Age of Arcane

Chapter 389 Heroic Spirit Creature

Chapter 389 Heroic Spirit Creature
Luke and his party did not go to the emperor's bedroom, but turned to the residences of the royal knights and palace guards.The boiling team of beautiful girls and "Raven" opened the way, and the soldiers of the city guards encountered along the way gave their heads one after another.

The queen's return made the confused royal knights and palace guards find their backbone.After they heard Queen Christina's order, they saw the special minister of the cabinet Meteor and Princess Agatha beside the queen, and they immediately joined the queen.

The guards of the palace launched a counterattack against the invaders, and more and more knights and guards rushed to the emperor's chamber to rescue Augustine the Great who was in crisis.

When Luke and the others rushed to the emperor's bedroom, there was already a scuffle here.The fighters on both sides abandoned their formations and separated the enemy from the enemy only by clothing and clothing, killing in the dark.

Knight Milcombe was besieged by several warriors wearing bear-shaped armor. The armor on his body had been damaged in many places, and a large area of ​​his armor was stained red with blood.But he still sticks to the door of the emperor's bedroom, but the door of the bedroom has already been opened, and he can only do his best to block it and prevent more people from entering.

The knights and guards who followed him to guard the emperor's palace were running out.

Agatha saw that Millscombe Knight was besieged by the soldiers of the Assault Bear Squad, and immediately ordered "Raven" to go up to break the siege.

The ace spies of the Bureau of Secrets acted swiftly, using magic and combat skills, and the surprise attack and concentrated fire immediately suppressed the assault bear warrior.Knight Millscomb was brought before Queen Christina. Losing blood, he leaned on his sword and knelt down on one knee: "Seeing that Your Royal Highness has returned safely, I can rest in peace even if I die."

Queen Christina released the healing magic, and the magic stardust sprinkled on the head of the Milcombe knight: "What is the situation of Your Majesty now? Where is Fania?"

Millscombe pointed to the door of the bedroom: "I have already informed His Majesty about Fania's coup d'état, but His Majesty has not responded. Fania rushed in with a few assault bear fighters...I did not stop They are my fault."

"You've done a good job, we can do the rest."

Millscomb struggled to his feet: "As long as I can breathe, I will fight for Your Majesty and Your Highness."

"Since you insist, come with us to see His Majesty."

Empress Christina walked towards the gate of the emperor's bedroom with the sword in hand, followed by Luke and Agatha.

A silver moon shines in the sky, heavy snow blows, and fierce battles are everywhere in the city.

On the ground floor of the emperor's bedroom, a large hall was completely whitewashed in holy white.The ground is as smooth as a mirror, and the dome reflects the image of the sky. In the white clouds, a city located on the clouds is looming.

In the middle of the main hall, four angel statues face a white jade booth in the middle.The angel statue holds four pieces of armor in its hands, and a helmet integrated with the crown is placed on top of the white jade booth.

Faintly, hymns are sung like the wind.

Suddenly the door of the main hall was pushed open heavily, and several attendants with humanoid shapes walked in.They came near the angel statue with chairs and various ritual utensils, and quickly arranged the formations needed for the ceremony.

Then Augustine the Great was helped into the hall.

At this time, the appearance of Augustine the Great was not the old one before, but the appearance of his youth.It's just that he's very, very weak and can't walk on his own at all.

Emperor Augustine was placed on a chair, and the torture brought to him by the extraordinary transformation made him no longer have the majesty of the former king.His face was pale, his lips were bloodless, and his vitality was running low.

"Is there no other way?"

Emperor Augustine asked the extraordinary reformer.

The Extraordinary Reformer is a crystal man with a transparent body. He picked up a scalpel and came to Emperor Augustine.

"Your Majesty, I told you before starting the extraordinary transformation. The extraordinary transformation requires a gradual process, and there are certain risks. Especially if you want to increase the lifespan and maintain the human form through the extraordinary transformation, the success rate is very high. low.

If you give me some more time..."

"I've given you enough time, my son has no patience." Augustine the Great was angry, but his voice was weak: "Millscomb has said that Fania has led troops into the palace Already!"

