Age of Arcane

Chapter 437 The 1st Apostle

Luke carried out the storm barbarian magic transformation for the four stubborn barbarians as agreed, and the barbarians who came to watch quickly spread this powerful barbarian transformation throughout the holy mountain.

On the night of the transformation, Storm Natchhal was taken to the Duke's Castle by his father to show the Celtic Duke the ability to control the storm with power.

The storm barbarian made Luke's reputation sweep across the entire holy mountain again. Not only the human race revered him, but now the barbarians are also thinking about how to please Luke in order to obtain the ability of the storm.

Luke, on the other hand, rejected the invitations of all barbarians and nobles, and just trained with the stone barbarians in the training ground of the Fickchik family every day, and picked three or five stone barbarians by the way, and carried out storm transformation on them.

A few days passed, and the day of the final match of the Hercules in the Duke's Castle was getting closer.The Duke's Castle didn't show much reaction to the appearance of the storm barbarians, but Storm Natchhal hasn't come out since entering the Duke's Castle, so it should be undergoing various tests.

To determine how much the strength of the storm can be improved against the barbarians?
Are there any side effects?

Is it a temporary enchantment, or a permanent enchantment?

Also make a horizontal comparison with the blood-sworn barbarians in the temple of the abyss.

All of this was within Luke's expectations. He believed that the storm barbarians were as good as gold, and that no matter how calm some people were, they would definitely be unable to bear it.

As the game day approached, Luke pretended to go to the Black Potion Workshop to collect information as usual.

"Yes, Raging Waves City is a very convenient city, where there are many commissions from all over the world. Whether it is for work or rest, Raging Waves City is the best choice."

The apostles are going to use this abyss to descend to create a batch of abyss weapons.These abyssal weapons will be delivered to various important cities of the empire. Once these abyssal weapons are activated, a large number of civilians will be polluted by the abyss and turned into monsters.

"I know where these abyssal weapons are manufactured. Get me out, and I'll tell you!"

Luke sat down across from Victor's desk, which was very clean and everything was in order.

Seeing that Luke refused to hand over the storm barbarian transformation technology now, the apostle Victor released a coercive threat: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out of the Abyss Temple today?"

It seems that we have to use the power of the Secret Affairs Bureau in the holy mountain.

follow me! "

"Of course not!" Luke knew that Victor was a man of great knowledge, and he must be able to see that behind the Storm Barbarian was a big project, not something that an adventurer could develop casually.He said: "This is when I got the magic transformation technology during an adventure. According to the limited information I know, the storm barbarian magic transformation technology appeared in the ancient war period.

The Abyss Temple has excavated this magical secret house many times, and found many bones left behind by barbarians who failed to undergo magical transformation.

Although there was no breaking news in the intelligence collection for several days, it could also give Luke a certain understanding of the situation inside the Abyssal Temple.

Is this going to be a biohazard?
A densely populated city like Raging Wave City is really afraid of this kind of pollution-spreading attack on civilians.In the future, as the battles become more intense and advanced, Raging Waves City must prepare in advance to form a department that specializes in dealing with such attacks.

His skin is shriveled, there is no hair on his head, and his eyes are like blood rubies emitting a strange red light, which makes people feel shuddering.But even with this appearance, Victor still has a very strong scholarly temperament.

Luke didn't ask for a price, but said: "If I sell the Storm Barbarian transformation technology to the Temple of the Abyss, the Duke of Celtic will also want to buy it in the Hercules final match tomorrow...

It is reasonable and undocumented for Luke to push the magic transformation technology of the Storm Barbarian to this long-absent magic house.

Victor laughed loudly: "You are the first person I have ever seen who can clearly explain the truth about the rise of Raging Waves City with such simple sentences.

A group of magicians who escaped from the war migrated into the Tedgar Hills and established a magic secret house in the Hebigan Mountains in the south of the Tedgar Hills.They were afraid that the war would involve the Tedgar Hills, so they concentrated their efforts on developing a magically modified barbarian to protect the secret house.

Luke replied: "I'm afraid the Duke of Celtic also wants to have exclusive use of this technology. Neither the Temple of the Abyss nor the Duke's Castle can be offended by a little adventurer like me. Holy Mountain."

