Age of Arcane

Chapter 382 Augustine's Extraordinary Transformation

Chapter 382 Augustine's Extraordinary Transformation

Originally, the atmosphere in the main hall was that everyone piled up firewood, and everyone's emotions were full of passion, wishing to immediately make a blood alliance and sworn brothers of the opposite sex who shared life and death together, and finally pledged allegiance to the queen together.

As a result, a person came in from outside suddenly, and swept away the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts with the wind and snow.

These generals who had been fighting among the dead for more than a month were about to get angry, but when they heard the identity of the person who came, they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Why did Meteor, the governor of Raging Waves City, come here!

He braved the heavy snow to come to the north, which must mean that something big happened.

Queen Christina was also a little angry at the destruction of the banquet, but when she saw that it was a meteor, she immediately stood up and said, "There is a secluded room next to it, let's talk there."

Queen Christina let the generals eat freely, and walked to the next room under the guidance of the inner officer.

Luke handed over his hat, cane, and coat to the guards, and followed Queen Christina to the room full of sundries.

Queen Christina asked all the internal officials to go out, then asked Luke to sit down, and said in an apologetic tone: "Snow City has suffered repeated magic bombings, and all available rooms are used to house soldiers and store Material, I hope you can understand."

Empress Christina's honorifics to Luke.In order to save himself, he personally went to Winter Capital to steal information. Thinking about how much risk he would have to take to get the secret that could turn the tide of the battle.

And according to Snow City being abandoned, it can be judged that something big must have happened in the imperial capital!

Meteor came to Snow City in person this time, and it was very likely that he would save his life again.

Luke sat down on the chair and said to Queen Christina: "Your Highness, you don't care about this, so why should I care.

Congratulations, Your Highness, for your victory in Snow City that could change the course of the war.The entire winter combat phase can prove how correct it is for you to come to the North to oversee the battle in person. "

"This is thanks to the Bureau of Secrets for destroying the heating system of the Yate County United battlefield, otherwise I might already be a cold corpse now. Thank you also, the winter city must be full of dangers."

Luke couldn't help but think back on his journey in Winter Capital, and many unexpected things happened.

He said to Empress Christina: "There are some dangers, but fortunately, the task has been completed. Your Highness didn't tell others about my going to Winter Capital, did you?"

"No, I know that the less secrets people know, the better..." At this time, Queen Christina couldn't help asking: "You came to Snow City alone, is it because something happened to the imperial capital?"

"There is nothing happening in the imperial capital for the time being, but something is about to happen." Luke told Queen Christina about the changes of the eldest prince Fania during this period.

The Northern Legion abandoned Snow City, and Queen Christina knew that it must have something to do with Fania, and now it is confirmed by the meteor.

"Do you think Fania dares to launch a coup? Or will she stop at the last moment?

His Majesty is still alive after all! "

Luke replied: "I'm not Fania, how can I guess what he will choose in the end? I came to Snow City this time to hear your Highness's choice?"

"I..." Queen Christina thought for a while: "I don't know, Fania probably doesn't want me to go back to the imperial capital right now."

"Yes, the news of Snow City's victory to the imperial capital will force Fania to make a choice. If he really takes a step that none of us want to appear, the empire will face the greatest crisis in history."

"What do you think I should do?"

Queen Christina looked at Luke. Since he came to Snow City, he must have come with countermeasures.

Luke didn't give a shit, and said directly: "I have prepared three plans for you, Your Highness: First, stay in Snow City. After this battle, I believe this army has shared weal and woe with you. They are enough to protect you during this special period. The security of the period. You can wait for the situation in the imperial capital to stabilize, and whoever wins will belong to whomever. .

The second is to patrol the northern border. With the prestige you have established in the war, gather as many troops as possible and occupy cities and lands.In this way, His Highness at least has a place to stand on, and the choices are much more.

The third is to put down the snow city, return to the imperial capital as quickly as possible with light clothes, and block Fania with the power of the queen..."

Queen Christina considered the suggestion that Meteorite gave herself.

