Age of Arcane

Chapter 390 1 Nothing Ends

Chapter 390 It's Not Over
Augustine pulled the sword from Fania's chest, Fania fell on his back, blood spurted upwards, and the corpse fell to the ground stiffly.

Fania thought that even if the coup failed, he would die vigorously, but he didn't expect to end up like this.

This gamble, which seemed to be a foregone conclusion, seemed doomed from the very beginning.

I'm the clown doing the hard work on stage.

Augustine shook off the blood stained on the sword, and instead of looking at his dead son again, he sneered at the approaching clear sky, "You want to kill me? Here? Deep Sleep signed a contract with Augustine's ancestors, and he will forever Equality and mutual assistance with the emperor of the Golden Shield Empire.

No matter how strong you are, you are no match for Shenmian here.

Kneel down!Surrender to me, and I can give you supreme glory and power! "

And when Augustine stretched out his hands to show his broad mind, Shenmian finished packing up the surgical equipment, and led the servants to the door.

Shenmian's abnormal behavior made Augustine question loudly: "Shenmian, where are you going?"

Shenmian passed by Qingkong's side, and saluted her tactfully: "Your Majesty, hello. When I was still a crystal, I could often feel the breath of the World Tree, and its teachings have always deeply influenced me. I used to Sad for the passing of the World Tree, now I am happy for the recovery of the World Tree.

My promise to His Majesty Augustine has been fulfilled. As a Heroic Spirit, I will no longer enjoy the contract signed by my Augustine ancestors.In fact, after such a long time, the contract has long lost its binding force.

I will lend it to you temporarily, remember to clean it up before leaving. "

Qingkong returned the gift: "Since the contract is no longer binding, you don't have to stay here all the time. The Moonlight Tree King and I are looking forward to your visit."

"If I have time, I will go..."

After finishing speaking, Shenmian led the servants and left without looking back, even though Augustine shouted behind him without stopping.

The door of the main hall was closed, the scene in the main hall changed, the white and holy atmosphere receded, and finally turned into a crystal palace.

Augustine assumed a fighting stance, with his shield in front of him, and his sword charged.The white light enveloped him completely inside, and gathered behind him into illusory wings.

"Agatha, are you usurping the throne too?"

Facing her father's questioning, Agatha took a step forward: "Father, Fania is right about one thing, the empire will not accept a heroic spirit to become the emperor of the empire, and the empire will also be rejected by the world dominated by humans. "

"Everyone who opposes me will be killed by me, and all countries that oppose me will be conquered by me.

Agatha, you know my ability, my ambition and my indomitable will.If my aging body didn't restrict me, the empire would be even stronger.My transformation into a Heroic Spirit was just to correct a mistake, and the empire is lucky for the entire country to have me who lives forever.

You should congratulate me! "

Agatha shook her head: "Father, your obsession with rights has made you lost, even your sons and daughters are against you, how can the ministers and nobles support you?

I am happy that you can live in the form of a heroic spirit!As long as you relinquish power, you are still our father. "

Agatha's persuasion did not make Augustine feel any remorse, he angrily said: "Give up power and give you the throne? Stupid! You are as stupid as Fania!
If I pass the throne to you, the empire will be stolen by meteorites.You are no match for him, and he plays you all around. "

Luke, who was watching the show with the mentality of watching a dog blood drama, did not expect to be drawn into this father-daughter situation.

He immediately defended himself: "Your have greatly misunderstood me, I have no intention of stealing the country.

And Agatha has no interest in your throne at all.If all goes well, your throne will eventually be succeeded by your queen, Christina Augustine. "

Luke's words made Augustine extremely astonished. Although the shell armor couldn't see his expression, his body movements showed that it exceeded all his expectations.

A bit murderous.

"Queen? Ridiculous! I don't know what conspiracy you are planning again, but you will never succeed this time!
Anyone who opposes me will die here, no matter who he or she is.

Come to me, Knight Millscombe, and together we shall execute these traitors! "

Hearing Augustine's call, Millscomb Knight did not move.