The crystal man didn't have any fear because of Augustine's anger, he shrugged and said: "That's your family business, I just explain it to you from the perspective of magic, alchemy, and science.

Do you really want to transform into a heroic creature? "

"Do I have a choice?"

While the two were talking, the door of the main hall was violently knocked open.

Fania led six assault bear warriors in, he was taken aback when he saw Emperor Augustine's appearance at this time, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "Father, is this why you have not shown up?

Extraordinary transformation, prolonging life, you are really obsessed with it!
You are immortal, what should I do? "

Emperor Augustine didn't expect Fania to come so quickly. It seems that the situation outside is more serious than he imagined. He really hasn't shown himself for a long time, and his heart is lost...

Seeing Fania dressed as an emperor, Emperor Augustine was not angry, but slowed down his tone: "Fania, you are not ready to become the emperor of this country. The empire is now at the most important inflection point in history, and only I Only then can all parties be suppressed and the empire pass through this hurdle smoothly."

Fania laughed loudly: "Royal father! You think too highly of yourself, and too little of me.

The Duke of Celtic has clearly told me that as long as I ascend the throne as the emperor of the empire, he will immediately cause the Brotherhood of Blades to abide by the agreement of their ancestors and regard me as the co-lord of the hereditary nobles.

Tomorrow the whole court will serve me. "

"The whole court? You are too confident!"

Facing the ridicule of Emperor Augustine, Fania said indifferently: "You mean Agatha, and Meteor...I will tell the world that they and the queen killed you long ago, and I will soon Will send them to see you.

Farewell, my beloved father, the great former emperor of the empire! "

Fania reached out to order the Assault Bear warriors to kill Augustine the Great, but the Crystal Man standing behind Augustine shot first.He inserted the scalpel into the back of Augustine the Great's head and cut around the head with another turn.

The movement of the crystal man made Fania stop her movements.

He knew that there was an independent space on the ground floor of the palace, managed by a master who signed a contract of employment with the ancestors of Augustine.

This crystal person is likely to be that master.

But how did he kill his father?
Blood oozed from the incision of the scalpel, the crystal man put down the scalpel, and lifted the cap of Augustine the Great with both hands, exposing the brain inside.

"I'm not interested in your family affairs. Your ancestors just let me live here and manage the palace center here." The crystal man released the magic, and Augustine's brain floated under the control of his hands: "I promised Augustine to do It will be done... just wait a little longer."

A servant holds the crown of wisdom from the white jade stand.

The crystal man kicked over the chair, and the body of Augustine the Great fell to the ground in embarrassment, almost no blood flowed out.

At this moment, Queen Christina, Luke, and Agatha rushed in from outside the door. Fania didn't know what the crystal man wanted to do, but he certainly didn't really kill Augustine the Great.

Only when the old emperor dies, can the new emperor be accepted by the court and nobles in a legitimate way.

He yelled, "Stop him!"

The three bear warriors burst out and rushed towards the crystal man in an instant.

Agatha saw Augustine's body, and the brain in the crystal man's hand also wanted to shoot.But Luke grabbed him: "Don't be impulsive, none of us are his opponents!"

Sure enough, before Luke could finish speaking, the afterimages of the three bear warriors suddenly froze.The almost invisible transparent crystal pillar appeared at some point, sealing the three bear warriors inside. They maintained a shock posture, but there were no signs of life.

Agatha was shocked.

She was well aware of the strength of the Striker Bear Warriors. She had almost no chance of winning against the three Striker Bear Warriors, but was killed casually by the Crystal Man.

If it wasn't for Meteor to hold him back in time, he probably would have ended up in the same way.

But how did Meteor know the crystal man's strength?

Agatha looked at the meteor.

Luke kept staring at the Crystal Man.

The Super Boss Crystal Dominator of the underground dungeon of the Golden Shield Empire Palace - Deep Sleep.

He is a spar-type extraordinary creature.

Augustine's ancestors discovered him and gave him mobility by carving them into human form.

Therefore, Shenmian signed an employment contract with the Augustine family to manage the underground part of the palace.Since the pedestal of the palace is the large crystal that gave birth to Shenmian, Shenmian has unparalleled strength here.

