Age of Arcane

Chapter 485 Gluttonous King

Chapter 485 Gluttonous King

Garland surrendered so quickly that even Luke was a little surprised. Although he had the advantage, this guy was far from being overwhelmed. Even Luke knew that he had a few tricks that he hadn't released yet.

Luke didn't relax his guard because of Garland's distressed appearance. He surrounded him with five magic circles, and the flames on the dragon armor were not turned off as he prepared for a wave of energy explosion.

Luke said: "Garland, admitting defeat like this is not in line with your strength."

Garland shook his wings and observed the person in front of him.He wanted to feign defeat and take advantage of his opponent's relaxation to launch a sneak attack, but found that the opponent was very vigilant and didn't give him a chance at all.

"You are amazing! It's not life and death, there is no need to continue the meaningless battle." Garland applauded for Luke: "I thought the dragons only knew how to sleep, but I didn't expect that it was just an illusion. Time has created this secret weapon of yours. You have inherited all the advantages of the dragon, strong physique and powerful spellcasting ability, and in this era when the artifact is lost, you are simply an invincible existence."

Luke knew that Garland had misunderstood, but since it was a misunderstanding, he said along the way: "Since the times have changed, the dragons must naturally change with the changes of the times, otherwise they will be eliminated by the times.

You admit defeat, shouldn't you answer my question? "

"Of course! I am very trustworthy when dealing with allies..." Seeing that the other party was still on guard, Garland first dispersed the black flames around him, put away the black wings, and said, "We are here this time for Destroy the world tree."

Luke also took off the dragon armor one by one, and restored the attire he had met with Garland.However, he still wears a sand-proof scarf to prevent the other party from recording his appearance.

"You want to destroy the World Tree? But our agreement with the Moonlight Queen includes the duty to protect the World Tree."

Garland felt that the dragons could be fought over, and he said to Luke: "The angels and the shimmering gold people have already taken the lead in the Moonlight Royal Court, but Hell has no countermeasures for the recovery of the World Tree so far. It is ridiculous that The Shadow Clan, they even organized an assassination against the Moonlight Queen, which ended in failure.

When the giant dragon goes to the Moonlight King's Court at this time, it will definitely be obstructed by the angels and the Shuojin people. After all, the Dragon Kingdom and them were life and death enemies thousands of years ago. "

"Now no one knows the method of promoting the World Tree to an artifact. First come may not necessarily be first served."

Garland persuaded: "That's only a one-third chance, even less than one-third for the dragon."

Luke nodded: "What you said seems to make sense."

Seeing that the other party was persuaded by him, Garland continued his efforts: "The dragon should know that the angels are no longer the angels they used to be, and the Jin people are still the Jin people before. The loss of the artifact made them lose their ambition to destroy us, and Once they get the artifact, or even the only artifact, what will happen to the dragons?"

Luke replied: "You really need to worry about what you said. Could it be that the solution for the fallen angels is to destroy the world tree?"

Garland said sincerely: "The root of the world's turmoil is the revival of the World Tree, which makes the five ancient civilizations want to snatch the only thing that can become a divine weapon. If we join forces to destroy the World Tree, it will affect the world tree. The balance factor of an ancient civilization will be gone, and there will be no disputes, and the giant dragons can rest assured to sleep in the dragon lair."

Luke got to the point: "It's not easy to destroy the World Tree. Both the angels and the Shuojin people have signed an agreement to protect the World Tree, and they will do their best for the artifact."

Garland said with a smile: "Destroying the World Tree is not as complicated as you think. Compared with the previous World Tree, the new World Tree can only be regarded as a seedling. As long as we join hands to bring the battlefield to the World Tree, we will be able to fight like a millennium ago." Also let the world tree be destroyed in the war.

And it's not just giant dragons and fallen angels attacking the World Tree, we also have a powerful foreign aid. "

Luke asked: "Besides you, there are people who want to destroy the World Tree."

Garland smiled triumphantly and said, "Do you know what disaster is?"

Luke replied, "No idea, it's the first time I've heard the name."

