Age of Arcane

Chapter 532 Unicorn Mountain Range

Chapter 532 Unicorn Mountain Range

After being informed again by the alchemy orangutan, Mrs. Mihir was quickly summoned by King Sanye.

Entering the main hall, Mrs. Mihir saluted the Three Leaf King on the throne, and then saluted the elf elders sitting on both sides: "Your Majesty, good day! Elders, good day! I just received a message from the empire, The first batch of aid has already departed from Mosser Harbor. If there is no storm, the first ship will arrive at the Emerald King's Court tomorrow morning.

My purpose of meeting this time is to discuss how to complete the handover of materials as soon as possible, so that they can be distributed to the elves who need them as soon as possible. "

King Sanye was very happy to hear that the support from the Golden Shield Empire was about to arrive.Just now he was still distressed by the increasing number of refugees in the city, and this supply can greatly relieve the pressure on the Emerald Court.

"Ms. Mihir, please sit down." King Sanye invited Mrs. Mihir to sit down, and thanked: "I am very grateful to the Golden Shield Empire for its support to the Emerald Forest. When we get through this crisis, the Emerald Forest will definitely repay Golden Shield The Empire's favor to the Forest Elves."

Mrs. Mihir said: "The Golden Shield Empire and the Emerald Forest have always maintained a fair and friendly trade. Now and for a period of time in the future, the Empire will shoulder our responsibilities and continue to maintain free trade in the world. The Emerald Forest is a Countries that are heavily dependent on trade can consider deeper cooperation with the empire."

King Sanye knew in his heart that the Golden Shield Empire would not simply and kindly aid the Emerald Forest.At the critical juncture when the Golden Shield Empire was sanctioned and blocked by the World Bank, the Emerald Forest is an important part of world trade. If it can join the Golden Shield Empire's camp, it will definitely give the Golden Shield Empire a stronger position in its confrontation with the World Bank. More maneuverable space.

But joining the camp of the Golden Shield Empire means fighting against the World Bank.

Unlike the Golden Shield Empire, the Emerald Forest has a huge domestic demand market, a complete industrial system, and the trump card of energy.The Emerald Forest, which only has the advantage of alchemy technology, is too easy to be targeted.Not only will it be sanctioned by the World Bank, but it is not the same size as the Golden Shield Empire, and may eventually become a vassal of the Empire...

Or be annexed!

"The Emerald Forest has always supported free trade and does not want to join any confrontation. We will definitely repay the aid given by the Golden Shield Empire to the Emerald Forest.

Madam, please understand our difficulties.Even if the forest elves can survive this disaster, they will focus on rebuilding and have no strength to care about other things. "

Mrs. Mihir did not think that she could persuade King Sanye to make such a major decision. Instead of continuing this sensitive topic, she said instead: "The empire's aid to the Emerald Forest is a humanitarian rescue. Before I came, I was specifically instructed that there are no political conditions attached to this rescue.

Your Majesty does not need to worry too much. "

Sanye Wang originally thought that if he refused to stand in line, the Golden Shield Empire would threaten aid supplies, but he didn't expect Mrs. Michel to take them there so lightly.

"Meteor Chief Assistant is a very forward-looking and wise human being. Although I have never met him, many legends related to him traveled across the ocean to the Emerald King Court. He pacified the empire. All kinds of divisions and contradictions have driven the invading Yate County United Army out of your country.

Especially the challenge to the World Bank made all the members of the circle of human civilization admire him very much.

Although the Emerald King's Court cannot openly stand on the side of the empire, it will definitely not be affected by anyone to our normal exchanges and trade. "

Mrs. Mihir took the opportunity to say: "Your Majesty, you know that I am a technocrat, and I am the president of the Alchemist Association of Raging Waves City. I have always admired the alchemy technology of the Emerald Forest. When I was chatting with your attendant just now , also shocked by the magic of alchemy creatures.

I have an idea, that is, can the Emerald Forest send a group of excellent alchemists to the Alchemist Association of Raging Waves City to help us improve our alchemy technology and craftsmanship? "

If it was in the past, King Sanye would definitely not teach his ability to eat to outsiders.

But cannibals are soft-spoken and short-handed.Just now he refused to join the Golden Shield Empire's camp against the World Bank, and if he refused to send alchemists to the Raging Waves City Alchemist Association, it would really be disrespectful to the Golden Shield Empire.

The assistance from the Golden Shield Empire must enter the port smoothly, and as for technology leaks... it cannot be considered so much.

