Age of Arcane

Chapter 533 The Queen's Lair

Chapter 533 The Queen's Lair
In the depths of the cave with complex passages like a maze, there is a beautiful water pool in the middle of a large cave.The water pool is crystal clear, and there are many colorful goldfish playing leisurely in the water.Elegant daffodils and lotuses bloom on the water, and the brilliance in the water illuminates the entire cave like a dream.

Suddenly there was a ripple on the surface of the water, and a beautiful woman slowly floated up from the water.She swam to the shore of the pool, then half-submerged, comfortably pillowed on a pillow stone on the shore, closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly.

Beautiful women and dreamy pools form a beautiful picture.

But beyond the water pool, the walls of the cave are completely covered with wriggling mucous membranes.The mucous membranes are full of glowing eggs, and beating tubes transport the eggs' nourishment.

The two incompatible scenes were forcibly put together like this.

The woman by the pool fell asleep peacefully, with a smile on her lips, not knowing what dream she was having.

After a while, an extremely thick tentacle stretched out from the top of the cave.When it was about to touch the water surface, a hole was opened at the top of the tentacles, and then the tentacles wriggled violently, and a giant egg covered in mucus was released from it.

"Plop" fell into the water.

The tentacles flicked off the mucus and shrank back.

None of this woke the woman up, she still fell asleep so peacefully, letting the water waves brought by the giant egg falling into the water wash over her body.

After a while, there was movement under the water, and a ripple swung towards the woman, as if something under the water was approaching quickly.Then a blond man emerged from the water, came to the woman's side, and knelt down in the water.

A pair of green leaf wings spread behind him.

"The hunting angel Nierteye pays respects to the queen, and thanks to His Majesty for resurrecting me."

The woman was the Queen of Hunting, she continued to sleep without opening her eyes, and let the hunting angel Niertje kneel there.

Niltyer did not get a response from the queen and did not dare to get up, so he knelt motionless.

The cave is extremely quiet, only the goldfish in the pool jump up and down from time to time, splashing water.

"Niltye, I'm very disappointed in you." Seemingly feeling the sincerity of the hunting angel's confession, the hunting queen slowly opened her eyes, her purple pupils were alluring and mysterious.She looked at Nierteye and said dissatisfiedly: "I didn't expect your first battle to end like this. You must know that before you, apart from being eaten by me, no hunting king died for other reasons. .

Now the other hunting kings are dissatisfied with me pampering you. "

Sensing the Queen's killing intent, Nierteye lowered his head and defended himself: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I didn't complete the task you gave me. But... that elf is really too powerful, I have tried my best full strength...

Please, Your Majesty, forgive my crime. "

The Hunting Queen stretched out her hand, raised Niltyer's chin with her fingertips, and looked at the angel who got it by accident: "It's not that the elves are too strong, but you are too weak. Even if I strengthen you with the Magic Spring, You still haven't lived up to my expectations of you."

"Please give me another chance, Your Majesty." Nierteye felt the killing intent to hunt down the queen, and he said in fear: "Please give me another chance, Your Majesty, let me lead an army to find that elf. I will Bring her body, and she will definitely become your most powerful hunting king, Your Majesty."

Nirtye's fear made the Hunting Queen laugh: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just scaring you. The strength of that elf also surprised me, but it took me a lot of energy to breed a monster that can deal with that elf. the hunter.

You take it, and take the army I gave you, I believe you will not let me down this time. "

After being forgiven by the queen, Nierteye said happily: "Thank you, Your Majesty! I will lead the army to kill that elf now..."

Nierteye was about to get up, but was caught by the Hunting Queen.

The hunting queen's eyes were like silk, her skin was flushed, and she said in a panting voice: "A group of hunting angels died in the battle against the Emerald Magic Academy and the Emerald King's Court. Dive into the trap.

I need to breed another batch of hunting angels..."

"Yes, my lord."

The hunting angel Nierteye grabbed the hand of the hunting queen and kissed it, and slowly pressed his body up...

But at this time, someone outside the cave shouted in a panic through the mucous membrane: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty the Queen! An elf broke into the cave and killed the King Skull Face Spider!
Now the elf is rushing towards the lair, and the hunting king broad-headed crocodile and the king hunting deer are blocking it. "

When the hunting queen heard the news, she pushed Nierteye away from her body. She opened her eyes wide, and her purple pupils were completely dilated.

After receiving the message from the lair pheromone, the queen said angrily, "The broad-headed crocodile and the crocodile are dead too! It was the elf who killed you in the Emerald Magic Academy!"

The hunting angel Nierteye stood up from the water and said in surprise, "How did she find this place?"

The hunting queen said angrily: "You should say... how dare she rush to my lair. Does she think she can kill me with just her elf?"

The pool violently churned, and the body of the hunting queen was lifted up.Her upper body came out of the water, revealing the fat worm body of her lower body.

Nierteye immediately called for a fight: "Your Majesty, please send me to hunt that elf!"

"Go!" The hunting queen stretched out her hand, and a hole was opened in the closed mucous membrane of the cave wall: "Bring my new king here, we can breed more powerful children."

"Yes, my lord."

Nierteye flapped his wings and flew out.

The hole closed behind him, and a huge meat egg fell from above.A sharp blade stabbed out from inside, and after cutting open the egg membrane, a hunter with elf features walked out from inside.Its appearance is somewhat similar to Clear Sky, with many red lines on its green skin, and faint fire flowing on the lines.

