Age of Arcane

Chapter 484 Telling You to Be a Human

Chapter 484 Telling You to Be a Human
The temperature drops sharply in the desert at night, the crescent moon rises in the clear night sky, and the stars are shining brightly.

Most of the residents of Sunshine City, who don't have any rich nightlife, have already rested. Only Sunshine Manor was installed with a new generator, and some ever-burning lights shrouded the whole manor in dim light.

Earl Uld suffered a spell attack, and Sunshine City had entered a state of war under the earl's order.The patrolling army has been added to the city, and many sentries have been set up in the manor, and all magic detection and magic traps have been activated.

On the tower of the central lake castle, the magicians worked together to raise a round of magic eyes, and the magic eyes shot out fan-shaped light trails, scanning the airspace above the manor in circles.

The heavy crossbow machine is hidden in the woods surrounding the central lake. The crossbow spear is on standby, and a complex magic array is engraved on the spear head. As long as the formation is activated, the enchantment inside the crossbow spear can be instantly activated.

The earl took his family to hide in an unknown bunker.

In order to be safe, he took out the family assets accumulated over the years.Whether he was refined into a mysterious item and ruined his bones, or followed Mr. Shoufu all the way to prosperity, it depends on whether he can survive this catastrophe.

Silent night.

The fallen angel Garland hovered in the sky silently.Numerous battles in ancient wars allowed him to freely stay on the edge of all detection methods in Sun Yao Manor, and calmly observe the layout of the entire manor.

Thinking about how to sneak in quietly, find Earl Uld, and bring him out.

If the artifact was still there, facing a human armed manor, he wouldn't bother thinking about it at all, and would directly crush it violently.But the artifact has been lost for thousands of years, and his strength has dropped too much, so it is not a shame to be careful.

The important thing is that he doesn't want to make things too big, and fighting the angel too early is not conducive to subsequent actions.Therefore, Garland did not ask other fallen angels to assist him, and he felt that he could handle it by himself.

After observing for a period of time, he found out the magic layouts in Riyao Manor one by one.As for sentries and patrols, it was the same in his eyes as having them or not.

The invasion begins!
The fallen angel Garland spread his wings and glides down along the air current.His flying skills are extremely superb, not only does not cause any wind noise, but he can also stick closely to the edge of the magic detection beam, delicately passing through the gap.

The entire landing process can be called an art.

The magical loss only cut the upper limit of his strength, but his skills were still at their peak.

Garland flew to the shore of the lake in the center of the manor, and the moment his magic eyes were about to see him, he plunged into the woods by the lake.Then he took out a hand-held harp, plucked the strings with his fingers, and a vague tune rippled in the air and spread around.

All the nearby manor guards who heard the sound of the piano fell to the ground. After Garland fell to the ground, there was no one sober nearby.

He came to the edge of the central lake and hid in the shade to observe the castle in the lake.

The magic layout inside is denser, and it is necessary to cast spells outside to disable some magic traps.As long as you can enter the castle silently, you can arrest someone and ask the location of Earl Ould.

It doesn't matter if you kill all the people inside.

A wicked smile appeared on Garland's face.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Just when Garland was about to cast a spell to destroy the magic trap in the castle, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The feathers on Garland's back stood up in shock.

He turned around in an instant, and saw a man in the uniform of the guard of Sunshine Manor standing next to a crossbow not far from him.

The guard was wearing leather armor with iron sheets, a hooded cap, and his face was covered by a sand-proof scarf.How could a very ordinary lowly creature resist the mental attack from the sound of the piano!
Garland didn't think too much about why there was a fish that slipped through the net. His figure moved sideways and disappeared into the shadows, and when he reappeared, he was behind the guard.The black flame sword in his hand stabs forward, trying to pierce the guard's back.

But the guard turned around just right to avoid the sneak attack, and at the same time, he suddenly had a spear in his hand, and the barrel of the gun slashed down at Garland's neck.

Garland's black wings flapped backwards to dodge the swift blow.

"You dispelled the spell in Urd, right? Tell me your name, you deserve to be remembered by me."

Garland didn't believe that a small soldier had such strength, not only dodging his sneak attack, but also counterattacking at will.

