Age of Arcane

Chapter 454 Mutual Friend

Chapter 454 Mutual Friend

Since spelling magic...

Luke changed the posture of holding the gun. The Red Dragon Spear looks like a long gun, but in is a top-level magic wand.

Luke has already absorbed the fourth dose of the mysterious substance mixture "Aria of Huoshaoyun Chaoqu". Although it is still short of the last dose of the most perfect fire element affinity, it should be enough to deal with a black dragon.

Luke pointed the spear, and Taotie flew into the air.

Taotie's ancient giant dragon inheritance has reached the final stage, and the roar it made caused the dragons to resonate in unison, and when the dragons roared, they found out how to cheer their opponents?
The giant dragons who realized that this dragon-like creature had an extraordinary origin looked at the golden dragon King Tai Lun together. The golden dragon king lying on the high base was silent, quietly watching the battle that was about to break out in the arena.

The dragons had no choice but to concentrate on maintaining the shield and pray for the black dragon in their hearts.

Taotie hovered in the air, and five magic circles appeared and revolved around it. The magic power was accumulated in the magic circle, and the air-to-ground bombing could be launched at any time.

Luke hammered the ground heavily with the Red Dragon Gun in his hand, a circle of ripples spread the floating soil, and another circle of ripples set off a wave of fire.A fire snake made of six fire elements rises from the fire wave. The head of the snake is facing the black dragon, and the mouth of the snake is opened, and the hot fireball is condensed in the mouth of the snake.

Over the field, dark clouds were densely covered. After a thunderbolt flickered in the clouds, the black clouds turned into red clouds.More and more lightning appeared, the initial lightning was white, but it produced a fusion reaction with the fire element in the red cloud, and the white lightning turned into a deep purple.

The booming sound continued, and the electric chains in the cloud were connected and combined to form a continuous power grid.

However this is not over.

The ancient dragon language was sung from Luke's mouth, and five floating magic arrays appeared beside him. The arrays were aimed at the black dragon, and the magic power condensed in the arrays, and the light became brighter and brighter.

Seeing such a scene, the black dragon immediately replenished several shields, and all the offensive magic formed by the floating magic circle was canceled and changed to defensive magic.

Layers of shields and protective covers protect the black dragon inside, and the dragon armor is also radiant, maximizing all kinds of magic resistance.

This game has completely turned into a contest between shield and spear to see who is better.

"Since you defend, then I will attack!"

After Luke finished speaking, the Thunderbolt pupil of his right eye burst out with intense purple light, and a purple thunderbolt fell from the fire cloud.A shield moved to the top of the black dragon to catch the thunder's blow, the shield was instantly shattered, and the thunder scattered into scattered electric sparks and disappeared.

New shields were produced, and dense thunderbolts fell continuously.

At the same time, the fire snake spewed fireballs, and the magic circle around Luke and Taotie released magic beams at the same time, tilting the firepower at the black dragon in a saturated manner like a Gatling machine gun.

In the fire cloud in the sky, a fireball like a meteorite fell down with a whistling sound.

The spreading fire, thunder, and magic energy merged into the tide and rushed towards the protective barrier around the site.The ripples of fire climbed up the barrier, and the inside of the barrier was like a blast furnace for steelmaking. The light became brighter and brighter, so that people outside could no longer see what was happening inside the screen.

Agatha and her followers were all dumbfounded.

They have never seen such a ferocious magic confrontation. Unlike the gorgeousness of the clear sky vs. Theresia, the first biography of the Holy Code, the battle between the meteorite and the black dragon is simply brutal.

The center of the battle is like a high-power exhaust fan, frantically extracting the magic elements in the entire area.The directional flow of magical elements formed strips of colorful light, and then formed a vortex to be drawn into the protective barrier.

The roaring thunder seemed to tear the sky apart, and the shaking earth seemed like a volcano was about to erupt.

The golden dragon King Tai Lun stood up, spread his wings and uttered a high-pitched dragon cry towards the sky, and all the giant dragons spread their wings together and echoed the dragon cry.High in the sky, the giant dragons who flew back from Shenglun City circled around the fire cloud, and the dragons blew one after another.

The airship of the city garrison corps greeted them, the gun door on the side was opened, and the magic projectile was loaded and ready to launch.

The accompanying guards stepped forward to protect Agatha behind her.

Sandpaper and her sisters all floated up, their hair fluttering into a fighting state, and Boiling set up a magic cannon against the magic barrier.

A war between the Golden Shield Empire and the Dragon Kingdom could break out at any time due to misfires.

