke answered casually, and then asked Helkkin, "Was the news about my accident getting out?"

"It has already been spread. Harut Heavy Industry is rescuing the scene of the incident. If they can't find you, they will decide that you fell into the lava river with the Titan I prototype.

Even if there were doubts, there was no evidence to prove anything. "

"Very good! After I'm done, I should go. I will leave the follow-up matters to you... After the winter, the Raging City Fleet and the Raging City Armored Assault Division will go north. Do you know what to do?"

"Please rest assured, Governor. The military arrangement of the Yate County United will appear on your desktop in time, but please also control the situation of the battle. If the Yate County United loses too quickly, I will find it difficult to do so."

Luke smiled and said, "I don't want this war to end too early either. Only when you and I cooperate well can we achieve a win-win situation that everyone is satisfied with."

"Thank you, Governor. I will not see you off when you leave.

I wish you have a nice trip! "

Helkkin was hidden in the darkness, Luke summoned the gluttonous horse, and flew towards the underground steam city against the upper layer of the cave wall.

He changed his clothes, pulled up the collar of the windbreaker, and lowered the brim of the hat to cover his cheeks.Luke reaches the Biker Tower and uses the VIP card's authority to let the elevator run down.

The temperature rises as the altitude drops, and the surrounding black stone walls gradually turn red, like being in a red-hot furnace.

After a vibration, the elevator seemed to pass through a layer of enchantment.It appeared out of a fiery sky, descending at a steady pace without the tug of any rope.

Below is a red rocky field surrounded by flowing lava rivers.In the lava river, you can see some hell creatures undulating in it, like fish swimming in surface rivers.

In the middle of the rocky land is a large-scale camp, where many hell creatures gather.

When the cage elevator Luke was riding on stabilized, a group of hell clan soldiers immediately surrounded him.They are not naked like other hell clans, but are all dressed in fine armor, with shining swords in their hands.

The elevator door opened, and as soon as Luke took a step from inside, he felt that the soles of his shoes were about to be melted by the high temperature of the ground.He immediately released the fire protection spell, forming a protective cover on the outer layer of his body that could resist high temperatures.

The surrounding hell clan soldiers immediately saluted Luke, and the leader said: "Master Governor, welcome to the territory of the hell demon Chiyan. Our lord is already waiting in his palace, please come with me..."

The palace that the leader of the hell soldiers is referring to is a building in the middle of the camp that looks like a stove, and other hell buildings are also like stoves.The refraction of light in the air caused by the high temperature makes everything in the camp appear shaking and blurred.

Luke followed the leader of the hell soldiers to the palace, and asked on the way: "Are you satisfied with the armor sent by Raging Waves City?"

The leader of the Hell Soldiers dared not neglect Luke, and he replied respectfully: "Very satisfied! Generally, items from the surface can hardly withstand the high temperature of hell, and the armor and weapons sent by Raging City can survive in lava." Stay strong and sharp.

Thank you Governor! "

"This is just the beginning of the cooperation between Raging Waves City and Scarlet Flame Territory. In the future, you will get more weapons that can be used in hell."

Luke asked something about Chi Yan's territory while observing the camp.

It still maintains a very original appearance.Lacking tools, the hellfolk can only build some simple houses with their hands and magic.And even this kind of simple house is only eligible to live in the hell clan with status, other low-level hell units just find a place to lie down and count it as their own nest.

Without discipline, the camp of hell is like a refugee camp.

The armor sent by Raging Waves City is only equipped by very few hell soldiers.The armor made them appear extremely mighty and powerful, attracting envious glances from other hell creatures.

Walking to Chi Yan's palace, it is still tall and majestic.At the gate of the palace, there are two Hell Three-Headed Dogs lying on their stomachs. Under their paws, there are thick bones, which are covered with bite marks of the Three-Headed Dogs.

Smelling the smell of humans, the originally lazy three-headed hellhound raised its head and looked at Luke together, with a threatening sound of "Woo-woo" in its throat.

At this time, a reprimand came from the palace, and the hell three-headed dog immediately wagged its tail, and all six heads looked like Erha.

The escorting hell clan soldiers stopped outside the palace, and the leader saluted Luke and said, "Our lord is inside the palace, Mr. Governor... please come in."

The palace doesn't even have a door. From the outside, you can see the main hall inside and the throne in the deepest part of the main hall.

At this time, the demon Chi Yan was sitting on the throne, holding his chin in a very elegant manner, looking at Luke standing outside the palace.


