Age of Arcane

Chapter 381 Midway

Chapter 381 Midway

Helkkin was walking along the sidewalk beside the road. Dalikova glanced at the surrounding ice cave agents, put her hands in her coat pockets, and quickly caught up with Helkkin.

"What's going on with the subsidence in the underground test site of the Titan-[-] prototype?"

Helkkin replied: "You are no longer an ice cave agent, so I have no reason to tell you the inside story."

"It wasn't an accident!" Dalikova said firmly.

"It is certainly not an accident that so many earthquakes and subsidences occurred at almost the same time. Today's incident was a premeditated attack. The targets of the attack may include Mr. Luke, or Mr. Luke happened to be at an attack point .”

Dalikova was very dissatisfied with Herkkin's answer: "You know what I mean... Did you participate in this accident?"

Helkkin stopped, and their men stood far away from the entrance of the Da Amba Hotel. The curfew made it impossible to see other pedestrians on the road.

"You think I murdered Mr. Luke? What good does it do me?"

Dalikova stared at Helkkin, using the interrogation techniques she had learned to judge whether the other party was lying."I think the accident ... was directed by you and Mr. Luke," she said.

Helkkin couldn't help laughing and said: "I taught you, I know very well what you are thinking. Mr. Luke is dead, you must accept this fact."

"But my gut told me it wasn't that simple and at the time he... I thought he was sacking me, but those words were more likely to be goodbyes.

And you neither called me back to the ice cave, nor sent someone to kill me.I understand you, you will never let this hidden danger of me go out of control, which means that his protection for me is still valid. "

Helkkin's smile disappeared, and his face gradually became serious: "Darikova, you should cherish your freedom now. Let me tell you, you won't get any answers from me, and you won't find anything to prove your guess. clue.

Live well, this is Mr. Luke's wish for you. "

"But..." Dalikova still wanted Herkkin to tell the truth.

Helking stopped her from continuing to ask: "Mr. Luke is dead, that is the fact. There is no more genius steam engineer named Luke in the world. He has completed the mission that history entrusted to him..."

Dalikova finally heard Helkkin's implicit expression, and her expression was uncontrollable joy.But professional training allowed her to quickly control her expression. This is a day that should be sad.

"I see, thank you, Chief Hulkkin. He told me that we will meet in another way, and I will wait for that day to come.

goodbye! "

Darikova turned and walked away on the snow. She stretched out her hand and threw away the dagger she had been holding. It was the last thing she kept related to the ice cave.

Helkkin looked at Darikova's receding back under the streetlight, and said, "I have revoked the restraining order on you, and you can go anywhere as you like."

Dalikova waved her hand with her back to Helkkin, and then disappeared in the shadow behind the light.


Snow City in the north of the empire.

After more than a month of high-intensity offensive and defensive battles, this fortress-style city has long since lost its former majestic appearance.Several watchtowers hundreds of meters high all collapsed from the middle; an elemental high tower blew up during the attack, blasting a deep pit with a diameter of [-] meters near the castle in the center of the city.

Half of the central castle, which served as the command post of the defenders, was destroyed by the shock wave in that explosion.

At the most difficult time of the war, in the face of the double assault of the ground war fortress of the Yate County United and the airship carrying mages, the defenders once thought that the city could not be defended.

At that time, none of them could have imagined that the battle would end in such a reverse way.

They not only defended Snow City, but also launched a counterattack.Countless soldiers of the Yate County League were captured, and countless supplies of the Yate County League were seized.If it weren't for the obstruction of the weather and heavy snow, they could have achieved more victories.

The snow city defenders who had returned from a great victory celebrated wildly.

Queen Christina gave her permission to lift the prohibition on alcohol, and each soldier could be given three glasses of ale and two boxes of canned meat produced by Raging Waves City.

In the main hall of the central castle, the blasted corner has been magically repaired, and it can already block the sea wind outside.It's just that the electrical system has not been fully restored, and the attendants light the oil braziers on the walls and the candle chandeliers on the ceiling.

There is a large long table in the middle of the hall, which is filled with all kinds of food.Although the food is not exquisite, it is also a delicacy made by the chefs using the existing ingredients.

Queen Christina sat at the head of the table, wearing a royal gift and a queen's tiara, she looked confident and extremely dignified.

Sitting on both sides of the dining table were the main generals of the snow city defenders. Almost all of them were wounded, but the victory made them all hold their heads high, showing a serious military appearance to the queen.

The palace officials who followed the queen poured red wine for the generals present.

Everyone toasted with the queen: "To the great empire! To the great emperor!"

At this time, someone shouted: "To the great Empress of the Empire!"

The others were stunned for a moment, and then shouted in unison: "Respect the great Empress of the Empire!"

Queen Christina shouted loudly: "Respect to the soldiers who shed blood and sacrificed for the empire, victory is with us!"

"Victory is with us!"

The continuous battles around Snow City made Queen Christina completely integrated with the defenders of Snow City.In all the dangerous situations during the war, she never hid in the underground bunker, but appeared in the most dangerous places with her flag.

The following royal knights and palace guards formed an iron fist, and followed the queen's footsteps to crush the front of the Art County Union.

The queen of the empire is by her side, and the soldiers of the empire have completely forgotten the horror of death, making them incarnate like berserkers one by one.Snow City saved itself from danger again and again, thanks to Christina's contribution.

Queen Christina has become the soul of this army due to the loyalty of monarchs and ministers and the friendship between life and death.

Everyone drank the wine in the cup in one gulp.

Queen Christina said: "Snow City used the power of one city to contain the attack of the nearly one million troops of the Yate County Alliance on the Empire's defense line. This battle disintegrated the Yate County Alliance's attempt to quickly attack the Empire, and launched a new battle for the Empire. Preparing for war took the most precious time.

This time when I return to Shenglun City, I will ask His Majesty for your credit, and the glory will accompany you, so that your families will be proud of you. "

The fine wine was poured into the wine glass again, and all the generals raised their glasses together: "Thanks to the great Empress of the Empire!"

But before everyone drank the wine, the door of the main hall was pushed open, and the blizzard came in with the wind.

Everyone looked in the direction of the gate together.

A man in a windbreaker stood in the wind and snow, leaning on a cane, and took off his hat amidst the doubts and anger of the crowd.

"Meteorite from the Sixth Division of the Secret Intelligence Bureau, pay homage to Her Royal Highness the Queen!"

 2000 words today, the next plot needs to be carefully planned.

(End of this chapter)

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