Age of Arcane

Chapter 384

Chapter 384
Saint Lun City, Rose Manor.

The increasingly tense situation caused Agatha to cancel all her trips, and additional guards were deployed inside and outside the manor, and the spies set up interspersed magic guards in important areas outside.

As the spies of the empire were secretly recruited into the imperial capital, the power available to Agatha gradually increased, but it was still far from enough to fight Fania.

In the study room, Agatha sat behind the desk and listened to the report from the female officer.She didn't wear a skirt, but rather neutral clothes, her hair was tied into a bun, and she was ready to fight at any time.

"Your Highness, we have contacted almost all the ministers in the imperial capital, and most of them did not want to express their position. Several cabinet ministers all refused to meet the people we sent. The situation is very unfavorable to Your Majesty..."

With the current situation in the palace, Fania can be regarded as a clear card.With this pressing style of play, Emperor Augustine still stayed behind closed doors, complaining that everyone in the court was in danger.

Not to mention the ministers, even the Secret Intelligence Bureau is extremely pessimistic about this struggle for imperial power.

Agatha is in good spirits, her eyes are sharp and unyielding.

"Is there any news from His Majesty? What's the reply from Milcombe?"

The female officer replied: "There is still no news from His Majesty's bedroom. Millscomb's answer is still the same: He will lead the royal knights and palace guards to protect His Majesty's safety."

Agatha couldn't help sighing: "Royal knights? Palace guards? After Fania declared himself the new emperor of the empire, how many of them dared to attack the new emperor!
I don't know what the father is doing, his son has put a knife on his neck, but he still doesn't show up. "

The female officer said worriedly: "If the royal knights and palace guards cannot be relied on, we may not be able to stop Prince Fania from leading his troops to forcibly break into the palace just by relying on our Secret Service.

An elite army withdrawn from the southern front this morning has quietly entered the city, and the Assault Bear Squad is among them. "

"Has Shock Bear been transferred by the First Prince?"

The Assault Bear Squad is one of the special operations units assembled by the strongest fighters in the North, specializing in high-end battles.In the battle against the barbarians on the southern front, even if the Abyssal Apostle took action himself, he did not take much advantage of the Assault Bear Squad.

Fania called the Assault Bear to the Imperial Capital at this time, obviously targeting the "Raven" of the Secret Intelligence Bureau, a unit composed of ace spies.

In a head-on confrontation, "Raven" is no match for "Strike Bear".

Agatha didn't react too much to the arrival of the Bear Assault Squad. She asked again, "Is there any news about Governor Meteor?"

The female officer answered in a difficult way: "No! The Governor's Mansion of Raging Waves City refused to provide any information related to Governor Meteor.

Your Highness, it is impossible for Governor Meteor to be ignorant of the situation in the court. Does his absence... Does it mean that he supports the First Prince. "

Regarding the female officer's guess, Agatha did not answer immediately, but looked at a newspaper on the table.

The newspaper was the Winter Metropolis Daily of the United County of Arter, and the most conspicuous article in it was "Obituary of the Genius Steam Engineer Mr. Luke".

The newspaper was published five days ago, and it was delivered to the imperial capital from Dongdu, so the meteorite should have arrived long ago.

Why is there no news about him so far?
"Your Highness..." the female officer reminded Agatha who was distracted: "These are all random guesses. Governor Meteor is definitely still loyal to you."

Agatha couldn't help laughing and said: "Yes, he must still be 'loyal' to me. Continue to pay attention to the movements of Governor Meteorite and all parties in Rage City, and report to me immediately if there is any news."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

At this moment, the door of the study was pushed open, and Princess Dai ran in from outside: "Sister Agatha, I haven't seen you for three months, I miss you so much!"

The guards chasing in saw that Princess Dai was hugging Agatha, and immediately saluted and apologized: "I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness, we didn't stop Princess Dai."

Agatha looked at Dai'er happily, and said to the guard: "It's okay, I understand my sister, it's strange that you can stop her."

The guard said: "His Royal Highness, Princess Dai'er is escorted by Miss Qingkong, she is waiting outside the door."

When Agatha heard that Qingkong was also coming, she immediately said, "Please ask Miss Qingkong to come in."

