Age of Arcane

Chapter 527 The Chaotic Elves

Emerald Forest.

The fire burns around the Emerald King Court, and the fire belt cuts this huge elven city from the forest.The smoke and dust from the burning was blown into the city, and residents who went out after dawn found themselves completely shrouded in acrid smog.

Patrollers of the royal court read the royal decree from street to street with loudspeakers.

Wang Ling publicly acknowledged the existence of the headhunters, and stated that the headhunters had appeared near the royal court, and the forest elves had reached a critical moment of life and death.

King Sanye and the elders are commanding the patrol troops of the royal court to build the city defense to resist the attack of the headhunters, but the troops are seriously insufficient.Emerald Lake issued a wartime mobilization, requiring all adult elves to go to the nearby Royal Court Patrol Recruitment Office to register immediately, and then go home and do not go out to wait for the call-up order.


The forest elves never imagined that there were only some rumors about the headhunters yesterday, but the headhunters came close to the royal court early this morning.Looking at the thick smoke covering the sky above the city, and the royal court patrols who blocked the streets and entered a wartime state, the transition from calm to doomsday made it difficult for many residents to adapt.

Riots broke out in the port area.Non-elven residents and merchants flocked to the docks, wanting to get on board and get away from this city that might be captured by the headhunters.However, the royal court patrols conscripted all the ships according to the law of Emerald Lake, and those who wanted to leave gathered on the pier, and more and more gathered.Those who wanted to escape but couldn't leave began to vent their emotions. The royal court patrols immediately suppressed them. However, the pressure of the headhunters made most of the patrols concentrate on the outskirts of the city. The shortage of security forces prevented the riots from being contained, and instead spread rapidly. .

On the other hand, the burning of the forest stimulated the suppressed forest protection organization. They gathered people and ran to the Emerald Lake to protest. Their feelings for the forest made more elves stand on the side of the forest protection organization. Some elders also continued to exert pressure on the Sanye King , demanding immediate extinguishment of the fire.

Otherwise, we will be truly abandoned by the lord elf god!
Dean Vidal did not leave after he came to Emerald Lake from the Emerald Magic Academy. In the tree palace by the lake, he accompanied his nephew King Sanye to withstand the pressure of all parties.

Faced with the elders who rushed into the palace and asked King Sanye to order to put out the forest fire.

Dean Vidal said: "I was the one who asked King Sanye to burn the forest around the royal court, and any consequences and responsibilities arising from it will be borne by me!"

Dean Vidal has a unique status. The elders and King Sanye are both students of the Emerald Magic Academy, so they respect the old dean very much.The headed elder saluted Dean Vidal: "Respected Dean. We all know that burning the forest is beneficial to stop the headhunters, but we are forest elves, and the forest is the homeland given to us by the elf Lord God. Destroying the forest and building cities has caused Some of the forest elves are dissatisfied, and the burning of the forest this time will arouse more emotions of the forest elves.

The forest elves are not afraid of death, and we are all willing to fight in the forest to prove who is the master of the forest. "

Dean Vidal looked at the Three Leaf King on the throne, and then said to the elders: "The forest will not disappear because of a fire, as long as there is time, the burned trees will grow back, but if the Emerald King's Court is captured, the forest will not disappear." The elves may be extinct from then on.

Elders, there are still many compatriots waiting for us to rescue in the forest, and the remaining royal court patrols simply don't have the ability to fight headhunters in the forest.It takes time for us to recruit troops, and it takes time to formulate countermeasures. Even if the whole family migrates away, it takes time to find a place willing to accept so many forest elves, and it takes time to transport them batch by batch.

The headhunters have already appeared near the royal court, they may have discovered this place, and they may be mobilizing troops to prepare to attack the royal court.The Royal Court does not have a defense system facing the forest. Once the headhunters rush into the city, you know what the consequences will be! "

Elders: "We all understand these principles. But...the ignorant people outside don't understand, they are afraid..."

"Do you think we're playing a game now!" Sanye Wang, who had been silent all this time, couldn't help but reprimand loudly: "Do you think we have the capital of trial and error! I have said long ago that the emergence of headhunters is a scientific issue. They have been wiped out once by our ancestors, which has proved that their appearance is not to replace the forest elves.

Since you know that the people are ignorant, don't be ignorant along with them. It is what you should do to persuade them not to affect the normal operation of Emerald Lake. "

King Sanye's anger made the elders retreat, but they did not back down.

