Age of Arcane

Chapter 426 Change

Chapter 426 Change
After Luke finished speaking, he was about to move forward, but Morici took a step forward and continued to stop him, and said: "Mr. Luke, please realize that you are a human being. In the Tedgar Hills, human beings need to unite. Shell Baron Gai is highly valued by the Celtic Duke, if you want to develop in the Holy Mountain, only the Baron can help you."

Luke said impatiently: "I'm just an adventurer, and I don't have much interest in developing in the Holy Mountain. You can go back, and thank the baron for your kindness on my behalf."

My lord's title is a Marquis, can a baron just send a steward to invite him?
Sergey wants to see, but not now.

After Luke finished speaking, he pushed Morici away. How could Moricy bear this kind of force, and he fell back without any reaction, and sat on the ground with his buttocks.

It caused the savages to burst into laughter.

"Go back and tell Baron Sergey that Luke Hercules is a friend of our stony savages, and we'll be drinking all night at Fekchik's tonight."

"In the past few days, we will drink with Luke Hercules every day, let your baron wait behind."

A group of savages taunted Morici, and Luke, surrounded by them, swayed forward like a victorious general.

When we arrived at the Fickchek's house, Mrs. Fickchek had already prepared a grand dinner.

But the dinner was not to celebrate Luke's excellent performance in the strongman competition. Mrs. Fickchick didn't like the strongman competition, thinking it was a barbaric game without fashion beauty.

A sophisticated fashionista, Mrs. Fickchek prefers the popular events of Rough City's high society, hosting parties and doing business.

The dinner was to celebrate a big deal she had just negotiated. A whole street of shops was negotiated.

This is the largest number of shops purchased at one time since Mrs. Fickichek started buying shops.Although the owners of these shops are Luke, they are named after the Fickchik family.

Mrs. Fickchek was very happy. She drove all the stubborn savages out to hold a pool party, and then pulled Luke to sit beside her. The eager eyes made Luke shiver involuntarily.

Luke withdrew his hand from Mrs. Fickichek's grasp and asked, "Are there any shops that can be acquired tomorrow?"

"Yes!" Mrs. Fekchik replied with certainty: "I don't know why, there are so many merchants who want to sell their shops recently. Tomorrow, I have already made an appointment with a merchant on another street to discuss the acquisition. It's just that those greedy humans see When I buy so many shops, I greedily raise the price, will you continue to accept it?"

Luke said with certainty: "Yes, as long as the premium does not exceed [-]% of the market price, we can sign a direct cash transaction. If the other party is too greedy, just skip him, and sooner or later he will not be able to resist selling the store."

For a shop on the same street, Mrs. Fekchik collected [-]% of it in one afternoon.According to Mrs. Fickchuk's words, most of the merchants who sell the shops are human beings.

This shows that not only Baron Sergey is selling shops and workshops, but also human businessmen have received inside information that the factory restrictions are about to open.

They all want to take advantage of this opportunity to soar into the sky.

For Luke, this is a rare opportunity to bargain in real estate.No matter what happens in the future, the holy mountain will always be the holy mountain. It is the political and economic center of the entire Tedgar Hills.When the factory restrictions were lifted, the first impact of industrialization was that a large number of people gathered in the holy mountain. At that time, land prices would only rise but not fall.

According to the current land price of the holy mountain, even if it is purchased at a premium of [-]%, it is still the price of cabbage.

Another point is that this acquisition is for shops and workshops. The shops are scattered throughout the area of ​​the Holy Mountain, and they are direct-to-end sales channels.Small shops have no bargaining power in the face of big factories, so they can only do business with small capital and small profits, and they will go bankrupt if they are not careful.But after the vast majority of small shops have gathered into a whole, the big factories will have to look at the face of the sales channel.

It is an excellent channel provider to eat both ends.

Moreover, the restriction on factories was lifted, humans in the Holy Mountain could build factories, and so could barbarians.

Isn't it just money?
The most important thing in Raging Waves City is money.

The purchase of machines is better and cheaper than that of the merchants of the Holy Mountain, the purchase of raw materials is better and cheaper, and it is also a sales channel for the world.

