Age of Arcane

Chapter 505 Tan

Chapter 505 Tan
"Hello, Your Highness Pan." After sitting down, Helkkin took out an envelope from his arms and put it on the coffee table, and then pushed it to Pan: "Thank you very much for your help. The cooperation has made a breakthrough. This is the thank-you gift entrusted to me by Speaker Botrovic, and I hope you can continue to help the County Federation and the World Bank to reach a deeper cooperation."

"Speaker Botrovic is a friend worthy of making friends!" Pan picked up the envelope, and took out a check from it. The denomination of the check was [-] gold coupons.Pan collected the check and said to Helkkin with a smile: "Speaker Botrovic is really a generous person! Please rest assured that I will do my best to help Yate County United return from the Golden Valley with a full load."

"Thank you, Your Highness Pan...Speaker Botrovic asked me to tell His Highness that if you formally rebuild the Leo Kingdom, the Art County United will be the first to announce your legal rule over the Leo Kingdom and establish friendly diplomatic relations.

If the Kingdom of Leo wants to develop the ship industry, Art County United can sell ships and supporting technical equipment at a very favorable price. "

Since Leo's navy was wiped out by the Raging City fleet, Meteor forced Leo to sign many treaties restricting the shipbuilding industry. Now Leo can be said to have completely lost his sea power, and the safety of the sea depends entirely on the face of the Golden Shield Empire.

After Leo established the kingdom, it was absolutely impossible to independently develop the navy.Only by purchasing a large number of warships and technologies from third-party countries can the lost sea power be regained step by step.

Yate County United has the world's top heavy industry, and the alliance with Yate County United is of great significance to the revival of Rio.

"It seems that Yate Junlian has deeply felt the maritime threat of the Golden Shield Empire. We have all seen the power of the Dreadnought-class warship. It is a three-dimensional offshore offensive and defensive platform. As far as I know, Yate County has not formulated a perfect The plan against Dreadnought-class warships, and Leo has some relatively unique ship technology, and the shipbuilding industry under the World Bank is also actively developing warships of the same class.

If Yate Junlian is willing to cooperate, I can integrate the technologies of Yate County Lian, Leo, and the World Bank to establish a new maritime combat platform development company. "

Helkkin showed great interest: "Your Highness, your proposal is very good! I will report your opinion to Speaker Botrovic when I go back. I believe the speaker will give you a positive reply soon."

"I'm looking forward to this cooperation." Pan turned and said: "Compared to the maritime threat posed by the Golden Shield Empire, the threat of the Meteor is much higher than that of a Dreadnought fleet. Now the Meteor is in the Golden Valley, and he is far away from the mainland of the Golden Shield Empire. This is when the defense is weakest.

Yate County United have no extra ideas? "

Helking heard what Pan pointed to, and he said with a sad face: "We want to use some unconventional means to get rid of the meteor, but this is the Golden Valley, and the meteor is a guest invited by the Shuojin people. If Art The Junlian's action against the meteor will destroy the relationship between the Junlian and the Shuojin people.

Moreover, the Golden Valley is also far away from the Art County United, and our people are only enough to protect the Speaker and several officials with special identities. "

Pan said: "If you have this idea and are willing to put it into action, I can arrange an opportunity for you."

Helkkin replied without thinking: "Your Highness... If we are the only ones to send people to carry it out, the risk that the County Federation will take is too great. If you really intend to facilitate this matter, please persuade the Shuojin people to also send people to participate.

After all, Meteor's identity is too special. If something happens to him, there will be no room for the League of Counties and the Golden Shield Empire to relax...

I hope Your Highness understands! "

Pan knew that Hulking could not be easily persuaded by himself.

Now the war between the Golden Shield Empire and the Art County United is only a partial war. The two sides have not declared war on each other, leaving enough room for peace talks.Once Yate County United assassinates Meteor, it will declare war on behalf of the two countries, and the whole country will enter a wartime state.

If Yate Junlian assassinated Meteor, and the Shuojin people's follow-up assistance is gone, wouldn't this be Yate County Lian jumping into the fire pit by himself?
If you want to do it, do it together!

Pan stood up, asked the servant to get his coat, and then said to Helkkin: "Please accompany me to meet a Shuojin person. If we can persuade her to take action, there is no way Meteor can leave the Golden Valley alive." ..."

