Age of Arcane

Chapter 504 Consciousness

Chapter 504 Consciousness
"Elders, please don't believe Meteor's lies!" Pan defended himself: "He is the best at deceiving and bewitching, Yin was deceived by him to commit an unforgivable crime. Now he actually slandered me in order to get rid of the crime, Please the Council of Elders punish him immediately so as to maintain the laws of the Shuojin people."

Elder Mu looked at Pan, then at Luke, a circle of golden light circled the venue, and the elders had an exchange of opinions.

Then he said to Luke: "Meteor, I remember you admitting that Yin misses you."

Luke replied very casually: "Didn't Pan just say that? I am the best at deceiving and bewitching. Admitting that Yin misses me is just an excuse for me to keep Yin. Besides, those Yin and my stories outside are also It was all spread by me.

I am a person who will repay my kindness, and my Rage City has developed to such a scale, thanks to Yin.So in order to save the sound, I can do many things, including sacrificing my reputation. "

Pan seized the opportunity and said loudly: "You also said that you and Yin have no affair, do you really think that the elders are all blind and fools?

Elders, Meteor has admitted that he is full of lies, and nothing he says can be believed. "

Luke said: "What I said is not credible, and Yin's words should be trustworthy. Why don't you bring Yin here, and we will ask her personally, who... made her fall in love?

Or she's just being framed.

She committed the taboo and was sentenced to death. This person can justifiably break away from the Shuojin civilization and return to the country to be his king! "

Elder Mu used the aperture to communicate with other elders.

It is true that Yin has not confessed who made her fall in love from the beginning of the interrogation until now. The judgment is based on Yin's performance and some circumstantial evidence collected.Later, when he found Meteor, he admitted it himself. It can be said that there is no doubt about this incident.

However, Meteor suddenly retracted the confession temporarily, causing another twists and turns in this incident.

Moreover, Pan's behavior and mood changed a lot after the report. He was very calm before, a junior with outstanding abilities, and was even selected as an elder candidate.

Pan is very emotional right now.

At the same time, as Meteor said, Pan returned to Leo and was preparing to rebuild the Leo Kingdom.There are signs that when Pan was still a Shuojin man, he had already secretly rebuilt the Watcher and launched the war of restoring the country.

Therefore, it is not ruled out that Pan framed his twin sister Yin in order to escape from the Shuojin people.

"Summon Yin to the Elder's House to find out about this matter. If she is really framed, we must uphold notarization and let the real sinner be punished."

"I don't think now is the time to deal with this matter. The purpose of meeting Meteor is to solve the challenges we are facing and not to be distracted by other things."

"Besides, the Yin incident is our Shuojin people's own business, but Meteor obviously wants to make it a public event. If we fall into the trap laid by Meteor, it will deal a great blow to the image of the Shuojin people."

"The image of the Shuojin people? I have always been opposed to publicly intervening in the dispute between the Golden Shield Empire and the Yate County United, but the final resolution still gave financial support to the Yate County United. Although the 20 gold coupons are not many, it damages the World Bank. The credit that has been shaped since.

The 20 gold certificate has destroyed our foundation. The benefits it brings are short-term, but its harm is long-term. "

"Credit can be rebuilt, and once the gold certificate issued by the World Bank loses its current status, the remaining credit is nothing. The Golden Shield Empire forcibly uses energy to promote the Reichsmark, which can radiate and affect the entire industry. Our gold is not competitive. of.

If we cannot take advantage of our existing advantages to sanction and suppress the Golden Shield Empire, we will have to watch countries lose interest in the Golden Shield.When people from all over the world come to the Golden Valley to exchange gold with gold certificates, do we have enough gold to exchange?
At that time, did the Shuojin people still have credit? "

Elder Mu immediately stopped the controversy of shifting the topic: "The decision has already been made, please stop arguing. Now vote on whether to summon the voice...


There are six votes who think that the summons sound is needed, and six votes who think that the summons sound is not needed.According to the law of the Shuojin people, when there is an equal number of votes in the elders' house due to absence, the presiding elder has the final decision-making power.

I don't think there should be a summons tone.

The reason is that I have a certain understanding of Meteor, and he must have his purpose in uncovering the Yin incident at this time.We can't fall into his preset rhythm, the most important thing is to get the Golden Shield Empire to sign the treaty as soon as possible. "

The elders expressed their approval of the resolution.