Many abyss mages suddenly go berserk for no reason, and then their bodies quickly transform into terrifying monsters.Some of them completely lost their minds, and then were killed and incinerated; some retained their minds like the eyes of true sight, and accepted the abyss without resistance.

The right time, place and people have shaped the current city of Raging Waves. "

As Baron Sergey said, the three remaining apostles have reached a certain level of reconciliation, and there have been no new prisoners in the temple prison for three days.Presumably, the day when the abyss will descend is very near, and the apostles have no leisure to continue attacking each other.

Let's not talk about Raging City, it has too much to talk about.This time I invite you here, I just want to know more about the Stormbarbarians.

Luke strode forward, like a pious abyss mage, accepting the transformation of the abyss calmly.

Victor quickly wrote his experience on the book, and after a paragraph was finished, he used magic to make the ink dry quickly, and then closed the book.The book flew up under his control, flew to the front of the bookshelf and stuffed it where it should have been.

It's a pity that there was internal strife in the magic secret house, and several magicians fled the Tedgar Hills with the storm barbarian transformation technology, so the storm barbarians did not widely appear in ancient wars. "

At that time, Raging Waves City was just a good port city. Unexpectedly, it is almost the world's trade center now. "

Therefore, the development of storm barbarians can only be carried out in Tedgar Hills.

"Yes, Priest Egbert."

Apostle Victor nodded, and said: "I know that secret technique, and I have led the abyss mage to carry out many excavations. The magic knowledge left there is amazing, and some of them are very advanced even in modern times.

Don't waste time, the abyss is about to fall, and the time of the apostles is very precious.

At this time, Luke's body has a certain resistance to the abyssal energy, and he will not be eroded by too much abyssal energy if he stays for a little longer. After returning, he can clear away the infiltrated abyssal energy and purify his body. and energy.

Is it a magical modification you developed? "

Although no new prisoners have been added to the prison, the Abyss Temple has now almost become a monster lair.

Luke said: "The City of Raging Waves is located on the busiest sea area in the world, and has excellent ports. Industrialization has shifted world trade from land to sea, and the empire has implemented another set of policies in Raging Waves City, giving the new type of nobles greater freedom. Freedom to compete with their counterparts in other countries.

Now the eye of true seeing at the entrance of the temple is no longer embarrassing Luke. Egbert's transformation into the abyss is obvious to all. He is getting closer and closer to the appearance of an apostle. It seems that he can transform into a real abyss apostle when the abyss descends. .

Luke didn't think too much, and replied: "The magic transformation technology of the storm barbarians is useless in my hands. This is my risky gain. Since it is a risky gain, of course I should sell it for a good price."

Facing the rushing pressure, Luke said unaffectedly: "Apostle Victor, I am an adventurer, a very good adventurer. I have made sufficient preparations for every step I take, so I can live until now.

An abyssal apostle cannot be offended by a true eye who can only watch the door.

It was Qingkong who also came to help.

First appease the wizard, Luke left the black potion workshop, changed into the robe of the abyss mage, and went to the temple of the abyss.

Luke just glanced at the collection of books on the bookshelf, and he knew that there are not only occult books, but also magic, alchemy, steam, machinery, history, geography, ancient times... It really covers everything, and all subjects are covered .

In fact, Apostle Victor had long connected the Storm Barbarian with that magical secret house.After all, an adventurer does not have the ability to develop storm barbarians, and this kind of development must have a large number of barbarians for consumption and experiments.

Luke followed Egbert into the core area of ​​the Abyss Temple. There are only a few Abyss mages who still maintain their human form. On the way, they passed by strange Abyss familiars, as if entering a monster garden.

As it goes deeper, the concentration of abyssal energy becomes higher and higher.If it was a few days ago, Luke would never dare to enter the area of ​​this concentration.He adjusted his breathing, using his own energy to resist the erosion of the abyss energy, and the coolness between his brows became clearer.

He was sitting there, holding a thick book in his hand, and taking notes with a quill in his other hand.

Luke asked the sore-faced man to tell the wizard that the imperial agents would organize a rescue for him in the near future, so that he would be ready to escape from prison at any time.

