Age of Arcane

Chapter 383 Race against time

"Your Highness, do you have any thoughts on the throne?"

Luke's sudden question made Queen Christina stunned on the spot.There are all kinds of sundries piled up in this room, and there is barely enough space for two people to sit down and talk. It is really not a place to talk about such serious topics.

It's just that the question was raised after all.

Queen Christina did not convict Meteor for this disrespectful question, but began to think seriously.

"If I say that I have no idea about the throne, you will definitely not believe me. But that is just a momentary imagination. I believe many people have this idea, but they will not put this idea into action.

I hadn't seriously considered this crazy idea until you asked this question.

I want to ask, why are you asking me this question?
The second prince, Alec, listens to Agatha and you very much. If you don't let him go back to the imperial capital, he won't take half a step out of the New Moon Oasis.Even if Agatha is directly pushed to the throne, there seems to be little resistance. "

Queen Christina looked at Luke, her eyes were very clear with her calmness.She was full of puzzlement, what did she think...for Meteor Xing, she was not the best candidate for the new emperor.

Luke also looked at Queen Christina. Although there were players' summaries of this queen in his mobile phone database, this time he wanted to really understand her through his own eyes.

Anyone who sees Queen Christina will be amazed by her beauty and dignified temperament. Some people say that she is the last traditional princess. If she hadn’t been cut off by Augustine and left in the cold, she would not have read those emperor’s biographies in the cold palace, nor You won't have such a big obsession with power.

Now Luke believes that Queen Christina's obsession with power was not caused by reading the biographies of those emperors, but because she didn't want to go back after she left the cold palace.

Even if she came to the northern border and died fighting in Snow City, she would not die alone in the cold palace.

She is a powerful yet pitiful person.

"Whether Alec ascends the throne as the new emperor, or Agatha, or other royal families ascend the throne, they will not allow a queen dowager who holds real power in the palace.

Surrendering power and being imprisoned in the cold palace, or accidentally dying in court struggles are not the ending I want to see for you.

It seems that only when you ascend the throne is the perfect solution to the problem. "

Listening to the answer Meteor gave her, Queen Christina showed a completely unexpected expression.

"That's why you want to push me to the throne? I thought you could give me a more convincing answer."

Luke smiled and said: "Of course there are high-sounding answers. Augustine the Great looked down on Alec's ability. He is definitely not suitable to be the emperor of the empire in this very historical period; Agatha has no idea about the throne, and I don't want her to be trapped There is no retreat in the vortex.

Others are not even qualified to compete.

The only suitable candidate seems to be you... At least during the most difficult time for the empire, the Kingdom of Luthen will definitely allow the citizens of the empire to have a meal. "

Luke's words made Empress Christina laugh: "I don't think Augustine's precautions against you are completely unnecessary. Although you hold power and can even choose the future emperor here, you don't have the idea of ​​clinging to power.

Power to us is a shackle, to you... it seems to be just a tool. "

"It's a very novel metaphor, I accept it. Tell me now, your answer, what will I do after this relationship returns to Saint Lun City!"

Queen Christina knew that as long as she nodded, the eldest prince Fania and Emperor Augustine would die.

Many, many people are going to die!

"The crown is still unable to bear its weight for me now. If I just supervise the country as a queen and wait for a wise royal heir to succeed to the throne, I can bear this responsibility."

Queen Christina did not step away at this critical moment, showing her maturity after being abandoned in Snow City this time.

Regardless of the reason why Meteor pushed him to the top position, he must keep a good retreat.

For Luke, it doesn't matter whether Empress Christina ascends the throne and proclaims herself emperor, or supervises the country as empress, as long as there is someone who can stand up and stabilize the political situation after the deaths of the great princes Fania and Augustine.

"Okay, that's it for now. The most important thing now is to escort you back to the imperial capital in time." Luke stood up and said to Queen Christina, "Your Highness, go and get ready, we're leaving now!"

Queen Christina knew that in the imperial capital at this time, every second could be a new change, and every second counted.

