Age of Arcane

Chapter 425 Absolute Power

Chapter 425 Absolute Power
At this time, there is only one wrestling lever left in the center of the Hercules Arena. The bracket in the middle of the lever is an alchemy device specially developed for the competition. Props uprooted.

Luke and Cato the Savage walked into the arena together and stood on opposite ends of the lever.

The referee of the game was a barbarian with a red starting flag in his hand and a bone whistle in his mouth.He first checked the physical condition of the two contestants to confirm that they did not use any magic or skills, nor did they wear any alchemy props that would affect the fairness of the game.

After checking Cato, the referee gave him a few words of encouragement.

Human beings entered the final field, which has never happened since the Hercules Arena was built.The vast majority of savages do not want humans to take away the honor that belongs to the savage, and they do not want him to win the championship.

Based on experience, the referee saw that Cato was a very powerful barbarian, and the task of preventing humans from advancing was given to him.

Race ready.

Luke and Cato put one end of the lever on their shoulders respectively. Due to his height, Luke's leverage is low and has an inherent disadvantage.But after Cato realized this unfairness, he lowered his height without hesitation, so that his end was on par with Luke.

"Such a height will affect your strength." Luke reminded.

Cato said confidently: "But I will win the game in the end."

"Hahaha... If I win, I'll treat you to a drink."

"it is good!"

At this time, the referee blew the bone whistle and waved the starting flag. The game started, and Luke and Cato exerted their strength at the same time.

The lever didn't move.

This is the first time that Luke has encountered an opponent who can match him in strength, and it is after he has undergone a series of strength training.The downforce from the shoulders was enormous, and Luke had to use all his strength to keep the lever from leaning towards him.

Looking at Cato again, he encountered the same situation as Luke.In order to win the game, he exerted all his strength as soon as he came up, and the muscles in his body swelled, making his body look a whole circle bigger than before.

The lively arena became quiet at this moment, and everyone held their breath and stared at the vertical pointer in the middle of the lever.

Will the race of human Hercules end here?

Luke's special identity made the audience more worried than watching any game.

The stalemate lasted for about 1 minute, and the pointer finally moved.It deviated towards the end of the barbarian Cato. Although Cato tried his best to regain the disadvantage, he was unable to lift the lever on his shoulders again due to his strength.

Deafening cheers erupted from the stands of the arena, and the human audience shouted Luke's name loudly.

The human Hercules not only made it to the finals in the Hercules Arena on the Holy Mountain, but also defeated a barbarian opponent in the finals.

Although the game is not over, the human audience believes that Luke has won.

Luke did not disappoint those who supported him either. He maintained his advantage and steadily raised his leverage bit by bit.As the deflected pointer passed the red line on Cato's side, the referee waved the flag to announce the end of the game.

"Human Hercules Luke won this game, congratulations to Mr. Luke."

The atmosphere in the arena was pushed to a climax again. Although the number of humans who came to watch the game was much less than that of the barbarians, the humans forcibly turned the arena into their home this time.

The human dignitaries under the wolf statue are also extremely excited. The Celtic Duke is gradually relying on humans, and now there is another human Hercules. Does it mean the rise of humans in the Tedgar Hills?
As long as he wins one more game, he can win the championship!
This is definitely a great honor for the humans in the Tedgar Hills.

Luke did not celebrate with the audience, he walked up to Cato who was sitting on the ground, and stretched out his hand to pull him up.

Cato was very depressed.

He carried the hope of the tribe, but was eliminated just after entering the finals.

If you don't get the winning prize, you won't get a bonus. Could it be that you just go back to the tribe empty-handed?

Luke knew why Cato was distressed, he dragged Cato to the sidelines, and comforted him: "You have great strength, and the loss to me is entirely due to lack of follow-up. Didn't you eat at noon?"

As if confirming Luke's guess, Cato's stomach growled in cooperation.

Cato replied very embarrassedly: "Yes, but only a piece of toasted black bread."

Luke goes to the sidelines and asks for food from the stone savages.The stubborn barbarians took out the snacks they carried with them, wrapped them into a big bag and threw them to Luke.

