Age of Arcane

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

A thunderstorm came to Rage City.

The cloud layer in the sky was very low, making the city seem to have entered the night, the downpour washed the tall buildings, and the streets turned into turbulent rivers.

Under the lightning and thunder, a convoy broke through the water waves on the road and arrived at the steam airship construction site next to the central port.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of a large rectangular workshop, the doors of all the vehicles were opened, and imperial spies in waterproof windbreakers came out.The leather boots stepped on the stagnant water, and the spies spread out to protect their positions, allowing the rain to hit the brim of their hats.

Then the umbrella was propped up by the door of the Governor's car, and Luke and Dill stepped down from both sides of the car.

The chief engineer of the construction institute greeted them and invited Luke and Daier into the workshop.

Dai'er, who walked into the gate, was immediately stopped there in shock by the huge monster in front of her.

"This... is this an airship?"

In this semi-buried factory building with a length of 400 meters, a steam-filled airship almost filled the entire factory space.On the surrounding layered engineering racks, thousands of workers and engineers are doing final inspections for the airship.

The accompanying engineer chief proudly introduced to Princess Dai: "This is the latest 'Kirov' class steam airship developed by our Steam Airship Construction Bureau in the central city. The element fusion reactor made by the Love' class steam airship can not only provide sufficient magic energy for the airship's defense and attack, but also provide additional heat energy supply for the onboard steam engine to meet the power demand of such a large airship.

Now that the steam airship Kirov has completed all preparations for take-off, Her Royal Highness and Lord Shoufu are invited to board the airship. The living area of ​​more than [-] square meters can allow Her Highness and adults to spend a comfortable voyage. "

The Chief Engineer went down the steps ahead.

The pod of the airship is like a building, and the ship mages and guards mobilized from all sides are queuing up for verification and boarding.In the rear cabin of the airship, vehicles came in and out loaded with supplies.There is also a surrounding elevator that carries people to the cabins around the airship and the top floor, and the hoisting machine hangs the square cabin with the Gargoyle logo on a specific card slot.

When Dai'er came to the exclusive boarding ladder, the airship vibrated slightly, and a magic ring spread around the pod.

"The elemental fusion reactor is activated... the energy pressure will reach level two. It is estimated that the energy pressure will reach level two in three minutes. Please speed up the boarding speed with the boat crew. The 'Kirov' steam airship will take off in ten minutes."

The Oculus began to vibrate with a frequency.

Dai'er knew that this was due to the boundary effect of the magic energy field caused by the pressure generated by the powerful magic energy. When she released powerful magic, the magic wand in her hand would also produce such a magic ring.

But this magic ring is too big!

If it gets out of control, it should be enough to blow up the entire central port.

"It feels like a dream."

Luke also looked up at the mountain-like airship: "This is still the first ship of the 'Kirov' class steam airship, and now there are two other airships of the same level being built elsewhere, and the progress should be able to catch up with the Imperial Parade.

Come aboard, Your Highness... We must head to the Emerald Court as soon as possible. "

"Oh!" Dai'er, who was stunned by the airship, immediately ran up the steps.

The exclusive living area is on the top floor of the pod, and the semi-surrounding glass windows provide a very wide view.Karina, who arrived early, had already arranged the place with her servants. Luke sat down on the sofa facing the bow of the boat, crossed his legs and waited for the airship to take off.

The ceiling of the airship building workshop is opened to both sides, and the cables fixing the hull are unlocked together.The Kirov airship rose slowly, and the hull was surrounded by steam ejected to adjust the balance.

The hull with a maximum length of 358 meters emerges from the top floor of the factory building.Out of mischief, Luke asked the Kirov airship to be painted yellow, and painted a shark head pattern on the head of the hull, but the side flag pattern is still the imperial two-headed lion flag.

Soon the lower edge of the airship pod left the factory building, and the magic ring surrounding the pod expanded from an ellipse to a perfect circle.The energy pressure of the element fusion reactor was raised to three levels, the magic ring oscillated at high frequency, the air accumulated from the top to the bottom, and the difference in air pressure between the top and bottom pushed the airship to accelerate into the sky.

