Age of Arcane

Chapter 526 Review

Chapter 526 Review

Raging Wave City quickly passed many laws and regulations aimed at aiding the Emerald Forest in one day, and at the same time, an advance team to visit the Emerald King's Court was also quickly formed.

The head of the advance group was Mrs. Mihir, the cabinet minister who came from the imperial capital with Luke.

After Mrs. Mihir selected the people who would visit the Emerald Court, she came to Luke's office in the City Hall.

"Master Shoufu! The advance team to visit the Emerald King's Court has been formed and can leave at any time. May I ask... what will we do after we arrive at the Emerald King's Court?"

Mrs. Mihir had too many doubts in her heart. So far, she and all the officials who were going to visit the Emerald King's Court didn't know what happened there, so the chief assistant rushed here from the imperial capital early in the morning.All kinds of decrees and appropriations were pushed by the chief assistant himself. I don't know what kind of disaster happened in the Emerald Forest, and this level of rescue is needed.

"Please sit down!" Luke asked Mrs. Mihir to sit on the opposite side of his desk, and then said: "Because I didn't know the extent of the disaster in the Emerald Forest before, so I didn't disclose too much information to you, please understand!"

Mrs. Mihir was a little in awe of Luke: "You must have thought about what the chief minister wants to do. The Raging Waves City Council and the Government Affairs Office trust you, and will unswervingly implement any orders you make.

Now the advance team is about to leave for the Emerald Forest, what does Shoufu need us to do? "

Luke pushed a printed document to Mrs. Mihir, and said, "I found the headhunters in the Emerald Forest. Here are some information about the headhunters. Take a look..."

Mrs. Mihir picked up the document and looked at it. The more she looked at it, the more solemn her face became: "How can there be such a race in this world? If the headhunters are allowed to develop and grow, the whole world may be destroyed by them."

"The origin of the world has its rules. It is impossible for the headhunters to expand and become stronger endlessly, but we don't know where the limit is? Now the headhunters in the Emerald Forest are out of control, and the forest elves have the possibility of extermination. "

The forest elves are going to exterminate the clan!
Madame Mihir found that things were more troublesome than she had imagined.The Emerald Forest is a large island with no land connection to other continents, but the Emerald Forest is closer to the southernmost territory of the empire, and now mainstream steam ships can complete the voyage in only three days.If it was the latest ship built by the empire, the entire voyage would take less than two days.

If the headhunters have the ability to sail, the empire becomes the front line against the headhunters.

Mrs. Mihir knew her responsibility: "Supporting the Emerald Forest is to protect the empire. After I arrive at the Emerald King's Court, I will negotiate a support agreement as soon as possible, so that the empire's supplies can be authorized to enter the Emerald Forest as soon as possible."

Luke said to Mrs. Mihir: "The rescue of the Emerald Forest is only one of the missions of your advance group. The empire prepared so many rescue supplies, but it was not given to the Emerald Forest for nothing. After all, taking out this aid money is also good for Raging City. A very large fortune.

Let King Sanye know that the Golden Shield Empire is still at war with the Yate County United, is still suppressing the Celtic Duke's rebellion, and is still isolated by the "International League" established by the Shuojin people.Aiding the Emerald Forest will make the empire's own economy very difficult, but the empire decisively took out this material.

I only hope that the forest elves can join the 'Free Trade Body', which not only helps the empire, but also contributes to the reconstruction of the Emerald Forest after the disaster. "

Mrs. Mihir thought for a while and said: "I think that the forest elves will be forced to agree to our request when the forest elves face the disaster of extermination. trade body', and may not fulfill their responsibilities."

Luke said: "You are a technical officer, and you don't have to worry about what the forest elves will do to me in the future. We have now started a full-scale competition with the Shuojin people, and the currency dispute is only an important part of the competition." .

Another important area of ​​competition is high-tech.

The Shuojin people are already aware of this track, but they haven't paid enough attention to it.Or take it seriously, but the concentration and integration of the overly dispersed industrial system will take time.The high-end alchemy technology and refining technology mastered by the forest elves will become more and more important as the overall improvement of the technology system.

You are the leader of the visiting advance group, and it is for you to take this opportunity to learn about the alchemy techniques of the Emerald Forest. "

Mrs. Mihir nodded with understanding: "Master Shoufu wants to use this opportunity to poach some elf alchemists?"

