Age of Arcane

Chapter 394 Starry Sky

Chapter 394 Starry Sky
Shining Gold Civilization, Angel Civilization, Purgatory Civilization, Shadow Civilization, and Dragon Civilization have all been very low-key since the end of the ancient war.Except for the shimmering gold civilization, the other four ancient civilizations are in a state of seclusion.

Even the Shuojin civilization, which actively participates in secular world trade, keeps a distance from the regimes of various countries and regions, and deeply expresses its own reflection on launching ancient wars.

This time the Shuojin civilization sent a mission to the imperial capital of the Golden Shield Empire, and the things they planned must be very important.

And the angelic civilization...

Since the Angel civilization was conquered by the Jin civilization during the ancient war, the Angel civilization, which was once an ally, was not friendly to the Jin civilization.However, the angelic civilization, which was almost reshaped, was greatly influenced by the Shuojin civilization, so it can't be said that there is much hatred for the Shuojin civilization.

For thousands of years after the ancient war, angels rarely left Sky City, and this time they even sent a mission to the imperial capital of the Golden Shield Empire. The things they planned must be very important.

The officials did not dare to express their opinions without permission, so Viscount Escoran asked, "Master Marquis, what standard of etiquette should we use to welcome the missions sent by the Shining Gold Civilization and the Angel Civilization?"

Luke said: "The mission of the Shuojin civilization can be treated as a national gift. After all, the Shuojin people control the World Bank, and the empire is now at war, which is the time to spend money everywhere.

As for the angelic civilization... the reception standard has been reduced by two levels. "

"Down, drop two levels?"

Viscount Iscoran thought he had heard it wrong, and he suggested: "Master Marquis, the angelic civilization and the Shuojin civilization are at the same level. We give the Shuojin people national courtesy, but lower the angelic mission by two levels to welcome them. , Is it too embarrassing for Angel civilization?
A step down...or the same level would be more appropriate. "

Luke insisted on this welcome plan: "One came with money, and the other came empty-handed. If the specifications are the same, what will the Shuojin people think? Only by comparing can I show that I attach importance to the Shuojin people's visit. The Shuojin people are happy. Everything is easy to talk about.

Angels don't know how to deal with us until they lose face. "

Viscount Iskran didn't know how the angel provoked the Marquis of Meteorite, but with the Marquis' arrangement, the subordinates could prepare as they wanted.

"Yes, Lord Marquis, we will come up with two sets of reception plans. May I ask what the Shuojin people and the angels are visiting the empire at this time, so that we can prepare in advance."

Luke replied: "You just need to be ready to welcome. I will be in charge of the specific matters to be discussed with Miss Skylight."

Qing Kong said at this time: "We must be polite to our guests, but we must also display appropriate force."

"A show of force to the Shimmerkin and the Angels?"

Viscount Iscoran was a little puzzled, this didn't seem like a friendly visit.

Luke said, "Miss Skylight means what I mean."

Luke looked at the clear sky, his tone and demeanor were exactly the same as when he controlled it.

Qingkong noticed Luke's gaze, and there was a slight smile in the corner of his eyes, as if he was showing off his acting skills.

Viscount Iscoran knew that he had better not ask too much about the Shuojin people and the angel mission, so he nodded and replied: "I know what to do, please rest assured, Lord Marquis."

Luke looked back at the clear sky, and said: "The matter of receiving the missions of the Shining Gold Civilization and the Angel Civilization has been settled like this.

Then we have to talk about the spring war against Attorney United. "

On the conference table, a magic projection projected a map of the northern battlefield.

Now the main force of Yate County United has temporarily retreated to the vicinity of the first line of defense built by the empire in the north.There are fortresses and fortresses there, because the Imperial Northern Army retreated too quickly and did not have time to destroy them, so it is suitable for large troops to stay for the winter.

The main force of the empire is around the third line of defense.

On the second line of defense, the Empire occupies Snow City and a part of the surrounding fortresses, while the other parts are occupied by the Art County United.

Both sides were unable to continue to launch a new round of offensive in the severe winter, so they tacitly agreed to a truce, and actively recruited their respective conscripts into the army to prepare for the spring war.

In the spring, the Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division had completed its reorganization, all equipment and weapons were in place, and it had a certain combat effectiveness.

As the commander of the Storm City Armored Assault Division, Shelley told Luke about the landing plan.

She pointed at a small town at the easternmost end of the first line of defense in the north with the command stick.

