Age of Arcane

Chapter 477 Preparations Before Departure

Chapter 477 Preparations Before Departure
Luke returned from the triumphant fortress this time, and it was a matter of course for Luke to serve as the chief assistant of the Imperial Cabinet.Sinclair's renunciation of the succession to the throne and General Joshua's suicide dealt a severe blow to the old bureaucratic system of the empire. In addition, the officials of Raging City had spread all over the important departments of the palace, and there was no twists and turns in the replacement of the old and new cabinets.

The new cabinet was quickly formed under Luke's leadership, and the cabinet was completely changed. Only a quarter of the original cabinet ministers remained.As for the other cabinet ministers, Luke appointed his cronies wantonly, and controlled the imperial court with a wave of his hand.

Meteor formed a cabinet, and the new official took office three fires.

The first fire was to announce that the former Northern Territory Legion was formally reorganized into the Royal First Magical Legion.The legion is stationed in the Triumph Fortress of the Tedgar Hills. During the reorganization period, the military operations on the Tedgar Hills are suspended, and all members are ready to receive new weapons and equipment and new training.

At the same time, Meteor announced that all the weapons and equipment of the Royal First Magic Corps were provided by the Magic Laboratory of Raging Waves City.Order Sinclair's army commander to form an officer corps as soon as possible to go to Rage City to supervise the research and development and production of magic weapons.

The second fire is to announce the establishment of a royal ocean-going escort fleet relying on an existing [-]-ton dreadnought-class warship.After the formation of the Royal Ocean Fleet, it will conduct a world cruise visit, and the first stop is Rio.After the Royal Ocean Fleet completed its world cruise visit, it immediately entered the escort mission for the Imperial Sea Fleet.

The second phase of the construction plan of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet was announced.In the next year, the Raging Waves City Shipyard will build eighteen [-]-ton Dreadnought-class battleships and supporting ships for the Imperial Navy.

The Imperial Cabinet of the Golden Shield Empire issued a notice to all coastal countries, hoping that they would accept the docking and supply of the Royal Ocean Escort Fleet of the Golden Shield Empire.

The third fire is to continue to promote the circulation of the Reichsmark.Not only is the use of precious metal currencies not allowed in the empire, but even the use of gold and silver certificates is also restricted.The Imperial Bank should take on the role of the imperial financial protection wall and improve the imperial financial resilience.

After becoming the chief assistant of the empire, Luke was busy every day without stopping.He wanted to complete the stabilization of the palace and the implementation of the New Deal as soon as possible, so that he could spare time to go to the west.

The clear sky under Luke's control is also preparing to return to the Moonlight Court.

Now the most important work in Qingkong's hands is the "Twilight" project.

In the city of Shenglun, demons and shadow tribes successively revealed new traces.The disaster derived from the world tree may be a theocracy separated from the abyss, and the first apostle Victor has arrived in the west.Princess Daier of the Emerald Forest also embarked on a journey to find the Dream Spring.

Not to mention the starry sky and the abyss.

Time is tight and tasks are heavy.

In the mansion of the Marquis of Raging Waves, in a hidden small library, a model of the world tree stands in the middle of the library.

The world tree model is not made of real materials, but is all shaped by the transferred world tree energy.The branches of the world tree are thick and thick, and the branches and leaves are extremely dense, showing a strong sense of vitality.

On the dome of the library, there is a starry sky arranged by magic. The light illuminated by the moon lamp forms a beam of light and covers the world tree in the moonlight.

Clear Sky, Troll Laconia, Demon Tyrant, and Dragon Soul Banat respectively occupy the four directions of the World Tree, and each of them has an open magic book floating in front of them.

The troll Laconia said: "Up to now, we have found 69 words that can be called the language of the World Tree, and completed thirteen different combinations that can cause the World Tree to respond.

Now let's write these 69 words and thirteen combinations of the World Tree language together, and see if we can comprehend the divinity represented by the world. "

The demon tyrant was a little anxious: "We have tried this method many times, but the results have all failed. I don't think it is necessary to continue wasting time, and thinking about other methods is the correct way out.

Not long ago I found traces of other demons in this city, this is an invasion of my territory, I need to talk to those demons. "

Dragon Soul Banat reminded: "Tyrant, Saint Lun City is not your territory."

The tyrant said: "Even if it is not my territory, I will not allow other demons to set foot. And I have left my breath everywhere in the city. These demons must know my existence, but they don't come to visit. What a group of rude people." junior!"

