Age of Arcane

Chapter 438 Sacrifice

Chapter 438 Sacrifice
In recent years, it has been really eventful for the Abyss Temple.Four abyssal apostles died, and inside the temple there are insiders who provide information to outsiders.Mutual suspicion prevented the three apostles from being as close as before. There was turmoil in the temple, and a large number of abyss mages were sent to prison or executed.

In the war against the empire, the Abyss Temple, which was constrained by internal problems, did not play its due role.The defeat on the battlefield made the Celtic Duke no longer rely on the Abyss Temple as much as before.

Providing blood-sworn barbarians for the barbarian legion is one of the places where the temple of the abyss can still reflect its own value.

Who would have thought that a storm barbarian would appear at this time.

If the Celtic Duke obtains this barbarian transformation technology, the Temple of the Abyss will lose an important bargaining chip with the Celtic Duke.

Therefore, the Temple of the Abyss must exclusively enjoy the transformation technology of the storm barbarians.

Facing Victor who was still aggressive, Luke replied: "Apostle Victor, if the Temple of the Abyss exclusively enjoys the Storm Barbarian technology, you will definitely kill me. Even if you don't kill me now, after tomorrow's game, you will do it.

But selling this technology to the Celtic Duke is different. The storm barbarians need to choose from the barbarians, and the Tedgar hills are the place where the barbarians are most concentrated.

The technical leak will not cause too much loss to the Duke. After I complete the transaction, I can safely leave the Tedgar Hills. "

Rejected relentlessly again, Victor's red eyes burst out with murderous intent.

This is no longer the abyss temple of the game copy, which made Luke think more.

When Egbert told Luke excitedly, he waved his hands and talked about how he dissected a living pregnant woman and replaced the baby in her womb with the twin eggs he cultivated.

Victor looked at Priest Egbert standing aside.

Victor is in a very good mood now, and he didn't care about Egbert's arrogance. He looked at Luke with a look of love in his eyes: "The Temple of the Abyss has never had a rule about seniority promotion, and talents are reused by me. who is the only standard.

During the academic discussion, Victor suddenly said such a sentence to Luke.But without waiting for Luke to answer, Egbert objected first: "Master Victor Apostle, Luke is only a backup of an abyss mage now. To promote him to a priest is too much."

And let Egbert lead Luke around inside the temple, let everyone know that the new priest was appointed by the first apostle, and he is a member of the first apostle.

But since it is going to destroy the abyss, of course, the higher the status in the abyss temple, the better.

Is their abyssal appearance the manifestation of their hearts?They have given up being human in their hearts, and they are no longer human in their bodies.

At this moment, Luke remembered the insider he had developed...the wizard.

This time the abyss descends only four apostles.

But no matter how anxious Egbert was, he didn't dare to speak anymore, because he might really die.

This time Luke thought about it seriously.

Victor believes that the influence of the abyss will change Luke's current thinking, so he said: "You can do whatever you want. The temple of the abyss is a free place."

Because we are all servants of God and share a common belief. "

And Victor said that the abyss will fall within these two days.The rescue of the wizard must be completed before the abyss descends, the abyss weapon must be destroyed, and only the wizard knows the location of the abyss weapon.

However, Egbert did not dare to complain, he could see that Apostle Victor loved Luke.Just listening to their discussion, I have to admit that this adventurer has real knowledge.

The other two apostles must have thought so too.

Victor grabbed two places by virtue of being the number one apostle.One was given to Egbert by default, and the second was given to another priest loyal to Victor.

The probability of this possibility is very high.

"As a priest, you can apply to the temple for funds, personnel, equipment, and laboratories to conduct your own special research.

Victor waited for Luke's answer.

Luke pretended to think about it, and said: "Well, anyway, this deal can't be decided in a day or two. I have always respected the abyss, and every time I enter the temple of the abyss, I can feel more and more about it. growing admiration.

Seeing that Luke agreed, Victor was very happy.Without knowing which apostle is the inner ghost, he sees both apostles as a threat.