Luke returned to Cato with the food, and the two sat on the ground.

"Eat something first, and I'll treat you to a drink tonight."

"Thank you, thank you, human." Cato was really hungry, no matter whether it was pasta or meat, he grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Didn't win the championship, what are your plans?" Luke asked Cato.

Speaking of sad things, Cato stopped eating, and said helplessly, "I don't know either. The elder said that with my strength, I would definitely be able to win the championship in the Holy Mountain Hercules Arena. The elder has won championships here many times. Return to the tribe with the bonus.

I have failed the elders and the tribe's hopes for me, and I don't know how to get back without a bonus. "

"Would you like to work for me? I can pay you a salary, more than the winning bonus?" Luke began to kidnap people.

Hearing that there was more money than the winning prize, Cato immediately asked, "How much?"

Luke said: "The prize for winning the Holy Mountain Hercules is 15 Reichsmarks, and I will give you [-] Reichsmarks."

"15!" Cato was shocked by this figure, calculating in his mind how much food he could buy for the tribe.

"It's 15...and the salary is paid every month."


Seeing that Cato couldn't react, Luke explained: "The Holy Mountain Hercules Arena has regulations, and the Hercules who win the Hercules competition are not allowed to participate in the competition for one year.

In other words, even if you can win every time, you can only get one hundred thousand bonuses a year.

But working for me, you can get a salary of 15 a month.

I say that, do you understand? "

"Understood!" Cato nodded blankly, and asked again: "You really give me so much money every month? I... I don't know anything except strength, and my strength is no match for you."

"No, I can teach you anything you want to learn. Don't worry, I won't lie to you. Since I pay you so much salary, it means you are worth so much money.

Think about it, does it work for me? "

"I work for you, human."

"Call me Mr. Luke."

"Yes, Mr. Luke."

Luke was very happy to find a treasure.

With just this brute force that can compete with him, the barbarian Cato has a four-star foundation.

The current Cato is a very talented seedling. As long as he is properly cultivated and watered, he will surely grow into a pillar of talent.Luke has already worked out a training plan for Cato in his heart, based on the training template for the storm barbarians summarized by the players.

Kato, who found a long-term meal ticket, was also very happy to eat and drink.

The Hercules game continues.

Soon Luke ushered in the second wrestling.

As long as he wins this game, he can enter the top ten and win the championship.For the human audience, Luke can win the championship, and they are satisfied.After all, at the end of the game, the rest are all well-known barbarian strongmen. They have all received professional training, and their strength is not comparable to that of an unknown barbarian boy.

The human audience all hoped that Luke would be lucky enough to be assigned a weaker opponent.But the luck is gone, Luke is about to face a very famous barbarian Hercules, his best result in the Hercules competition is No.2.

The human audience who seemed to know the result of the game wailed, feeling sorry for Luke's failure to win.

However, it is already a high honor for a human Hercules to enter the finals and win a match.

Game start.

The scene where Luke was expected to be quickly defeated didn't happen.

The lever is smooth and the pointer does not move!
The human audience was immediately seen, excited and excited, and the whole audience shouted the name of "Luke" in unison.

At this time, Luke was extremely puzzled in his heart... Is this the strength of a strong man who was once capable of competing for the championship?

Although the pressure on the shoulders is heavy, there is no feeling that Cato has to go all out.

Looking at the opponent again, the unusually strong barbarian seemed to have really used all his strength.

It seems that this time I really picked up the treasure.

Luke attacked vigorously, and the pointer immediately shifted.The voices in the auditorium became even louder, and some people even fainted on the spot due to excitement.

Humans could have been more powerful than savages!
Luke didn't let the game have any suspense, and overwhelmed his opponent in one go.

The referee announced: "Human Hercules Luke wins."

Then came one victory after another.

The sound waves of the Hercules Arena spread the miracle happening in the arena to the entire holy mountain.

A human strongman is defeating barbarian opponents one after another, advancing towards the championship.