The first is the safest.If Fania wins the final victory and becomes the new emperor of the Golden Shield Empire, as long as he does not do anything that threatens his imperial power and surrenders his military power, he can become the empress dowager locked in the palace.

The second suggestion is to separate one side and take advantage of the Fania coup to quickly take over the northern border.At that time, there was the second prince Alec in the west and Raging Waves City in the east, and the three could maintain a balance with Fania by joining forces.It's just that there is an Attorney League in the north of the northern border. After the winter is over, the scale of the war must be escalated.

The third suggestion is to face Fania head-on. If you win, you will save the empire from danger. If you lose, you will be buried with Augustine the Great.

The first one was directly vetoed by Queen Christina. She had already tasted the sweetness of power, and it was impossible for her to endure the days of the cold palace.

The second suggestion made Queen Christina think for a long time.

Although they have to face the Yate County United, with the support of the West Territory and Raging Waves City, it may not be impossible to hold this land.Fania will not push himself too hard, otherwise, if the northern border is occupied by the Yate County United, he will be attacked on all sides.

Only after Queen Christina thought about it repeatedly, she said to Luke: "I'm going back to the imperial capital!"

Luke was not surprised by Queen Christina's choice, but said: "Fania will definitely assassinate you along the way."

"You came to Snow City to protect me back to the imperial capital! You have already guessed how I would choose?"

Luke had indeed guessed.

How could Empress Christina be sidelined, leaving her future in the hands of uncertain allies and powerful enemies.

Strong people dare to fight when they should.

Luke replied: "Your Highness dares to guard Snow City, I think His Highness must also dare to return to the imperial capital."

Queen Christina laughed: "The first time I met you, I had a feeling for you. You know me very well, better than everyone...even my parents.

Being seen so clearly by you both scares me and makes me happy.Finally someone understands me and knows what I want.

What do you want to know, you can ask me. "

Queen Christina is dignified and noble, looking at Luke with both vigilance and joy at meeting a confidant.

Luke couldn't help laughing: "It's my honor to be valued by His Majesty... May I know what's going on with His Majesty now?"

Queen Christina's question was expected by Meteorite, but she didn't answer immediately, but instead asked: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the First Prince Fania, how can I tell that you are not working for the First Prince?

You took the situation of His Majesty from me, and then killed me on the way. "

Luke shrugged: "In the court, I have a good relationship with most people. Who I am working for, everyone has their own subjective judgment, and I have no way to prove it.

All I can tell you is... I've been working on myself. "

Queen Christina looked at Luke, as if she wanted to see through his layers of disguise and see his true heart.

After a while, Queen Christina said: "You are indeed working for yourself. Fania can't control you, and Agatha probably can't control you either. I... can't control you now either!
His Majesty has ignored government affairs and not seen anyone during this time because he is undergoing extraordinary physical transformation.You made him feel the crisis, he didn't want the empire to be controlled by you after his death.

So he decided to take the risk of modifying his body to increase his lifespan. "

"Is the success rate high?" Luke didn't express surprise. This was originally one of his many guesses, but he couldn't be sure before.

Since Queen Christina chose to cooperate with Luke, she no longer kept the secret of Emperor Augustine.

"His physical condition is very poor, and he cannot bear ordinary extraordinary transformation, so the extraordinary reformer has formulated two sets of transformation plans for him. The first one is conventional extraordinary body strengthening, which allows him to continue to have a human body, but this The success rate of this extraordinary transformation is very low.

Once the transformation fails and his body shows rejection, the extraordinary reformer will keep his brain for the first time, and then seal it in the crown of wisdom. "

Luke asked, "What is the Crown of Wisdom?"

"The Crown of Wisdom is one of a set of armed components ordered by Augustine from the Angelic Civilization. It includes: Crown of Wisdom, Armor of Light, Shield of Faith, Prayer Sword, and Earth Boots.

Once Augustine's brain is sealed in the crown of wisdom, he can activate the heroic armament and become a heroic creature. "

Heroic creatures are extraordinary creatures attached to the angelic civilization.

Angels will indulge in their own world for a long time. In order to maintain the operation of Sky City, angels created heroic creatures.