Luke could only sigh in his heart: The Tu Emperor is really Tu!
The helpless Luke could only walk into the hall cooperatively, so that the ministers could salute the demon Chiyan according to the lord's etiquette: "Meteor, the special minister of the cabinet of the Golden Shield Empire and the governor of Raging Waves City, pay homage to Lord Chiyan!
The original friendship between our two states is like magma in a lava river, flowing forever! "

The demon Chi Yan with eye shadows is holding the style of a hell lord: "Governor Meteor, welcome to my territory, please sit down..."

Chi Yan waved his hand, and a stone chair appeared behind Luke.

Luke just looked at it and didn't sit down: "You don't really want to talk to me in this way."

Chi Yan, the demon sitting on the throne, immediately vented his confidence. He laughed and said: "I am a remote little devil leader, and I usually don't have distinguished guests to visit. I will receive you according to the procedure I read in the book. Since If you don't like it... let's do it another way."

The demon Chi Yan chanted a spell, shaking his fingers, the scene of the palace changed rapidly, and a long table appeared in front of Luke.The throne disappeared, and Chi Yan sat at the other end of the long table.

"That should be all right, my lord governor."

"Okay!" Luke sat back satisfied, and said, "You have received my things."

"Received." Chi Yan replied: "I didn't expect the engine you mentioned to be such a big thing. The earthquake in the Winter Capital Dungeon seems to be closed because of it. There are also boxes salvaged from the lava river... Don't worry. , I didn’t look at it, you can check the seal.”

During Chi Yan's spellcasting, the engine of the Gods and the box containing the Titan I prototype appeared on both sides of the hall.

The engine of the Gods is ten meters high and 15 meters wide, and there are densely criss-crossed steam pipes on it.Strips of white mist that flickered on and off formed ribbon-like airflows, slowly winding and shuttling through the gaps between the engine pipes.

It is exactly the same as the engine photo in the mobile phone data.

Seeing the results of his busy three months underground in Winter Capital, Luke couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.With this engine, the Gods Floating Fortress has taken the most important step.

Then there's the other side, the shipping crate that holds the Titan I prototype.After the subsidence, it fell into the lava river at the bottom of the cave, and was salvaged by the hell clan soldiers guarding it, and then sent here.

Once the goods are all in place, the rest is to be transported to Raging Waves City.

"I'll leave the things to you, and transport them to Raging Waves City as soon as possible."

The demon Chi Yan said: "I will transport them myself, and the demon tyrant will follow. Two demons will protect them, and they will reach Rage City safely.

I have already received the first batch of aid you gave, and it is even better than I imagined!
When will the next aid arrive? "

Luke replied: "If you send things to Rage City, you can return with the second batch of aid. The next aid will be delivered within ten days, and it will definitely be delivered on time."

The demon Chi Yan laughed in satisfaction.

The weapons aided from Raging Waves City did exceed his expectations. The excellent armor and weapons allowed the limited military strength of the territory to multiply its combat effectiveness.As long as there are a few more batches of assistance, he can use force against the adjacent demon territory.Loot minerals from their controlled area, then sell more weapons from Raging City.

It's like rolling a fireball in hell, getting bigger and bigger until it forms a flood of fire that covers the sky and the sky.

Luke continues to negotiate with the demon Chiyan. This is the starting point for his attack on hell, and the foundation must be solid.


In the evening, the Dongdu Da'anba Hotel lost its usual hustle and bustle. Luke's accident made the supposedly festive day extremely sad.

In the snowstorm, Helkkin walked down the stairs of the hotel step by step.

Just now he met several big shots of the County League in the hotel, including Elvis.

Helkkin told them: "The continuous earthquakes that occurred underground were a large-scale sabotage operation launched by the Golden Shield Empire's Secret Information Bureau and the underground resistance army. They used some kind of secret technique to stimulate the old steam that had become a mysterious item. pipeline.

The Titan One prototype underground test site was an accident, and it happened to be in the strike zone.

After confirmation by the Ice Cave Agent, Luke was not found in the cave formed by the subsidence.His chances of surviving the lava river... infinitely close to zero. "

Helkkin didn't know whether his rhetoric would be accepted by those big shots.Anyway, Luke, that is, Meteor, has already left, and all his research materials are in his own hands.

If he is held accountable, he just resigns and concentrates on preparing for the steam engineer exam.

The ice cave agent waiting outside the hotel opened the car door for Helking.

But he closed the door with one hand.

Darikova stood there from time to time, wrapping Helkin with murderous intent: "I have something I want to talk to you about."

Facing his former capable subordinate, Helkkin smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk..."

(End of this chapter)

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