Age of Arcane

Chapter 503 Reversal

Chapter 503 Reversal
Helkkin redid his disguise and walked out of the safe house.He bowed to the room, then gently closed the door, and finally strode away with great vigor.

Snow fell on the street outside, a rare spectacle for the Golden Valley at a lower latitude.Residents of the city stepped out of their homes one after another, looking at the snowflakes all over the sky in surprise.Helkkin lowered the brim of his hat, lowered his head and passed passers-by.

Suddenly Helkkin stopped walking, looked up at the city covered with a thin layer of snow, let out a long breath, and his eyes were full of passion.Snow was something familiar to him who was born in Dongdu, but this snow made his body restless. It was an impulse that he had not seen for a long time, as if he joined the ice cave and received his first mission.

This time the choice...

Victory is booming!

Defeat is also vigorous!
Helking took a deep breath, lowered his head again and walked forward, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

The meeting with Pan went very well.

Under Pan's active operation, Botrovic, the chairman of the United Nations Congress in Yate County, finally entered the Shuojin Elders' House as he wished, and explained to the Shuojin elders that the County Federation urgently needed assistance.

Pan actively lobbied, saying that Meteor was using the news to create momentum at this time, clearly ignoring the internal affairs of the Shuojin people.It's too arrogant to describe the felony he committed as the violence of the Shuojin people, and he doesn't take the Shuojin people seriously.

"The House of Elders can no longer indulge Meteor, and he regards the tolerance of the Shuojin people as cowardice. If the Shuojin people don't take some action, Meteor will only indulge more and more, and further harm the interests of the Shuojin people step by step!"

The Shuojin people have indeed endured to the limit what Luke did in the Golden Valley during this time.In particular, Yin violated a taboo but was not punished, which was handled very low-key by the Shuojin people.Everyone who has been preached by Luke now knows that there is already an unstable mood among the Shuojin people.

Since the Yate County Union is so active in investing in the Shuojin people, then giving the Yate County Union a suitable subsidy can effectively warn Meteor and let him come to the elders' home as soon as possible.

Soon the World Bank announced the establishment of the "Steam Energy Development Company" jointly with Yate County. The business is to redevelop the geothermal steam system owned by Yate County United to create cheaper and more efficient steam energy.

The first capital injected by the World Bank into the "Steam Energy Development Company" was 20 gold certificates, which were used to purchase corresponding equipment from all over the world.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the Golden Valley.

Everyone knew that under the pressure of Meteor, the Shuojin finally made a move.

Moreover, it is a big deal as soon as the move is made. The 20 gold coupons can be exchanged into currencies issued by various countries, and most of them can be exchanged for more than 100 billion.The money was nominally used to rebuild the geothermal steam system of Yate County United, but from the information that it was "used to purchase corresponding equipment from all over the world", it can be seen that the money was actually used to buy weapons for Yate County United.

Such a big piece of fat is sizzling and oily, and everyone wants to go forward and take a bite.

Then the room where the Attorney County Mission lived, which was almost unattended, immediately became full of people. Politicians turned into vendors, actively selling domestically produced "steam pipes" to Potrovic.

Correspondingly, the number of people visiting Luke has decreased a lot.

Politicians are unreasonable, they only have interests in their eyes, and the ready-made tickets in the joint hands of Yate County are more real than the promise of the Golden Shield Empire to the future.

What's more, the Shuojin people clearly support the Yate County United, and the Golden Shield Empire cannot protect itself, so where is there any future?
Luke had had a rare break since coming to Golden Valley.

Yomington hurried to find him: "Master Shoufu! We must do something, otherwise all the friends we managed to win will go to the Art County United."

Luke was sitting by the window with his legs up on the coffee table, basking in the sun without any image.Regarding Yomington's impatience, he said very flatly: "People who run wherever there is benefit will never be friends. It is very easy to want them to come over, give enough benefits, and they will all come to me naturally." Here it comes.

But this kind of profit-sharing competition is not our specialty, nor is it something smart people would do. "

Luke's calmness made Yomington calm down, and he asked, "Has Mr. Chief Assistant already thought of a countermeasure?"

"No!" Luke said bluntly: "This kind of thing is not enough for me to deal with it. Let's continue with our rhythm. Anyway, our energy transactions do not recognize gold coupons. The people who shine gold print so many gold coupons. Sooner or later Will backfire."

Yomington thought for a moment.

