Age of Arcane

Chapter 453 Dragon Nest

After the glittering gold people left, Luke's convoy traveled smoothly.Along the way, you can see that the city has become much more depressed. People are walking in a hurry, looking into the sky vigilantly from time to time.

One dragon haunting is enough to cause panic, let alone sixteen dragons at once.They took turns to be on duty, always harassing the sky above the city of St. Lun.Moreover, these guys have a great appetite and only eat meat. In order not to let them choose to feed themselves, the empire has been continuously providing them with meat.

"Recently, the whole roasted cow that these giant dragons like, now there are a hundred chefs cooking for them..."

Talking about the dragon, Agatha felt a headache.

Luke put down the matter for the time being. He believed that his public use of the ancient Shuojin language would make the Shuojin elders' house treat this matter cautiously.After all, the turmoil that the elders of the Shuojin people were assassinated by the Shadow Clan has not yet subsided. Angels suddenly descended on Shenglun City, and then the Dragon Clan came again. arch enemy.

It's better to get rid of these giant dragons first, and bad things may not turn into good things.

Hearing what the dragons were eating, Luke asked, "Do these big guys pay for their meals?"

"What do you think?"

"It must not be paid! It's okay not to give money, and our cattle are not blown by the strong wind. How much food does this group of dragons need?"

Agatha made a rough calculation: "About 150 million Reichsmarks a day."

"Take them 1000 million. How much will they lose in a day if they occupy the steelmaking plant?"

"Almost 150 million Reichsmarks."

"The factory owners who pay taxes to the empire can't suffer such a big loss, let these dragons pay 1000 million yuan for accommodation and 1000 million food expenses every day. With this money, it should be no problem for the empire to raise these dragons."

Agatha thought that Luke was joking with herself, and said with a smile: "For such a good thing, of course it depends on how much you have."

"I'll split the money with you four or six for the money I earn. It's okay if I'm six and you four."

Agatha's smile tightened: "You won't really ask the dragon to pay this money, will you?"

Luke smiled and said, "You don't think the dragon can't afford the money, do you?"

Realizing that Luke wasn't joking, Agatha said flatly, "As long as you can keep the dragon peaceful and not disturb the normal life of the residents of St. Lun City, and obediently pay the money, you will be seven and three."

"make a deal!"

Luke stretched out his hand, and Agatha slapped his palm hard: "Deal!"

The team went out of the city and soon came to the steel factory occupied by the dragons.

At this time, there was not a trace of smoke coming out of the chimney of the steel factory, but the smell of barbecue was wafting around.The workers in the steel factory had long since fled without a trace, only a troop of city guards was stationed outside the steel factory.

Luke and Agatha got out of the car, and the commander of the army immediately greeted them.

Agatha is the eldest princess of the empire, and Luke also serves as the head of the city guards.

The officer saluted Agatha and Luke.

Luke returned to the military salute casually, and then observed the situation in the steel factory.

There is a high wall outside the steel factory, and the entrances and exits are now sealed off by the military with iron fences, leaving only a small opening for personnel to enter and exit.The army was stationed on the side of the steel factory facing the city, and the eight steam airships were in a warm-up state, and they could be lifted off by releasing the fixed ropes.There are also rows of war machines neatly arranged under the sunshade, and a layer of camouflage net is spread on the sunshade.

Other important military equipment was housed in well-dug holes, all visually camouflaged.

After all, the San Lun City City Guard Corps is one of the main armies of the empire. Although it underwent a major reorganization after the Fania coup, its quality is still very high.

Bursts of dragon roars came from inside the steel factory.

The commander explained: "The giant dragon has set up a lot of detection magic and magic traps in the steel factory. They should know that Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Marquis are coming."

Luke turned on his thunder and fire pupils and looked at the steel mill. There were many special magical currents flowing over the steel mill.

The artifact of the Dragon Clan is the Rainbow Arch, and the divinity of the Rainbow Arch is magic.Therefore, the dragon clan not only has a strong physique, but also has a strong ability to cast spells.The origin of magic in the secular world is the magic from the dragon clan.

The steel factory in Jianglei Huotong's field of vision is covered by various magical streams, and the colorful light is like a fairy tale world.

Luke ordered: "Order all the airships in your department to take off and enter the first-level combat readiness state, so that the dragon realizes that you will attack at any time."