At the same time, the two large vortex engines located at the tail of the airship started, and the high-pressure steam engine drove the turbofan to rotate.The inhaled air is compressed and poured into the storm engine, the magic energy activates the air element, and then the lightning element is used to re-excite the air element.The air that has been pressurized in three stages erupts backward from the engine nozzle, and the electric light splashes, pushing the huge airship to accelerate and fly upwards.

After rising to an altitude of 6000 meters, the storm engine was turned off, and the Kirov airship entered a constant-speed cruise mode.

"Master Chief Assistant!" Kailinna walked to Luke's side and handed in the last document: "This is the voyage plan made by Major General Zuo Lan, the captain of the Kirov airship. Before arriving at the Emerald Court, Kirov The Husband steam airship needs to conduct 140 five tests, during which it will conduct three stops and four aerial resupply training, and it is expected to arrive at the Emerald King's Court in seven days."

Luke watched with the sail plan.

The ground test and low-altitude test of the Kirov steam airship have been completed, and the rest is the long-distance flight test.

Going to the Emerald King's Court this time, Luke thought about driving the Kirov steamship to install B, and the rest of the tests could only be carried out on the road.

Luke asked Karina: "How long does it normally take to get to the Emerald Court?"

"Based on the normal cruising speed, it will take two days to reach the Emerald King's Court. If the storm engine is used to boost power during the gap, it can be reached in one day."

After reading the plan, Luke took a pen to sign on it, and handed it to Kailina: "Tell Major General Zuo Lan to test the Kirov class according to his plan. At this time, there is any problem with this airship representing the air power of the Empire."

"Yes, Master Shoufu! I will tell Major General Zuo Lan what you said."

Kaleena descends the side stairs to the bridge of the airship.

Dai Er, who changed into clean clothes in the room, came to Luke's side. She wanted to say a lot to Luke, but she didn't know how to say it.

It was as if there was an invisible wall between the two.

"Okay, long time no see!" Dai'er sat down on the sofa beside her and said softly.

"Yeah, more than a year has passed in the blink of an eye." Luke also sighed, too many things happened during this time: "Actually, you don't have to go to the Emerald King's Court with you, Agatha misses you very much, and the Empire also A great ceremony is about to take place."

"I have already met my sister and informed Her Royal Highness that I will not attend her coronation ceremony."

"Why?" Luke explained: "I recommended the queen to be crowned emperor of the empire, not to steal the empire. I..."

"I know..." Dale didn't let Luke continue: "I know you, what we see is the land, but what you see is the sky.

You should also know me, since I escaped my former identity, I don't want to be contaminated with it again.I really like my current name, Jasmine... When I was Jasmine, I was the happiest. "

"Jasmine Fragrance" reminded Luke of the Lower City of Saint Lun City and the Winter Capital.

"I respect your choice. Agatha and I welcome you back anytime."

A smile floated on Dai'er's face: "When you and sister get married, I will definitely come back. I will be my sister's bridesmaid and record her happiest moment."

Luke looked at Dai'er and smiled: "Be kind and you will definitely find your own happiness."

Dai'er raised her eyebrows playfully: "Of course... I will definitely chase after my happiness!"

Dai'er turned her head and looked out the window. The airship was sailing south, and the starboard side was the continuous coastline of the Empire.



Emerald King Court Emerald Lake lakeside palace, Mrs. Mihir sat in the lounge waiting for the summoning of King Sanye.

An orangutan poured her a cup of fruit tea, and said politely: "Mrs. Mihir, His Majesty Sanye King is discussing with his generals how to resist the attack of the headhunters. Then His Majesty will discuss with the elders how to Settling new refugees, and now more and more forest elves are being rescued from the sea, has also caused many problems.

You need to wait a little longer. "

Mrs. Mihir picked up the fruit tea and drank it, carefully observing the orangutan in front of her eyes.

It can be seen from the outside that he is not a real orangutan, but an alchemy creature, a master of forest elf alchemy techniques.Alchemy creatures are intelligent, thoughtful, and emotional. They come from the awakening of alchemy puppets, but so far the forest elves have not fully understood how alchemy creatures are awakened.

It can only be roughly judged that the awakening of alchemy creatures is related to the exuberant natural energy in the Emerald Forest.

As a technocrat, Mrs. Michel is very interested in this alchemy creature in front of her. She intends to talk more with this orangutan to judge the extent of his intelligence.