Egbert said with a slightly jealous tone: "It should be related to the storm barbarians. The blood-sworn barbarians developed by the Abyss Temple have been unable to increase production due to the limitations of mysterious prop production.

Talking about Raging City, Victor couldn't help feeling emotional: "I haven't been back to Raging City for more than 100 years, and there are too many memories for me, both good and bad.

You can actually use magic to transform and create a storm barbarian whose fighting power is no less than that of the blood-sworn barbarian. Lord Victor appreciates you very much.

Tomorrow's game is very, very important. The Duke of Celtic didn't want me to win, so he didn't dare to kill me directly.If I die here, or even disappear after entering the Abyss Temple, you will face the Celtic Duke who has not obtained the transformation technology of the Storm Barbarians and the entire angry Tedgar Hills people. "

Ancient wars destroyed too many precious things and set back the progress of civilization for thousands of years.

"Please sit down!" Victor invited Luke to sit down, not treating him as a backup for an abyss mage.

Egbert brought Luke into the study of the first apostle Victor. As a former professor of Oulu College, Victor still retained his previous love for academics even after he became an apostle of the abyss.

That's how Storm Barbarians were developed.

Luke saluted Victor: "Master Apostle! I am an adventurer, and I will encounter various unexpected dangers. Only with enough knowledge can I use it when needed.

Most of what Luke said is true. There is indeed a magical secret house ruins in the dense forest in the southern part of the Tedgar Hills, which was also destroyed by a magical attack.Through the archaeological discovery of the magical secret house, it is shown that the magicians who once lived here really conducted research on the magical transformation of barbarians.

"Thank you."

"I can feel the look in your eyes when you observe my bookshelf..." Victor looked up at Luke with admiration on his face: "Unlike those ignorant people, you have read many books here, and you have read a lot of books. These books have a deep understanding."

Now in order to find out where the abyss weapon is made, the wizard must be rescued as soon as possible.

It's just that when he met Egbert this time, he didn't study the Nirvana Egg. Instead, after looking at Luke for a long time, he said, "The First Apostle Victor wants to see you."

This was expected by Luke, but he still showed surprise: "Why? I was summoned by Lord Apostle Victor!"

Of course, I also met the first apostle Victor who I have seen many times in the game.

Hearing that Luke planned to sell the storm barbarian magic transformation technology, Victor Apostle smiled: "Storm barbarian transformation technology, I want it! How much? You can ask for a price."

The wizard was very frightened, he already felt that his body was alienating.He was worried that he would turn into a monster at any time, and he prayed that the imperial agents could rescue him as soon as possible.

You should know how valuable Stormbarbarian is to Tedgar Hills and what you're going to do with it. "

I am selling?Still not selling? "

Therefore, after a period of adventure, I will try to read some books during the rest time to prepare for the next adventure. "

After observing Luke for a while, Victor asked, "Are you from Raging City?"

Victor said: "I will give you a price for exclusive use of this technology by the Temple of the Abyss."

This inevitably aroused the jealousy of Priest Egbert.

In order to reflect his own value, the wizard took a very big risk and heard a piece of news.

If the storm barbarians were developed in modern times, it is impossible for the barbarians in the Tedgar Hills not to know.The storm barbarians can only be developed during the chaotic ancient war period, and that magical secret house is the most correct source.

Luke's words weakened Victor's momentum a lot.

In the Tedgar Hills, the Abyss Temple has always been a guest under the fence, not to mention that the power of the Temple is not what it used to be, and it is inseparable from the protection of the Celtic Duke.

If the Temple of the Abyss exclusively enjoys the transformation technology of the storm barbarians, it can also be used to bargain with the Duke of Celtic.If Luke is killed in order to prevent the Duke of Celtic from getting the storm barbarian transformation technology, it will really anger the Duke.

And tomorrow is the day when the Duke's Castle will hold the final match of Hercules, and the entire human race in the Tedgar Hills is paying attention to this match.If Luke died or disappeared in the Abyss Temple, it would anger both the barbarians and the humans in the Tedgar Hills at the same time.

Victor withdrew all the aura that was released: "What price will I have to pay, so that you will let me exclusively enjoy the transformation technology of the storm barbarian?"

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