Age of Arcane

Chapter 388 The New Emperor

Chapter 388 The New Emperor
The room fell silent.

Luke looked at the two women with a complicated relationship and said nothing.After all, this is a family matter of the Augustine family, and it is up to the two of them to decide how to handle it.

The pendulum clock in the corner of the room was ticking, giving Agatha not much time to think.

"As I said, I'm not interested in the throne! The only one who is capable of stabilizing the court and the empire after tonight is probably only you, the Queen. After all, the emperor himself once told the cabinet that during his training period, the state affairs will be controlled by the government." You are solely responsible. It's just..." Agatha looked at Luke and said, "I hope you can convince Qingkong that I can decide the... end of my father."

"Yes!" Luke replied very simply, he stood up and said: "The most important thing now is to enter the palace as soon as possible to quell this coup."

"The Imperial Secret Service is ready."

"set off!"

Luke, Agatha, and Empress Christina walked out of the gate together, and the imperial agents outside lined up for orders.

Holding the sword of power, Christina, as the queen of the empire, ordered the eldest princess Agatha and the governor of Raging City, Meteorite, to quell the rebellion initiated by the eldest prince Fania and rescue the emperor Augustine who was trapped in the palace.

The sudden appearance of Queen Christina greatly boosted the morale of the imperial spies, and the official order made the counter-insurgency operation famous.

At the same time, the governor of Raging Waves City, Meteor Xing, publicly stood by the eldest princess's side this time, smashing all the recent rumors to pieces.Meteor is "loyal" to the Eldest Princess, and has not defected to the Eldest Prince.

How to attack and storm the palace has already been planned and distributed to the commanders at all levels of the imperial spies.The order to attack was issued by Princess Agatha, and the spies immediately dispersed, and the battle broke out near the Rose Manor in a short time.

A large number of magic flares were launched from the manor, and spies lurking in other parts of the city also took action.The originally quiet city was instantly filled with the sound of various explosions.

Colorful magic shines in the night sky, and the snow is getting bigger and bigger.

Luke led the boiling team of beautiful girls, and Agatha led the ace agents "Ravens" of the Bureau of Secret Affairs to protect Queen Christina and march towards the palace.

The sudden outbreak of battle startled the eldest prince Fania, who had just entered the palace. He had already put on the emperor's uniform that had been ordered long ago, surrounded by ministers and nobles who supported him.

Seeing the magic beams concentrated near the Rose Manor, he knew that Agatha finally couldn't help but do it.

A messenger from the City Guard Corps hurried over: "Report to the First Prince..."

The close ministers around Fania reprimanded: "Call Your Majesty!"

"Report to Your Majesty!" The messenger immediately changed his words: "The task of blocking that woman failed, the Governor of Raging Waves City, Meteorite, personally escorted her to break through our layers of obstacles, and escorted that woman into the imperial capital!"

Fania finally knew where Agatha had the confidence to launch an attack.

He also didn't expect that the disappeared Meteor actually went to Snow City to personally escort Queen Christina back.

Now the situation is clear, who is loyal, who is traitor, who is a fool, can see clearly.

"Meteor, you will pay the price for deceiving me." Fania ordered: "At all costs, prevent the rebels from attacking the palace!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Fania looked at the officials and nobles behind her, and said confidently: "I will know who is loyal to me in the end! Today I am enthroned as the god-given emperor of the empire, and you will all be reused by me. Take the empire to new heights."

The ministers and nobles shouted together: "Your Majesty, please sit on the throne and bear the weight of the crown!"

In front, the door of the palace's deliberation hall was pushed open, and the servants, maids, and bands of the palace were forced by the soldiers to line up on both sides with supplies for the enthronement celebration.

The other end facing the gate is the supreme throne.

The orchestra played the sacred and solemn "To the Great Emperor", the servants spread the golden carpet, and the maids threw gold leaf into the air.Fania stepped onto the red carpet and looked at the throne, walking step by step with the fanaticism of fulfilling her wish.

The butler excitedly came to the side of the throne first. He held a tray with both hands, which contained the crown, law code and scepter.

The enthronement ceremony of the new emperor begins.

Most of the royal knights and court guards are confined to their quarters by soldiers of the city garrison.

They were all very confused, whether to be loyal to the old emperor who had never shown up, or to swear allegiance to the new emperor after completing the enthronement ceremony.