But at this time, the magic frenzy behind the barrier came to an abrupt end. After all the brilliance was extinguished, the middle of the battle field had been bombed beyond recognition.The upturned soil was burnt into a glazed shape by the high-temperature fire. Six fire snakes wrapped around the black dragon's body, bound his wings, wrapped around his neck, and retracted the dragon's mouth.

The black dragon struggled to fight the fire snake, but was still bound by the fire snake, and finally rolled over on the ground.The black dragon's body was blown up with blue smoke, a large piece of dragon scales were lifted off, and the flesh and blood were scorched.

Taotie fell from the sky, its front paws pressed the head of the black dragon, and it opened its mouth to bite on the neck.

"I admit, we lost!"

Hearing that the Golden Dragon King Tailun admitted defeat, Luke immediately stopped Taotie.

Taotie flew back to Luke's side, shrank his body and dawdled back and forth a few times on his body, then burrowed into the back of his right hand and turned back into the pattern of Jackie Chan.

The giant dragons removed the protective barrier, and the giant dragons in the air landed in their respective high forts one by one.

King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, recited a passage of dragon language, and the fiery snake that bound the black dragon suddenly turned into black coke and scattered into fly ash.

The black dragon stood up without saying a word. After saluting the King of Tai Lun, he jumped onto his high base and buried his head in his wings.

"It should be me who is fighting you." The Golden Dragon squatted on the high base, his attitude was still arrogant, but his tone was much calmer, and he even used an honorific: "The Black Dragon Ballet is not enough to become your opponent."

Seeing such a big change in the attitude of King Tai Lun of the golden dragon, Luke immediately wanted to understand that he must have seen the inheritance of Taotie.

This is an encounter with an old and familiar dragon!

He should be respecting Banat who has turned into a dragon soul.

Since King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, didn't tell the truth, Luke also played riddles with him: "It's not too late for you to end now, Taotie and I are very much looking forward to fighting with you."

The Golden Dragon looked at the airship that was oppressing from the sky, and then looked at Luke: "If we fight now, I'm afraid we won't be able to restrain our subordinates. War is not what I want, and it probably isn't what you want either."

Luke replied: "We love peace, but in order to protect the citizens of the empire, it is not that we cannot accept war."

At this time, Agatha came to Luke's side. She didn't know the tacit understanding between Luke and the golden dragon King Tyrannos just reached, so she was very careful to guard against the dragons.

In front of them, a black dragon was beaten like this, and they were afraid that the group of giant dragons would become angry from embarrassment.

However, to Agatha's surprise, the Golden Dragon Tyrone King actually said: "I apologize to you for the troubles we have caused your country these days, and I promise that the dragon will not enter the sky above the city at will."

Is this going to soften up?
Is this the Golden Dragon King?

With Agatha's mind in a state of turmoil, Luke said, "No, we want the dragons to come over the empire a lot, to put a little pressure on the other guests of the empire. But please don't chase the airship, and don't threaten The safety of the citizens of the Empire."

A smile appeared on the Golden Dragon King Tai Lun's face: "This is also the purpose of our coming to Sheng Lun City. If you don't like those guests, let us do the job of putting pressure on them."

Agatha looked at the golden dragon, then at Luke, and couldn't figure out how the simultaneous treacherous smiles of the first time met.

Agatha approached Luke and asked in a low voice, "What are you plotting with these dragons?"

Luke replied: "There is nothing plotting now, just finding out that these dragons are potential allies."

"Allies?" Agatha looked at the giant dragons standing on the high base around her in disbelief, a little unaccustomed to this rapid change of camp.

Luke whispered: "It's not suitable to talk too deeply here. I will find an opportunity to meet King Tyrone alone to see how well the empire and the dragon can cooperate."

"I know that you will be able to solve the trouble caused by the dragon when you come to the imperial capital, but I didn't expect it to be solved in this way..." Agatha hesitated, and asked: "Since we are allies... What are the food and accommodation expenses? No more?"

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Even if we are allies, we can't support them for nothing. This money must be needed!"

Luke turned to the Golden Dragon Tyrann King and said: "Since you have decided to abide by our rules, then... can you settle the food expenses for these days. In addition, you occupy this steel factory, and the daily reduction in steel production, yes It’s a huge loss for us as well.”

"It's your honor for the dragon to visit your city. Do you have to pay for eating your cows and occupying an unmanned steel factory?"

Luke said: "King Tyron, you are an ancient dragon who has experienced ancient wars, so don't lie with your eyes open. Can a few cows feed you sixteen dragons?
And the cattle we supply to you are not ordinary cattle.The bison you used to eat ran around without anyone managing them. What you ate were mud and grass covered with feces, and what you drank was sewage with silt.The meat of that kind of beef has no taste, but also has a fishy smell.