This time he stood firmly behind Queen Christina, and said to Augustine: "Your Majesty, I have been persuading you that the fear of death and the pursuit of longevity are consuming your majesty and the awe of your subjects, but you ...

I hope you can listen to Her Royal Highness's advice this time, or you can retreat behind the scenes..."

"Enough, Milcombe, I didn't expect you to betray me too. Do you think you've won?

I am now a Heroic Spirit, and I have obtained the power given to me by Sky City.

Qingkong, it is rumored that you are very strong, I want to see this time, whether you are really as strong as the rumors.

The sword of the oath is with me! "

Illusory wings of light stretched behind Augustine, shrouded in holy light, and the phantom of the angel that had just appeared appeared again.

Ulysses Sword of Oath, as the guiding angel who transformed Augustine into a heroic spirit, heard his call and brought his power and power to this place.

"The sword of the oath is with you! I will punish these sinners who blasphemed your imperial power together with you!"

The sound of Hong Zhong echoed in the hall, and the aura descended from the sky like a mountain pressing down on the top.

The armor on Augustine's body burst out with dazzling light, and the overflowing energy was released round and round like pulses.

Qing Kong said to the people on the side: "You all back away, just protect yourself."

Luke, Christina, and Agatha were pushed back by the air pressure, and the boiling team of beautiful girls and Millscomb Knights deployed a layer of shields to protect them in a corner.

Qingkong stretched out her right arm, a holy light shot out, and a machete appeared in her hand.

The sword of the oath is Augustine's guiding angel, somewhat beyond Qingkong's expectations.

As the most powerful angel in Sky City, the Sword of Oath is the existence of the ceiling level of combat power in the entire era.The inheritance of the Holy Order and the ancient wars he commanded were all composed of stubborn and warlike angels.

I don't know what kind of conditions Augustine agreed to Sky City in order to get a pair of Heroic Spirit Armaments. Now it seems that it is not only those that Queen Christina knows.

But no matter what, you still have to fight.

After all, the sword of the oath did not come in person, and the gift of some authority and strength would not improve Augustine's strength too much in quality.

It is estimated that his strength at this time can reach five and a half stars, and he can touch the threshold of six stars if he dies.

It's a fake six-star.

Qingkong first lowered her own level to 100, the heart of the elemental fusion reactor was overclocked, and the surging energy exploded, and was completely transformed into the holy energy of the angel.

Qingkong's right arm was brighter, layers of white armor first attached to the arm, and then spread to the body.Half of the angel battle armor was finished, her eyes turned the color of ice crystals, and her skirt and hair were flying in the air.

"It seems that you didn't tell Oath Sword that I can use holy energy."

At this time, Augustine, who became a heroic creature, and the clear sky that stimulated the sacred energy were like two high-power light bulbs emitting dazzling brilliance.In this crystal palace, compete who is the brighter one.

Augustine was not in a hurry to attack, the prestige of Fairy Clear Sky made him put on a defensive stance first.

Facing Qingkong's provocative words, Augustine replied: "I don't know why your right arm can use holy energy, but standing behind me is the strongest sword of the angel oath.

If you use other powers, maybe there is still some chance of winning.But you actually chose divine energy, you are too overconfident. "

Qingkong said regretfully: "It's a pity that the sword of the oath is not here, otherwise he would not have made such a serious mistake. Do you know why the heroic creature is the vassal of the angel?"

"I don't understand what you mean by that?"

Qingkong felt the increase of energy in her body, and at the same time answered Augustine's question: "Heroic spirits are extraordinary creatures created by angels, and as the master, they naturally enjoy the power of life and death over the equipment.

Augustine, this is another reason why heroic creatures are not suitable to be emperors.How can a tool whose life is in the hands of others be the emperor of an empire? "

When the sacred energy in his body reached the critical point, Qingkong raised his level to 120.

A pair of real angel wings spread across her back, and the half armor became full armor.

Time becomes extremely slow at this moment, making the light appear in the form of water flow.

The figure in the clear sky disappeared in the light and shadow of time.