Then Agatha said to Del: "I'm very happy to see you too, but I have something very important to talk about with Miss Weatherlight. You should go and see the sculptures I made during this time. I'll talk to Miss Weatherlight about it." After I'm done, I'll go find you and hear what you've been through in Dongdu?"

Princess Daier knew that what Qingkong and Agatha talked about must be very important, so she had plenty of time to chat with her sister: "Okay, let me see what new works my sister has, see you later!"

"For a while!"

The female officer left with Princess Dai.

Qingkong walked in with the attendants, and Princess Daier waved to her when she went out, with a carefree and innocent look.

The door of the study was closed by the departing guards, leaving only Qingkong and Agatha in the room.

Agatha invites Qingkong to sit down on the lounge chair by the window. Outside the window is a plant glass greenhouse, which is full of blooming roses, which are particularly bright against the snow scene outside the greenhouse.

"Thank you for taking care of Dai'er during this time. I didn't expect her to go to Dongdu quietly with you. I hope she didn't cause you too much trouble."

Qing Kong leaned against the back of the lounge chair, admiring the scenery outside with her green eyes, and at the same time said lightly: "Princess Dai'er has a very keen sense of changes in the palace, she sensed danger, so she fled.

I also know where to flee. "

Agatha couldn't help smiling and said: "She has been very smart since she was a child. If many royal families are killed in this great change in the palace, she has a greater chance of surviving than all of us."

Qingkong turned to look at Agatha: "Meteor sent you to Rage City, why are you still here? You can't stop Fania now."

"But someone has to do something?" Agatha took a deep breath: "If I stand up, at least there is still a chance to stop him; if even I give up, he will really kill the king and the father.

Meteor will not respect him as the emperor of the empire, and neither will Alec... The empire cannot be divided at this time! "

"If the empire really needs a new emperor... are you interested?"

Qingkong's question made Agatha turn her head, her eyes were full of various guesses: "My father is still alive, but he can't show up for some reason. The succession of the emperor has its rules, and it's not his turn." to me.

You, do you know something that I don't know? "

Qingkong and Agatha looked at each other: "I know some news that you don't know, but I can't tell you right now. You just need to answer me... This time is a good opportunity for you, If you are willing to take on the responsibility of ruling the Empire, I think Meteor will support you."

Although Luke had already solicited Queen Christina's ideas in Snow City, he asked Agatha's attitude towards the throne for the last time.

Agatha didn't know what news Qing Kong had obtained, and she actually asked such a question at this time.

She thought for a while and said: "No... I have never thought too much about the throne, especially after getting to know Meteor, it makes me feel that the obsession and competition for the throne is really ridiculous.

This era is no longer what it used to be. To me, the high throne is nothing more than a cage sentenced to life imprisonment.

When everything stabilizes, I will take a long vacation for myself and take a long trip.Go see the strange places Meteor said, and explore the secret places where treasures are hidden. "

Qingkong knew that Agatha was not very interested in the throne, but she didn't expect that he would have such a big influence on her.

"Your Augustine family is really all extremes, there is a bloody prince fighting for the throne, and there is a princess who wants to escape the royal life.

Since you are not interested in the throne, you shouldn't mind Queen Christina supervising the country, and even becoming the first queen of the Golden Shield Empire in the future. "

Agatha asked in amazement: "What do you mean? What on earth do you know to make such a ridiculous suggestion!"

Qingkong said: "Meteor is currently escorting Empress Christina back to the imperial capital from the northern border, and Her Royal Highness the Empress said something related to Her Majesty.

His Majesty is doing a very dangerous thing. If he succeeds, it will bring a greater crisis to the empire than the usurpation of Prince Fania. "

Agatha said seriously, "What the hell is my father doing?"

Qing Kong replied: "I think...the meteorite will tell you the specific situation. My task is to stop His Majesty when he finally takes that step..."

Agatha understood what "blocked" meant.

"You want to murder the Emperor of the Empire?"

"As long as he can rein in the precipice, I will not do anything to him."

Agatha looked at the clear sky, this is an elf known for her mystery, beauty and strength.Every time I see her, I always fight against the oppressive feeling that emanates from her.