"Using the 'Free Trade Organization' to deepen the alchemy cooperation with the Emerald King's Court is the most basic goal. Other gains can be done according to circumstances, but we must grasp the degree well, and don't deteriorate the relationship between the two parties because of small losses.

You can choose flexibly how to repay the loan in Jade Forest. "

Mrs. Mihir replied: "I understand, let's go now!"

"You take the long-distance airship to the Emerald Forest, and the materials supported by Raging Waves City will first arrive at Port Mosel to wait for the entry permit. I will start from here only after I get a formal invitation from the Emerald Forest.

When you see Queen Sanye, say hello to him for me. "

Mrs. Mihir stood up and saluted Luke: "Follow the order, Lord Chief Assistant."


Madame Mihir leaves.

Kailinna, who was waiting outside, came in: "The orderly sent to the mechanical factory in Haijiao District replied that the prototype of the Magic Titan is undergoing a security check before starting. Master Chief Assistant, you can start the prototype of the Magic Titan after you arrive at the machinery factory. test.

Another [-] steam Titans are also undergoing security checks. The Titan pilot trainees of the Royal First Magical Legion and the Second Magical Legion hope to be inspected by you, Chief Assistant. "

Luke still had a few things to deal with at hand, but he stood up immediately after hearing the news from the Haijiao District Machinery Factory, and said happily: "This guy Wei Meng has done a good job. Come, go to the sea with me." Corner District Machinery Factory!"

After leaving the government affairs hall building, it was already late at night outside.

Knowing that Lord Shoufu was going to Haijiao District, the governor's guard moved quickly.When Luke exits the building, a convoy is gearing up.

The convoy was marching forward, and the sheriff who set off early quickly set up a cordon at the intersection passing by to ensure that the governor's convoy could pass quickly.

The Cape Machinery Factory also made preparations for the reception before Luke arrived.

Luke followed Mighty into the factory, and the open-air storage area on the side was emptied into an open space, and rows of steam Titans were neatly arranged in the open space.Above was the airship of the factory security team, beaming down with high-powered searchlights.

The high light sprinkled from above made the metal war weapons even more oppressive and ferocious.The cockpits of all steam titans opened outwards, and the pilots in imperial uniforms stood upright by the left leg of each steam titan.

Steam Titan is upgraded on the basis of the original war machine.

The more powerful power system prevents the cockpit from being exposed to the outside, and a thick layer of chest armor provides a reliable safety guarantee for the driver.The perception of the outside world by the driver sitting in the closed cockpit all relies on the magical sensory components scattered throughout the steam titan.

Another set of integrated sensory components constitutes the Titan's head, which is then protected by a thick helmet-type armor.

Two sets of sensory systems allow the driver to obtain battlefield information more clearly, and can also allow the Steam Titan to maintain a certain combat effectiveness and retreat to a safe area when some sensory systems fail.

These [-] Steam Titans are the first batch of finished products delivered to the Royal Magic Legion's officer corps for test training.All the officers who have driven the steam titan are full of praise for him, and the war machine pilot is finally no longer a high-risk unit that is easy to be targeted on the battlefield.

Moreover, after adding armor, the steam titan still has a lot of power, allowing the body to hang more weapons.In addition to being equipped with an enchanted sword, each steam titan is also equipped with a small magic projectile cannon on its back.There are ten shell positions in the magazine of the magic projectile, which can be freely matched with pre-loaded magic shells according to the battlefield situation.

This makes the Steam Titan not limited to the role of the battlefield, and the commander will be more flexible in the use of the Steam Titan.

When Luke was admiring the hundred steam Titans, Wei Meng said beside him: "Master Chief Assistant, the Magic Titans are ready. After our rounds of tests, the basic performance of the Magic Titans has reached the standard. The rest is performance expansion.

I don't know if Mr. Shoufu is willing to complete this round of tests in person. Your opinion will expand the direction of our next development. "

"Of course, where is it?"

"It's there."

Luke looked in the direction that Mighty was pointing, because the searchlights were too bright to make it look very dark there.When the beam of the searchlight moved over, a creature larger than a steam titan suddenly appeared in the light.

"Mechs are a man's romance!"

This sentence has never been outdated, and it has caused countless era players to invest resources in the development of Titans.

Steam Titans are enhancements and upgrades to war machines.