She didn't waste time, and when she returned to the banquet, she announced that she would leave Snow City and return to the Imperial Capital, and at the same time, as the Queen, ordered the defenders of Snow City to reorganize into the Snow Army on the spot.Then she quickly wrote down several order letters, and as the supreme commander of the northern battlefield, ordered the Snow Army to take over the adjacent control area of ​​the Imperial Northern Army.

He also ordered the Snow Army to select an elite detachment of 3000 people and march towards Shenglun City... to receive the victory award.

Queen Christina knew the importance of having a direct army, especially in the struggle for the throne.She didn't know what choice Milcombe would make, and she couldn't pin all her hopes on Meteor.

After everything was ready, Queen Christina got into the royal carriage, escorted by the remaining royal knights and court guards, left Snow City, and rushed into the endless snowfield.

Luke sat in the carriage, leaning against the soft leather-wrapped carriage, and yawned involuntarily: "I didn't take much rest all the way to Snow City. The assassin sent by Fania won't arrive so soon. Get some sleep."

Queen Christina knew that with heavy snow blocking the road, the meteorite would pass through the Yate County United control area, so she would not dare to be careless on the road.

I couldn't help but feel more gratitude to him.

"Go to sleep..."

Queen Christina wanted to say something, but found that Meteor had fallen asleep leaning on the carriage.

What has he experienced?
Queen Christina couldn't help looking at the snow field outside the window. The remnants of the battlefield were buried under the heavy snow. Does anyone know the contribution of meteorites to this war?

And who knows where he will lead the empire?

Queen Christina turned her gaze back to Luke who was sleeping... powerful, young, and mysterious, and everything seemed to be under his control.

That kind of self-confidence makes it easy for people to trust and rely on him.

The snow outside continued to fall, and the royal horses bred by Chaofan were driving fast in the snow with their carriages.

In Shenglun City, the snow has been falling since the morning.Although it wasn't the blizzard of the northern border, it also dyed the whole city white.

The victory of the Battle of Snow City has been passed back.

Unlike Yate County's Lian Gu Zuo Yan and his secretiveness, the Golden Shield Empire's victory in this battle was exaggerated.All the major newspapers described how heroically the defenders of Xuedi City faced the siege of the enemy several times their own, and how they relieved their anger in the final counterattack.

Everyone knew what the victory in the Battle of Snow City meant to the future battle situation. The invading army of the Yate County League was blocked from the north, and the crisis of Sheng Lun City was temporarily relieved by the approach of soldiers.

All thanks to Queen Christina.When she was fighting the most difficult time in Snow City, she still insisted on staying on the most dangerous front line.It was her existence that made Snow City a rock in the turbulent sea, and finally persisted until victory.

Most people don't know what the Bureau of Secrets has done in it. The identity of Empress Christina makes her the most shining point in this battle, and the contributions of others are covered under her light.

This ending was something that the First Prince Fania did not want to see.

In the Silver Manor, Fania sat alone in the slightly warm study room, while the butler standing beside him told him what happened in the imperial capital and the court today.

"Master, Chief Minister Gabriel has canceled tonight's dinner, and the cabinet is preparing to welcome Her Highness the Empress back to the Imperial Capital. There is nothing wrong with the Rose Manor, and Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has not left the Rose Manor all day.

General Fei Liop, head of the San Lun City Garrison Army, resigned. He had already left the imperial capital with his family.


Fania stopped the steward from continuing, but asked, "Is there any news from Raging Waves City?"

The steward replied: "We have contacted the governor of Meteor Star many times, but the governor's mansion has always replied: His Excellency is busy with affairs and has no time to come to the imperial capital.

Master, according to reliable sources, Governor Meteorite has not been seen in public for a long time, and some people speculate that he is not in Raging Waves City. "

Fania asked: "He's not in Rage City, where is he?"

The steward said awkwardly: "I don't know... I'm sorry, master! Meteor has accepted the influence of the Blade Brotherhood in Raging City, and the Raging City Headquarters of the Secret Affairs Bureau is a part of his direct line. It is difficult for our people to obtain accurate information. .

But it is certain that he is not in Saint Lun City, and has never appeared in Rose Manor. "

"Meteor, Meteor, where are you?"

For what Fania is about to do, Meteor's attitude is very important.Meteor didn't come to Silver Manor to declare his allegiance clearly. His heart was always a little unstable, which was one of the reasons why he didn't make up his mind.