The commander was taken aback when he heard this order: "Legion Commander, are you really going to fight the dragon?"

"Are you afraid?"

The commander showed embarrassment, but he quickly adjusted his state, stood at attention and said loudly: "I'm afraid! But the city guard regiment resolutely implements the order of the regiment commander."

After speaking, the commander led his officers to the camp, and soon the entire camp was surging, all the soldiers rushed to their positions, and the steam airship quickly lifted off with white smoke.

Agatha was afraid of affecting Luke's authority in the army, so she didn't say anything in front of his subordinates. She waited until the officers had left before asking, "Aren't you afraid of annoying the dragon, are you really fighting?"

"Don't be fooled by the appearance of giant dragons, they are all smart guys, at least most dragons are very smart. Their reckless behavior is actually a test of the strange world in their eyes, and let's see where our bottom line is.

Don't worry, as long as they realize that we have the ability to fight a local war with them and defeat them at our home court, the dragons will not dare to fight us easily.

After all, their primary opponent is not us. "

After listening to Luke's explanation, Agatha said: "Okay! You know more about ancient civilizations than I do, listen to you... The empire is ready to kill sixteen dragons here."

"That's what I want. Go...into the Dragon's Nest."

Luke and Agatha led the entourage towards the steel factory, and the soldiers guarding the gate quickly removed the obstacles and opened the iron gate.

Entering the steel factory, a thin layer of fog quickly rose around.Factory buildings and buildings loomed in the mist, and a huge figure flashed across the sky.

Agatha's close female officer came to the front and shouted loudly: "His Royal Highness Agatha, the eldest princess of the Golden Shield Empire, and Lord Meteor, Marquis of Raging Waves, are here to ask to see the Golden Dragon King Tailun."

The female officer's voice echoed in the quiet factory area, and a passage appeared in the mist.

The team walked forward through the passage, and when they reached an open area, their vision suddenly became clear.

The square is surrounded by high forts made of large steel ingots, a total of sixteen.There are nine giant dragons lying on the high base, staring down at the coming humans with a haughty attitude.The scales of the nine dragons have different colors. The dragon in the center is bigger than the other dragons, and the scales on its body are shining like gold.

He is the king of the golden dragon Tai Lun who led these giant dragons across the ocean to Saint Lun City.

Agatha and Luke stepped forward and saluted King Tailun, the golden dragon.

King Tai Lun exhaled two puffs of smoke from his nose as a "return".

As the eldest princess of the empire, Agatha said: "Respected Golden Dragon King Tailun, I am here to visit this time to make formal representations about the dragon's series of disturbing behaviors in Shenglun City.

I hope that the dragon clan can abide by the order we have established, so that the citizens of the empire can travel safely and securely. "

King Tyron spewed out two more puffs of smoke, and then said contemptuously: "When the dragon soared over this land, it was still a wasteland and forest. You are the latecomers, why should the great dragon abide by the law?" Your rules?"

Luke stepped forward and said: "We have the strength to make you obey the rules, at least in this land, we make the rules and have the ability to make the rules enforced."

King Tyron looked at Luke: "You are arrogant, who are you?"

"Governor of Rage City, Meteorite."

"City of Raging Waves! We saw that city in the storm. It is magnificent."

"I see you too. Walking in the storm is admirable."

"If you have seen ancient warfare, you know that such a storm is nothing to a dragon. If you know the power of a dragon, you know how stupid your provocation is."

Luke said with a smile: "Not long ago, an angel who experienced the ancient war said the same thing, but unfortunately...she was defeated by an elf.

King Tyrone, do you want to verify whether we have the ability to guard the rules. "

Luke's challenge angered the dragons, and the other eight dragons stood up from the high wall and let out an angry roar together.The elemental power was stimulated, and various colors of light condensed on the scales of the dragon.

As long as the golden dragon gives an order, they will immediately launch an all-element magic bombardment on the provocateur.

The golden dragon King Tai Lun stared at Luke, then raised his front paw, and the dragon group immediately quieted down.

"Elf Clear Sky, Queen of Moonlight. I heard that she defeated Theresa, an angel who has killed many dragons and fought against me many times.

I thought Qingkong would come forward to challenge me, but I didn't expect it to be you.

