Age of Arcane

Chapter 424 Hercules Arena

Chapter 424 Hercules Arena

The Arena of Hercules was packed to the brim by the time Luke lined up to lift the pier to qualify for the match.The rough style of the Tedgar Hills was completely released here, the audience shouted loudly, and some savages beat their chests and roared like gorillas.

Even before the game started, the atmosphere of the game continued to rise.

The east stand of the arena has more decorations than other stands. There are stone pillars carved with totems under the stands, and there are beast sculptures symbolizing bravery above the stands.The area under the beast sculpture is a seat that only noble people can get. Most of them are gorgeously dressed barbarians. Only a group of humans sit under the wolf statue.

Baron Sergey sat in the middle of this group of humans, showing his special status in the Tedgar Hills.

Baron Sergey has fiery red hair and a part of barbarian blood makes him tall and straight.Some narrow cheeks made him look less strong than he actually was, and a pair of wolf-like eyes swept over every competitor in the field.

Almost all the players waiting for the official match to start in the arena were barbarians.This is the inherent advantage of the race. Humans are much weaker than barbarians in terms of absolute strength.However, there are still human players in the arena, but they all have more or less barbarian blood.

Baron Sergey's attention quickly locked on several human contestants who had qualified for the competition. He also said to the people around him: "Your Excellency the Duke has allowed the establishment of the urban militia human brigade, and I will be the captain of the brigade. I must let the human brigade Form combat power to fight for the Lord Duke to expand the size of the human army. These human beings who are eligible to participate in the Hercules competition will help improve the image of the human brigade. After the game, you can communicate with them and try to get them all to join the city militia."

"Yes, my lord. But strength is not a skill that humans are good at. If the baron wants to improve the combat effectiveness of the human brigade as soon as possible, he should follow the example of the imperial army, increase the number of magicians accompanying the army, and equip the soldiers with more sophisticated armor and weapons."

At this time, the registration stage of the Hercules competition is over, and the official competition begins.

According to visual estimates, there are 300 players who are eligible to participate in the official competition this time. They crowded around the outer circle of the arena, waiting for the organizer to read their names, and then went to the center of the arena to compete with their opponents.

The competition method is very simple. The prop is a long metal pole similar to a seesaw. Two contestants stand on both ends of the long pole. One end of the long pole rises and the other end falls.Competitors can win by lifting their long pole to the specified height with pure strength without using any skills or magic.

In the initial stage of the game, five groups competed at the same time, and the schedule was very fast.When entering the final stage, it will be changed to a single-group competition, so that the audience can fully enjoy the excitement brought by the strongman wrestling.

Baron Sergey watched the game casually, as if he didn't have much interest in this kind of primitive competition power.Regarding the suggestions from his cronies, he replied: "I also want to increase the army mages, and I also want to equip my soldiers with the best weapons, but this all requires money. Now the finances of the Tedgar Hills are very tight, and the Duke will not give I have too much money to arm a city militia.

My money needs to be prepared for when the factory restrictions are lifted. Ordering the machine has spent all my savings, but it is not enough.

I didn't expect these iron bumps to be so expensive! "

"Although the machines are expensive to buy, when they are in operation, the production speed is dozens or hundreds of times faster than that of an excellent craftsman. The money invested by adults can be fully earned back very soon. This time, the human race businessman can seize the opportunity, Everyone will be grateful to you, my lord."

Speaking of the factory, Sergey couldn't help showing a look of complacency: "Those barbarian nobles have been obstructing the lifting of the factory restriction. In their eyes, only the small profits of small workshops are in their eyes, and they even say that only pseudo-nobles will open factories.

But our Duke is no longer the former Duke, and the war with the Empire made him completely sober.The Blade Brotherhood is unreliable, and the Abyss Temple is also unreliable. Only one's own strength is reliable.

