Age of Arcane

Chapter 387 Chapter City

Chapter 387
Major Isaac was the commander of the army that prevented the queen from returning to the city. He looked at the meteor that was attacking the army he commanded, and couldn't help but think back to the battle that wiped out the abyss mage.

At that time, he was still a lieutenant colonel, and he thought that he could be promoted to general by virtue of his military exploits, but for some reason, he offended the eldest prince, and instead of being promoted, his rank was dropped by one rank.

Tonight, the First Prince is going to launch a coup d'état and officially enthroned as the Emperor of the Golden Shield Empire.The task he received was to deploy defenses on the north side of the imperial capital to prevent the queen from returning to the palace.

I thought it was impossible for the Queen to escape from the interception of the Northern Legion, so I missed the opportunity to participate in the grand prince's enthronement ceremony after being neglected, and I guess I will retire as a major in the future.

But never expected that the queen would appear so close to the imperial capital.

It seems that the goddess of luck is still looking after me!

Major Isaac rode on a horse and stood at the forefront of the army with a saber in his hand.The musketeers and crossbowmen have already started shooting, but long-range attacks of this level cannot penetrate the magic shield released by the opponent at all.

The dragon-like creature summoned by Meteor launched an attack on the airship in the air. The god-like pressure of Longwei and Meteor made some soldiers shake.

After all, it was the queen of the empire who was intercepting. Although the soldiers obeyed the orders, they still couldn't let go of their awe of the imperial family.

"Spiritual inspiration magic preparation!"

Major Isaac, who noticed the change in the morale of the army, did not order the magic projectile to fire attack magic at the meteorite and the queen, but prepared to use spiritual magic to stabilize the morale of the army.

Alchemy shells were fired forward from the back formation, and exploded together when they flew above the army formation.The waterfall-like magic particles sprinkled down, the soldiers' spirits were concentrated at a high level, the will to fight overwhelmed wild thoughts, and the wavering military spirit was immediately strengthened.

"Prepare for the bloody magic of war!"

Another round of war magic was cast, and red light appeared from the soldiers.The high fighting spirit and murderousness were stimulated, and the pain and fatigue were greatly reduced.

Shouts erupted from their throats unconsciously, and fighting and killing became the only thoughts of the soldiers at this time.

The murderous resonance formed a wave of air that pushed forward, rolled up the smoke and dust on the ground, and pressed towards the charging meteor.

Facing the waiting army, Luke rode his horse and charged at a constant speed.This kind of situation is what he has always wanted to avoid. If a team is well-trained, multi-armed, and has enough magic blessings, if there are a few more powerful fighters hidden in it, it is really impossible for him to rush through.

Fortunately, the eldest prince Fania's focus was on the palace, and he and Queen Christina were fast enough.It can be seen that there are not many specially strengthened soldiers in the intercepting army, and it should be too late to call in powerful units.

Some fight!
Luke glanced at the sky, Taotie shuttled quickly between the three airships, there were many mages on the airships, and chaotic magic intertwined in the air.With its agile flight and good magic resistance, Taotie can deal with the three airships with ease. Even if it can't sink them all in a short time, it can still entangle them so that they can't cooperate with the ground attack.

Feeling Luke's encouragement, the excited Taotie turned around, and after avoiding the continuous magic, he took another breath of the dragon towards the airship that had been severely damaged.

The steam airbag of that airship was severely damaged, and it descended uncontrollably. The Taotie flipped in the air and bit at the back to attack continuously.

Luke turned his head and glanced at Queen Christina who was following behind, and found that the queen was also looking at him.The bullets and arrows sparked on her unfolded shield, but they couldn't hide the light in her eyes.

This favorability is a little fast!

Luke returned his mind to the battle. He turned his head, and the shield wall was close in front of him, and spears protruded from behind the shield.There is also the alchemy shell fired from the rear, and the target is himself...

The light activated by the magic is transmitted from the lines of the alchemy shell, and the power squeezed inside is about to be released.

Luke didn't care about the alchemy shells that were about to fall, he stabbed out the dragon spear, a fire dragon rushed out amidst lightning and thunder, and hit the front shield wall.

At this time, a series of small flying objects flew obliquely from the air.They hit the alchemy shells precisely like interceptor bombs.The alchemy shell detonated in the air, and the chaotic and turbulent magic energy formed a space-distorted black hole at the explosion location.