After hearing the news, the human race gathered outside the Hercules Arena, shouting the name of "Luke" along with the inside.The results of the competition schedule were also passed on to the outside world one by one.

Top Ten Winners Round Tournament.

Groups of five take turns to wrestle, and the player with the most wins will be eligible to participate in the final match.

This is not just a contest of absolute strength, but also a contest of physique and strength persistence.

Luke won all four games and stood on the final stage.

However, his opponent lost one game in the round, and only barely advanced after a playoff with a player who also won three games.

The two are preparing for the final decisive battle, and the state of the two seems to have determined the title of the champion.

It was already approaching evening, and the game went on for an entire afternoon without interruption.

In addition to the preliminary competition, the players had some rest time throughout the competition. After entering the finals, it was basically one game after another.If you can beat your opponent cleanly, you can not only save energy, but also have more rest time than other players.

Luke's games were over quickly.

As for his final opponent, there were two long stalemates in the rounds, so that he lost the last round.The playoffs were again evenly matched opponents, and their physical strength was severely exhausted again.

Humanity is already celebrating the emergence of the first ever human Hercules champion.

This day, they will never forget; this night, they will not sleep all night.

But... a champion of human Hercules is unacceptable to savages.

The final match was called off before it even started.

The savage dignitaries in the grandstand suspect that the human player Luke is cheating, using some kind of power-enhancing technique to win the match in disgrace.

The rare toughness of the human dignitaries this time, they argued with the barbarians.

Every player will be checked every game, and it is impossible to cheat using techniques.

The barbarian believes that it is absolutely impossible for humans to possess such power, and he must have cheated by using techniques that are difficult to detect.

Human beings retort, "If you don't find it, you don't have it. This is a fair game. Just because the barbarians lost, you can't frame humans as cheating!"

The quarrel in the main stand spread to other stands, and the smell of gunpowder between savages and humans became stronger and stronger.

When the situation gradually became uncontrollable, the order of the Duke of Celtic was sent to the Arena of Hercules.

"To prevent accidents, the final match of this year's Hercules competition is suspended. Ten days later, the two contestants are invited to continue the competition at the Duke's Castle. His Excellency the Duke will personally wear the golden belt for the champion."

This is an order that clearly favors the barbarians.

Ten days was enough for the exhausted barbarian finalist to regain his strength. Winning him at that time would definitely not be as easy as it is now.

But the Duke of Celtic had a very high prestige in the Tedgar Hills. After such a partial order was announced, the human beings who were originally filled with righteous indignation immediately died down.

After the arrival of the city militia, the crowd outside the Hercules Arena quickly dispersed, and the audience in the arena also left in an orderly manner.

At this time, night shrouded the holy mountain.

There is no electricity, and there are only few lights in the whole city.

Luke returned to Fekchik's house with the people who came and Cato. Coconut was both excited and angry, and expressed that he would draw up a ten-day training plan so that Luke could defeat the Celtic Duke in front of him. barbarian.

And the savages of the Stone family followed behind Luke, not daring to breathe, like younger brothers walking with the boss.

Although the final decisive game did not take place, everyone knew who was today's champion.

Barbarians have a kind of worship of power that has been handed down from their ancestors. Absolute power will make barbarians feel in awe.

Now a human being who beats all the barbarians in a test of strength has a bigger impact than the barbarian winning the championship.

Cato is also very in awe of Luke. He was eliminated in the first round of the final, and Mr. Luke is today's champion.

The gap is not generally large.

I must learn from Mr. Luke, exercise my strength, and strive to win the next Hercules competition.

Along the way, everyone has different thoughts.

Until a well-dressed man stopped them: "Mr. Luke, congratulations on your excellent performance in the Hercules Arena. My name is Moric, and I am a steward of Baron Sergey.

The Baron invites you to dinner at his mansion.

The carriage is ready for you. "

The carriage was parked by the side of the road.

Luke took one look and replied, "I don't know Baron Sergey. I'm going to drink with my barbarian friends tonight and don't have time to go anywhere else.

Make an appointment another day! "

(End of this chapter)

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