"Gao Tie..." Luke announced the name of Tao Tie, and then said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the fallen angel Garland, who is famous in ancient wars, would come to Sunyao Manor in this way. It is the legendary gift to you." The records are wrong, but you have been hiding for thousands of years... your courage has become weaker!"

Facing the ridicule, Garland's eyes were cold and sharp with a strong killing intent.

"Since you know my name, you should know what kind of existence you are facing. Human, I will kill you and imprison your soul in the black prison forever."

Luke danced a gun flower with one hand and continued to provoke: "Of course I know what I am facing. The Archangel Garland of Sky City was once a musician. The songs he composed were sung by all races in the world. Many people A bright light in adversity. The current Garland is a fallen angel. He once killed two archangels with his own hands, killing countless angels.

But you don't know what you're dealing with. "

Fire emerged from Luke's right hand, spiraled up the gun handle, and burst into a cloud of dragon-headed sparks at the tip of the gun.

Garland had long noticed the long spear in Luke's hand, a gun made of dragon body materials, which was also one of the reasons why he didn't attack immediately.

The man in front of him was very strong and strange.

Moreover, the other party expected that he would come, so he wondered if there were any undiscovered traps around.

Garland used the unique connection method between fallen angels to send a signal to the hidden fallen angels.If necessary, they don't mind slaughtering the city here now.They just don't want to provoke angels now, but it doesn't mean they are afraid of angels.

Hit the angels when they come, no big deal.

After the signal was transmitted, Garland said with a smile: "There were many strong men who faced me as confidently as you, but I killed them all without exception. Today is a good time for killing. This city will be filled with blood." Full."

At this time, a large group of fallen angels appeared in the sky, and they unscrupulously showed themselves in the air.

The appearance of the fallen angels alarmed the guards in the manor, and the high-power searchlights were aimed at the sky, illuminating the fallen angels and their black wings more clearly.

"Fallen Angel!"

There was an instant riot in the whole manor.

But it didn't make Garland laugh for too long, a dragon's roar piercing through the sky exploded in a higher airspace.Then a dragon roar fell from the sky, and then a large group of giant dragons appeared in the moonlight.

The dragons hovered above the fallen angels' heads, roaring loudly, and circles of magic circles emerged around the dragons, covering all the fallen angels within the scope of the magic coverage strike.

"Golden Dragon King Tailun!"

Garland looked up and saw the golden dragon in front of the group of dragons. He said to Luke with an extremely ferocious expression: "Did you attract these dragons? You want to provoke a war between the dragon kingdom and hell!"

Luke said with a smile: "You can't represent hell, and King Tailun, the golden dragon, can't represent Dragon Kingdom either. With the permission of the Moonlight Queen, we are going to the Moonlight King's Court to carry out the compensation for the destruction of the previous World Tree.

Did the fallen angels come to the western border of the Golden Shield Empire for that purpose? "

that matter!
Garland knew that it was the secret of the world tree and the artifact.

He was very puzzled about Luke's identity: "How could the dragon tell you that?"

Luke said, "You answer my question first."

"No, you answer my question first, what is your relationship with the dragon!"

Luke shook his head: "Fallen angels are really more unreasonable than demons. Obviously I asked first. I think we should abide by the rules agreed by both of us. Strength determines the right to speak. I will convince you and see if you can still Make a face that disgusts me."

Head to head!

Garland would not love a human whose strength was unknown.

"Okay, just follow the rules we all agree on."

"Let your fallen angels be honest, after all, Dragon Kingdom and Hell were allies thousands of years ago."

"No problem! The fallen angels come to the west for our own business, and we don't want to provoke the dragon clan."

Garland notified the fallen angels to stand by.

Luke casts the secret technique that has been deployed.

Secret language: "Duel Field"

The surrounding trees quickly retreated, and the blue floor tiles surged up from the ground, and then the duel field was laid out layer by layer, and a high wall was piled up.

The sky was clear, and there were no fallen angels or dragons.

Luke and Garland locked in the occult.

Garland no longer suppressed his own strength, he chanted the ancient angelic language mixed with the ancient demonic language, and raging black flames erupted from his whole body.The solid black flame formed a flying hem behind him, and the black wings were also covered with dancing black flames.