All countries have earned golden coupons from the joint venture of Attorney County, and they are very happy in the short term.But as long as the empire insists on linking energy marks, the imperial mark will be able to squeeze the gold bond market step by step in international trade.

Under long-term operation, countries will find that there are fewer and fewer things that can be bought with gold coupons.In order to prevent the gold certificates from rotting in their treasury, countries will definitely take the gold certificates and run on gold.

But did the Shuojin people really issue as many gold coupons as they had promised, as they had gold reserves?

of course not!

The more in-depth understanding of the international market, the more Yomington can feel the power of Meteor's energy mark policy.It seems that all problems can be solved as long as you play this card.

"I understand, Mr. Shoufu. I will go to appease my colleagues now..."

"No!" Luke called out Yomington who was about to go out: "I think we can show a certain degree of panic to match the performance of the Shimmer.

Make an appointment with the elders of the Shimmerkin for me.

The Shuojin people will continue to throw money when they see that throwing money is effective. "

Yomington laughed: "Master Shoufu is still good at fooling your opponents as always."

Meteor, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, finally had time to meet the elders of the Shuojin people.

This is a victory for the Shuojin people, and the rumored meteorite is nothing more than that. In the face of absolute power, his little tricks are just bluff jokes.

Giving 20 gold coupons to the United District of Yate County made Meteor anxious to come to see him, and if he gave a little more, he would agree to any conditions.

The Shuojin people allowed Meteor, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, to enter the Golden Valley and go to the elders' courtyard to meet the Shuojin elders.

Luke traveled through the city and into the valley in a vehicle arranged by the Glitterkin.

Inside and outside the valley are two different worlds.The city receives tourists and businessmen from all over the world, and the bustling metropolis has the latest fashion and the most advanced equipment.But in the valley, it is as simple as a primitive tribe.

Under the cliff, there are huts piled up with stones.There was no electricity, no running water, no steam, nothing of the modern kind.

All Shuojin people who were trained in the valley had to live a life of poverty.They wear rough sackcloth clothes, eat the food they grow and hunt, and their activities outside of cultivation are to enter the mines to collect gold.

The monotonous and austere life of an ascetic monk allows the young Shuojin people to be free from material influences and devote all their energy to self-cultivation and spiritual training.They get along with gold here to strengthen their connection with the golden compass, an artifact of the Shuojin people; here they learn how to maintain a state of no desire and no desire, and after they enter the secular world, they can quickly find their hearts in the temptation of materialistic desires. calm.

The Shuojin people do not have the innately strong physique of angels, dragons, demons, and shadow races. They can firmly occupy the top spot among the five ancient civilizations because each of them obeys the entire population.Keep selfish desires to a minimum, everything is for the continuation of the race...

Luke watched the scene outside in the car, and reassessed the strength of the Shuojin people in his heart.

This is a strong opponent.

The special car arrived at the elders' home.This is a circular open-air venue. The venue is built of common stones in the valley, with a simple and primitive style.However, there are thirteen seats made of gold on the high platform surrounding the venue, and the golden radiance formed a strong contrast with the venue.

Luke walked to the middle of the venue.

There are twelve old men sitting on the thirteen golden seats, and they are the elders who manage the entire golden civilization.Because Elder Chun was assassinated and died, there was one missing for the time being.

The elders of the Shuojin people have no status, they have the same status in the elders' courtyard.Every time an elders meeting is held, the elders of the Shuojin people vote to determine a host, and they also vote to decide when there is a disagreement.

The minority is subject to the majority, and the individual is subject to the collective.

This is the Shuo Jinren law.

This time, because he was receiving Meteor, the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, Elder Mu was elected as the presiding elder of the Elder's House.

Elder Mu and other elders all wore homemade linen clothes and straw sandals weaved by themselves.There are no extra ornaments on the clothes, only the gold rings worn around the necks show their status as elders.

The Glimmer Warrior in golden armor moved a golden seat for Luke.

Pan didn't know when he came in, he stood silently at the edge of the venue with an extremely pious expression.

After Luke sat down, Elder Mu said with a smile on his face: "Dear Meteor Chief Assistant. It is really not easy to meet you. If we hadn't established the 'Steam Energy Development Company' jointly with Art County United , I really don’t know how long we have to wait.”

Luke immediately protested: "I made an excuse to not see you, the main reason is... the first day I arrived in the Golden Valley, I was neglected by the people of the Golden Valley.