"There is no problem." Sanye Wang said after a little consideration: "I will select the alchemists who are going to Rage City, and let them get on the boat to Rage City as soon as possible."

Mrs. Mihir immediately said: "I want to participate in the selection... I didn't question His Majesty's meaning, but just wanted to choose the right alchemist to make up for our shortcomings in alchemy technology."

King Sanye's idea of ​​randomly sending some ordinary alchemists was stifled, and he could only secretly tell the selected refining alchemists not to reveal too many secrets.

As a technocrat, Mihir could of course guess what King Sanye was up to, but she wasn't afraid of the elf alchemist's lack of effort.As long as the alchemists who go to Raging Waves City have real talents, they will never be indifferent to the advanced magic engineering system of Raging Waves City.Magical technology requires advanced alchemy technology, and the better the alchemist, the better he will feel at home in Raging Waves City.

Meteor Shoufu once said... Technology has no borders!

With the initial return, Mrs. Mihir began to discuss with King Sanye about the supply of supplies to the Emerald King's Court.

At this time, Qingkong and his party, who had gone deep into the Emerald Forest, finally touched the horsehair area of ​​the Unicorn Mountain Range.

The headhunters along the way are too dense, and the grass territories created by the hunters are almost one after another.The tall trees have been bulldozed, and the past is all open land, and the woods that can hide are sparse and rare.

Because this time it was just an investigation and could not alarm the headhunters, Qingkong and his party could only make detours and probes.Fortunately, after spending some time, they finally entered the mountain where the hunting queen's lair was located.

Clear Sky and Professor Makatina hid in the only remaining part of the woods on a ridge. They wore camouflage overalls and hid in the trees. Headhunters lined up to pass by from time to time under the trees.They are very thin and short, wearing simple leather pockets, holding stone weapons, and speaking incomprehensible languages.

Professor Makatina carefully controlled a group of vines under the tree. The sharp barbs on the vines made the headhunters have to bypass it.The fragrance of blooming flowers well conceals the scent of elves.

Clear Sky's spiritual orb shimmers to build a mental barrier, which can effectively block the scanning of mental detection skills.

It is close to the lair of the hunting queen, so it is not surprising that there are any special hunters and hunting kings.

After a while, the branches and leaves on the nearby trees shook, and a hunter weasel rider jumped along the branches, and then ran straight towards the clear sky.

Jumping to the branch where the clear sky was sitting, the weasel made a sudden stop, and then turned into a black cat.

The body of the hunter on the cat's back shrank and turned into the mouse knight Dark Night.

Qingkong asked: "Have you found the Hunting Queen's Lair?"

"I found it!" The sheriff replied: "Your Majesty, you have a way. Just let the angel Sifus tell us the location of the hunted Queen's lair. I guess he is still dreaming of seeking revenge from His Majesty."

Clear sky popped an air bomb and knocked on the sheriff's forehead: "We will be discovered by headhunters here at any time, let's get to the point!"

The sheriff whipped An Ye with his tail and told her to go watch.

An Ye used energy simulation and psychomimicry to turn into a headhunter, jumping to other trees in two or three jumps.

The sheriff said: "The hunting queen's lair is in the cave at the bottom of the Fourth Mane Canyon. The riverbed at the bottom of the valley is dry, and the headhunters planted tall grass all over the bottom of the valley, and the headhunters inside bump their heads a lot.

We have scouted in other directions, and there is no shortcut to enter the cave. If we want to enter, we can only kill through the river. "

Qing Kong asked: "Didn't you enter the cave?"

The sheriff made a helpless expression: "Although Anye and I are impeccably disguised, those stupid headhunters can't recognize us at all, but the cave that enters the nest is sealed. A very big spider casts a big web at the entrance of the cave. , those inside cannot come out, and those outside cannot enter.

And that spider is different from the hunter, it looks smart and powerful, maybe a king of hunters. "

Hunting the king guards the gate, allowing entry and not allowing exit, it seems that hunting the queen is very cautious.

Just finding a cave entrance is not enough to accurately locate the hunting queen's lair, and the angel Sifus can't tell the exact location of the lair in the cave, only knows that the cave is deep and complicated.

Clear Sky thought about the countermeasures, and said after a while: "You guys escort Professor Makatina back."

The sheriff asked in surprise, "Your Majesty, won't you come with us?"

Professor Makatina on the side guessed what Qingkong was going to do, and stopped him: "Miss Xingkong, do you want to hunt and kill the queen's lair alone? This is not a wise decision. Without knowing the internal situation of the queen's lair, It is very, very dangerous to enter rashly.