The businessmen of the Shengshan people think of doing business too simply. This kind of desperate way to raise funds to build a factory is equivalent to putting a knife around their necks and giving the handle to others.

They have been facing the small peasant economy, but they have not realized the horror of monopoly.

Now Luke is actively investing in the purchase of shops in the hands of human merchants, and giving them money so that they can be more active in pushing for the removal of factory restrictions.Once Tedgar Hills opens its own market, it will show its most fragile heart.

The foundation of the Celtic Duke's rule in the Tedgar Hills will also quickly disintegrate.

Economic fists ignore borders.

Luke was discussing with Mrs. Fekchuk how to make appointments with more merchants to discuss acquisitions tomorrow, as if he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't spend all his money as soon as possible.

Luke said: Madam, you can talk boldly, we will accept as many shops as there are shops to sell.Tomorrow I will go to the Holy Mountain Branch of the World Bank for a loan, and I promise I will not be short of money!

Mrs. Fickchuk had a very happy chat with Luke.

In the duke's castle at the top of the holy mountain, the Celtic duke is summoning several prestigious and wealthy human businessmen.

Human race businessmen, headed by Baron Sergey, sat on both sides of the conference table.

On the main seat, the barbarian Duke Celtic Grand Duke wears a ducal crown, his brows are not angry and majestic, and he is very oppressive.

"I heard that something happened in this Hercules competition that made us humans extremely happy. A human Hercules defeated all the barbarian Hercules all the way and advanced to the final."

Under the coercion of the Duke of Celtic, all the human merchants sat upright and didn't care to initiate a conversation.

At this time, Baron Sergey replied: "Report to the Duke. The name of this human strongman is Luke, and he is an adventurer from Raging City. Mrs. Chick sent a letter and some money."

The Celtic Duke did not speak.

Sergey continued: "The Sacred Mountain Adventurers Association confirmed that Luke's status as a B-level adventurer has no problem. He also has a mission related to the Temple of the Abyss, and he was stranded in the Sacred Mountain due to a problem with the task handover."

"That is to say...his identity is not a problem, he is not an agent of the Bureau of Secret Intelligence."

Sergey replied: "At least for now, there is no evidence to prove that there is a problem with his identity."

The Duke of Celtic nodded: "Forget about his identity. Although you are human beings, you are one of us if you were born in the Tedgar Hills. You should know what the Hercules competition means to the barbarians. If there is a human The champion Hercules, for causing a lot of trouble."

Sergey understood what the Duke of Celtic meant.

The war against the empire left barbarians with only a strong physique.If even this sense of superiority is overwhelmed by humans, it will be a very big blow to the self-confidence of the barbarians.

Therefore, there must never be a human champion Hercules.

But as a human being, Sergey also knows what a human champion Hercules means to the human race where Tedgar lives.If the human race wants to stand up in the Tedgar Hills and become an equal race with the barbarians, this champion must be preserved.

"My lord, there are not only barbarians in the Tedgar Hills, but also humans who are loyal to you. Under the pressure of the empire, if the human power in the Tedgar Hills is not utilized, it will be a waste.

A strong human champion can inspire us even more. "

However, the Duke of Celtic is a barbarian after all, and now the main body of the Tedgar Hills is also a barbarian.

The Duke said with an irrefutable tone: "In the future, I will promulgate many decrees, and some orders that will break the tradition will definitely cause great turmoil.

I don't want one more big event in this period that gets out of hand.Savages, especially savages with traditional ideas, must be appeased! "

Some commands that will break tradition...

The human businessmen immediately thought of that matter, otherwise there is no need to call the meeting to be all big human businessmen.

Baron Sergey felt the excitement of the merchants, and he tentatively asked the Duke of Celtic, "My lord, have you decided to lift the factory restrictions?"

After waiting for a while, the Duke of Celtic seemed to break through the psychological barrier and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, the strength of the empire does come from the industrial power behind it.

We may need to raise a month for the materials they consume in a day. This is not a fair war, and of course there is no fairness in the war.

Our secret talks with the Northern Legion have not made substantial progress. The main reason is that we cannot provide them with supplies.