Qingkong said to the tyrant: "It turns out that you left behind the devil's breath everywhere in the city. No wonder Theresa came to me many times, saying that the city of St. Lun is full of devils, and asked me to allow the angels to hide the demons. The demons inside the city are wiped out.

I warn you, don't get me into trouble, and don't provoke the angels.If you are caught by them, I may not be able to save you. "

Dragon Soul Banat said to Qingkong: "You have a very good relationship with Angel. Teresia often visits museums. This is not the style of angels. Do you have something that angels want?"

Qingkong replied to Dragon Soul Banat: "Don't meddle in other people's business! How long will it take for your inheritance? King Tailun, the golden dragon, very much hopes that Taotie will return to the Dragon Kingdom to have a look."

Dragon Soul Banat coughed a few times under cover: "Inheritance? Soon, soon... Let's start looking for the divinity of the World Tree. I know that Miss Sunny Sky is very busy, and the tyrant also has things to do."

Clear Sky did not identify Dragon Soul Banat, but instead said to the troll Laconia: "Don't be influenced by other members, continue with the process you set."

"Yes, Miss Skylight." Laconia was used to the daily bickering among the three members.After experiencing a major breakthrough in World Tree language, there has been no progress for a long time, repeated experiments with foreseeable failures, everyone is a little impatient.

Laconia took a deep breath and said: "This time we will change the order again. The season starts from 'Winter', the time starts from 'Midnight', and the direction starts from 'Up'. Remember what your positions represent. Word order and writing must be standardized.

Miss Weatherly Sky, you are now 'Winter'. "

Qingkong nodded, stretched out another finger, pulled out a green trail from the World Tree model in front of him, and wrote the first stroke in the air.

Then there's the troll Laconia.

Demonic tyrant.

Dragon Soul Banat.

Green handwriting was written in the air in front of them. Every time they joined hands to complete a combination, the green text formed a rune circle, which revolved around the World Tree model.

Then the Moonlight Royal Court appeared in the phantom.

Moon Mountain, Moon Lake, and the fertile grassland nourished by the World Tree.The big river flows through the grassland and extends into the distance.The barbarian herdsmen on the prairie drove flocks of cattle and sheep to graze, a scene of prosperity.

With the increase of rune circles, the world tree model is more emerald green, with a soft halo floating on the surface.

On the mountains that surround the world, Treants grow from saplings to great trees.They are mixed with real trees and cannot be distinguished from each other.

The halo on the outer layer of the World Tree expanded, covering the four Twilight Project members who wrote the World Tree language.At this time, whispers sounded in their ears, as if the World Tree was telling them something.

Qingkong and the others closed their eyes and listened, but they still couldn't distinguish the content of the voice.

At a certain moment, the green halo shattered, and the rune circles surrounding the World Tree model were also scattered layer by layer.

The demon tyrant was the first to open his eyes. He complained: "It's the same as last time, and the result of last time. There is no change. What is the World Tree talking about? Could it be that Miss Skylight who can communicate with the World Tree also Don't you understand?"

Qingkong also opened her eyes. She looked at the troll Laconia and the dragon soul Banat, and knew that they had nothing new to gain.

"World Tree and I communicate on a spiritual level, and what we hear is World Tree expressing in his language. World Tree doesn't even know what he is talking about, how can I know?"

Dragon Soul Banat said: "It seems that we have failed again. Right, Mr. Laconia."

The troll Laconia has been comprehending the words he heard, and he came back to his senses when Banat called his name: "Oh! It was indeed a failure. According to my research, although the artifacts have very High intelligence, but not too strong subjective will. In most cases, artifacts will only passively respond to external information.

Now the world tree has not been promoted to an artifact. Some things it wants to express, but it cannot be expressed in the language we all know.

Miss Sunny Sky... After we changed the arrangement order many times, the World Tree told us the same thing every time, and it must be something very important to it.

I think this experiment needs to be tested next to the real world tree, maybe there will be big discoveries. "

The demon tyrant said worriedly: "But there are angels and Shuojin people around the World Tree, and maybe there are hidden demons and shadow tribes. The World Tree must be closely monitored by them."

The troll Laconia told Clear Sky: "The risks of experimenting around the world are indeed very high, but my gut tells me that we will definitely gain something."

Clear Sky considers Laconia's proposal.