"It seems that I have to wait until I see the meteorite to know the truth."

"Actually, I don't recommend that you know too much of the truth. It's best to let His Majesty leave with dignity."

Agatha forced a smile and said, "It's up to me whether to accept the suggestion or not. Before Meteor and Her Highness the Queen arrive at the imperial capital, do I need to do anything?"

Sunny Sky cast his gaze out the window.

"I want to use the sewers of St. Lun City to arrange a large-scale secret technique, which can provide us with some combat power that can be used as cannon fodder when Fania launches a coup.

After the esoteric ritual, the sewers in the city of St. Lun needed a major overhaul.Fortunately, this is winter, and there will be no scenes of flooding the imperial capital..."

Agatha also looked out of the window, and the snow fell even more heavily.

"The sewers in Saint Lun City should have been repaired a long time ago."


In the northern border of the Golden Shield Empire, due to the outbreak of war, all the residents in the northern border could escape.People who can't escape will not run out casually in this bad weather, so Queen Christina's convoy has hardly encountered anyone during the two days of running on the snow field.

This is also related to the fact that the team specifically bypasses cities and villages.

The four royal horses pulling the cart trotted forward, and through the open window, Luke scanned the sky with his binoculars.

After a while, he sat back in the car, opened a folding table between himself and the queen, and spread a map of the northern territory on it.

The moving carriage was slightly bumpy.

Luke found the current location of the convoy on the map, pointed to Queen Christina and said, "Just now I saw the Harrier Eagle used by the Northern Legion scouts for scouting. We should have been discovered by them. There must be traps and ambushes arranged by assassins ahead." lock up."

The queen asked: "What should we do? This place has not left the area controlled by the Northern Army, and we cannot escape their surveillance."

Luke pondered countermeasures.

If Taotie is willing to accept rides from strangers, the easiest way is to take Empress Christina and fly directly to Saint Lun City.

After thinking for a while, Luke said: "Our whereabouts have just been exposed, and the assassins are not so quick to arrange the attack. At night, you and I will separate from the team on horseback, and let your guards attract the sky to follow. Our two targets are not easy to be exposed. .

And the riding speed is also fast, and you can reach the imperial capital by running for a day and a night. "

Luke's suggestion made Queen Christina fall into deep thought.

Being attacked is not just a matter of personal safety, even if the assassins are repelled, precious time is wasted.If you are entangled by waves of assassins, it may delay the best time to return to the imperial capital.

Being separated from the guards does allow for fewer targets, and light cavalry are faster.

But as the queen of the empire, spending a day and a night alone with a young man will definitely cause some gossip in the future. The scandal of the royal family is a popular subject of folk gossip.

Especially when he married an old emperor at a young age, and then stayed alone in the cold palace for several years, and Meteor was the object of admiration for all the ladies of the imperial family.

Queen Christina is well aware of the ability of nobles to fabricate rumors to smear each other.

But without thinking too much, Queen Christina said to Luke: "Okay, I will listen to you. At night, I will ride away quietly with you."

Luke didn't think too much, all his attention was on the map.After crossing the northern border, there is Yimapingchuan. The royal horses bred by the extraordinary can run with their hooves free. Even if the assassin finds himself and the queen, it is not so easy to intercept them.

Therefore, the assassin's best and final ambush location should be near the city of St. Lun.There is a city guard corps stationed outside the imperial capital, and assassins can lay out ambush circles while waiting for work.

Luke plotted his route on the map.

Queen Christina watched Luke think while drawing with a pen, and couldn't help but think of herself when she was still a princess.

At that time, I liked lying on the tower of the castle the most, looking at the endless golden rice fields outside, imagining what kind of person I would marry.

When I was in my teens, I really liked the stories about the knight and the princess. The knight overcame many difficulties regardless of the danger, defeated one enemy after another and rescued the princess, and then the two lived a happy life together.

What is happening now is so similar to those stories, but I am no longer a princess, and happiness has long been a luxury.

At a certain moment, Christina suddenly had a bold idea.

But in the end she still laughed at herself: "Stories are all lies, we are all slaves of fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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