Age of Arcane

Chapter 393 Two Meetings

Chapter 393 Two Meetings
The coup d'état of the eldest prince Fania gradually subsided over time, and most of the officials in the entire palace were affected.Removal and demotion made many important positions of real power vacant. Queen Christina did not have her own team before, so she wantonly promoted the officials of Raging Waves City.

For a while, the convoy of dismissed officials returning home and the convoy of officials entering the imperial capital to take up new positions became a sight of the city.

The Reformation Society, the youthful faction of the new aristocracy, has formed a round of impact on the Crusaders who have been dominating the imperial court. With Viscount Iscolan, Mrs. Mihir, and Ible successively coming to the imperial capital, the Reformation Society has formed a rivalry against the Crusaders. Potential.And because Meteor is extremely trusted by the Queen of the Supervisory Kingdom, it seems that it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the chief assistant of the empire and reorganizes the cabinet.

Among the new aristocrats, there are many people who follow the trend, and the application letters for joining the Reform Society are piled up like a mountain.

Compared with the momentum that broke out when the Reform Society entered the center of the empire, the Cross Society was full of mourning.They bet big on both the eldest prince Fania and the second prince Alec, and they invested a lot. They thought they would make a sure profit without losing money, but they didn't expect that the second prince Alec was confined to the Crescent Grassland, and they couldn't use an army.

The coup d'état by the eldest prince Fania ended in failure.

In the end, it turned out that the queen who had been in the cold palace for three years succeeded in taking the throne, and was appointed as the queen of the country by the recuperating Emperor Augustine.

Now, Empress Christina holds the three armies of the imperial family, and has the full support of the eldest princess Agatha and the governor of Raging Waves City, Meteor. There are soldiers and officials.

Although the Crusaders hadn't lost everything, they were still struggling.

So a group of bigwigs from the Cross Society gathered at the home of Chief Assistant Gabriel to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

A long table with more than 20 seats.

In the past, it was jokingly called the small cabinet of the empire. Many decisions had already been made here before they were submitted to the imperial cabinet meeting.

It's just that the atmosphere of today's meeting is extremely depressing.

"No more concessions!" An old cabinet minister complained angrily: "Today, Millips, the vice minister of the Empire's Finance and Taxation Department, was demoted and transferred to the province of West Limburg. The new vice minister is the tax master of Raging City. Officer Ible.

In addition, Viscount Iskran, who was installed in the Imperial Army, Mrs. Mihir, a bureaucrat of the highest technical bureau, and Caesar, the deputy director general of the San Lun City Public Security Department.

If we continue to allow Meteor to place officials from Rage City in the palace, soon the entire imperial court will be the government office of Rage City, and the cabinet will be replaced by Meteor and his people.

Chief Assistant Gabriel, what should we do. "

Another minister said helplessly: "What can we do? Her Majesty the Queen is personally appointed by His Majesty to supervise the country. She fought a victory in Snow City that would record the history of the empire, and crushed Fania's rebellion.

Her reputation and His Majesty's trust are enough for her to do everything she wants.

Any of our actions against her can be punished by her for participating in the Fania rebellion. "

"We are fine now because we are still needed to maintain the stability of the palace and the order of the empire. Once the incident is over and the officials of Raging Waves City are familiar with the work in their hands, we all need to get out!"

"We should find a way to meet His Majesty and let His Majesty know the current situation of the palace. If His Majesty knows that the Queen is cultivating cronies in this way, he will definitely stop it."

"But the problem is that only the Queen can see His Majesty. You have all seen what happened to Fania who forcibly broke into His Majesty's bedroom!"

When the officials couldn't think of any countermeasures and could only complain, Gabriel, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Everyone! Do you think that according to His Majesty's character, after knowing that His Majesty won the Battle of Snow City, he calmed down? After Fania's rebellion, will she be appointed as the queen of the country?"

Gabriel's words immediately plunged the venue into silence.

All the ministers present here were ministers who had lived in the court for a long time, and they immediately figured out what Gabriel wanted to express when they were mentioned a little bit.

Emperor Augustine held his power very tightly. The reason why he appointed the queen to handle state affairs was because the queen had no foundation in the court, and she could withdraw her power at any time if she wanted to.

And after the Battle of Snow City, especially the queen put down the rebellion in Fania.

The capital owned by the queen in the court and the empire is a subversive change compared to before.