The cattle we supply to you are raised in clean farms, and they eat feed made from a mixture of various grains every day, and the water they drink must be purified through 38 processes.The cows that can be sent have to go through layers of selection, not too young, too old, or low-intelligence.

Dear dragons, don't you feel that the beef that the empire provides you is much better in texture and taste than the beef you used to eat? "

Speaking of the beef he ate recently, Julong nodded deeply.

Although I don't know how the intelligence of the cow affects the taste of the beef, but the beef with high IQ is indeed delicious.The meat is tender and not loose, and the taste is much better than the bison I ate before.

Another reason why dragons are so keen on going out is because they eat too much.

King Tailun, the golden dragon, thought about it.

He led the dragon group to Shenglun City of the Golden Shield Empire, in order to find out what the angels wanted to do here.But after searching for a while, nothing was found.

The dragon's goal is too big, and he is not familiar with human cities. If he wants to find out more information, he needs the local people to be his eyes and ears.The giant dragons have been acting recklessly these days, trying not to hurt people as much as possible, just wanting to force the empire to send people to negotiate and occupy a favorable negotiating position.

Now the Golden Shield Empire does not appear to be weak and deceitful on the surface. An elf, Qingkong, can win the first transmission of the Holy Code Theresia, and this mysterious human being in front of him is not weaker than himself.

I don't know how many such powerful people are hidden in the Golden Shield Empire.

Fortunately, both sides have a mutual friend, and they can reach a certain degree of cooperation. The first step of the plan can be said to be overfulfilled.

As for paying a meal fee and land occupation fee, such trivial matters don't need to be too fussy.

Besides, the beef is really delicious, so it must be expensive.

"Well, I admit that the dragon eats a lot compared to you humans, and we drove away the people in this factory.

How much do we need to pay for this? "

Luke said, "The food cost is 1000 million Reichsmarks per day, and the accommodation fee is also 1000 million Reichsmarks."

The Golden Dragon King Tai Lun said: "I don't understand the value of the Imperial Mark, a piece of paper can actually buy things. Let's use gold to pay... Do you accept gold?"

Agatha did not expect that King Tyrone would not even pay back the price, but directly accepted such an outrageous offer, and paid in gold.

Who would have thought that Meteor even considered it for a while, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, King Tyron, the Golden Shield Empire has abolished the use of precious metals as currency circulation. Moreover, all the gold collected by the dragon is raw ore, which is mixed with many impurities. It needs to be refined to make jewelry.

Your Royal Highness, all the gold in the empire is used to make tableware. It is useless for us to ask for too much gold. "

Seeing that Luke didn't even want gold, Agatha knew that he must be thinking about better things in Dragon Kingdom.

So Agatha said very distressed: "Gold is so heavy, it is too inconvenient to use as currency. Now gold is a kind of beautiful metal for us, and it is even inferior to steel in terms of practical use."

King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, sighed: "I didn't expect that you humans have already seen the essence of gold. They are beautiful metals. Besides gold, what else do you accept as currency?"

Dragons like to collect shiny things, and the gold reserves in the Dragon Kingdom are very rich, so there is a lot of gold stored in each dragon's lair, and King Tai Lun even has a gold mountain.

But collecting gold is only a hobby of dragons, they do not value gold.After all, it can't be eaten, and the dragons don't use gold to trade.

Seeing that Tyron King agreed to trade with other items, Luke said: "Now in the human world, steam technology has been widely used, and the fire crystal used to provide heat for steam engines is a consumable. I know that Dragon Kingdom has a very huge fire crystal." Crystal reserves, if the giant dragon is willing to use fire crystals to pay for food and accommodation, I think Her Royal Highness the Princess will be very happy to accept this deal."

Hearing that Dragon Kingdom has a huge reserve of fire crystals, Agatha immediately said: "The empire is very willing to accept fire crystals."

"Fire crystal?"

King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, thought of those hot red crystals. There are indeed many such crystals in the Dragon Kingdom, much more than gold.The dragons didn't see any use for this stone except for its ability to generate heat.

It is more cost-effective to exchange fire crystals for beef than to pay with gold.

"Yes. But... if the amount is too large, you need to go to Dragon Kingdom to dig and transport it yourself."

"No problem." Luke didn't expect King Tyron to let him go to the Dragon Kingdom to dig fire crystals, so there is nothing to be polite about: "Our ship is going to the Dragon Kingdom, can we guarantee safety?"

"Go to my territory and bring more delicious beef to my children. They will guarantee your safety. The price of the beef they eat will be deducted from Huojing."

King Tai Lun didn't even ask how many fire crystals he exchanged for a cow. This kind of spar, which is useless to dragons, can be dug as much as he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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