Age of Arcane

Chapter 452 Damn

Chapter 452 Damn
After Luke's reminder, Agatha realized that she had put too much pressure on herself since her father's death.Especially the last words of my father always echoed in my ears from time to time.

So that I can no longer look at the meteor from the side with my previous gaze, but stare at the back of the person like my father.

If you don't want to follow in the footsteps of your father, it's best to shift your perspective back as soon as possible...

Agatha looked at Luke again, without too much complexity in her eyes.Her eyes were clear, with a fortitude without distracting thoughts, and a little tenderness.

The vague feeling made Luke dare not look at her.

I don't know whether to blame the Augustine family's genes for being too good, or to blame the game artists for being too dedicated.The mature beauty of the confident Agatha has a field-controlling effect. If she is willing to become the emperor of the empire, her ability and her beauty can be combined into a huge centripetal force, and the centralization of the empire will reach an unprecedented peak.

And it is precisely because Agatha is not greedy for power, which endows her with greater charm.

Agatha said to Luke: "I will carefully consider the advice given to me by my father and Her Majesty the Queen. I hope you will consider it too! Leaving aside the interests and power involved, you are a very attractive man, if it is not in the way Miss Qingkong, me...and Dai'er, more people should propose marriage to you.

Well... I'm not the ideal partner for most men. They probably don't like their wives thinking about how to torture and kill people all day long.

You must be different from them.

Considering taking our relationship a step further? "

This oppressive attack made Luke a little overwhelmed.He considers himself not a person who is good at dealing with emotions, and at the same time has pure illusions about emotions, and doesn't want to involve utilitarianism in it, so he has always been alone.

Luke knew that Yin had feelings for him, but Yin was very reserved, and she kept that hazy feeling and didn't expose it.

He knew that Dai'er also had feelings for him, but Dai'er was still too young to know what kind of emotion he had.

Qingkong... Although Qingkong has awakened, Luke has always had a feeling that he and Qingkong are mutual achievements.Just like light and shadow, no matter how close they are, there is a boundary line that cannot be crossed.

Agatha's straightforwardness was the first time Luke encountered it, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"I will think about it."

Seeing Luke's embarrassment, Agatha couldn't help laughing: "I have never seen our Meteor Governor show such an expression! I used to think that no matter what, you can deal with it calmly...Look now Come on, there are still some things you can't handle."

Luke took a sip of tea to cover it up: "There are always things that people are not good at, and your Highness..."

"Call me Agatha."

"Agatha," Luke said, "my real name is..."

"I know your real name, but you have always been my meteor."

Luke asked suspiciously, "Do you know my real name?"

Agatha smiled and said: "A good spy will not always use the same pseudonym. Your private affairs with me will be suspended here, and the work time is still about work.

Now it's time to talk about these guests from the imperial capital. "

Luke said, "Okay, light talk. Angel, don't worry too much for now. The clear sky will drag them down, and the angel doesn't have time for trouble, and probably won't.

Dragons are a little trickier. "

Feeling relaxed physically and mentally, Agatha leaned on the back of the chair relaxedly: "It's very tricky! These giant dragons don't have the majesty that high-level and extraordinary creatures should have. There are many accidents and casualties in the city.

If we can't let these giant dragons settle down as soon as possible, there may be chaos in the imperial capital. "

Luke didn't expect the dragon to cause such a serious disturbance, and everyone died.

Shenglun City is not a holy mountain. If the palace continues to let the dragon do things, there will really be big troubles.

"I'm taking the situation here too lightly. How many people died? Those dragons?"

Agatha replied: "It was a black dragon. He didn't control the angle properly when he dived, and hit the road. A car was crushed by him, and all four members of the family inside were killed. There were more than a dozen injured, including two. People have amputated limbs.

The giant dragon has not responded to the accident so far, and the black dragon is still rampaging everywhere. "

Luke considered how to deal with these dragons.

From the perspective of the giant dragons, they are already very restrained.Humans are in the recipe for giant dragons, and all the legends about dragons rarely have positive descriptions of dragons.Cannibalism is a basic morality, snatching gold gems, snatching princesses, and slaughtering a city at every turn.

Isn't it just a few people who were injured and killed now?

We haven't eaten people yet!
So how could the dragon respond to such a trivial matter.

Luke thought about it for a while, and asked Agatha, "Any new news from the Glitterkin and the Shadow Clan?"

Agatha shook her head: "No! The World Bank is operating normally, and there is no special news from it."

Luke stood up, and Kaleena fetched him his coat.

"Go and meet these giant dragons. They must have their own purpose in coming to Saint Lun City. First listen to what they want to do, and then find a way to keep them safe."

Agatha stood up together: "The giant dragon has occupied a metallurgical factory outside the city as a lair. When they have had enough trouble, they will go back to the lair to rest. I will take you there."