Six stars is the comprehensive strength of Shenmian, but in this space, Shenmian's strength will be enhanced to six and a half stars.

Even in the era game, Luke can't guarantee that he can successfully get through the copy every time.

Fortunately, Shenmian doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, and the Augustine family can't give him orders now.The relationship between the two parties is similar to a landlord and a tenant. It is love to help you, and it is duty not to help you.

On the other hand, Fania didn't expect that three of the Storm Bear warriors he relied on were killed by the Crystal Man casually.I don't know what my father wants to do now, the Queen, Meteor, and Agatha are beside me...

Is it just a failure?
Fania could not advance or retreat, and could only watch blankly as the crystal man placed the brain of Augustine the Great in the opened wisdom crown.

The crown of wisdom was relocated on the white jade stand, and the four angel statues spread their wings together.The holy white light shone down from above, and the virtual image of a white-armored, blond-haired angel descended.

The voice of Hong Zhong reverberated in the hall: "Whitehead Augustine, your heroic life has been witnessed by Sky City, and you are specially allowed to enter Sky City as a heroic spirit to enjoy the commemoration of you by the world.

I, Ulysses Sword of Oath, will be your guide, and I will bestow upon you the heroic armament. "

The phantom of Ulysses Oath Sword disappeared, and under the illumination of the holy light, the crown of wisdom floated up. In addition, the armor of light, the shield of faith, the prayer sword, and the earth boots flew from the hands of the angel statue, one by one. combination of pieces.

Seeing this, Fania finally understood what her father was going to do.

Frustrated, he shouted frantically: "You, you turned yourself into a heroic creature, have you forgotten your identity? What qualifications do you have to sit on the throne and rule a human empire.

Do you think that the ministers of the court and the nobles of the empire would bow their heads to a pair of armor?

Agatha, Meteor, Queen, Millscomb, you see?This is the emperor you are loyal to, is he still qualified to continue to be the emperor of the empire?
support me!
I will forgive all your mistakes and give you more power, higher status! "

"Stupid child, shut up!" Augustine's voice came out of the armor, and he, who had been transformed into a heroic spirit, stepped forward, and the armor made a clanging sound: "How can I use your ridiculous point of view to qualify you? , officials, nobles, and citizens respect my thoughts, and the body is just a vehicle for carrying thoughts..."

Emperor Augustine walked up to his dead body, paused for a moment, and then stepped forward: "They will be happy that a wise, wise, and courageous emperor has gained immortality, and they don't need to worry about the future of the empire because of the stupidity of the future emperor. "

Augustine the Great walked up to Fania, facing the three bear warriors who blocked him, he said proudly: "The victory has been decided, and it is the wisest thing to lay down your weapons. You are the best fighters in the empire, don't you?" You should die here without honor and shame your family.

Come on, before I decide to kill you! "

Behind Augustine the Great, three crystal pillars are still standing there, and the three bear warriors inside are lifelike, but people can't help but feel chills in their hearts.

The remaining three assault bear fighters glanced at each other, then put down their weapons.After saluting Augustine the Great, Fania left.

When they went out, they saw the elf Qingkong standing outside the door.

Qingkong made a silent gesture: "You are lucky to leave here alive. Go back and tell the surviving Stormtroopers that the meteor can protect you from future liquidation."

The assault bear warrior who was nervous because he saw the clear sky immediately saluted her. This promise of asylum was too life-saving for them.

"Thank you, Miss Clear Sky! We will rush to Raging City immediately."

Qing Kong waved his hand, and the three Assault Bear warriors looked at the hall in fear, and then left quickly.

After the Assault Bear warrior left, Qingkong turned and walked into the hall.

Seeing Augustine the Great thrusting his sword into Fania's chest.

Unable to bear it, Agatha turned around and hid behind Luke, only to see Qingkong approaching step by step.

"Miss Sunny Sky."

Qingkong's name attracted everyone's attention, making her the focus of the entire hall.

Qing Kong, who was wearing a special combat outfit, walked forward step by step, and behind her, a layer of frost spread together.

"Shenmian, I want to kill a heroic creature here, you shouldn't object!"

(End of this chapter)

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