This made me very disappointed and angry. "

Luke smiled and said, "If we need Miss Weatherlight to come forward for everything, wouldn't it seem that the rest of us are too incompetent. If we only have one Miss Weatherlight, why should we make rules in this land!"

At this time, the black dragon closest to the golden dragon said: "King Tyron, according to his identity, this human being is not qualified to challenge you. Please let me fight, and I will let him know what will happen if he provokes the dragon."

King Tyrone stared at Luke, then nodded.

With permission, the black dragon spread its wings and jumped down from the high base.He stood ten meters tall, with a length of 15 meters from head to tail, and the scales on his body shone like obsidian.Shaking the body, the scales rubbed against each other.

Seeing how powerful the black dragon is, Agatha couldn't help worrying about Luke's safety: "I think it's too risky... It's better for the two of us to fight together. According to the weight class, we are the one who suffers."

Luke said to Agatha: "My lord, this is not a boxing match. It's not about weight. You retreat to a safe range first, and I have helpers."

Agatha thought that the helper Luke was talking about was Qingkong, so she was relieved.

"be careful!"

Agatha retreated to the outside of the field with the other personnel, and the dragons released their magic together, enclosing one person and one dragon in the middle with a barrier.

Luke asked the black dragon: "The black dragon that killed four imperial citizens in the city of St. Lun was you, right?"

Heilong admitted straightforwardly: "It's me... that iron box that can run is too brittle, and it will be flattened after a little pressure."

Luke said: "A traffic accident causing death constitutes a traffic accident crime and should be sentenced to more than seven years in prison. This is the law of the empire, and it is a rule established by us.

If you win me, you don't have to obey the rules; but if I win you, you have to go to the imperial cell to serve your sentence obediently. "

"That's your rule, you can't restrain the dragon!"

The black dragon didn't fall for Luke's trap, and with a turn of its buttocks, its thick tail swept towards Luke.

Luke didn't dodge, and kicked towards the sweeping dragon's tail.

The impact of the two forces made a loud noise, and in a circle of ripples, the black dragon's tail was kicked back, and Luke also slid sideways for more than ten meters.

Now that he started to fight Luke, he no longer hides his clumsiness.

Greedy Red Dragon Spear was summoned and held in his hand, the thunder-shrinking fire pupil of his right eye was activated, the fire circle rose from under his feet, and the electric current danced around him.Fireworks sprayed from his nose, and his left eye turned into a dragon eye with vertical pupils.

A gust of dragon power gushed out of Luke's body in a whirlwind, and the wind pressure pushed towards the black dragon with power.

"You... are a dragon! No, what the hell are you?"

When the black dragon saw the changed appearance of Luke, all the scales on his neck stood up.The other giant dragons, including the golden dragon King Tai Lun, all stood up, neighing.

They can all feel the dragon breath emanating from Luke, and the material for making the gun is taken from the dragon.

"What am I? See with your eyes!"

Facing the black dragon, Luke didn't dare to be careless. The dragon pattern on the back of the right hand holding the gun flew out, and turned into a glutton in the electricity and fire.

Today's Taobao is more imposing than before, with a red armor inlaid with gold, and a fire cloud electric engine under his feet.Even in the face of a black dragon who was many times bigger than him, Taotie's aura was not weak at all, and Longwei was even better.

Another weird dragon came and stunned the dragons.

How did this hybridize?
But when Taotie came out, King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, was not as nervous as before.He hummed from his nose, and the other dragons all bowed their heads when they heard it, and then lay down again.

King Tyrone glanced at Luke, who was also lying on the high base. He didn't speak, but kept looking at Taotie with unfathomable emotions.

In the arena, facing Luke and Taotie, who were exuding pure dragon aura, the black dragon lost its previous arrogance.Open your eyes and see a person and an unknown creature that looks like a dragon; close your eyes and perceive two dragons.

And... the dragon-like creature that was summoned still has the feeling of an ancient dragon.

The black dragon put on a defensive posture. He first used magic to strengthen the defense of the scale armor, then strengthened his own magic resistance, and then set up several shields around his body.

Following the chanting of the ancient dragon language, magic circles unfolded, and the magic power accumulated in the magic circles, like floating fortresses.

Luke didn't expect that the black dragon, who is the most powerful dragon clan, would put on the posture of shrinking his head and fighting for magic consumption.

It's too bad for martial arts!

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