"I didn't know what Calamity is not long ago..." Garland told Luke what he knew about Calamity, and finally said: "I saw Calamity today. He is very strong, stronger than you! There is a The man named Victor is preparing an army for him, there are terracotta monsters summoned by the catastrophe, private soldiers of the nobles of the western region, and..."

Garland remembered his purpose of coming to Sunshine Manor, and he said instead: "Victor is going to cast a secret technique in this city to summon creatures from the abyss. The owner of this city, Earl Uld, is an important mysterious props.

But the production process of the mysterious item was destroyed by you, can you explain it? "

Luke immediately made up a reason: "When I was an ordinary person, Earl Uld once helped me. This time, the golden dragon King Tyrone and I took the dragons to the Moonlight King's Court, passing by Sunshine City to see Look at Earl Ould.

Then I discovered that Earl Ould had been hit by a secret spell, so I lifted the spell for him, and those who were still waiting here to cast spells on him were arrested, but I didn't expect so many fallen angels to come. "

Garland did not consider the veracity of this reason, he only believed that the interests of the dragon and the interests of the fallen angels were the same.On the level of cooperation, the dragons are far higher than the human they don't like.

"It seems that you must protect Uld, a human being?"

Luke wanted to prevent the activation of the secret technique in Sunshine City, so he replied firmly: "Yes! I will not allow anyone to hurt Earl Uld."

"Where are the others besides Ould?"

Luke replied: "Before I decide to join forces with the fallen angels to destroy the World Tree, you'd better not make a big commotion in Sunshine City."

Garland felt that he had dealt with the dragons, and he said to Luke: "I understand, I will tell Victor what you mean. I believe he will understand that a group of dragons is more powerful than his so-called abyss army." Powerful, especially among the dragons you are a different species.

By the way, your name is... Taotie? "


With an unexpected harvest, Luke released the secret technique with a wave of his hand, the brick wall shrank and disappeared layer by layer, and the forest returned.In the night sky, the fallen angels and the giant dragons were located in two airspaces, one team was slowly circling clockwise and the other counterclockwise.

Garland contacted the fallen angels, who quickly disappeared into the air.

The giant dragon climbed to a height and disappeared in a short period of time.

Garland said to Luke: "I will arrange for you to meet with Victor. Although this man disgusts me, he still has some brains. I believe that after you know his plan, you will agree to jointly attack the Moonlight Royal Court .”

"Yes!" It is of course a good thing to see Victor. By the way, listen to his layout, so that you can deal with it calmly: "I will let Earl Uld try to block the news of the fallen angel appearing in Sunshine City. You should not want the angel It was too early to know that you were near them."

"That's it! I heard that the abbot of the Moonlight King's Court Temple is the Archangel Gord. This time, I will personally kill this lackey of the Shining Gold people!"

After speaking, Garland turned and disappeared into the shade.

Riyao Manor returned to silence, everyone was too scared to speak out by what they saw just now.

In the bunker in the central lake, Earl Ould, who was under heavy protection, fidgeted nervously, making his frail body tremble all the time.

Someone came to report that a large group of fallen angels had suddenly appeared over the manor.

Immediately afterwards, someone came to report that a large group of dragons suddenly appeared over the manor.

The roar of the dragon nearly broke Earl Uld's nerves.

He doesn't know who he is fighting against. Does his small manor need to send out a large group of fallen angels and dragons to attack?

And the chief assistant of the meteorite is still outside...

Just as Earl Ould was supporting his body and preparing to write his last words, Luke suddenly appeared in the bunker where he was hiding.

"Sir... Lord Shoufu." Seeing the meteor, Earl Uld felt that he had been redeemed again. He asked, "What's the situation outside now? I heard that many fallen angels have come, and even a dragon has come. a lot of."

Luke found a chair and sat down, poured himself a glass of water and drank it in one gulp. After quenching his thirst, he said, "Now you are safe, but you still have to be careful. Although the fallen angel promised me not to trouble you again, But fallen angels are not to be fully trusted."

Uld sat on the chair next to Luke, and asked with concern: "Dragon, how did the dragon answer?"

Luke looked at Earl Ould, smiled and said, "The dragon is on our side."