Immediately afterwards, four girls with different hairstyles and colors appeared in the air, carrying auxiliary flight airbags on their backs, and several steel needles with a length of [-] centimeters surrounding them.

One war machine leaped high and then fell heavily into the army formation, slashing the other war machine from the middle with one blow.

The pilot of the war machine is a girl with pink twintails. She waved to Luke who was rushing into the army: "Boss Meteor, Miss Skylight asked us to help. It seems that our beautiful girl boiling team came in time."

Sandpaper and her sisters appeared just in time, and War Machine Boiling simply waved to Luke as a greeting, and then opened his way with his legs waving a long knife.

Kestrels, blue doves, egrets, and gray geese fly at low altitude, using their powerful mental power and perception, and using medium-range attacks to suppress the soldiers on the ground.

The battle mode of the boiling squad of beautiful girls has been formed.War Machine Boiling is the core of the team's offense and defense, and Sandpaper, as the team's center, uses the telepathy between the sisters to build a shared perception network for the team.

Kestrels, blue doves, egrets, and gray geese serve as the mobile force of the team, making up for the shortcomings of the war machine, allowing him to unleash the most violent side without any scruples.

The boiling team of beautiful girls, who would have a headache even in a clear sky match, has just appeared.

Let Luke do nothing instead.

In the army formation, the boiling knives of the war machines flew and fell with great force, and everything they passed was completely cut off.The energy cannons on the shoulders fired intermittently, and each cannon blasted out a column of smoke that soared into the sky, setting off pieces of scattered limbs.

Under the command of the sandpaper, the beautiful girls gather and disperse in a certain way, or disperse the defense, or concentrate the attack, like a fully automatic floating cannon accompanied by the boiling of the war.

This elite unit of the City Guard Corps, who has never seen such an integrated combat team, was killed and collapsed in a blink of an eye.

Luke didn't chase them either, letting the war boil away, and he and Queen Christina continued to rush towards the city of St. Lun.

There was a dragon's neighing in the air, and Taotie swooped down on Luke.In the process of falling, its body shrunk rapidly, and it rushed straight into the back of Luke's hand in a daze.

The three airships in the sky were burning with fire and fell to the ground in the distance. In the western sky, the sun was setting, and the burning clouds were as bright as blood.

Luke, Queen Christina, and the Preppy Boiling Squad disappear into the falling night.

The battlefield where they were fighting just now became quiet.

Major Isaac, pinned down under the carcass of a horse, looks up at the rising moon with hollow eyes and a bloody hole in his chest.

The snow that had stopped for a day fell again, and soon the corpses all over the ground were submerged under the snowdrifts.

In the city of St. Lun, the City Guard Corps, which suddenly entered the city in the evening, braved the wind and snow and occupied the streets and city government facilities, announcing a curfew.No one is allowed to leave the house, and the city sheriff is home on vacation.

As if knowing that this matter would definitely happen, all departments of the city cooperated surprisingly, and there was almost no conflict during the entire handover process.

Only the neighborhoods near Rose Manor saw less serious fighting.The Imperial Secret Service prevented the City Guard Corps from taking over, and the City Guard Corps did not launch a storm, and the two sides formed a confrontation in a certain area.

Inside the Rose Manor, Princess Agatha sat in her study, listening to all the news brought by the spies.

Most of the palace officials, as well as the cabinet, made it clear that they were not leaders.If the eldest prince succeeds in ascending the throne, they will meet the new emperor tomorrow.

If the First Prince fails, it is his own death.

The empire was still the empire of the great Augustine the Great.

The law does not blame the public, everyone will act as if nothing happened tomorrow, and do what should be done.

"His Royal Highness, the city guards surrounded the palace. The royal knights and palace guards did not stop them, and they all retreated into the palace.

Knight Millscomb was guarding outside His Majesty's bedroom, and no news from His Majesty came out. "

"His Royal Highness the First Prince left the Silver Manor and drove towards the palace in a car under the escort of the guards."

"His Royal Highness the First Prince arrived at the palace, and all the ministers and nobles who supported the First Prince gathered outside the palace."

"The eldest prince asked the palace to remove the barrier, but there was no response from the palace."

"The eldest prince once again asked the palace to remove the barrier, but there was no response from the palace."

"The eldest prince requested to remove the barrier for the third time, and revealed threats...The barrier of the palace is being removed!"