According to the character of Emperor Augustine, how could he still appoint the queen to supervise the country? He must have directly withdrawn all powers and let her return to her palace.


Very unusual!


Think of that unspeakable possibility.

An official said cautiously: "Gabriel's chief assistant...but Her Royal Highness, the Governor of Meteor, and the Knight of Millscomb all confirmed that this order was issued by His Majesty himself."

Gabriel didn't answer.

Another official replied wittily on his behalf: "In the face of interests, anyone may lie."

The officials realized that the key to moving the empress and a series of officials from Raging City was found.

But what should I do?
Everyone looked at Gabriel together, their eyes full of eagerness and hope.

Gabriel said calmly: "At this time, we'd better not do anything. The queen is in the limelight, and we have no chance of winning anything.

The best thing to do is to wait. "

"However, Meteor is pressing very hard. If we don't do anything, we will soon be emptied by him and his people."

"It's not something that can be done in a short period of time if we want to overtake us, but he has to face a short-term crisis.

What is the situation in the North now?What was the response of the Army of the North to the order to transfer south. "

An official who knew the details immediately replied: "The Northern Legion has no objection to the transfer order, and is actively handing over defense with the newly formed Snow Army. His Royal Highness Sinclair and General Joshua are also afraid that the Northern Legion will stay in the North." Part of it was eroded, so it is also very suitable for this transfer.

It is estimated that 30.00% of the troops in the northern border will move to the Tedgar Hills during this mobilization, and the conscripts of the Empire will gradually replenish the Snow Army before the end of winter. "

Gabriel smiled: "The main force of the Northern Legion has all gone to the Tedgar Hills. Although the Snow Army has a part of the Northern Legion's foundation, there are too many new recruits. There are enough people, but the combat power is definitely far away." Much weaker than the Army of the North in the Winter War.

Do you think that the Spring War has started, and the Snow Army can stop the attack of the Art County United? "

The officer in charge of the military just replied: "There are many factors that affect war, and the quality of soldiers is a very important one. Especially in the current war, it is not enough to give farmers a knife to be a qualified soldier. Soldiers need to train for a long time. Especially professional technical arms.

The Snow Army was established too short and expanded too fast. They could not stop the attack of the Art County United. "

Gabriel asked: "What will happen if the Snow Army can't stop the Art County United?"

"It is the situation faced by the empire in winter. The army of the Art County United broke through the northern defense line, and then quickly passed through the undefended plain area, directly approaching the imperial capital."

Gabriel asked again: "Did Meteor's City Guard Legion have the ability to guard the imperial capital at that time?"

"No!" The official said firmly: "The city garrison army participated in the Fania rebellion, and almost all the officers were implicated. Now the entire city garrison army is confined to their own barracks, and they want to regain their mobility. It is impossible to replenish and adapt officers without half a year.

If the Yate County League came to the imperial capital in the spring war, the city guards would not have the ability to defend the imperial capital at all. "

Gabriel asked again: "Who can guard the imperial capital at that time."

The official immediately said excitedly: "Only the Second Prince Alec's Western Territory Legion who is being reorganized in the New Moon Oasis."

Gabriel said: "His Royal Highness Sinclair's northern army... also has a chance."

The hearts of all officials immediately became hot again.

Whoever can lead the army to defend the imperial capital when the Yate army is approaching the imperial capital will be able to control the city by force.

At that time, the lies of the Queen, Agatha, and Meteor can be exposed and become the new emperor of the empire.

And these imperial ministers who still hold real power can negotiate with Prince Alec and Emperor Sinclair at this time.Whoever gives more will be assisted to advance into the city.

The atmosphere of the meeting improved greatly, and an official flattered him: "Although Meteor is a capable young man, he is still a little immature compared to Master Shoufu.

In fact, according to the trend, when Lord Shoufu retires, he still has a great chance to form a cabinet.But he was too impatient..."

"Young people are prone to impetuosity once the wind is going smoothly, but they don't know that when they get to this position, if they make a wrong step, they will be doomed. It's a pity..."

"There are also those who quit the Cross Society and ran to join the Reform Society, but they didn't know that they were on a sinking ship..."

When the bigwigs of the Cross Society started the mocking mode, the Innovation Club was also holding an important member meeting.

The meeting place is in the villa that Luke got from Agatha.