I know it's a bit late to lift the factory restrictions, but by opening factories as soon as possible, my legion can be strengthened earlier. "

Seeing that the Celtic Duke showed a strong tendency, Baron Sergey immediately said: "Master Duke! We human businessmen have been actively raising funds since we knew that you planned to lift the factory restrictions, and contacted many Overseas factories. As long as you give an order to allow the establishment of factories in Shengshan, we can immediately ship complete sets of machines here.

Whether they are barbarians or humans in the Tedgar Hills, their physical fitness is much higher than that of the people of the empire, and they are more hardworking.Our factory can be put into production soon, and the production capacity will only be higher than that of the empire's factory!
Your armies will get the same logistics and supply capabilities as the empire. "

The Duke of Celtic knew exactly what these human merchants were doing during this period.

He said: "But the factory will cause a devastating blow to the traditional economy of the Tedgar Hills. Augustine opened up industry, which caused the decline of a large number of nobles, and some nobles even starved to death.

When I announced the factory restriction, it was to prevent the same thing from happening.Lift it now... many people will be affected.

Many of them were savages loyal to me. "

The human merchants who were already desperate and ready to put all their eggs in one basket were absolutely unwilling to see the Duke of Celtic shrink back on this matter.

Encouraged by the eyes of the businessmen, Baron Sergey summoned up his courage and said: "The strength of the empire proves the correctness of the change! If the Duke hesitates in this matter, he will miss the last chance to reverse the situation.

As long as the factory restrictions are lifted, although you will lose a group of loyal barbarians, you will gain more loyal humans.Your Excellency, please follow the example of Augustine and carry out industrial transformation in the Tedgar Hills.Only in this way can the Tedgar Hills resist the invasion of the empire, otherwise... otherwise the imperial army will attack the holy mountain sooner or later! "

Baron Sergey spoke very seriously.

If it was before, the Duke of Celtic might have broken his neck on the spot, but now he just slapped the table angrily.

The Celtic Duke glared at Sergey, but had to admit that he was right.

Change may die, but the same will definitely die.

"I know you are all waiting for the factory restrictions to be lifted to make a fortune. The closure of countless businesses and workshops will pile up gold in your warehouses.

You will become the group of people I hate the most, but I have to rely on you.Your status will become higher and higher in the Tedgar Hills, and many barbarian nobles will have to bow their heads to you, but you must be clear... I am not Augustine!

I will never allow 'Raging City' and 'Meteor' to appear on my Tedgar Hills! "

The empire is now where the emperor recuperates behind closed doors, and the queen supervises the country.After Meteor entered the imperial capital in the bureaucratic system of Raging Waves City, he became a power minister of a generation, and even Gabriel, the chief assistant of the imperial cabinet, shunned him.

In the eyes of outsiders, the imperial power has been taken away by meteorites.

Meteor was able to do this, and dared to do it, because behind him was the city of Raging Waves with huge economic strength.

The Duke of Celtic was also afraid of carrying out industrial changes in the Tedgar Hills, and eventually created a Tedgar Hills version of "Raging City" and "Meteor".

That's why he deliberately beat this group of human businessmen who were actively promoting the lifting of the factory restrictions.

Sergey led the human merchants to stand up immediately, then knelt down on one knee.

"I swear to the great Celtic Duke in the Duke's Castle on the Holy Mountain. Whether we are rich or poor in the future, my descendants and I will be absolutely loyal to the Celtic family.

If the oath is broken, the Duke can take away our family honor and all wealth at any time. "

The Duke of Celtic is still very satisfied with the attitude of these human businessmen, he finally said: "I will announce the lifting of the factory restrictions in the near future, so that your factories can be built as soon as possible.

But that human Hercules..."

Kneeling in front of the Celtic Duke, Sergey raised his head and said, "Don't worry, my lord! During the period when the factory restrictions are lifted, there must be no trouble in the Holy Mountain. The influence of a human champion Hercules is too great.

For the Duke's reform to proceed smoothly, and to appease the people of the Holy Mountain, I will handle this matter properly. "

The Duke of Celtic nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! A human strongman who is qualified to participate in the finals is already a great honor to you humans.

Don't take all the benefits! "

(End of this chapter)

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