Age of Arcane

Chapter 476 Oracle

Chapter 476 Oracle
General Joshuaer, the former soul of the Northern Legion, died, and the entire Triumph Fortress fell into deep mourning.After attending the funeral of General Joshuar, the royal condolence team took the train on their way back to the imperial capital.

In a separate compartment on the train, Agatha and Luke sit face to face.At this time, the train had left the Tedgar Hills area, but the two of them remained silent.

After a while, Agatha said: "General Joshua's suicide can be said to be the best ending. If he is taken back to the imperial capital, no matter how he is judged according to his status, it will cause a lot of trouble. .

Just don't know what Sinclair would think. "

Luke looked at the scenery outside the window with an extremely serious expression. After a long time, he laughed at himself and said, "I did this dirty thing, which made my heart hard to calm down. I used to be a very upright person. Now it’s getting more and more limitless. Sinclair has been avoiding me these days, and he can definitely figure out what role I played in it after the fact.”

Agatha looked at Luke who was in some pain, and reached out to grab his hand in her own.

"I understand how you feel now, because sometimes I also fall into this kind of self-blame, and even hate myself. Want to hear me tell a story?"

"You speak, I'm listening."

Then Agatha tells Luke about a past event she once did.

"Before I took over the Secret Service, I had been secretly working for the Secret Service. Once I went on a mission, and the mission started very smoothly. I successfully stole the information. But when I was evacuating, I was found to be hunted down , Soon I was injured and captured, but fortunately the information was passed on.

The young man who had captured me recognized me and set me free on his own initiative.In exchange, I will protect his family as a princess.

I agreed, and even actually pleaded with my father for him and his family, but..."

Agatha stopped here.

Luke asked: "Your father didn't agree."

Agatha nodded: "Not only did he not agree, but he also asked me to personally send their family to the gallows. I still can't forget the way he looked at me at that time. He didn't speak, but it was like stabbing me with a sword again and again. heart.

I was only 14 years old at the time, and I didn't understand why my father did this.

Now I know my father is right.Politics is a game with a very low fault tolerance rate. Excessive compassion will only make us die faster. "

Luke said with a wry smile: "After hearing your experience, my heart seems to be much more comfortable."

Agatha smiled and said, "If you want to feel better, I still have a lot of stories here. Most of the Secret Affairs Bureau does disgraceful things, and you will never be bored along the way."

Agatha's palm was hot, and Luke could feel her concern for him.The story she just told was definitely an indelible shadow in her heart, but in order to comfort herself, she still recalled it.

Luke pretended to be relaxed and said: "I'm not as fragile as you think, it's just a momentary feeling.

Once Joshua and those stubborn officers died, the problem of the Northern Army was completely solved. "

Agatha let go of Luke's hand and resumed the eldest princess's demeanor: "The solution was more perfect than we expected when we came. Once they died, the factions left by Fania fell apart, and waited for the announcement of Sinclair's renunciation of the succession to the throne." If he goes out, no one will lean on him casually.

For a period of time to come, the Royal First Magical Legion will be a pure army.

But Joshua's death may arouse Sinclair's hatred for us, which still needs to be careful. "

Luke's thoughts also turned to the current topic, he thought about it and said: "Joscher committed suicide not only to save Sinclair, but also to inspire him and rekindle his desire to fight for the throne.

It is not a bad thing for him to want to compete, as long as it is within the rules we have formulated, healthy competition is beneficial. "

Agatha nodded: "I will talk to Sinclair alone when I have a chance."

The train whistled and galloped on the rails.

At this time, on the other side of the sea, the Emerald Dream Academy in the Emerald Forest.

The Emerald Dream Academy is one of the oldest magic academies, and the elves were one of the first races to learn magic from the dragons.

The college is located on the top of a high mountain and is a castle-like building.The college is surrounded by almost vertical cliffs, and only a suspension bridge connects to another mountain with a slightly gentler slope.

Most of the tops of the college buildings are onion-shaped, which is not only a feature of elf buildings. The onion-shaped towers have nests of flying creatures.Therefore, flying dragon eagles, griffins, and Pegasus can often be seen around the Emerald Dream Academy. They are all flying mounts tamed by elves.