Elder Mu turned to Luke and said: "The Yin incident is an internal matter of our Shuojin people. What is the truth, we will investigate and collect evidence ourselves. Let's shift the content of the conversation to the main topic and discuss how to peacefully resolve the Golden Shield Empire and Crisis at the World Bank."

Luke asked: "Since you all think that the truth is uncertain, does it mean that I have not violated the laws of the Shuojin people?"

"You are only suspected now."

"I see!" Luke glanced at Pan, smiled triumphantly, and then said to Elder Mu: "Since there are still doubts about this incident, I think Yin is just a suspect. In view of Pan's bad behavior, he did Being an intermediary between us will only deepen our mutual misunderstandings and contradictions.

Therefore, I propose Yin to act as the intermediary between us. I believe that she has the ability to ease the distrust and estrangement between us, and bring about a peaceful settlement of our dispute as soon as possible. "

Elder Mu thought about it.

Pan's state and position are obviously no longer suitable to be the middleman in this negotiation. His behavior simply intensifies the conflict between the Shuojin people and the Golden Shield Empire. It is best to execute Meteor directly.

But there is more than just a Golden Shield Empire behind the meteor.

He has the Moonlight Queen Clear Sky, the World Tree, and angels, dragons, demons in the dark, and shadow clans staring at him.

It must be handled with care.

If the sound can prompt Meteor to sign the treaty, then it is not impossible to blame Pan for all the crimes.

"Meteor's suggestion is very good. It is true that Pan is no longer suitable as a middleman for our communication. If Yin can contribute to this dispute and prove her innocence, it will be another matter for us. Something to celebrate."

Pan was a little unsteady on his feet.

He could hear Elder Mu's subconscious expression about Meteor, and he was very likely to become a victim of this political deal.At this moment Kepan finally understands why Yuxing has repeatedly said that he is not in the same order as him at all, and that his honor, disgrace, life and death are all at the whim of others, it is ridiculous that he jumped so high before.

Luke said: "I absolutely believe that Yin is a person we can all trust. As for Pan... I hope the Shuojin people will restrict him from leaving the Golden Valley. After the investigation of Yin's incident is clear, we can decide whether he is right or wrong."

"I agree!" Elder Mu waved his hand, and a ray of golden light shot out of the venue, and then several golden warriors wearing golden armor walked in from outside.Elder Mu said to Pan: "Your behavior has damaged Shuojin people's feelings and trust in you. Please leave the elders' house now, and it is strictly forbidden to leave Golden Valley until Yin's incident is investigated."

"Elders, you need me. I know what tricks Meteor has, and I can help you see through all his schemes. I..."

The Shuojin warriors lifted the screaming pan out.

And when the Elder of the Glittering Man felt that he could finally talk about business this time, Luke stood up from his golden chair, patted the folds on his clothes, and said, "That's the end of today's meeting. My first contact with the Presbyterian Home gave me a very bad impression.

The Shuojin people didn't regard me as an equal.

You should realize that the Golden Shield Empire is now the most powerful country in human civilization.Our territory is larger than that controlled by the Shuojin people, and our population is larger than that controlled by the Shuojin people. We are gradually mastering the world's energy market.While the Qushuojin people regard the Golden Shield Empire as a challenger, they want to resolve the dispute with an extremely arrogant attitude.

I am looking forward to our second meeting. In a fair venue, let us resolve disputes through equal conversation.

Just let me know the time and place... Goodbye! "

After finishing speaking, Luke turned around and walked out of the elders' house.

The Shuojin warrior wanted to stop it, but Elder Mu raised his hand to stop him.

After Luke took the special car and left, the elders started arguing.

"The Golden Shield people simply don't take us Shuojin people seriously. I need to continue to teach the Golden Shield Empire a lesson and let them know that they are not qualified to talk about equality with the Shuojin people."

"Meteor is a professional politician, and neither of us has experience in dealing with such incidents, so the other party has been controlling the rhythm of this meeting. We need to face up to our shortcomings and learn from this meeting. The next meeting must not Continue to be talked with by the meteor."