The steward who was looking forward to the last step said: "Master, I think with the wisdom of Meteor, he must have seen that the empire is about to change. Meteor is a smart person, and he has such great power and resources. It is not easy to express a position.

In fact, I think Meteorite's non-appearance is a kind of support for you, First Prince. After all, your advantage is so great. Raging Waves City has not made any moves so far, isn't it just waiting for the situation to change?

On the day you ascend the throne, Meteor will definitely arrive at the fastest speed to offer you his loyalty. "

Fania nodded in approval.

Now that the great changes in the imperial capital have taken place, those who should stand in line have already stood in line, those who should wait and see are still waiting to see, and those who should run have already run away.Moreover, this situation did not force the father out, so it can be seen that he really has no way to show up.

Even the Royal Knights and the palace guards were shaken. Only Milcombe and a group of loyal knights and guards were still guarding outside the palace of the emperor.

It is impossible for Meteor to fail to see this overwhelming situation.

He should be raising his own value by not coming to pledge his allegiance. When the situation in the palace is clear but he is urgently needed to preside over the overall situation, he can get more.

"What's the situation in Snow City?"

The butler replied: "The task has been issued. The assassin is heading to the northern border. The Northern Legion will cooperate with this operation. Her Royal Highness will not come back."

Fania nodded again.

Snow City actually beat Yate County United, which exceeded all Fania's predictions.Because of this battle, Empress Christina's personal prestige has been pushed to an unprecedented height. If she is allowed to return to the imperial capital, it must be a huge uncontrollable factor.

There cannot be any variables in this palace coup, Fania is determined to win the throne.

He asked again: "There will be no mistakes this time."

"No!" The butler said with certainty: "The northern border is your northern border, and Snow City is north of the northern border army's defense line. The queen must pass through the northern border army's garrison area before returning to the imperial capital.

On the snowy field, it is impossible for the Queen to escape the detection of the Northern Legion.

And the city guards will keep an eye on the queen's whereabouts. "

In Fania's view, Queen Christina is like a turtle in an urn.In her own vantage zone, she was found to be dead.

The queen need not worry.

Then Fania asked: "Is there any new situation on the southern line? Is the Celtic Duke still in peace?"

The butler replied: "After your special envoy went to the Tedgar Hills to meet with the Duke, the barbarian army cooperated very well.

Ever since the nobles of the western region joined the empire, the Brotherhood of Blades has been disintegrated more seriously, and the Duke of Celtic has long since lost his previous ambitions.For him now, being able to keep the Tedgar Hills as a dominion of the barbarians is the kindness that you, the master, gave him. "

Fania nodded again.

Now that the Northern Territory has repelled the attack of the Art County United, there will be no more major battles before the end of winter.The northern border has always been under his own control, and when he ascends the throne to become the new emperor of the empire, the northern border must be the first to support him.

The southern line stabilized the Duke of Celtic, and with General Joshua's army in charge, the southern counties would also support him.

Meteor in the east is now in a wait-and-see attitude. He will definitely stand up after he controls the imperial capital and promises him some benefits.

The West...Alec only controls the Crescent Oasis, and his West Legion has been severely weakened by the meteorite's proposal.Faced with the general trend of the empire, the nobles of the western region knew how to choose.

If Alec doesn't surrender, he dies!

Fania felt that she was the God-ordained Lord who could turn the tide in times of crisis for the empire.

Father!You have been wise all your life, but you will become stupid when you get old, and you almost tore the great empire apart.You look down on me, but in the end it's me who cleans up this mess for you.

It's just... Fania thought of Queen Christina again. The victory of Snow City brought great changes within the palace, and she absolutely couldn't pin all her hopes on the assassin.

"Has everything been arranged in the palace?"

"Reporting to the master, everything has been arranged. His Majesty's absence for a long time has caused panic, and most people are looking forward to the new emperor's enthronement so that they can swear allegiance.

Master, we are all waiting for your final decision. "

Fania closed his eyes and reconsidered the cards in his hand. After waiting for an hour, he opened his eyes and said fiercely: "Since everyone is waiting for the new emperor, don't make everyone wait." too long..."

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