We can also think of other ways.

For example, requesting His Majesty the King of Sanye to send an elite patrol to carry out an airborne landing here, and go straight into the lair to find and kill the queen. "

Clear Sky stood up and walked to the edge of the branches, looked towards the valley, and said to Professor Makatina: "You and I both know that the fourth mane canyon is wide open, and the Queen Hunting has ambushed a heavy army in the grassy beach of the river. Storming the grasslands in the river will cost a lot of money. Moreover, the Queen of Hunting has sealed off the cave that enters the lair, which means that the lair has another communication channel with the hunters outside. Once the patrol soldiers fall into the river battlefield, they will be hunted continuously. The killer drowns.

The best way to kill the Queen of Hunt is to pull her out, which requires positioning her lair as precisely as possible. "

"But...but you can't take such a big risk."

Qing Kong said confidently: "There is a little risk, but I have a suitable plan that can greatly increase the chances of killing the Hunting Queen."

The sheriff stood up on his hind legs, waving his front paws and said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! I will rush to kill the queen's lair together with you. As your most reliable and loyal mount, I will definitely carry you in as I wish. Let's kill you."

Qing Kong said with a smile: "It is estimated that the Queen of Hunting has already bred Hunters against me, and with the unknown number of Kings of Hunting in it, I don't have the energy to protect you."

The sheriff said solemnly: "I am willing to sacrifice my life for His Majesty."

"Is that why you don't believe in my strength? Follow my orders and escort Professor Makatina back to the academy with Dark Ye. When the chief assistant of Meteor comes to the Emerald Court, he will know what to do next."

"His Majesty……"

"Excuting an order!"

"Yes, yes... yes, Your Majesty!"

The sheriff imitated the sound of insects and summoned the dark night.

Professor Makatina said to Qingkong worriedly: "Miss Xingkong... No, Your Majesty, don't you think about it any more?"

"This is the decision I have thought about. Let's go, don't waste time! If you fight, you may be discovered by headhunters."

Seeing Qingkong's attitude was extremely firm, Professor Makatina had no choice but to leave with the Sheriff and Anye.She wants to return to the academy as soon as possible and inform Dean Vidal of the news.


If Qingkong is hunted down, one does not know what kind of powerful hunter the Emerald Royal Court will face.

Qing Kong stood on the branch and watched Makatina, Sheriff, and An Ye move away from the tree until they could no longer be seen, nor could they feel their existence.

It's been a long time since I drove Wushuang to mow the lawn!
Clear Sky took off the smock on her body, revealing her battle attire.She stretched out her hands and pulled out the twin stardust and Chenzhan swords from the scabbard on her back, and stretched out the ice crystal wings on her back.

The wings swept through the surrounding branches, and the wings stretched out as hard as possible.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of the nearby headhunters. The sound of the horn sounded from the continuous grass outside the forest, and the shaking of the grass stems formed continuous waves.

With a swish, javelins flew up from the grass like a swarm of bees, covering the clear sky with black clouds.

At this time, rain fell from the cloudless sky.

Accompanied by the sound of "Kaka", the white extremely cold air spread.The rain condensed into ice crystals in the freezing air, and continued to condense into rapidly falling ice arrows.

The dense ice arrows smashed all the javelins, and drilled into the grass layer by layer.The grass has been frozen into ice sculptures, and it was immediately broken and shattered by the ice arrows, and then the headhunters hidden in the grass were exposed.

The headhunters who were closer to the clear sky were frozen into ice sculptures, and those who were further away were covered in hoarfrost, curled up and shivering.In an instant, they were pierced into hedgehogs by the falling ice arrows. After falling down, their bodies were broken, and they were smashed into pieces by the subsequent arrow rain.

The branch under Qingkong's feet broke because of freezing and hanging too much ice. The branch fell to the ground and picked up a large piece of ice.

Qingkong hovered in the air, and then threw a blade light towards the valley below.

The knife light flew forward, rotating and absorbing ice crystals, and soon turned into a round of ice wheels with a diameter of ten meters.

The ice wheel fell to the ground and rolled down the sloping hillside in the grass where the headhunters were hiding.

After throwing out a series of ice wheels continuously, Qingkong soared into the sky, and then swooped down towards the valley river.Within the area covered by the Ice Dance Garden, the Frost Arrows turned into large hailstones, slanting uninterruptedly towards the grass along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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