"I just got the news. After receiving the letter of credence from His Majesty King Sanye, the Empress of the Empire ordered the Chief Minister of the Empire, Meteorite, to immediately send support to the Emerald King's Court. Now the first rescue from Port Moser will arrive soon. Emerald Harbor, what do you think the Emerald Royal Court needs most now?"

The alchemy orangutan replied: "I am just an attendant, such a question is beyond my ability to answer."

Mrs. Mihir said: "I am waiting here, I am waiting. You are here, also waiting. Just chat casually, you must know the current situation of the Emerald King Court better than me."

The alchemy orangutan did not refuse this time: "Of course what the Emerald Royal Court needs most now is food. The Royal Court is besieged by headhunters and cannot get food from the forest. I heard that the number of forest elves in the Royal Court has doubled compared to before. Many forest elves are starving."

Mrs. Michel nodded, and continued to ask: "Food is a must, and there is food in the Imperial Support Fleet. Are there other important necessities?"

"There is also coal and fire crystals." The alchemy orangutan's thinking and expressive ability are very clear: "The war against the headhunters requires weapons, and the manufacture of weapons requires energy. In order to reduce the loss of patrol soldiers, King Sanye ordered to remove pollutants Restriction order, the factories located in the port area are manufacturing muskets and casting artillery in large quantities. The main alchemy factories in the city are increasing the production of alchemy arrows and alchemy weapons, and the production capacity of alchemy puppets is also increasing.

This is a very large consumption of energy.

The alchemy industry needs fire crystals to drive, the magic towers built on the edge of the city and the magic sentry towers built in the city need fire crystals to provide magic energy, and alchemy puppets also need fire crystals for energy.Fire crystals are not minerals in the Emerald Forest, and all of them need to be imported from the outside world.As the war progressed, Wang Ting's fire crystal reserves should not last long. "

"Let me ask you one last question." Mrs. Mihir observed the alchemy orangutan: "Do you think there is a soul in your alchemy brain?"

This is a difficult question for alchemy life.

The alchemy orangutan also thought for a long time before answering: "The Emerald Magic Academy has done many experiments related to alchemy creatures, and academically defines alchemy creatures as having no soul, and demons never regard alchemy creatures as delicious.

However, some scholars did not conclude that alchemy creatures have no souls because of these experiments.They think that the soul of an alchemy creature is special, and the soul of an alchemy creature cannot be defined by the definition of a creature's soul.

I don't know who's right, but I'm willing to believe the latter.My body is a machine, which is different from your flesh and blood body, so my soul should be different too. "

Mrs. Mihir couldn't help applauding: "I don't know if other alchemy creatures have the same thinking as you, but your performance shocked me. If possible, I would like to recommend you to go to the Oulu Academy in Raging City Study and join the Urban Alchemist Guild."

"Is this okay?" The alchemy orangutan was surprised by this invitation: "I'm just an ordinary palace attendant, and no alchemy creature has ever become a scholar. Although we have intelligence, we don't have wisdom."

"No, no, no!" Mrs. Mihir denied one after another: "Intelligence and wisdom cannot be separated. In my understanding, intelligence is equal to wisdom, but different people have different abilities to receive knowledge and use knowledge. .

In the past few days in the Emerald King's Court, my biggest feeling is that most forest elves are very old-fashioned.While accepting human civilization, they added a lot of restrictions that bound their own hands and feet. The long lifespan made it difficult for the forest elves to actively innovate and accept new things.

I also found that although the forest elves do not discriminate against alchemy creatures, they all like the physical work assigned to you.They think that alchemy creatures are intelligent but not intelligent, which makes you acquiesce to the truth. "

The alchemy orangutan's eyes widened: "This is the first time I've heard such remarks."

"That's because you didn't meet me earlier." Mrs. Mihir was very satisfied with her eloquence: "You just look like a simple-minded orangutan. The purpose of making alchemy puppets is not to think, but it does not mean awakening After becoming an alchemy creature, it is still low-intelligence.

My suggestion to you is to think about it... It may not be a bad thing to try some new paths that have never been taken before. "

"I..." The alchemy orangutan still hesitated, "I'll think about it."

"Okay, now you go and tell His Majesty King Sanye. It is important to resettle refugees, and it is equally important to receive food and energy from the Golden Shield Empire."

"Yes, Madame Michel."

(End of this chapter)

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