Although the appearance of the Magic Titan in front of him did not break away from the rough design path of the war machine, the structure inside was a brand new cross-generational technology.

The main power of the Magic Titan prototype is an element fusion reactor, which provides magic power for all magic systems and components inside and outside the body, and a new steam engine provides direct mechanical power for the body.

In addition to the mechanical power provided by the steam engine, the Magic Titan also uses a large number of muscles made of bionic alchemy fibers inside, allowing the body to have stronger mobility and explosive power.There is also a special neural sensor coating on the surface of the body, which allows the driver to obtain the touch of the body through the intersection of nerves, and can respond to external stimuli more accurately.

The Magic Titan does not have a special weapon, and the driver needs to apply to the Magic Lab for manufacturing according to his own needs.However, the driver can use his own magic power to use the magic energy produced by the machine to cast high-amplification magic, and it is not difficult to shape a handy weapon for himself.

In Zhongmu's comments, the Magic Titan appeared like a star.

Its chest armor opened, and the cockpit was shrouded in a colorful halo.Luke came closer and stood on the lowered cabin door with a light jump. The surging mana made the whole person feel a little swollen.

Luke turned to face the reviewing Steam Titans.

It rained suddenly at this time.

The rain was pouring on the body, and no one moved in the audience.

"Before I came here, I still had a lot of doubts about whether the Steam Titan could be used in actual combat. After all, it is a brand new weapon, and it carries my high hopes for it.

At this moment, I seem to be back to the scene where I first saw the launch of the No. [-] machine... I am very apprehensive and looking forward to it.The first machine told me with its actual combat that it did not disappoint me. It brought the ocean war mode into a new era.

Now the whole world is imitating the No. [-] class, and we have the Dreadnought class, and there will be bigger and more advanced warships in the future.

In my eyes, Titan is another milestone. With the deeper application of magic technology, it will also open its own era.It's just that now I don't know if the Titan you're driving is the Titan I thought it was, and whether it can shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to it by the times and the empire...and your responsibilities! "

The two leaders of the officer corps took a step forward.

"The Royal First Magical Legion Steam Titans Lesson Brigade! We are ready to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to us by the times and the empire, please issue the order!"

"The Steam Titans Lesson Brigade of the Royal Second Magical Legion! We are ready to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to us by the times and the empire, please give the order to the chief assistant!"

The rain had soaked the clothes of everyone present, but the soldier's chin was raised even higher.

Thunder sounded, and lightning pierced the sky.

Luke was very satisfied with this group of imperial soldiers, as expected of the elite officers selected by the two main armies.

"Sounding slogans can't dispel my doubts about Steam Titan and you. Only by going through an actual battle like the No. [-] machine can you prove your strength and determination.

There is a war waiting for you right now...

I order! "

All the officers stood at attention with their chests straight.

"The Steam Titan Lesson Brigade of the First Royal Magical Legion was temporarily reorganized into the First Steam Titan Brigade, and the Steam Titan Lesson Brigade of the Royal Second Magical Legion was temporarily reorganized into the Second Steam Titan Brigade. The positions of all officers remained unchanged.

Now the steam titan drill begins, and after the end, head to the cape port dock, where there are boats waiting for you. "

All the officers shouted: "Follow the order, Mr. Shoufu!"

Then the officers jumped into the cockpits of their respective steam titans, and used magic to shake the water out of them before sitting in the pilot's seat.Operate the lever, the hatch is closed, and then the steam engine makes a roar of starting, and white smoke is ejected from the pressure relief valve.

The lights illuminated from the steam titan's shoulders, the joint locks were opened, and the joints were released to make the body sink first, and then stand upright.

The sprayed white smoke gradually decreases. After the power is stable, the pressure relief valve is closed, and the steam enters the water-saving self-circulation mode.

Luke also sat in the cockpit after drying his clothes.The seat in the cockpit is a sponge made of concentrated elements. Sitting on it is like sinking into a ball of cotton, and the body is held in the most comfortable position.

The hatch in front of him was closed, and there were no instruments or control levers in the cabin.The body lies in concentrated elemental energies, as in an egg.

The neurons of consciousness are connected, and the vision changes from the inside to the outside, and also becomes higher.

Luke raised his hand, and with a mechanical sound, he saw his mechanical arm.

(End of this chapter)

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