An elf postman in green clothes and a green pointed hat rides a flying horse and lands in a garden.In the garden, an elf mentor is leading a group of students to learn the influence of natural magic on plants.

"Miss Dai'er Jasmine, here is your letter, which was sent across the ocean from the Golden Shield Empire. It carries the yearning for you from my hometown."

The elf postman took out a few letters from his satchel and shouted at the busy students.

"I'm here." Dai'er stood up from a group of elves. She was wearing an elf's leaf and feather hat, with a lot of mud on her face, and her eyes were filled with joy of receiving a reply.

Daier ran to Pegasus, took the letter from the postman, and saluted: "Thank you, Mr. Postman, who flies around in the air and brings everyone news from afar. I wish you good health, and the direction of the wind will always be yours. the place to go."

Del thanked the postman like an elf.

The elf postman took out a harmonica and played a ditty for Daier, and then said: "Miss Jasmine, you are the most elf-like human being I have ever seen, and I wish you good health.

Goodbye, I am a postman flying around on a Pegasus, and there are many people waiting for me to deliver the distant thoughts to them. "

The elf postman pulled the reins of the Pegasus, and the Pegasus neighed and spread its wings and flapped. Daier took out her magic wand and released an updraft, helping the Pegasus soar into the air.

"Goodbye, the postman who plays the harmonica!"

Dai'er waved to the sky, and after Pegasus flew away, she turned to the elf teacher and said, "Professor Makatina, can I ask for leave for a while? My sister and people who are very important to me have written to me. I am now Can't wait to watch it.

I promise to make up the missing lessons and finish the homework seriously. "

Professor Makatina is an elf wearing black-rimmed glasses. She looked at Dai'er and couldn't help smiling: "Of course, my favorite Jasmine, family and friendship always come first. You come alone Studying abroad in the Emerald Forest so far away, your family and friends must miss you very much.

Today's time belongs to you, you can read the news from your hometown carefully. "

The elf students shouted: "Jasmine, who misses her hometown, hurry up and read the letter. We will help you take care of the radish you planted, so that the rabbit hiding in the ground will not eat it."

"Thank you, Professor Makatina. Thank you, my good friends."

Dai'er took the letter and quickly ran back to the dormitory of the Department of Natural Sciences of the college, and got into her room.

There are seven letters.

Agatha, Luke, Clear Sky, Jenny, Bruce Ban, Heidi Siko, Lydia.

An Ye came out from the brim of Dai'er's hat, staring back and forth on the letter with two small eyes.

"Princess Dai'er, whose heart is beating, whose letter do you want to read first? Damn sheriff, he didn't write me a reply. Ever since he became the mount of the Queen of the Clear Sky, his tail has been raised higher and higher."

Daier picked up Jennifer's letter and raised it over her head: "The sheriff's reply to you must be with Jennifer's letter, he is your good partner, you once stole the entire imperial capital together, he will not forget your."

An Ye grabbed the envelope with both claws, bit the edge of the envelope with his teeth to make a row of tooth marks, and then tore the envelope open.

There were really two letters inside, one of which was written by the sheriff to An Ye.

An Ye happily grabbed the letter and jumped to his little bed on the bedside table, lying comfortably to read the letter.

Del looked back at the letters on the table, her hand reached for Agatha's, but she turned a corner and picked up Luke's reply.

Opening the letter, Dai'er was quickly attracted by the contents inside.

It turns out that the natural energy in the Emerald Forest comes from the magic spring, and Miss Skylight once came to the Emerald Forest and found the magic spring.

Princess Dai'er, who majored in natural science at the Emerald Magic Academy, immediately became interested in the Magic Spring.

After reading Luke's reply, Del picked up Clear Sky's reply again.

In the letter, Qingkong described her experience of searching for the magic spring in the Emerald Forest, and recommended some natural science books, which contained clues to find the magic spring.

After reading Qingkong's letter, Dai'er immediately got up and ran to the college library, borrowing all the books recommended by Qingkong.

Now she has a purpose.

It is to find the magic spring and get the blessing of the elf Lord God like the clear sky.

Although I don't know if the lord elf god will bless a human being, but looking for the magic spring itself is a very meaningful thing.

Of course, the Magic Spring cannot be found in a short time.After putting away the letters from Luke and Qingkong and the borrowed books, Daier picked up the letter written by sister Agatha to her.