At this time, Dragon Soul Banat said: "Miss Qingkong can invite King Tailun, the golden dragon, to bring his dragons to the Moonlight King's Court for a visit. I think you and Meteor must have a way to divert the attention of the dragon from other parties."

"This is a good idea." Clear Sky approved, "However, how to persuade King Tai Lun to take his dragons out of Saint Lun City, they have been monitoring Theresa's group of angels all the time."

"Just say, that's what I mean."

Qing Kong smiled and said, "I understand."

Clear Sky left the mansion of the Marquis of Raging Waves, and when he returned to the museum, he was told by the housekeeper Fei Qi: The Holy Angel of Inquisition first announced the visit of Saint Teresia.

Qingkong complained in her heart to Qingkong, who was always looking for trouble, whether she felt that she was too idle and asked Teresia to come and do more.

When people come, you don't come out to receive them.

This time Teresia not only came by herself, but also brought two full-armored templars, which looked like a card.

Qingkong asked the housekeeper Fitch to call Marus, the crown of thorns, and stood behind him.

Qingkong and Teresia sat down around the small round table in front of the window, and Jenny poured black tea for them.Looking at the scene, it seems that two best friends are chatting.

Today Teresia is wearing a fashionable lady's dress, and her golden hair is combed like a human woman.After hiding the angel wings, she looked like a noble lady from the imperial capital.

Teresia looked at the Crown of Thorns standing behind Qingkong, and then said: "The Crown of Thorns has received the punishment he deserves, when will Miss Qingkong let him return to Sky City?

Angels should not be driven by slavery! "

Clear Sky took a sip of tea, and replied to Teresia's provocation as soon as she arrived: "If you want to gain something, you must give something. I am transforming the angel wings of the Crown of Thorns. I work here and get paid, is there anything wrong?"

"Your reward, the sky can pay. And I think the angel's wings are already very perfect, and there is no need for excessive modification and modification. Return the angel wings of the crown of thorns to him, and let him regain his freedom."

At this time, Marus, the crown of thorns, said: "Let's pass on the Holy Code to Lady Teresia first. Maybe I was forced to stay here at first, but now I voluntarily stay in Miss Weatherlight's museum."

Theresa asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"In order to make up for my ignorance all the time." Now the thorny crown is like a monk who has suddenly realized, with an extremely calm expression: "The loss of angel wings made me fall from the sky to the ground. I can only walk with my feet. Ordinary life in the world.

And I found that my world did not become narrow because of the loss of the sky, but instead allowed me to see scenery that I couldn't see in the sky.This is a world that I once despised and dismissed, but now that I have a preliminary understanding of it, I just want to kneel in front of it and worship its greatness.

I have a hunch... When I have this experience of silence and comprehension, and then spread my wings and fly into the sky again, the world I see with my eyes must be completely different from the world I saw before. "

Teresia didn't expect that she just wanted to take the opportunity to cause some trouble for Clear Sky, but in the end she would get such an answer from Thorn Crown.

"The crown of thorns!" Teresia sternly reprimanded: "Your thoughts are very dangerous now, you are questioning your identity as an angel, questioning Sky City! , you will transform into a fallen angel.

I will also have to execute the Holy Judgment on you! "

Qing Kong said with a smile: "Teresia, don't bully me for not understanding fallen angels. Like you angels, fallen angels have their eyes above the top, how could they worship under the secular civilization?

The words of the crown of thorns are too dogmatic, let me translate them for you.

Compared with the rich material civilization and spiritual civilization in the secular world, the life of an angel in Sky City is really boring.The crown of thorns lost its angel wings, so it put down the airs of an angel, and can eat, drink and play like us humans, and learn some interesting things by the way.

Crown of Thorns, am I right? "

Thorn Huaguan felt that what Qingkong said was paradoxical to what she expressed, but she still nodded: "What Miss Qingkong said is exactly what I want to say."

But Teresia felt that after Qingkong translated it, it was not as comfortable as hearing the original words spoken by the crown of thorns.

"This is another kind of depravity. Crown of Thorns, we will talk about your matter later. Miss Qingkong, I heard that you are going back to the Moonlight Royal Court?"

Qingkong replied: "There is a plan, after all, I am the Queen of Moonlight, and I need to go back to see my people from time to time.

Does this have anything to do with you? "

"I also want to pay homage to the great World Tree!"

(End of this chapter)

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