"Mingji Insko City has a population of [-] and has a fishing pier. Thirty kilometers to the north is Songta Port. Songta Port is an important deep-water port in the northern border of the empire. The railway from here runs through the entire northern border. all important cities.

If we can use Minki Insko as a springboard to land and raid Songta Port here, it will be tantamount to choking the throat of the entire northern border.At that time, a steady stream of soldiers and supplies will be delivered to Songta Port by sea, and then attack along the railway.If Yate County United doesn't want to be blocked by us, they can only take the initiative to retreat and hand over the occupied imperial territory. "

Luke looked at the map and said: "Songta Port is so important, when the ice on the sea melts, Art County United can also use the port and railway here to supply their army.

It should be difficult to capture here, and BenQ Insko City should also be among the key defenses of our opponents. "

Shelley said: "Yes, after our early investigation, Songta Port is heavily guarded by the Yate County United. They have been strengthening the fortifications throughout the winter, and it is difficult to complete the landing by direct attack from the sea.

However, the terrain of Minki Insko City is flat and soft, making it difficult to build a heavy defensive offensive.As long as the Raging Waves City fleet can provide a sea blockade, the Raging Waves Armored Assault Division can completely attack Mingji Insker City. "

Luke said: "Crossing the sea and landing must be based on dominance of the sea. Does the Raging City fleet have anything to say?"

Mrs. Tasia, who was specially called to attend the meeting, stood upright, and she stretched out her hand to explain and zoom in on the sea area on the map.

"A total of 14 of the all-metal battleship Sea Lions built by Harut Heavy Industries have been launched, and an unknown number of Sea Lions are under construction. According to information sent by the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, the Sea Lions are benchmarked against The first stage of our capital ship has the same combat effectiveness.

However, a large number of alchemy materials are used in the construction, and the cost is higher than that of the first model.

Our side has more capital ships than the United Navy of Yate County, and the opponent can only use a large number of wooden structure warships to form a numerical advantage for our side.

If the Raging Waves City fleet started in the spring and marched towards Songtao Harbor just as the ice on the sea melted, the United Navy of Yate County would not dare to transfer the Sea Lions, which they were not familiar with, to Songtao Harbor for a decisive battle with the Raging Waves City fleet.

The Raging Waves City Fleet blockading Songta Harbor will create a safe landing environment for the Raging Waves City Armored Assault Division. "

Beginning in the spring, the Raging City Fleet still has a very large technical advantage and strength advantage over the Yate County United Navy.If you don't take advantage of this time to carry out the landing and send the Raging City Armored Assault Division to the northern border, and wait for the Sea Lion-class warships of the Yate County United Navy to have combat capabilities, you will have to bear greater risks before landing.

Moreover, the Raging Waves City Fleet could not completely defeat the United Navy of Yate County. If it frightened the United Navy of Yate County and came to negotiate peace, there would be no need to sing the following scenes.

This trip to the Winter Capital, Luke can deeply feel that the war potential of the Art County United is far inferior to that of the Golden Shield Empire.The population and products are dominated by the empire. As long as the war continues for a long time, the resources of the Art County Union will be exhausted.

When they went to harvest, they had no strength to resist.

Therefore, this war must be fought according to its proper rhythm, neither too fast nor too slow.

Just like cooking a delicacy, pay attention to details and have patience to make a delicacy.

Luke agreed with the landing plan jointly formulated by Shelley and Mrs. Tasia, and smashed the nail of the Raging City Armored Assault Division on the key position of the northern border as soon as possible, so that there would be room for maneuver.

Then came the governance affairs of St. Lun City.

The new official took office three fires.

If the officials of the Raging Waves City department want to keep their positions justified, they must make some political achievements as soon as possible.

Give the city's drainage system an overhaul first.

Then rectify the city's public security department and let the city residents recover from the panic of the palace turmoil as soon as possible.

The last is economic development.

The officials who had been prepared for these issues, after being asked by Luke, all answered fluently.The plan is also very detailed, and it is simple and clear at a glance.

They were all officials in the city's government affairs department in Raging Waves City, and they all came to Shenglun City to do their own work. Naturally, business problems were easy to handle without any difficulty.

So the meeting went very fast.

However, due to too many things, the meeting was held until late at night.

The time for the clear sky to wake up has long since ended, and after the meeting, she returned to the museum in a carriage under Luke's control.