Hearing that Victor actually tempted Luke by becoming an apostle, Egbert was extremely agitated.

If the Duke of Celtic asks you for the storm barbarian transformation technology tomorrow, can you delay the transaction for two days? "

As long as he accepts the abyss, he will definitely dedicate his all to the abyss.

Luke said: "But I like adventure, and I am not going to stay in the temple."

Besides, he is so young, his main job is to take risks.

It is impossible for someone to plan ahead.

Let's talk about the transformation technology of the storm barbarians after the abyss descends.

Victor could only use this word to describe the young man in front of him.

Luke listened to Egbert proudly narrate his experiments, and looked at the abyss mages who had turned into all kinds of strange and ugly things.

So Luke promised: "I have never refused any false positions that do not require responsibility. It may be useful one day. I also serve as the inspector general of the city's militia Wolf Brigade in the Holy Mountain. If it does not affect my On an adventure trip, I can serve as a priest of the Abyss Temple.

In order not to embarrass himself in the academic field of steam machinery, Apostle Victor shifted the discussion to the secret technique he was best at. As a result, Luke was able to have an almost equal discussion with him.

The achievements made by such a genius at will may be a height that others will not be able to reach in a lifetime of hard work.

The crack in the abyss was finally about to be opened by them.

"Do you think that the Temple of the Abyss will let you go if you leave the Tedgar Hills? Give me the storm barbarian transformation technology, and promise not to leak it to anyone. In the name of the first apostle, I promise that the Temple will never threaten your safety."

So Victor seems to be the strongest, but also the weakest.He was eager to expand his strength, and he was a little hungry.

"I want to promote you as a priest of the Abyss Temple..."

After receiving a set of sacrificial clothes and certificates, Luke also had a set of advanced rooms inside the temple.


He was imprisoned there.

At that time, we will definitely get a satisfactory answer.

Although the wizard has sent out the map of his detention location, it is still a bit difficult to rescue him safely.

Luke agreed to serve as the priest of the temple, and Victor immediately asked Egbert to take Luke with him to go through the relevant procedures with his appointment letter.

At this time, Egbert had 1 regrets in his heart. If he had known that this would happen, he would have to get the 5000 million Reichsmarks together even if he was selling everything.

Luke asked, "Why?"

Luke shook his head and smiled: "If this sentence is said to someone who doesn't know the Abyss Temple, he may believe the promise of the first apostle. But I was invited by Egbert priest to join the temple to accept the power given by the abyss. , Now I have a certain understanding of the situation inside the temple.

Even Priest Egbert worried about his safety for a while, how can you guarantee my safety? "

Get rid of the strongest self, and the two of them can give it a go!

Now the position of the apostle has become a suspense, this deal is too bad!

Most of the people who joined the Abyss Temple were monsters with distorted minds, except for a few who were novelty hunters.

And he is not a professional academic scholar.

Here, you don't need to consider the taboos outside, any experiment is allowed.This is also the main reason why I came to the Tedgar Hills to join the temple, all ethics and morals are under the truth, this is the holy place for scholars like us..."

You are talented and wise enough to be a priest in the temple.Even... I can make you an apostle of the Abyss Temple. "

Egbert took the special appointment letter written by the first apostle Victor himself, and took Luke to go through the formalities of promotion to priest.

The meeting with Victor was in his expectation. He just wanted to use the storm barbarian transformation technology to provoke the relationship between the Abyss Temple and the Celtic Duke. He really didn't expect Victor to promote himself as a priest, and even become an Abyss Apostle one.

After we welcome the abyss together, we will all be servants of the abyss.

After several major purges of the Abyss Temple, the loss of personnel was extremely serious.Moreover, I and the other two apostles became more and more suspicious of each other. If it weren't for the coming of the abyss that made everyone stop attacking tacitly, I really don't know what the conflict would be like when no one is willing to give in.

The situation that Apostle Victor is most afraid of now is that the other two apostles will form a temporary alliance and join forces to deal with the strongest self.