In the conference room, Luke looked at the subordinates who were sitting on the left and right, feeling like he was having a meeting in the government affairs hall of Raging Waves City.

At this time, Luke has been promoted from Viscount to Marquis, titled "Marquis of Raging Waves", and his fiefdom is Cape District of Raging Waves City.The Cape District has become Luke's private property, and Queen Christina gave it generously this time.

In addition, Luke served as the head of the City Guard of St. Lun City.

Imperial Cabinet Minister.

He also serves as the Governor of Raging Waves City.

At the same time, Luke resigned as the director of the Sixth Division of the Secret Service, and under his suggestion, he was succeeded by Thomas, the head of the Secret Service in Cape District, Raging City.

The queen does not have her own team, so she relies heavily on Luke and the official system of Raging Waves City behind him. Luke does not want many positions, but the queen directly asks him: Which official from the Raging Waves City Administration Department is the most suitable for this position? .

So there is the current scene, Luke's team in Raging City has almost moved to Saint Lun City.

Viscount Iscolan, Lady Mihir, Ible, Caesar, Thomas, Shelley, Pisco, Karina, Yomington...

And clear skies.

Qingkong did not participate in such meetings in the past, because her opinion was absolutely consistent with Meteorite's.

But now the clear sky is awakening, she is very curious about such a meeting, and insists on attending.

And said that he would not talk nonsense at the meeting.

"You know that I don't want people to discover your little secret with mine. I just want to see how serious you are at the meeting."

Luke had promised Clear Sky that she would dictate what to do during the awakening period, unless there were special circumstances.

Say it and do it.

Luke can only promise Qingkong to let her come to the meeting.

Qing Kong also promised: "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you, I like to appreciate your embarrassment alone."

Therefore, the clear sky of the meeting place is still the same as before, with aloofness and aloofness, revealing the nobility of a scholar.

Everyone in the conference room looked over, and the secretary, Karina, was also taking minutes of the meeting. Luke turned his attention away from Qingkong and focused on the meeting.

"Because some bad things happened in the imperial capital in the previous stage, you have the opportunity to serve in the court. I hope you can continue to uphold the pragmatic attitude in the government affairs office of Raging Waves City, and complete your duties with due diligence.

The empire is now facing many difficulties. The authority of Her Royal Highness is not stable. Some of our opponents are in the open, and more are in the dark.When many people watched us come to the imperial capital in a glorious manner, they thought about how we would be kicked out in desperation.

If you don't want this to happen, don't get dizzy and do stupid things. "

The sudden appointment of a group of officials in Raging Waves City to the palace really made many people a little bit elated.Not only did Luke receive a lot of commissions to apply for official positions, he believed that his core subordinates received even more.

Pride will be defeated!

The situation in the imperial court is far from being allowed to be harvested.

The old bureaucratic system will not relinquish the power and interests in their hands willingly. They will inevitably link up with foreign aid to accumulate strength for the counterattack.

The more they are able to endure now, the greater the power to counterattack.

That's why Luke seriously beat his powerful subordinates at the beginning of the meeting, don't be dazzled by the momentary gain.

Viscount Iscoran said: "Master Marquis reminded me very timely that the destruction of many things begins with self-indulgence. I propose to set up an inspection committee within the Innovation Society to supervise members and prevent behaviors that endanger collective interests. "

Due to the inherent limitations of his cognition, Viscount Iscorran's suggestions have certain limitations, but internal supervision is better than nothing.

Luke didn't add any proposal beyond this era, and he agreed: "You will be responsible for the establishment of the internal inspection committee... Next, I have an important matter to discuss with you."

What's important?
The officials at the venue made their own guesses.

Is it the war of the North against Attorney United?
Is it the naval battle between the Raging City Fleet and the Yate County United Navy?
Is it the production of war materiel?

Is it the development of new weapons?

Is Rio Civil War?
Is it Sinclair?Aggreko?Celtic Duke?

The relevant officials sorted out their thoughts and the materials they brought, preparing to answer the question from the Marquis of Meteorite.

But Luke said: "Her Royal Highness has received a letter from Sky City, and an angel visiting team will arrive in Saint Lun City in the near future."

At this time, Qingkong said: "I also received a letter, and the Shuojin people will also send a visiting team to Shenglun City."

The officials were collectively stunned.

They were so unprepared.

(End of this chapter)

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