"Ah!" Earl Ould opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

"What's so surprising? If it wasn't for the fact that the dragon was on our side, you thought the fallen angels could easily let you go."

The truth is this truth.


"Aren't dragons and fallen angels allies?"

"That was a thousand years ago. The current situation is more complicated than it was a thousand years ago. Allies and enemies will change at any time." Luke reminded Earl Ould: "During the negotiations with the fallen angels, they invited me to attack Moonlight together." Wang Ting, I will be in their team as a glutton, you must keep a good secret for me here."

Earl Ould did not expect that the first assistant of the meteorite not only drove away the fallen angels, but even penetrated into the enemy.

Master Shoufu's ability really lives up to his reputation.

"I know the importance of the matter. I have already sent all my family members away, and I will stick to Sunshine City and cooperate with your lord in your western strategy."

Luke stood up and said, "No big things will happen tonight. Your body needs more rest, go to bed early."

"Yes, Master Chief Assistant."

In another part of the city, in a dark room, the anxious Victor finally waited for the returned fallen angel Garland.

"What happened? I seem to hear the roar of a dragon!"

"It's a group of dragons."

Victor asked in surprise: "How did the dragons appear here?"

Garland smiled and said, "Fallen angels can appear here, why can't giant dragons come?"

Victor knew that he was being teased by the fallen angels, and he said seriously: "Master Garland, you should know our common purpose. Now suddenly a group of giant dragons have come to the western region, this is a major change, I must know Only by their purpose can they make countermeasures.”

Garland continued to tease Victor: "The purpose of the dragons coming to the west is, of course, the same as that of the angels and the Shijin people. They promised to compensate for the loss of the previous generation's World Tree burning, and they are going to enter the Moonlight Royal Court to build a dragon lair. .”

Victor didn't expect his opponent to suddenly add a heavyweight foreign aid at this time, angels, shimmering men, dragons... how should his military strength and battle plan be allocated?

At this moment he remembered what he was waiting for.

"Why didn't I see Uld. Could it be that the dragon saved Uld? You were also blocked by the dragon?"

Although this is true, Garland does not intend to admit it.

"Urd was indeed protected by the dragons for a few reasons. The real reason I gave up on capturing Urd...was that the dragons were our potential allies."

Victor had a little insight: "You mean, the dragons are willing to help us destroy the World Tree together?"

"of course."

"But you just said that they are going to build a dragon's lair in the Moonlight King's Court."

Garland did not intend to give Victor a detailed explanation, and the artifact was not something he should know.

"You don't need to know the specific reason. The dragon can protect the World Tree or destroy the World Tree. It is more beneficial for them to destroy the World Tree now.

The Taotie who brought the dragons is still a little hesitant, as long as you make him feel that we have a high chance of destroying the world tree, the dragon must be on our side. "

Although Victor didn't know why Garland was sure that the dragon would be on his side, he could only think that it was because they were allies in ancient wars, and now they also share common strategic interests.

Now that the enemy dragon has become his own, the battle against the Moonlight Royal Court is even more certain.

"I can meet with Lord Glutton anytime, Lord Garland please arrange it as soon as possible." Victor said excitedly: "Must be as soon as possible! There is too much commotion today, your news in Sunshine City will Angels are attracted, and they will also be sent to Meteor in the New Moon Oasis.

Our time is running out. "

Garland is also very optimistic about the outcome of this war.

"I will arrange for Taotie to meet you as soon as possible. But I want to remind you that Taotie is not a pure dragon."

Victor asked, "Then what is he?"

Garland recalled how Taotie made him feel: "He should be a special weapon cultivated by giant dragons, endowing a person with the core of an ancient dragon.

Let me remind you that Taotie is very strong, very strong, and I don't even have a high chance of winning against him.

And there is another ancient giant dragon in this group of dragons, the golden dragon King Tailun is an equal existence to me, such a group of dragons is also very luxurious in the ancient war period.And the fallen angels led by me, the angels led by Archangel Gold...

You should be honored to be a part of this war. "

Hearing the strength of this group of dragons, Victor was even more excited: "I will definitely persuade King Gluttonous to bring his group of dragons to join us!"

(End of this chapter)

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