Of course not all of them are traitors, most of them are unlucky ones. "

If Victor gave Luke the position of apostle, Egbert would have a half chance of being swiped.

Can only be jealous, there is no other way.

No matter what misunderstandings the outside world has about the temple, in my eyes, the temple is a research institution.The taboos in the world are no longer taboos here. We can study whatever we want to study, and we can use whatever materials we want.

Then Victor asked Luke many other academic questions, and Luke could answer them all, and he had very unique insights.Not only learning miscellaneous, but also learning fine.Even when talking about the new steam mechanical technology, Victor was a little frightened. The current situation of the Tedgar Hills made it difficult for him to get in touch with the current top steam technology.

One can only hope Luke refuses.

Time is tight and the task is heavy, in order to accurately rescue the wizard.

Victor has no doubts about Luke's identity.

When he walked to a passage closely guarded by the abyss mage, Egbert terminated his experimental narration and said to Luke: "This is the prison of the temple, and all the abyss mages who betrayed the temple are detained.

After all, before this meeting, he himself didn't know that he would invite Luke to become the priest of the Abyss Temple, and then the Apostle of the Abyss.

Then Egbert took Luke to visit the Temple of the Abyss and told him the names and functions of the various departments of the temple.Also remind Luke who is the person of the first apostle and who is the person of the other two apostles.

Egbert immediately bent down, and replied in a very humble manner with fear: "Master Apostle, I owe Mr. Luke a large sum of money for the egg of Nirvana, so I want to take him to welcome the abyss as compensation. This I asked you for instructions on this matter, and got your permission."

Fortunately, he was waiting for the abyss to come.

He is an adventurer, and all knowledge is learned in the spare time of adventure.What could he have accomplished if he stopped taking risks and spent more time studying and doing research?
Fortunately, I didn't have the urge to kill him just now.

He even described in detail the growth process of the twin egg in the pregnant woman's womb. It hatched into a larva, fed on the flesh and blood of the pregnant woman, used the skin of the pregnant woman as a cocoon, and finally broke out of the cocoon and turned into a beautiful woman with a head on the front and back. Ripper Butterfly.

Since neither can be trusted, it is better to get rid of both, and one of them is true.


So Victor began to discuss magic with Luke, using the storm barbarian transformation technology as a guide.In just a few words, Victor discovered that Luke's knowledge and depth of understanding of magic far exceeded his expectations.

It is not impossible to be an abyss apostle. "

Luke's words immediately eased the very tense atmosphere in the room.Everyone is a believer in the abyss. Even though Luke's goal was to gain power at first, Victor, who has a deeper understanding of the abyss, knows that once he accepts the abyss, he will have unwavering faith.

Its strength exceeds our perception of the upper limit of strength.I believe that its coming this time will definitely make me far surpass my current self. "

Only when you have power can you do things well.

Apostle Victor's attitude towards Luke is changing rapidly.

Victor didn't say anything to Egbert, but instead said to Luke in a relaxed tone: "The Temple of the Abyss has always been open to the outside world, we welcome anyone to join, and anyone to embrace the abyss.

Among the other two apostles, one must have colluded with Qingkong.He let Qingkong snatch the book of calamity, and killed the other abyssal apostles, wanting to enjoy the divine favor of the abyss alone!
I will never let them succeed!
The coming of the abyss this time is a division of the abyss temple, and all abyss mages will stand in line once.Whoever has more people and who has stronger people will have a chance to win in the end!
Luke is a gift from the abyss.

Apostle Victor replied: "The abyss is already very close to us, and it will come within the next two days. I believe that after you embrace the abyss and accept the power bestowed by the abyss, you will definitely stand firmly on the side of the temple.

Luke felt the need to step on the ground himself to determine the location of the wizard and the interior of the prison.

Luke stopped at the door of the prison and asked Egbert, "Can I go in and take a look?"

Egbert wanted to take Luke directly across the prison, but he didn't expect Luke to ask to go inside the prison.

He thought for a while and said, "Yes! It's good to have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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