That night, in another safe house set up by the Golden Shield Empire in the Golden Valley, Helkkin reported to Luke the process of meeting Pan.

Luke asked, "Did you actually meet Tan?"

Helkjin replied with lingering fear: "Pan introduced me. The other party is Tan, the director of the World Bank's Bad Debt Processing Office, who is also an elder candidate. I have never seen such a powerful person. Just standing in front of her makes me suffocate." a feeling of."

"It's normal for you to feel this way." In the dark room, the dim light on the wall only illuminated half of Luke's face, and he said calmly: "There are many powerful Shujin people gathered in the bad debt processing office of the World Bank. , Tan can be the director to manage this group of debt collectors, of course his strength is very strong.

I'm afraid that even if Miss Qing Kong faces Shang Tan, she may not be able to win against her. "

"Is Tan so strong?"

"Very strong, at the same level as the sword of the oath of the Holy Tribunal in Sky City. What did you and Tandu talk about?"

Hearing that he had just met such a person, Helking not only sighed, but also quickly replied: "Pan wants to ask Tan to join hands with the Ice Cave Agent to carry out an assassination on you."

Luke asked, "Did Tan agree?"

"At first she refused, but after Pan's persuasion, she agreed..."

"How did Pan convince Tan?"

Helkkin recounted the conversation between Pan and Tan for Luke.

Combined with his own understanding of the inside of the Shuojin people, Luke roughly understood the inside story.

After the ancient war ended, the Shuojin people still had deep reflection on that war, and force value was no longer a necessary criterion for being selected into the House of Elders.After the establishment of the World Bank brought the Shuojin people back to life, most of the elders who entered the elders' house were from World Bank managers, and the strong Shuojin people were all concentrated in the bad debt handling office.

Now, due to the accidental death of Elder Chun, there is a vacancy in the elders' house. As an elder candidate, Tan naturally wants to be able to enter the elders' house.But in the past hundred years, no debt collector has been able to enter the elders' house, and the elders' selection of elders in the elders' house intentionally or unintentionally excluded Tan from the scope of assessment.

Of course Tan was dissatisfied.

If it was before, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she would be unable to do anything. After all, Shuojin people advocate collectivism, and Shuojin people must obey the elders' house individually.But during this period of time, the way the elders' house has handled some issues has caused dissatisfaction among many Shuojin people.

The most serious thing was that Elder Chun was assassinated and killed by the Shadow Clan. So far, the Presbyterian Court has not taken strong revenge measures against the Shadow Clan.

At the same time, as an elder of the Shuojin people, he was easily assassinated to death, and even the elder Mu who was with him did not notice, which also made many Shuojin people question the selection criteria of the elders' house.

This time, the selection of elders to supplement the elders' house, the voices of Tan as an elder candidate are still very high, but these voices cannot reach the ears of the elders who are managers.

Pan seized this point to persuade Tan.

"The current elders are essentially salesmen, and they only think about how to make money safely and steadily, and they have no ambition to fight against the crisis at all.

An elder was assassinated and killed, and the army marching underground was ready to go, but the Elder's House chose to negotiate a solution at the last moment, but the negotiating team sent underground brought nothing back.

This time, the Golden Shield Empire blatantly challenged the status of the World Bank in international trade, and the empire's chief assistant Meteor even proposed an equal dialogue.And this kind of provocative behavior and rude request has been approved by the elders' house. The elders are still trying to resolve it through negotiation, and they can't see how the secular world and the other four civilizations view the Shuojin people.

Now the world we live in is on the verge of turmoil. With the rapid rise of human civilization, angels, dragons, demons, and shadow races are all restless. Even fallen angels who have disappeared for thousands of years have appeared.

A new civilized war is fast approaching, and the Shuojin people's weak elders' house, is it capable of leading the Shuojin people to defend this brilliant civilization in the war?
Mr. Shoufu, these are what Pan said to Tan, I remember very clearly, I didn’t miss a single word..."

Helkkin is worthy of being a professional intelligence officer. He not only recounted what Pan said to Tan verbatim, but also expressed his facial expressions and tone in place, so as to facilitate the analysis of the psychological activities of the two at the scene of Luke's recovery.

Luke asked Helking, "From your professional point of view, what do you think of Tan's response?"