All of Garland's eyes turned black, and the corners of his eyes were covered with black flame marks.

"You will pay for your offense to me!"

Luke said: "Don't worry! You will change, and I will change."

While speaking, a dragon roar came from the air.Above the moon, a fireball plummeted down.

A dragon is wrapped in the fireball, and the dragon's power is like a mountain pressing down.Before Garland could see the appearance of the giant dragon in the fireball, the fireball had already hit Luke.

Flames sputtered in all directions.

Then the splashing flames quickly gathered again.

In the middle of the burning flames, Luke had already put on a set of dragon armor.The large red dragon scale is trimmed with golden edges, and the dragon helmet reveals the right eye, which is the vertical pupil of the dragon.

With the dragon armor and the dragon gun in hand, the dragon might be like a rainbow.

Taotie has been with Qingkong for so long, and he has developed skills again!
Luke secretly praised Taotie, causing fireworks to shoot from the dragon armor.

Garland really felt that in front of him was a giant dragon, and it was also an ancient dragon.

"What the hell are you?" he asked.

Luke said: "You talk a lot of nonsense! Say you have called before asking!"

Five magic circles emerged around Luke, and then a pillar of magic poured towards Garland.At the same time, a pair of dragon wings spread out from the back of Luke's dragon armor, pushing him towards Garland like a dump truck.

Facing a "human" with a pure ancient dragon, the fallen angel Garland no longer has the heart of contempt.The hem of his black flame clothes made him seem to have a few more pairs of wings. Among the burning black flames, his figure was more elusive than ghosts.

The Dragon Spear collided with the Black Flame Sword, and the magic hit him head and face.

Black Flame formed a shield to resist magic, and Garland wanted to control the rhythm of the battle with his superb combat skills.

But he still underestimated his opponent.

In terms of strength, Garland is very strong, a little bit higher than the first biography Theresa, and lower than Ulysses, the sword of the oath.

Garland used to be the Archangel of Sky City, but that was his artistic achievement.After the entire race of angels turned into combat due to ancient wars, Garland's strength was not as good as his descendant Ulysses.

If the sky is here, she won't have much difficulty defeating Garland.As for Luke, who has just touched six stars, it is almost impossible to defeat Garland under normal circumstances.

Luke, however, was on the hook.

Not only does he have a glutton that can be armored, but it is also covered by the World Tree and under the starry sky.

Let alone Garland, the second in command of the fallen angels, the leader of the fallen angels came in person, or the sword of the oath, dare to single out... Luke also taught them how to behave.

The fallen angel Garland wanted to use his energy reserves to overwhelm this human who had somehow obtained the power of a dragon, but found that the opponent's energy level was stronger than his own.Under that mountain-shattering energy, his energy reserves couldn't afford to make too much waves.

Garland wanted to use his rich experience and combat skills to turn the situation around.

But he soon discovered that in the face of this energy gap, fancy techniques are actually useless.

When the opponent hits himself, it is like a strong young man hitting an old boxer who is old and weak.I punched the opponent a few times, and the opponent, with their high defense and high physique, didn't hurt or itch.When the other party punched him, he was really staring at him.

And Luke didn't just rely on brute force to hit him blindly. After being abused countless times by Qingkong's more erratic body skills, he still has a lot of experience in dealing with mobile opponents like Garland.

Relying on the strong physical strength and the defense of the dragon armor to carry out an oppressive impact, and at the same time intensive magic assists to limit the opponent's space.

In particular, the ancestral phobia of insufficient firepower made Luke very handy with magic coverage.Now there is no need to consider the consumption of magic power, and it is a perfect use of firepower to clean the ground.

Layers of fire and thunder are released, not to hurt Garland, but to force you to consume magic power for defense.

This style of play that didn't talk about martial arts at all soon overwhelmed Garland.After the end of the ancient war, he really had never encountered this level of attack. Now that he didn't have much power from the divine weapon to borrow, he would be humiliating himself if he continued to fight.

"Stop, stop, stop! I admit defeat!"

The magic stopped suddenly, and Garland stood smoking in the aftermath of the thunder, and the feathers on his wings stood up in disorder.

(End of this chapter)

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