In ancient times, angels representing justice were worshiped by countless people, and angels often came to the secular world as justice.During the execution of justice in the secular world, angels will take away the brains of those recognized heroes after they die, and then return to Sky City to forge heroic armaments for them, and finally seal the brains of these heroes in the heroic armaments, making them become heroic spirits biology.

For a long time, becoming a heroic spirit and entering Sky City was the goal of many heroes.

Only after the ancient wars, angels almost disappeared in the secular world, and very few people entered the sky city as heroic spirits.

Therefore, Augustine's final plan was to become a heroic creature, which somewhat surprised Luke.

Imagine a bodyless shell of armor sitting on the throne of the palace, and wonder what the courtiers and citizens of the empire will think.

"It's a bad's just why the angels provided His Majesty with a set of heroic weapons and allowed a heroic creature to manage a secular country."

Queen Christina said: "Your Majesty promised Sky City to build a temple for angels in Saint Lun City."

Hearing the news, Luke couldn't help frowning.

The plot was changed too much by myself.

Angels seldom entered the secular world after the ancient wars. One reason was that the angels lost too much. After claiming the sky city back from the Shuojin people, they stayed in the sky city, guarding against the remaining fallen angels.

Another reason is that angels are ostracized by the secular world.

Justice is a very subjective concept, and the benchmark of justice in everyone's heart is different.Angels before ancient wars were romantic, and in their cognition, justice was a virtue.

However, during the ancient war, the division and departure of the fallen angels caused the justice of the angels to lose balance and go to extremes.

Justice is a duty.

This is difficult to be accepted by the mainstream values ​​of the secular world, so it is naturally difficult for an angel who is obsessed with executing justice to return to the secular world.

Luke did not expect that Augustine the Great would allow the angels to build a sanctuary in the city of St. Lun in order to prolong his life. What kind of changes will the angel's presence in the sanctuary bring to the Golden Shield Empire and the whole world?
Not to mention that I am cooperating with hell.

In the eyes of angels, this is absolutely evil, and it exists quickly after being punished.

Luke said: "Although the Shuojin people have integrated into the secular world, they have always kept a distance from various countries, and never touch politics except for investing to make money. But there is no such rule in Sky City. The angel civilization was brought into the secular world by His Majesty. The construction of a sanctuary in the city of St. Lun will break the tacit agreement formed after the ancient war."

Queen Christina is also worried: "It is difficult to use common sense to speculate on what His Majesty thinks now. He is wary of everyone and stubbornly believes that the empire cannot live without him. Everyone is untrustworthy in his eyes. He is getting more and more Obsessed with longevity, you can rule the country forever.

One thing you might not believe is that he once contacted the Abyss Temple and wanted to transform into an Abyss Apostle.If you and Fania hadn't wiped out the abyss mage lurking in the imperial capital, and killed the abyss apostle Morris, he probably would have robbed Miss Weatherlight of the Book of Calamity long ago. "

Luke couldn't help feeling: "He is really crazy."

"In my opinion, he has long been insane. The empire would never accept an immortal emperor, much less accept a non-human sitting on the throne.

Humanity is creating the best era since the ancient wars. Although human civilization is not as powerful as the five ancient civilizations, the level of prosperity is unmatched by the five civilizations combined.Everyone believes that we can eventually surpass the five ancient civilizations in all aspects.

Only humans can rule a human country, even if it is an idiot.If Augustine sat on the throne as a heroic creature, the Golden Shield Empire would be isolated by the entire human world, and that would be the beginning of the empire's demise.

But Augustine couldn't see it.

He's old...he's really old! "

The more Queen Christina spoke, the more angry she became. She sat upright and puffed her chest out, as if telling Luke who was the one who could save the empire from a real crisis.

Luke recognized Queen Christina's words very much. If Augustine sat on the throne as a heroic creature, not only the heirs to the throne would not agree, but the foundation of the entire cohesive empire would collapse.

The civilization created by the current human beings makes human beings have incomparable self-confidence. Human beings can tacitly reject the five ancient civilizations together. How could it be possible for a heroic creature to step on his head!

(End of this chapter)

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