Once the barrier of the palace was removed, the eldest prince Fania could lead his troops straight into the palace, but the people like Millscombe couldn't stop him at all.

Is the Imperial Secret Service going to be dispatched?

At this time, a large number of imperial spies had gathered in Rose Manor, and they rushed out to attack the city guards who were launching a coup d'état as soon as the eldest princess gave an order.

The personal female officer suggested: "Your Highness, if you don't act now, I'm afraid there will be no chance."

Agatha glanced at the door of the study; she had given orders; Meteor could come in unannounced.

However, there is no news about the meteorite yet.


Agatha, who couldn't wait any longer, was about to give an order when the door was suddenly pushed open.Luke came in, took off his hat and threw it to the magistrate, and asked again: "Where is Fania now?"

"The news just came that he is outside the palace, and the palace has lifted the barrier." Agatha immediately replied when she saw Luke's expression raised, and then saw Queen Christina coming in behind Meteor, and saluted: " Your Royal Highness, welcome back to the imperial capital."

Queen Christina returned the salute to Agatha: "We came in time."

With a dry mouth, Luke took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet and took a big sip, then said: "There is no need to talk about greetings. Fania needs the city guards to control the entire palace before entering. We still have time... go out!"

Agatha nodded, and the female officer left the room with the servants and guards, and closed the door.

Luke found a chair and sat down, and said to Agatha: "As for who will rule the empire tomorrow, Miss Weatherlight must have told you, Your Highness."

Agatha looked at Queen Christina and said to Luke: "But Miss Skylight didn't explain it clearly. I want to know what happened to Father Royal."

"It's only appropriate for me to tell you about this matter..." Luke told Agatha the reason why Augustine the Great had not seen outsiders for so long: "...Of course I hope that His Majesty can complete the body strengthening safely, but the delay It is still not completed, indicating that the success rate is extremely low, or it has failed.

We may have to deal with a heroic creature claiming to be Augustine. "

This information was indeed too explosive for Agatha.

"As a daughter, I can accept that my father is a heroic spirit. But a heroic emperor is definitely a disaster for the empire."

Luke nodded and said: "No matter how you whitewash it, the heroic spirit is a vassal of the angelic civilization. I'm afraid no one in the empire can accept it. The empire is a vassal of the angelic civilization."

"So you want to elect our queen as the new emperor of the empire... Do you think the court ministers and nobles of the empire will agree?"

"Of course they won't agree." Luke said: "If we can stop Fania tonight...Emperor Augustine will issue an order, and a queen will continue to supervise the state affairs.

As long as you and Knight Millscomb declare to the outside world that this order was given by His Majesty, it will be a matter of course for Her Highness the Queen to return to the palace and continue to supervise the country. "

Agatha looked at Luke and Queen Christina, and asked after a moment, "Why her?"

Luke said: "Since the establishment of the empire, the Kingdom of Lucien has been very active in intermarriage with the Augustine royal family. In history, a total of sixteen princesses of the Kingdom of Lucien married princes of the Golden Shield Empire, and five of them were from the Empire. Queen.

Another six imperial princesses were married to the royal family of Luthen Kingdom, all of them were queens.

During the time of King Lusien XVI, there was a death curse incident in Lusien Palace, and King Lusien XVI did not leave any heirs in his life.In the end, the throne of Lusien was inherited by Lusien XVI's nephew, Prince Lupuerrs of the empire at that time.

Prince Lupurs is the great-grandfather of Empress Christina.

According to the genealogy of the imperial family and the Lusien royal family, the empress is still your cousin of the eldest princess. "

Back then, in order to promote Queen Christina as emperor, some players thoroughly researched the genealogy of the Augustine family and the Lucian family.It can be said that apart from the difference in surnames, the bloodlines of the two families have long been confused.

Now Queen Christina married Augustine the Great, and her surname was changed to Augustine.As long as people are willing to accept it, they will recognize that it makes sense in law.

Agatha knew that what Meteor said was right, and the complicated relationship within the royal family was not humane.

At this time, Queen Christina said: "Agatha! You know Alec's character. He likes to make friends with powerful people and use them very much. But powerful people cannot manage a country, and Alec is not capable enough to lead the country in this extraordinary period." .

You are the best candidate to inherit the throne!
If you are willing to take on this responsibility, I will be more than happy to assist you with Meteor. "

(End of this chapter)

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