"Then, should the meteorite's request be agreed or not? He wants a reciprocal negotiation. If we agree, it will be tantamount to acknowledging that the Golden Shield Empire is the representative of human civilization, and elevating it to the level of our five ancient civilizations. Waiting position."

"Actually, when we invited Meteorite to visit the Golden Valley, we already admitted this in a different direction. In fact, the current Golden Shield Empire can indeed be a representative of human civilization. If we don't stop it, take down the Dragon Clan Huojing It is only a matter of time before the Golden Shield Empire of Mine leads human civilization.

I think we can give the Golden Shield people a reciprocal negotiation, which is a respect for the civilization of the people. "

"Giving the Golden Shield people equal treatment will only make them mistakenly think that the Shuojin people are weak. When the Shuojin people created a great civilization, human beings were still grinding stones. Their current strength is entirely due to ancient wars that hurt the five ancient civilizations. vitality.

But even if we are not as powerful as in ancient times, it is definitely not a low-level civilization that can talk about equality.

I support continuing to put pressure on the Shuojin people, and give Yate County United a sum of money, and the Golden Shield people will bow to us. "

After listening to the opinions of the elders, Elder Mu said: "I would like to remind all the elders not to regard Meteor as a pure golden shield man. We are not yet sure what role the Dragon Clan will play in this dispute, so we need to Put away your arrogance and face up to the problems we have exposed.

We must do our best to resolve the negotiation with the Golden Shield Empire with the least cost, but we must also make adequate preparations for a big battle.If you have been to the city of St. Lun, you can feel that the crisis of war is coming. If we still have this mentality, we will lose all the honor left by our ancestors. "

"Elder Mu, what is your opinion?"

Elder Mu said: "Give the Golden Shield people an equal dialogue, not to elevate them, but to let us down. If we regard the Golden Shield Empire as a real opponent, we will not weave conspiracy like this with the airs of a higher civilization." , will scold, and will do their best to fight for the interests of Shuojin people.

Even if it is sanctions, we must let the Golden Shield understand why he was sanctioned, not to vent our anger.

Vote now! "

Luke returns to the Glittering Hotel after leaving the Golden Valley.At this time, the outside of the Shuojin Hotel was already full of reporters from various parties, as well as people who inquired about the news.

Meteor's visit to the Golden Valley this time has touched the nerves of the world. Today is the first time Meteor has visited the Shuojin Elders' Home after arriving in the Golden Valley. Everyone wants to get first-hand information and want to know what Meteor and the Shuojin talked about. .

Has the Golden Shield Empire compromised on energy and monetary policy?
Luke showed a friendly image as always, and directly set up a podium outside the Shuojin Hotel to accept questions from the reporters.

"Today, I had a friendly negotiation with the elders of the Shuojin people in the Shuojin elders' home. We exchanged our opinions and reached a limited consensus on some matters of mutual concern.

It's just because of the short time that we didn't enter into more in-depth exchanges. I am looking forward to the second meeting with the elders of the Shuojin people. "

A reporter asked: "Shoufu of Meteorite, can you talk in detail about the content of your interview with the elders of Shuojin this time?"

Luke replied: "Since the content of this negotiation involves some internal affairs of the Shuojin people, it is inconvenient for me, as an outsider, to disclose to the outside world."

"Meteor Shoufu, have you met Yin? Can you talk about your plan to rescue Yin?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't meet Yin this time. Regarding the plan to rescue Yin... If I tell the plan, can I still rescue Yin?

Just kidding!
If all goes well, Yin will soon be able to gain some freedom and appear near you.But let me remind you, you can just listen to the rumors about me and Yin as a story.Don't disturb the voice because of this, you can ask me if you have any questions. "

Hearing the sound can give you a certain degree of freedom. For the gossip crowd, the meeting with the Shuojin elder this time is simply a complete victory for the chief assistant of Meteorite.

Then the reporters' questions were almost all related to music.

In a high-rise room of Shuojin Hotel, Pan stood on the terrace and looked down at the square outside the hotel, which was crowded with people, and Meteor, who answered questions enthusiastically, his eyes were bloodshot.

At this time, a servant approached: "Your Highness, Mr. Helkkin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Yate County Union, has been invited. He is waiting for you in the living room."

Pan turned around and straightened his clothes, and took a last look at Luke: "See how long you can be proud?"

(End of this chapter)

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