Facing a northern legion composed of human races, the barbarian legion was beaten and could only defend. If the Duke wanted to defend the Tedgar Hills, he had to change and had to rely heavily on us human races. "

The dignitaries of the human race on the other side couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “In the past, although our human race was rich, we had no status. This time, the Duke approached us privately to discuss the lifting of the factory restriction, and made an exception to recruit human soldiers. The hills and the savages stand as equals."

Another human dignitary echoed: "Yes! This is a rare opportunity for us humans in the Tedgar Hills. We must unite and assist Baron Sergey to form the human brigade of the city militia. Build more factories and make more money.

I suggest that we organize a donation, and call on all the human races in the Holy Mountain to contribute, so that the Duke can see the powerful combat effectiveness of the human race brigade. "

For the organization's donation, all the dignitaries of the human race present expressed their support.They all know that when they have more money in the future, if they want to keep the wealth in their hands, they must have an army in their hands.

Baron Sergey smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, a man dressed as a servant hurried over and whispered something in Baron Sergey's ear.

Baron Sergey showed surprise on his face: "Really? Where did she get so much money?"

"My lord, I don't know that."

"Go down and continue to send people to find out the news."

"Yes, my lord."

Leave with entourage.

Someone asked Baron Sergey curiously: "My lord, has something important happened?"

Sergey replied easily: "It's not a big deal. It's just that Mrs. Fekchik suddenly summoned all the merchants in the whole street at the same time and proposed to buy the shops and workshops in their hands. I happen to have five shops in the On that street."

Mrs. Fekchik is now very famous in the business circle of the Holy Mountain. She has been buying shops in the past two years, and she is already the second person with the most stores in the Holy Mountain.Although the number of shops in her hands is still a bit behind that of Baron Sergey, it has to be admitted that the Fekchik family is really rich, and Fekchik is still a barbarian.

It's just that Mrs. Fikechik used to buy shops from several selected ones, but she didn't expect that this time she bought them all in one street.We must know that there are shops in a street that are well-run and some that are not. Is the current Mrs. Fikechik not shy, taking good or bad?
With this in mind, everyone began to talk about Mrs. Fickichick.During this period of time, Mrs. Fickchek helped the human merchants a lot.Originally, they were still worried about how to get rid of their shops as soon as possible, but Mrs. Fickchek waved a lot of money and bought all of their shops.

Now everyone can raise funds and order the machines needed by the factory so smoothly, thanks to Mrs. Fekchik.

Some people began to laugh at Mrs. Fikechuk for being a prodigal. After their factories were built, the handicraft workshops went bankrupt one after another. I don't know what expression the barbarian businessman Fikechuk will have when he comes back.

And although Sergey showed indifference, he still had some doubts and worries about Mrs. Fekchik's sudden abnormal behavior.

Mrs. Fickchek likes to buy shops, but she is not stupid. She still has a good eye for choosing shops.Today I want to buy a whole store at a time... Did you get any inside information?
Fekchik is a member of the Barbarian Stone Family, and the Stone Family's voice in the Duke's castle is quite loud.

If the factory restrictions are not lifted for a day, there is the possibility of changes.

If the Duke of Celtic couldn't withstand the pressure of the conservative barbarians and continued to implement the factory restrictions, then the human businessmen like himself would really be ruined.

The more he thought about it, the less interested Baron Sergey was in watching the game. He was ready to go to the Duke's Castle to meet the Celtic Grand Duke and strive to lift the factory restrictions as soon as possible.

But before Baron Sergey stood up, all the human colleagues around him stood up and cheered loudly regardless of their status.

"Look! He's won again! He's in the final!"

"Let's cheer for our human giant! Never before has a human made it to the finals here!"

"It's great! I watched every game he played, and no barbarian was his opponent. He won no more than ten seconds against a barbarian."

"Does anyone know his name? After the game, I must invite him to my house as a guest."


Amidst the cheers of the surrounding people, Baron Sergey, who hadn't watched the game seriously from the beginning, finally knew what happened.

A human actually beat the barbarians consecutively in the Hercules competition, advancing all the way to the finals.This is something that has never happened before. Even if human Hercules can pass the preliminary selection, they will be eliminated early.