"Deep sleep, can your crystal palace withstand my blow?"

Shenmian, who had been watching the battle in secret, said at this moment: "It should be possible. Your Majesty, the power you possess has surprised me. I don't know if I can block your blow if it is attacking me."

"You... can't stop it! You can only resist!"

Time resumed at this moment, and a clear sky appeared in front of Augustine.She made a slash in the air, and the surface of the knife was so white that it showed a ceramic-like texture under the gathering of sacred energy.

Under the pressure of time regression, Augustine's body swayed like a frame, and his shield moved with difficulty.

But Qingkong's knife didn't have any fancy features, and it aimed directly at the shield in Augustine's hand.

The blade made no sound when it touched the shield.

Qingkong put all her own holy energy on the blade, and then poured it into Augustine's heroic arm.

How can Augustine's Heroic Spirit Armor be able to withstand the level 120 clear sky pouring in even greater sacred energy after receiving the divine energy from the Sword of Oath?

The Heroic Spirit's armed forces exceeded the upper limit, and the structure of the armor collapsed from the inside.

After the Canggu Panyan machete hit the shield, it passed through like cutting oil.

Close the knife and release the high load state.

Bring it back to level 60.

The shield in Augustine's hand broke into two ends, and after falling to the ground, it shattered into countless pieces like glass, making a crisp sound.

Behind him, the imaginary image of the Oath Sword with supreme coercion disappeared like blue smoke blown away by the wind.

Just leave one sentence.

"I look forward to meeting you, Your Majesty Clear Sky!"

Another crisp sound sounded, and the sword in Augustine's hand fell to the ground, shattering like glass.

"This is not the ending I imagined." Augustine's voice lost momentum, and he could feel that his life was rapidly draining without the support of the heroic spirit.

"Everything in the world must have an ending after all."

"I didn't expect you to be so strong, so strong that I couldn't even take a single blow."

"The last one that made me use all my strength was a red dragon. If it wasn't for your weakness being restrained by me, I would need to spend a few more seconds."

"Will you always protect my country?"

"No, I just do what I want to do."


"Your time is running out, so leave it to those who really need it."

After speaking, Qingkong turned and left.

Luke said to Agatha: "Her Royal Highness and I are waiting outside... this is over, just call me in."

Agatha nodded sadly as she looked at the armed spirits who were still standing, as well as the corpses of Augustine and Fania.

Luke and Queen Christina took everyone out of the hall, and the clear sky outside had disappeared.

There is no joy of victory on everyone's face.

This is a tragedy, the tragedy of the Augustine family.

In the Crystal Palace, Agatha walked up to Augustine and whispered, "Father..."

"Qingkong is right, I don't have much time, let's say something useful." The approach of death made Augustine seem to see through everything in an instant. He reached out to touch his daughter's cheek, but his arm was broken from the middle: "Actually, I should have passed on the throne to you a long time ago. You are much better than Fania and Alec, and you are also better than me who is old and confused.

But I...all the excuses are excuses, because I can't let go of power, and when I think of losing it, I feel terrified from the bottom of my heart. "

"Father, I have never coveted the throne."

"It's fine if you don't have one. If it wasn't for the throne, Fania wouldn't want to kill me, and I wouldn't kill him either.

There is no right to cover your eyes, it will make you see farther and clearer, but... you are always a member of the Augustine family, shouldering the mission passed down by your ancestors. "

"I always keep that in mind."

"Then complete my last order to you: kill Meteor!"

"Father, Meteor, he..."

"Or marry him."


The Heroic Spirit armament shattered and collapsed in front of Agatha.

She stood blankly in the middle of the hall.

Four angel sculptures surround the vacant white jade booth.

Inside the three crystal pillars are sealed three warriors in bear armor.

The body of Augustine the Great crouched beside an overturned chair.

Fania was lying on the ground, a hole was pierced in the chest by the sword, and a big pool of blood flowed out.

Agatha turned around and saw the crystal man Shenmian standing not far from her, motionless and silent.

Consciousness told her... everything is not over, everything has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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