Age of Arcane

Chapter 395 Hope

Chapter 395 Hope
After watching a comet rain with ☆Clear Sky, Luke began to think seriously about the warning ☆Clear Sky gave him.

The visit of the Shuojin people and the angel mission to the Golden Shield Empire is just the beginning. It indicates that the five ancient civilizations have broken the tacit agreement of thousands of years. From this moment, the ancient civilizations will be more involved in the secular world.

After all, the five ancient civilizations have never publicly declared that they will not return.

The recovery of World Tree is an opportunity.

It’s just that the plot has changed too much. The time Luke traveled through, the plot of the era only indicates the entry of five ancient civilizations into the world, and a big game version is about to be updated.

The game world is completely different now than it used to be.

Some strategies and experiences are no longer applicable to what happens later.

At least the rules of the game in the secular world do not apply to the five ancient civilizations. They have strong individual force and do not have so many scruples in doing things.

It is urgent to improve the strength as soon as possible, and you need to find a way by yourself.

Luke's consciousness returns to his own spiritual universe from the ☆clear starry sky. It is empty and deep, and there are energy bands floating around like ribbons everywhere, which is the characteristic of the spiritual space of Luke's main consciousness.

With a dragon chant, Luke's consciousness was immersed in the gluttony, as if he saw his master's dog flying happily.

Luke patted Taotie's head and said, "Let Banat come out, I have something to talk to him about."

Taotie flew up, opened his mouth and spit out the dragon ball.

Only a very small number of runes on the seal on the Dragon Ball have not been lit yet, and a ball of golden light shines out from the Dragon Ball. The rhythmic light and dark seems to be a beating heart.

"Banat... the demon tyrant told me all about the inheritance of the ancient dragon clan. Taotie will inherit your power and memory, and you and all the inherited dragon souls will be reborn in another way."

The beating light became stable, and Banat's voice sounded, but it was a bit old-fashioned, more kind, and less domineering when they first met.

"Since you have subdued the demon tyrant, of course I can't hide this little secret from you. My body was destroyed in that war, and the dragon soul was captured and sealed by the Shuojin people.

I don't know what method you used to change time and space and steal my dragon soul from the Shuojin people's safe, but you gave me a chance to pass it on. An alienated dragon that lives with you can Inherit my lineage of dragon soul. "

Luke looked at the Taotie who was playing at the side, it was chasing its own tail and turning wildly, like a Erha wearing a dragon skin.

"I can feel the strength of the gluttony has improved, but its IQ doesn't seem to have improved due to your inheritance."

"This is also where I am puzzled." At this time, Taotie seemed to realize that he was being talked about, and looked over with eyes full of "wisdom". Banat also said helplessly: "Maybe it is too young!"

Luke could only accept this explanation.

Then let's talk about the business of calling Banat out this time: "Last time I talked to you about the recovery of the World Tree."

"Yes, I participated in that war. Although it was a last resort, we cannot deny that we destroyed a miracle... Hearing that the World Tree has recovered, I feel less guilty."

Luke asked, "Do you have anything to tell me about the World Tree and the artifact?"

"You know the reason for that fight."

"The World Tree has the potential to become an artifact, which may affect the balance of the war... If you can't get it, it will naturally be destroyed."

"What do you want to know?"

Luke asked: "How to transform the world tree into an artifact?"

"You must have asked the demon tyrant, I don't know more than him. After all, no one has studied the World Tree in depth, and there is no way to communicate with the World Tree.

It grows there, a world of its own, and does not communicate with the outside world. "

Luke was a little disappointed that he couldn't ask Banat for more information about the World Tree and the artifact.

Out of trust in Banat, Luke waved his hand, and a spiritual channel connected.

The spiritual universe becomes a bright starry sky.

With the bright moon hanging high, Taotie seemed to have discovered something more interesting, so he flapped his wings and chased after the moon.

Banat sensed the abnormality here and asked, "What is this place? There is something wrong with the starry sky and the moon!"

Luke said: "The recovered World Tree has an extremely deep connection with the moon, which is why the new generation of World Tree is called the Moonlight Tree King. This is the spiritual world of the Moonlight Queen, and it seems that she is more deeply connected to the moon."

At this time, Taotie flew down from the direction of the moon, dragging ☆Clear Sky on its back.

"There is a guest here!"

Taotie stopped next to Luke, and let out a dragon cry to the ☆clear sky.

☆Qingkong said: "Okay, not a guest, he is your former self, and will eventually become your future self."

Taotie yelled again.

☆Clear Sky giggled: "Yes, you can come and play anytime, of course my place is more fun than your master's."

Luke didn't know if Qingkong really understood what Taotie was trying to express, or if he was using Taotie's mouth to make fun of himself.

But he knew that it would be absolutely unwise to bicker with ☆Clear Sky at this time.

So Luke ignored the interference from ☆Clear Sky, and said to Banat: "Maybe this can give you more insights."

Banat didn't answer immediately, a ray of moonlight shone on the dragon ball, and the mighty power of heaven and earth caused the dragon ball to vibrate involuntarily.

"This..." A glimmer of insight led Banat to ask Luke, "Has the demon tyrant ever talked to you about divinity?"

Luke replied: "The tyrant and I talked about divinity. The golden compass of the shining gold civilization, the bright sculpture of the angel civilization, the red flame torch of the purgatory civilization, the rainbow arch of the dragon civilization, and the fluorescent star cluster of the shadow civilization represent authority and justice respectively. , Destruction, Magic, Darkness.

Only when the divinity of the artifact is clarified, can the divinity be written according to the divinity, that is, the ancient language. "

"That's right, only by awakening the divinity can the World Tree transform into an artifact.

What do you think is the divinity contained in the World Tree? "

Luke said helplessly, "If I knew, I wouldn't ask you."

Banat said: "I can't give you an accurate answer, but since the divinity is a part of the World Tree, all the manifestations of its great power are related to the divinity.

This requires you to understand. "

Banat's reminder made Luke recall the process of reviving the World Tree and what happened after the World Tree was revived.

Under the moonlight, the Moon Lake is formed around the World Tree, and magical things happen on the Moon Lake.

Luke felt he had caught something, but not quite.

"Why can't I say it even though I already know it?"

Banat replied: "I don't know how to answer you, but the starry sky here is affecting me.

Let me look forward to the future.

May I stay here with your permission? "

 If I drank too much today, let’s pay 2000 more.

(End of this chapter)

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