Knight Millscombe led nearly a hundred royal knights and court guards outside the emperor's palace.

He is clad in richly decorated armor and stands with two hands holding a sword.He saw the brilliant magic signal in the sky outside, and heard the bursts of explosions.He knew that Fania had begun the enthronement ceremony to usurp the throne at this time, and Agatha was trying her best to stop it, but he couldn't do anything.

He had already conveyed the news of the coup to Emperor Augustine, but there was no news from the bedroom.

"I don't know what happened to Her Majesty the Queen?"

Knight Millscombe couldn't help but think of Queen Christina's appearance. Since the news of the victory in the Snow City Battle reached the imperial capital, there has been no information about her.He knew that Fania would never let the queen go, but he couldn't do anything for her.

There was once a thought that kept appearing in his mind, that is, to put aside all responsibilities and honors and go to Snow City to protect the Queen.

But the Milcombe Knight finally chose to fulfill his oath.

Knight Millscombe closed his eyes, swept away all distracting thoughts, and was no longer affected by any external and inner influences.

Quiet like a statue.

Beside him, the royal knights and court guards stood side by side motionless, protecting the emperor's bedroom behind him.

Oulu College St. Lun City Branch.

Qingkong stood on the highest and most pointed roof of the museum, looking in the direction of the imperial palace.

Fania's defense against the Rose Manor is the top priority, and it is also the place where the fighting is most intensive.Fighting elsewhere in the city was sporadic, with no sign of approaching the palace.

The strength of the Bureau of Secret Intelligence is the Yin people. They are not opponents of the regular army in this kind of regular offensive and defensive warfare.Moreover, Fania mobilized many elite soldiers from the Northern Territory Legion into the City Guard Corps, all of whom were veterans with rich combat experience.

With only the strength of the Bureau of Secret Information, it is difficult to attack the palace in time.

At this time, Jenny's figure appeared behind Qingkong: "Miss Qingkong, the secret technique you designed has been arranged."

The sheriff jumped up, and it turned into a black panther in a flash, and roared at the moon against the falling snow.

"I feel the power given to me by the World Tree through the moon. Tonight will be the night of killing. I... the mount of the great Moonlight Queen will accompany Her Majesty the Queen and smash this city to pieces!"

Qing Kong ignored the sheriff who suddenly suffered from the second illness, and asked Jennifer: "Have the students been settled?"

"All settled, the professors of the college and your moonlight knights will protect them." Jenferne said again: "Princess Daier asked me to tell: I hope you are all safe."

"We'll all be safe!"

Qingkong looked up at the moon in the night sky.

Even the dark clouds covering the sky cannot cover its moonlight.It is like a high hanging lamp, illuminating the city with silver light.

Now that you're ready, let's get started.

A beam of light shone on Qingkong's body from top to bottom, as if she had been covered with a gauze.

"Secret Words: Monsters Run Away in Dirty and Muddy Waters"

The moment Clear Sky finished chanting the words of the secret technique, the manhole covers of the sewers in the entire city were violently washed away by the rising sewage.Then the ground along the sewers cracked, and the sludge surged up as if it had life.

The rats in the sewer ran out in panic, and gray dust spread along the road.

The sludge that came out gathered into small balls, and then gathered into a big mud ball.The gray dust light was absorbed by the big mud ball, and then grew limbs to become a slime.

In a short time, the streets of Saint Lun City were occupied by countless mud monsters.They wander around in a daze, beating things on the street with their limp arms.

"Rule number one: Do not attack anyone in the room."

As the releaser of the secret technique, Qingkong whispered the rules, and her voice rang in the ears of every ooze regardless of the distance.Those mud monsters that wandered towards the house immediately stopped and turned to other places.

"Rule Two: Do ​​not attack an injured person."

"Rule Three: Do not attack a fallen person."

Qingkong didn't want this secret technique to cause too many casualties to Shenglun City. These mud monsters only needed to contain the strength of the city's garrison army so that the imperial spies could attack the palace.

Ooze monsters can't understand overly complicated instructions, and these three rules are enough for people who are attacked by mud monsters to have a high chance of saving their lives.