Dean Vidal immediately mediated: "One thing, the Emerald Magic Academy is still under investigation. Sanye Wang and I didn't want to tell the outside world too early to prevent panic. Now I can only tell you, let you know what the forest elves are facing. What a danger."

The elders asked, "What is it?"

Dean Vidal looked at King Sanye, and after getting acquiescence, he said: "Just yesterday, an injured angel fell into the Emerald Magic Academy. He told me...his companion was hunted by headhunters..."

Isn't an angel's companion an angel?
The elders all opened their mouths wide, and their complexions became very ugly.

The angels were hunted down, the strength of the headhunters had a qualitative leap, and the forest elves were about to face... a killing race that might be equal to or slightly inferior to the five ancient civilizations.

What a disaster!

"How could an angel appear in the Emerald Forest? And how could it be hunted by headhunters."

Dean Vidal said: "The college is still investigating the specific situation. Maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought. In short, as His Majesty just said, we have no capital to make mistakes. Only internal unity can survive this disaster.

Please leave the outside matters to the elders. I have more important matters to discuss with Your Majesty. "

The sudden increase in the strength of the headhunters made the elders afraid to mention the matter of putting out the forest fire. If the forest elves were really going to be exterminated, what did it matter what the fire was like?
The elders leave the palace.

King Sanye let out a long breath, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "I'm really scared now, before the headhunters come in, we will collapse first."

Dean Vidal also sighed: "The development of the times and the collision of civilizations have caused many forest elves to fall into confusion. One side is our own tradition, and the other side is the colorful human civilization, which will definitely cause a lot of discomfort. Contradictions are hidden under prosperity, and will be fully exposed when disaster strikes.

But at this time, Your Majesty, you must make a decisive decision and implement it firmly.Even if the path you choose will be full of twists and turns and hardships, it is more likely to lead the forest elves out of desperation than hesitating and vacillating. "

King Sanye said: "Uncle Vidal, your wisdom has always been a beacon to guide me. I will also do my best to fulfill my responsibilities.

Regarding Miss Xingkong, the grassland elf who came to the Emerald King Court and visited the Emerald Magic Academy suddenly, are you really sure that she is Qingkong, Queen of Moonlight? "

"I'm sure!" Dean Vidal said with certainty: "Although I haven't seen the Queen of the Clear Sky, I knew she was the first time I saw her. She didn't deliberately hide her identity. With terrifying strength, I can't think of a second prairie elf.

When I was here, Professor Makatina revealed to me that her student Del Jasmine might be Princess Del of the Golden Shield Empire.Now that Princess Dai has been escorted out of the Emerald Forest, she said that she will persuade her elder sister, Princess Agatha, to provide us with assistance as soon as possible. "

How could the princess of the Golden Shield Empire study at the Emerald Magic Academy anonymously?

This Dai'er... seems to be the first to discover the existence of the headhunters.

Is there any connection here?

King Sanye couldn't figure it out, but it was certain that the Emerald Forest was being targeted by the Golden Shield Empire this time.

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

But no matter what the purpose of the Golden Shield Empire is, facing the oppressive headhunters, the Emerald King's Court really doesn't have much negotiating capital.

"The Queen of the Sky is willing to help us eliminate the headhunters?"

"Yes!" Dean Vidal replied: "Now her subordinates are interrogating the captured angels. If the angels are willing to reveal the headhunters' information, they should be able to help us win this war. And facing the enhanced headhunters, The Queen of the Clear Sky's force will also help us break into the Queen's lair.

She also brought a black dragon and two Shadow Clan with her. "

First came the headhunters, then the angels, and then the princesses of the Golden Shield Empire, the queen of the Moonlight Court, the dragons, and the shadows followed one after another.

It made King Sanye realize that what he was facing was not only the pressure of the headhunters, but also caught in the vortex of world disputes.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of the burning fire, which made it difficult for him to breathe normally.

The crisis of the forest elves is not only in the forest, but also the evil beasts overseas who are waiting for a feast.

King Sanye looked at Dean Vidal, the mental and physical exhaustion was a great burden on the old elf.He didn't talk about his worries, but comforted him: "Uncle Vidal, you've been busy all day, go back to the academy to rest.