As the chief assistant of the Golden Shield Empire, I was a guest invited by the Shuojin people to the Golden Valley, but before I entered the hotel room, someone was able to enter and wait for me.This greatly threatens my safety, and is a contempt and injury to the Golden Shield Empire.

My aides have protested to the Shuojin people many times, but you haven't given me an explanation and apology for so long, so I postponed the meeting.

However, the Shuojin people did not learn from their mistakes. Instead, they undermined the World Bank's principle of not developing new cooperation with warring countries, and blatantly funded the enemies who invaded the Golden Shield Empire.

Is this the sincerity of the Shuojin people in inviting me to the Golden Valley? "

Luke protested fiercely, and when he was extremely angry, he couldn't help slapping the armrest of the seat heavily, and the hard gold was deformed by the slap.

As for the opening of this negotiation, the Shuojin people have long been prepared.

Elder Mu asked Pan: "Why did you wait in his room before Meteor Shosuke entered his room? Did you explain to Meteor Shosuke?"

Pan bowed to Elder Mu, and then replied: "I have already explained to Chief Assistant of Meteorite."

Elder Mu didn't continue to ask, but said to Luke: "Since Pan has already explained, I don't think Shuojin people need to respond to your protest.

As for the 'Steam Energy Development Company', we had already negotiated cooperation with Yate County United before you and Yate County United, and it did not violate the rules of the World Bank.

Meteor Chief Assistant, these are all misunderstandings, and they are all trivial matters... You should have no objection. "

The Shuo Jin made it clear that he would be shameless this time, and Luke also knew that there was no big objection in arguing in this regard.

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say."

Elder Mu smiled and said: "Since the chief assistant of Meteorite has no objection, let's start talking about the purpose of inviting you to Golden Valley this time."

Luke said: "Those two things can be left alone, but are you going to talk to me like this?"

Elder Mu asked: "How else can we talk if we don't talk like this?"

Luke chuckled and said, "Look at the positions of both of us. You elders of the Shuojin people are sitting on top, and I am surrounded by you and sitting in the middle. I can't help but want to ask... this is a reciprocal negotiation ?
Why do I have the feeling that a criminal is on trial. "

Pan said from the side: "Meteor, you are really a criminal to the Shuojin civilization. You can have a chair to sit on now, which is the preferential treatment given to you by the Shuojin people."

Pan some which pot does not open which pot to lift.

The Shuojin elders don't want to connect the two things at this time. What is important now is to solve the energy and monetary policy of the Golden Shield Empire.And because Yin Qingkong was involved in the middle, he had to pull it out separately to solve it.

Now that Pan suddenly brought up this matter on this occasion, isn't it just looking for trouble?
But the elders could not rebuke Pan for this.

The venue fell into an awkward atmosphere.

After a while, Luke saw that none of the Shuojin elders spoke, so he broke the silence and said, "Since Pan mentioned this matter, I think we should settle Yin's matter first. The only way to get rid of my charges is to Only then can I face the Shuojin people in a normal capacity."

Pan sneered and said, "Are you still trying to get rid of the crime? Now the whole world knows that you made Yin emotional, violated the taboo of the Shuojin people, and even caused me to be kicked out of the Shuojin civilization."

Luke crossed his legs and said, "Pan. Now the whole world knows that you betrayed your twin sister! Is it because I made Yin fall in love... Can you provide evidence?"

Pan didn't expect that Yuxing would reverse the case on this matter, he said angrily: "It's all about you, how dare you deny it?"

Elder Mu also said: "Meteor Star, you have personally admitted your relationship with Yin."

Luke smiled and said, "Did I admit it? I just asked you not to hurt Yin, but I didn't admit that I had an affair with her. That's friendship, not love...

And I have been dating the princess of the empire, Agatha, if I have an affair with other women, do you think the princess of the empire will spare me? "

Pan shouted angrily, "You still dare to quibble?"

Luke's expression changed instantly, he stared at Pan and asked, "Is it me who Yin said she was tempted by?"

Pan realized something was wrong, he said emotionally: "She didn't say it, but I know it's you!"

Luke said: "Actually, ever since I found out that Yin committed the taboo of the Shuojin people, I have always had a question. Is Yin really in love with whom, or is she framed? If she was framed, why? She doesn't argue.

Who in this world can make her willing to bear this kind of grievance.

As for you and Yin, whose mood is more fluctuating... I think the elders should see it more clearly than me. "

All the elders looked at Pan together.

Pan's face was pale, his whole body was trembling and he couldn't speak.

(End of this chapter)

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