However, just as Luke and Agatha came out to get in the car, a car with the flag of the World Bank blocked in front of their car.

Step out of the car are two Shimmer twins in World Bank uniforms.

"Mr. Meteor, please come with us, we have a case that requires your cooperation in the investigation."

The Shuojin man's attitude and tone were full of hostility, and his standing posture was also aggressive.

Agatha took a step forward and shouted at the Shuojin twins: "This is the Golden Shield Empire, Meteor is an important minister of the empire, it's not your turn to take it away at will!

Get out of the way, or you will be punished for murder! "

The eldest princess got angry, and the accompanying imperial spies immediately drew out their weapons and surrounded the two Shuojin people.

The Shuojin man did not retreat, but instead chanted the ancient Shuojin language and put on a layer of golden armor: "His Royal Highness, are you going to fight the Shuojin people on behalf of the empire?"

The angels, dragons, and shadows didn't say hello one by one, they came and left whenever they wanted, Agatha had already been angry.Now the Shuojin people are about to take Meteor away, and Agatha no longer restrains herself.

"I can declare war on behalf of the empire, can you declare war on behalf of the Shuojin people? You won't let Meteor take it away! If you don't get out of the way, I want to see if the Shuojin people will fight the empire for you two!"

Seeing that Agatha was playing for real, the two Shuojin people finally showed some timidity, but they still said stubbornly: "Your Royal Highness, your empire needs the World Bank."

Agatha raised her hand to give an order, but Luke pulled her hand down, walked up to the Shuo Jin and asked, "Is something wrong with Yin?"

"You know!" The Shuojin man showed a haughty look again: "It seems that the investigation of Yin by the Elder's Court is true. Come with us, as long as you cooperate with the investigation, the Elder's Court will look at the face of the Golden Shield Empire and treat you from time to time. Light punishment..."

Before the golden man could finish speaking, Luke raised his foot and kicked the golden man in front of him away.And before the other Glitter could react, holding a golden sword around his neck.


As soon as the fallen Shuojin man got up, he was stunned by what he saw.

He heard a piece of ancient golden language read from Luke's mouth, and then the components of the golden armor appeared in the air, quickly nesting on his body.

In the blink of an eye, a set of gorgeous golden armor was completed, and a powerful authoritative aura spread in a circular shape.

"You, you're a Shuojin man!" The twins were terrified by what they saw in front of them. Only a real Shuojin man could release this kind of powerful Shuojin language magic.

And it takes a very high level to learn.

Agatha's eyes widened in shock and she couldn't speak. She looked around again, and the Shuojin people were all twins.

Are there two meteorites?
Luke said to the two Shuojin people: "It doesn't make sense for the two of you to send your lives here. The Shuojin Elderly House will not fight the Empire for you, nor will it use the power of the World Bank to impose sanctions on the Empire.

Go back and tell your elders that the current Jin civilization is not the ancient Jin civilization, and the angels will not help you. If the Jin civilization still wants to keep its dignity, don't piss me off.

Treat Yin well, I will personally go to the headquarters of the World Bank and give Shuojin an explanation. "

The two twins still wanted to be stubborn: "You are from Shuojin, you should obey the orders of the elders' house!"


Terrified, the two Shuojin people quickly got into the car, reversed the car skillfully, turned around and fled.

Luke turned and walked towards his car, and the golden armor scattered from his body into golden light and disappeared one by one.His complexion was very bad, and he had already warned Pan, but he didn't expect him to go all the way in the end.

Sitting in the car, Agatha asked, "What happened? Is it related to Director Yin?"

"I'll take care of this."

Knowing that Luke was in a bad mood, Agatha didn't continue to ask Yin: "You can tell me what you need me to do. Besides... are you a Shuojin?"

"No, I just happen to be able to use the power of the Shuojin people. This time I must be misunderstood by the Shuojin people's elders' house as a Shuojin person. The investigation of me by the Shuojin people will cause a lot of trouble for the empire."

Now that Agatha has a lot of debts, don't panic: "Come on, no matter if it's angels, dragons, or Shuojin people, let's deal with it together!"

"Okay, let's deal with it together, I know how to deal with those dragons."

"How to deal with it?"

"It's reasonable, they don't understand, so let's use their rules."


"Hasn't the clear sky been played? I think the effect is not bad."

"I think the effect is also good. I haven't seen you fight, can you do it? If not, I'll do it."


The trip to the Tedgar hills can be said to be completely reborn, and after facing the abyss, he has reached a higher level. Luke is very confident in his current strength.

At this moment, Agatha suddenly asked: "What happened to Yin is related to you, and it caused such a big reaction from the Shuojin people... Is it because she likes you?"

What a woman's intuition!

(End of this chapter)

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