At first, Dai'er still had a warm smile on her face, but as she watched, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

"...Sister Dai'er, I know you like him too, so I've been keeping my affection for him in my heart to prevent it from growing. But how can emotion be suppressed? Especially when I think this When it was for the country, the heart fell more quickly.

Dai'er, I don't know how to face you.


After reading the letter Agatha wrote to her, Dai'er suddenly felt empty in her heart, as if she had lost the most important thing. She regretted coming to the Emerald Magic Academy.

But before coming to the Emerald Magic Academy, I didn't know what the feeling for Luke was, and it wasn't until this moment that I realized it.

Go back to the empire, go back to the empire, go back now.

Del wants to pack up and go home right away.

But she suddenly remembered something, she quickly took out all the borrowed books, and found the letter written by Qing Kong from the pages.

The end of the letter: She will be with you for a hundred years of life; you will be with you for thousands of years in Shentu; and only I can hold hands with her forever!
This paragraph seems to have been added after Qingkong finished writing the letter.When she first saw the words written by Qingkong, Dai'er thought it had something to do with the search for Dream Spring.

But now that I think about it, it seems clear sky meant pointing in another direction.

God way?
Is this Miss Weatherlight hinting at my fate?

Dai'er was sitting on a chair blankly. The window of her dormitory was facing the garden. Professor Makatina was teaching the elves in the field.In the farther place, there are endless mountains and endless jungles.

A majestic griffin fled through the sky outside the window with a cracking sound.

In Shenglun City, the imperial capital of the Golden Shield Empire.

The royal sympathy team returning from the triumphant fortress of Tedgar Hill returns to the Imperial Palace.

Queen Christina, who had returned from her condolences in the north, immediately received the eldest princess Agatha and the governor of Raging Waves City, the Marquis of Meteor.

After the three talked for an afternoon, a series of announcements and decrees were sent out from the palace.

The first and most important announcement is that the emperor's grandson Sinclair officially renounced his right to inherit the throne.

After the announcement was issued, it immediately caused an uproar in the entire court.

At this point, the court power represented by the great prince Fania collapsed, and all those who bet heavily on Sinclair lost their money.Sinclair, a potential stock, has no room for growth. The trees are falling and the monkeys are scattered, and everyone is looking for their own way out.

Some people decided to take refuge in Meteor's Revolutionary Society and become the queen party who was criticized by everyone.

Some people still want to have a Jedi counterattack, bottom out, and want to bet on the stock of the second prince Alec.

Then the palace issued a second heavyweight announcement:

The former head of the Northern Legion, Joshul, and some senior officers of the Northern Legion colluded with the Temple of the Abyss to assassinate Her Royal Highness the Princess Agatha and the Governor of Raging City, Marquis Meteor, in the Fortress of Triumph.After the assassination failed, Joshua committed suicide together with the main participants in the assassination.

The Empress Jian Guo thought of Qiao Xiu Er's achievements in the past, and no longer involved in the investigation.

Suicide in fear of crime!

Kill the chicken and the monkey!
Even Joshua and the loyal senior officers were dead, and those who wanted to join the Second Prince's family felt a chill in their necks.

In fact, when they knew that there was a meteor in the condolence group to the Northern Legion, many people knew that the Northern Legion was in trouble.However, the Northern Legion is an iron plate run by the eldest prince Fania for many years, and with General Joshuar in charge, Meteor may cause trouble, but the trouble he can find is limited.

But no one could have imagined that this time Meteor not only made the emperor's grandson Sinclair give up the right to inherit the throne, but also completely killed the backbone left by Fania. Thoroughly.

The northern legion was easily disintegrated by the meteorite, and the second prince Alec, who was trapped in the New Moon Oasis, can still make waves?

The huge palace shock caused by the two palace announcements has not yet passed, and the third palace passage was signed and released by the Queen of Jianguo.

Gabriel, the chief assistant of the imperial imperial cabinet, was no longer suitable for tiring state work due to physical reasons, and the queen of the country approved Gabriel's resignation application.

The Queen of Jianguo appointed the Marquis of Meteorite to be promoted to the chief assistant of the imperial imperial cabinet, ordering the chief minister of Meteorite to reorganize the cabinet as soon as possible, and complete the handover with Gabriel's cabinet as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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