"Tan is a very serious woman. She is very good at listening and can hide her emotions well. But to be able to sit in this position, she must be a capable and ambitious person. She promised Pan to assassinate you for more reasons. It should be because of the vacancy in the elders' house.

She needs to create a big event, arouse the emotions of the young people of the Shuojin people, and force the House of Elders to change the current moderate policy.When the Golden Shield Empire and the Moonlight Royal Court were fighting against each other, the House of Elders needed absolute force to deal with Miss Weathering's revenge.

Pan should also have taken a fancy to this point, so he persuaded so confidently. "

Luke asked again: "What reply did the county union give Pan?"

Helkkin replied: "Speaker Botrovic has approved the assassination. He believes that no matter whether the assassination is successful or not, it will promote the further binding of the Att County United and the Shuojin people. The speaker has specified that I will be responsible for the assassination... "

Luke laughed: "If the assassination of me is unsuccessful, will you be responsible?"

Helkkin replied: "Chairman Botrovic doesn't know Tan's strength, but he knows Miss Skylight's strength very well, so the speaker is not very optimistic about this assassination. Tomorrow, Speaker Botrovic will lead the delegation to leave Golden City. Valley, to avoid retaliation.

I will be responsible for the follow-up diplomacy of the Yate County United to the Shuojin people. "

Luke couldn't help shaking his head at the escaping behavior of the Yate County joint delegation. He said to Hulking: "This is a good thing for you. No one will take your credit. I will let you bring the Shuojin people with you." A large amount of aid goes back to the county league."

"Thank you, Master Chief Assistant."

"If there is nothing else, you can go back. Prepare well for this assassination, and show Pan and Shuojin people the professionalism of the ice cave agents!"

"I understand, Lord Shoufu... I'm leaving!"

Helkkin left, and Luke also left the safe house through other passages, and then took the car back to the Shining Gold Hotel.

Entering the spiritual starry sky, a clear sky immediately appeared beside Luke.

"What is Tan's strength? I will prepare to protect you."

"Among the five ancient civilizations, there is a top six-star existence..." Luke waved his hand, and Tan's image was projected under the starry sky.She is wearing golden armor and has the appearance and figure that a top boss should have.The perfect emotional control made her face expressionless, and her eyes were as gray as the dead. "The angel is the sword of oath, and the Shuojin people first recommend Tan. But..." In the video, a black shadow appeared behind Tan: "When the player is clearing the plot of Tan, they find that after defeating Tan, the plot There is no end, but there is no reminder to continue. Therefore, some players analyzed that since the Shuojin people are all twins, then Tan should have the other half.

Later, during the player's investigation, it was found that Tan had a twin sister named Ying.And apart from this name, there is no information about Ying anymore. "

The video shows a video of players fighting Tan, and Qing Kong said while watching: "Now I should have no problem dealing with Tan, but if Kageya makes a move, you will be in danger!"

Luke also watched Tan's battle video, recalling the process of fighting this boss.

Tan's melee attack and defense ability can be said to be impeccable, and whether he can pass the level in this dungeon by himself depends entirely on his character.Even for those top players, there is no guarantee that they can defeat this strongest boss in one go.

Qingkong's current strength has been greatly improved, but facing Tan, Luke still can't predict the outcome.

Besides, there is a shadow with unknown strength behind Tan.

Luke didn't show worry, but said with a smile: "The shadow in the game didn't show up when Tan was beaten by the player, which means that there might be a reason why she couldn't show up. And there is Helkkin in the opponent's camp, and he will be there at that time." Tell me the assassination plan.

Let's see what happens, there must be a way to deal with it, you just need to deal with Tan. "

Qing Kong looked at Tan in the video, and said to Luke: "Give me all the information related to Tan, don't disturb me if there is nothing important during this period, I will study her carefully.

By the way, the sound was released by the Shuojin people! "

"Here comes the sound!" Although Luke had expected the limited casting of the sound by the Shimmer Jin, Luke was still very happy to hear the news of the sound.

Luke saw that Qingkong's energy was focused on watching Tan's materials, so he silently withdrew from the spiritual starry sky.

Then he said to the driver: "Hurry up, there are important people waiting for me at the hotel."

"Yes, Mr. Shoufu." The driver slammed on the gas valve, and the car's steam engine roared, spewing out white steam and galloping forward.

(End of this chapter)

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