Still, Clear Sky in the background was able to communicate with Luke.

"Hey! One thing bothers me."

Luke's consciousness asked, "What is it?"

"Now you are the clear sky, and when I wake up, I am also the clear sky. How should the two clear skies be distinguished?"

Luke's mind was a little confused by this question: "Do you think it is necessary to distinguish?"

"Of course it is necessary. When you control the clear sky, you are dull, and you have the same expression all day long. You don't look like an elf at all. But I am a real elf, a passionate grassland elf."

Luke said: "For me, Clear Sky is just a tool and a weapon. Most of the time I ignore her race, and gender, and don't do unnecessary things."

"But it's not anymore. I'm a living creature, with joys, sorrows, sorrows, and joys, so I naturally have to distinguish it from tools."

"How do you want to distinguish them? Do you want to give you a new name? Sunny, everyone's surname is Qing."

"The name Qingkong is very good. I was created by you, and the name was given by you, and I will not change it.

How about adding a ☆ in front of Clear Sky to represent me, which means my awakening. "

"This..." Luke imagined ☆Clear Sky, and said, "What's the point? I can tell the difference between the two of you."

"It may not be meaningful to you, but it is meaningful to me. I want to leave a mark in your heart that distinguishes you from the clear sky..."

Luke couldn't stand the sensationalism: "Well, since you think it will help you improve your self-awareness, I can accept it.

starry sky. "

"It's not Xingqingkong, ☆You have to think in your heart, not read it out. You can understand the ancient Shuojin language, and turn it into a language that you and I both know, a resonance point of thought."

The complicated request made Luke a little helpless, but he still complied with ☆Qingkong's request, and used the grammatical skills of the ancient Shuojin language to read "☆" in his heart.

In an instant, Luke felt that a channel was opened by him, and his consciousness was connected to another consciousness.

Unlike his own boundless, purely mental space, this space of consciousness is a starry sky.The bright Milky Way runs through the sky, and the shining stars are like pearls embedded in the sky.

A full moon hangs by the river of stars.

It can be vaguely felt that the stars all over the sky are exuding mighty power, converging on the Milky Way, and all gathering on the moon.

The moonlight swayed down like a silver screen, and standing in the silver light was the clear sky.

It is ☆ clear sky.

She closed her eyes, quietly as if she had settled down.

Luke called her name.

☆Clear Sky opened her eyes and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon, it seems that the two of us really have a tacit understanding!"

Luke looked up at the starry sky and the full moon beside the star river, and asked, "Didn't you wake up out of nowhere, who are you?"

☆Qing Kong said with a smile: "Come here... as smart as you, you should be able to guess the answer."

Luke guessed, "You are the real Moonlight Queen!"

"The answer is correct, but not entirely correct." ☆Qing Kong stretched out a finger and shook: "It is the moon and this starry sky that shaped my soul, and my soul exists attached to your spiritual power. Here is actually The extension of your consciousness, this starry sky belongs to you, including me...

The real Moonlight Queen is just one of your titles, I am the authority of the Moonlight Queen. "

Luke was a little dizzy surrounded by ☆clear sky: "Why did you choose to tell me now."

"Because the Shuojin people and angels are coming, no matter what their excuses for coming to Saint Lun City are, they are all for the World Tree. This is the only extraordinary species that exists and can evolve into a divine weapon.

They are unlike any of your previous opponents.

Dealing with them requires not only wisdom, but also sufficient strength. "

Luke asked: "I have been working hard to improve my strength, and I am also studying the method of evolving the World Tree into an artifact."

"But it's too late, isn't it?"

☆Clear Sky floated up, circled around Luke, and then stopped in front of him.

Luke asked: "Do you have a way to improve my strength in a short time? Or do you have a way to evolve the World Tree into an artifact?"

☆Clear sky showed a childish smile, but said: "None!"

"But why are you?"

☆Clear Sky shrugged: "I just want to invite you to take a look at this world that belongs to you as well as mine. By the way, I would like to remind you..."

Routine is really hard to guard against!

Luke darkened.

☆Clear Sky suddenly took his arm, pointed to the sky and shouted excitedly: "Look, it's a shooting star, it's a shooting star!"

Luke raised his head, and sure enough, a bright meteor flew across the sky quickly.

Luke said lightly: "I want to see a comet."

☆Clear Sky snapped her fingers: "Arrangement!"

A comet is racing toward us with a long trail in the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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