I have issued a mobilization order, and the new patrol army will be formed soon.We will take advantage of the fire to build city defenses on the edge of the city, enough to withstand the headhunters until rescue arrives.

Whether or not the headhunters can be wiped out in the end still requires the efforts of the academy, and more importantly, your wisdom. You must take good care of your body. "

Being busy with headhunters for days on end has almost exhausted Dean Vidal's energy.He knew that staying in Emerald Lake would not be of much use, and finding a way to eliminate the headhunters was the most important thing.

So Dean Vidal returned to the Emerald Academy of Magic.

During the daytime, the Emerald Academy of Magic is also shrouded in a layer of gray smoke, and continuous forest fires can be clearly seen from a height. Such a scene has a great psychological impact on all forest elves.

Especially when I saw all kinds of birds flying in panic and helplessness, and then fell into the sea of ​​fire with their smoked heads, I can imagine how many animals died in the fire.

The young elf couldn't help crying secretly.

Qingkong stood on the balcony of the room and looked at the castle that had been armed as a military fortress.The Emerald Royal Court attached great importance to this college, and at night they sent several patrols and several batches of supplies. More than ten airships of various types surrounded the college to form an air support platform.

"Miss Xingkong, the dean is back."

Hearing the sound, Qing Kong turned around and saw Professor Makatina standing at the door. Her eyes were very red. She must have not slept all night, and it might be related to the smoke and dust.

Qingkong asked: "Where is the dean?"

Makatina replied: "In Library No. [-]."

Library One is the place to cast spells in search of the Magic Spring.

Just as Qingkong was about to follow Professor Makatina to Library No. [-], an elf on the college wall shouted, "Headhunters! It's headhunters! They're flying over!"

The clock tower rang the alarm bell, and the college was in a panic preparing for the battle.

Qingkong reached out and took out a single-lens telescope, aiming at the patrolling soldier's warning direction.

The smoke and dust from the fire blurred the vision, but the clear sky still saw a group of black spots approaching the academy from a distance.

The flying ones are giant praying mantises whose bodies are like leaves. They have well-developed compound eyes, exaggerated and powerful upper jaws, and a pair of lethal sickle feet.

Riding villains on the back of giant praying mantises, they are different kinds of hunters, both melee and spell-casting units.

Facing the approach of the headhunters, the academy immediately dispatched two airships to form a blocking assault department.The small number of flying horses and griffins can only be used for scouting, so most of them are retracted into the defensive range of the academy, and a few carry out aerial reconnaissance in other directions.

The magic power of the academy shield is enhanced.

A signal arrow went straight into the sky with the sound of a whistle, and when it reached a very high airspace, a colorful firework exploded.

On the towers of the castle, sharp-billed crows made of alchemy were released, and soon formed a flowing dark cloud, waiting for the order to attack.

The atmosphere of war was filled instantly, and the tension caused the hounds following the patrol soldiers to bark non-stop.While the patrolmen appease their hounds, they let out their owls.The visual connection allows the patrols to see the flying hunters in a more three-dimensional and clear manner. They either draw their bows and put up arrows or hold up their muskets, waiting for the order to shoot.

The academy mages cast buff magic together, and put different auras on the patrol soldiers.Commanders at all levels of the patrols use the marking skills to guide the patrols to their respective shooting targets.

The wind picked up and lifted the elves' long hair.

The magic power gathers energy on the tip of the arrow and the muzzle of the gun, just waiting for the moment of excitation.

What he saw made Qingkong couldn't help but marvel at the individual strength of the forest elves.As an elite royal patrol soldier, each elf soldier has a certain ability to cast spells, and can use eagle eyes to cooperate with spells for long-range and precise sniping.

The strength of close combat is also not bad.The specially trained hounds have extremely high obedience and combat effectiveness. The elves and hounds can skillfully use a variety of tactics to achieve the purpose of killing the enemy.

Long-range, melee, magic, forest elves are all-round warriors, which is why they can be active in every period of ancient wars.

It's just that the long-term peace and ease have buried the potential of the forest elves. If they can survive this disaster, they will surely be able to truly awaken their hidden parts!

As the gunshots rang out, the Wangting patrol soldiers took the lead in firing arrows at the hunters who entered the range.

A small-scale offensive and defensive battle started.

Qingkong did not continue to watch the battle, she turned to Professor Makatina and said, "Take me to Dean Vidal!"

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