Now, among a group of savages preparing to start the final field, there stood a human being all alone.

It is difficult not to become the focus of the audience.

The human spectators in the entire Hercules Arena are cheering for the same race who entered the finals.

As the host of the game read out the name of the human Hercules, all the human races shouted in unison: "Luke the Hercules! Luke the Hercules!..."

Luke stood up and waved to the cheering humans, and the louder barbarians of the Stone family.Naco is with the Stone Barbarian, and she yells and jumps with excitement when she sees Luke enter the finals.

If you go one step further, you can win the championship and challenge for the championship.

At the same time, Luke also noticed the group of people under the wolf statue in the main stand. Their clothes showed that they had a higher status than ordinary people. In the main stand full of barbarians, they were even more unique when they gathered together.

Luke waved to them, and immediately got a more enthusiastic response from the humans under the wolf.

Hercules final field begins.

Luke only needs to win two more opponents to win the championship.

While waiting for the game, a young barbarian walked up to Luke and held out his hand to him: "My name is Kato, and I come from the gravel tribe of Misimu Mountain. ……Humanity."

Luke shook hands with Cato the Barbarian in a friendly way, noting his physical condition.

A very powerful barbarian.

Cato's height is about [-] meters, which is not considered tall among barbarians, but the muscles on Cato's body are very powerful, giving people a sense of pressure facing the mountains.It's just that the clothes on Cato's body are very worn out, the hard cowhide armor is full of moth-eaten holes, and the linen lining inside is also in tatters.

He wore no shoes, a pair of open-toed boots tied together by laces and hung around his neck.Probably because he was afraid of exerting force during the game and breaking his only pair of boots.

Luke said: "I've heard of the gravel tribe in Misimu Mountain. You have collected stones for generations. It is a tribe rich in strong men."

Hearing that the other party knew about his small tribe, Cato was very happy: "Human, I very much hope to invite you to Misimu Mountain as a guest, but we are too poor there. If I can win the championship, I can get a bonus. Can I treat you to dinner? I'd love to hear stories from outside... Forgot to mention, outside the arena, I heard from your barbarian friends that you are an adventurer.

You must have been to a lot of places! "

Luke finally knew what the young savage was looking for.

Barbarians do not have a strong sense of adventure, and many barbarians may have never left the mountains where their tribes are located in their entire lives.But there are exceptions to everything, and there are still many savages who are curious about the outside world and bravely go out.

Fickcik is one.

It appears that the same is true of the savage named Cato.

Luke has a crush on Cato the Barbarian.He is very shy, but in order to understand the outside world, he overcame psychological obstacles and took the initiative to talk to a strange human being.At the same time, he is also very polite, with a delicacy that most barbarians don't have.

"Of course." Luke readily agreed: "As a qualified adventurer, the first thing you need to learn is to make friends. After the game is over, let's find a place to have a good drink, and I will tell you how the outside world is like." Wonderful."

Cato touched the back of his head, and said a little naively: "Thank you, human. When I get the winning prize, we'll go drink."

Luke smiled and said, "Are you confident about winning the prize?"

Cato said firmly: "The tribe gave me all the money for travel expenses so that I could come to the holy mountain to participate in the Hercules competition. I must get the winning prize and bring the money back to the tribe."

Luke didn't expect Cato the Barbarian to be the hope of the whole village. He encouraged: "I believe you will win the championship..."

But before Luke finished speaking, his name was read out by the host.

It was also specially emphasized: "The only human Hercules in this field... Luke."

The entire human race once again set off a wave of cheers.

Then the host read out the name of Luke's opponent in this match.

"Barbarian boy from the gravel tribe of Mt. Mismu...Kato."

Cato didn't expect his first opponent in the finals to be Luke.

Luke was also surprised by this coincidence. He patted Cato on the shoulder: "I take back what I just said. Let's go, the game!"

(End of this chapter)

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