After issuing the three rules, Clear Sky jumped off the roof.Hei Panther, who had already gathered his strength to wait, jumped up at the same time, and firmly connected Qing Kong to his back.The black panther let out a roar, ran and jumped between houses and buildings, and rushed towards the palace.

The appearance of the mud monsters broke the stalemate in the battle in the city. When the soldiers of the city garrison were attacked by the mud monsters behind them, the imperial spies quickly attacked and formed multiple breakthroughs.

The battle extended to the palace.

A large number of mud monsters also appeared in the palace, and after causing a commotion, they were quickly culled and wiped out.

At this moment, Fania sat on the throne after reciting his enthronement oath, and the court priest put the crown on him, put the code of law in his right hand, and the scepter in his left hand.

The ministers and nobles met with the new god-appointed emperor and swore allegiance.

There were still many procedures to follow, but the news that the battle was spreading to the palace made Fania suspend the tedious rituals that followed.

He asked the officials and nobles to wait in the hall, and he led the army to the emperor's bedroom.

As long as the old emperor is gone, everyone will have to recognize themselves as the new emperor.

The emperor's bedroom, the royal knights and court guards standing here make this place look extremely solemn.

Suddenly a large number of sergeants rushed out from all directions, surrounding them layer by layer.

Knight Millscombe opened his eyes, looked at the soldiers who were several times larger than himself, and said, "His Royal Highness Fania, do you have to bear the crime of regicide and patricide?"

Fania came out under the protection of a group of soldiers wearing bear armor. He looked at Milcombe proudly, and said with a cold smile, "Uncle Milcombe, if Father is still alive, he will allow me to Get his throne in this way?

Father has passed away.

Whatever your reasons for withholding this sad news, I forgive you your fault if you step aside.You are still my respected royal chief knight, my swordsmanship teacher. "

Fania wore a crown and the attire of an imperial emperor, making Knight Milcombe frown.

"You are making a big mistake, Fania! His Majesty did not die, he just had to recuperate due to physical reasons.

What you should do is take off the attire that does not belong to you and wait for His Majesty's ruling. "

Fania said with a smile: "If the father is not dead, you should get out of the way. If I am guilty, he will be the one to pronounce the sentence.

Millscomb, this is the final warning.

Allegiance to me, you can live. "

"I am loyal to the only emperor of the empire, but you are not!"

Seeing Milcombe's stubbornness, Fania gave up the idea of ​​recruiting him. He took a step back and ordered: "Whoever kills Milcombe will be crowned Royal Chief Knight! Attack!"




The soldiers of the City Guard Corps rushed towards Millscomb leading the royal knights and palace guards.

Millscomb held a sword in a fighting stance, and the burst of momentum caused the airflow to form a whirlwind around him, layers of buffs were released, and colorful glares shone on the armor.

"Knights, it's time to be loyal to His Majesty! Long live the great Emperor of the Empire!"

"Long live the great Emperor of the Empire!"

The brilliance of magic illuminated the armor, and the knights and guards guarding the emperor's chamber uttered the loudest cry.

The two armies collided, and the battle revolved around the emperor's chambers.

No matter how brutal the killing outside was, there was still no sign of the door of the bedroom opening.

Outside the palace, the orderly line of defense of the City Guards was thrown into chaos after being attacked by the slime.The soldiers didn't know what it was at all, so they could only fight passively.

However, the imperial spies were told in advance how to deal with such a monster that everyone would attack.

You can ignore them by entering a house or lying down, and you can ignore them if you have blood on your body.

With this kind of troublesome thing, all the spies of the empire blossomed, and the battle became more and more chaotic.

The City Guard Corps was at a loss for such a battle, and deployed troops everywhere to save the field.

When Fania led troops to besiege the emperor's palace, the guards in the palace were very empty.

A secret door opened from under a statue in the palace garden, and several figures came out from inside.They quickly eliminated the surrounding guards, and then set up a cordon.

After confirming safety, Luke, Agatha and Queen Christina came out of the tunnel.

Christina looked at the corpses on the ground, and at the same time heard the sound of fighting coming from the direction of the emperor's bedroom.

"There are no royal knights and palace guards here. They probably haven't sworn allegiance to Fania. Fania's strongest force should be dealing with Millscombe Knights. We need to convince some of the royal knights and palace guards to help us."

Luke looked at the sky, reached out to catch a few snowflakes, and said, "Then hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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