The queen's voice echoed in the cave: "Hunt the fire spirits, you and King Niltye will kill the invading elves."

"At your command, my queen."

Hunting Fire Spirit spread out the dragonfly wings on his back, and followed Nierteye to advance rapidly in the cave.


Qingkong used time to retrace the action of crushing the Manhualu deer, pinned its antlers with a machete, and chopped off its head with the other knife.

The deer carcass fell to the ground and was quickly frozen into ice cubes by the extreme cold air.

Qingkong threw the deer's head aside, looking at the cave that had been frozen into an ice cave all the way by him, he couldn't help feeling that hunting the queen was really delicious.

Spiders, deer, broad-headed crocodiles...

I don't know what kind of hunting king there is.

At the same time, Qingkong also discovered that there is a type of hunter corresponding to each hunting king, and these spider, deer, and crocodile hunters are much stronger than common hunters.Along the way, he also killed a few hunters in the form of angels. They should be the cubs of the Queen of Hunting and the Angel of Hunting, Nierteye.

The number of stronger hunting angels is obviously much smaller. I don't know if there are any additional restrictions on the powerful hunters bred by the hunting queen.

After solving the wave of hunters and the two hunter queens who gave away their heads, Qingkong continued to fly forward along the passage, and the ice layer also covered it forward.

The strange thing is that none of the hunters who had followed suit disappeared, and the entire cave passage was empty, only the sound of the ice spreading forward.

According to the usual practice, I should meet the big boss.

Qingkong cheered up and continued to fly forward with the ice layer.Without flying too far, he entered a large cave.

All the way in, Qingkong passed through three such caves, which were full of hunters.Covered with ice first, and then crushed by ice wheels, it is a full experience of cutting leeks.

It's just that the cave is empty.

Only an old acquaintance hovered in the middle of the cave.

Qingkong flew over and said hello: "Niltye, the speed of resurrection is very fast! The speed of coming to die is also very fast."

Nierteye looked at the clear sky: "Don't get carried away here just because you once defeated me and killed some miscellaneous soldiers. This is the queen's lair, and our majesty is waiting for you... No, it's waiting for me Take your body with you."

The clear sky flashed a pair of knives, and the ice spread from behind her to the entire cave.

Suddenly an ice layer was broken, and a hunting angel rushed out from the hole behind the ice layer.It has an angel-like shape, and its wings are leaf wings like Nilterye, but it is wearing rattan armor, and its skin is like dry old bark.

The hunting angel waved a wooden stick full of spikes, and a rattan net was thrown towards the clear sky as the spell was chanted.

Before the Hunting Angel got close to the clear sky, an ice cone stabbed it into the air.

The rattan net was torn to pieces by the icy wings behind the clear sky.

The hunting angel stabilized his figure in the air, and the blow just now did not cause much damage to it.

Qing Kong said to Nierteye: "If you want to take my body can't do it alone, and you can't add a hunting angel.

The ambush you set up here can come out!Kill you quickly, so I can find your queen and let her go with you. "

After saying that, Clear Sky immediately charged towards Nilteye.

The scimitar in his hand was thrown out, and the scimitar turned into an ice wheel and flew towards the cave wall.The ice layer on the cave wall exploded one after another, and hunting angels rushed out from under the ice one by one.The ice wheel rotated, temporarily isolating the hunting angels that appeared outside the battle circle.

Qingkong flashed in front of Nierteye in an instant, and a ring of ice exploded, holding the Canggu rock machete in his hand and swiping a knife in the middle with the scorching holy flames attached.

The Ice Crystal Eyes opened, and the Ice Crystal Wings violently shot dense ice blades at Nierteye at close range.

Nierteye swung his sword to block, and then used his space skills to avoid the ice blade's attack.The wind blew up countless leaves, and the edges of those leaves were sharp and gave off a cold, metal-like glow, forming a whirlwind and strangling towards the clear sky.

On the cave wall, countless vines broke through the covered ice layer and protruded.The ice layer continued to cover, the vines kept hitting, some ice cubes kept falling, and some vines were frozen and then smashed by the ice pick.

A hunting angel got rid of the entanglement of the ice wheel and attacked towards the clear sky.

Fights ensued.

Nierteye took seven hunting angels around the clear sky and launched various attacks without interruption.

Qingkong maintains the "Ice Dance Garden" domain with sufficient and lasting energy output, her ice attribute affinity has been brought into full play, she wields holy flames with one knife, and continuously casts ice magic with one hand.

Melee and long-distance are taken into account, and time and space are used together.

If it weren't for Nierteye's repeated remedial actions, some hunting angels would have been beheaded by Qingkong looking for an opportunity.But it can also be seen that Nierteye has not much to do with Qingkong, and he has done his best to maintain this evenly matched battle situation.

"You, you are not a forest elf." During the battle, Nierteye finally thought of the legend of another elf.

Qingkong dodges and kicks a Hunting Angel away, randomly freezes it completely, and then says: "I thought you'd already noticed that I'm different from the forest elves, could it be that you've become a headhunter, and your brain has degenerated as well?" .”

Nierteye was not irritated by Qingkong, he blocked Qingkong to buy time for the frozen hunting angel.

"You are the Queen of Moonlight, Clear Sky!"

Nierteye confirmed his guess, and finally knew why the opponent could beat him so easily.Even Teresia, who first passed on the Holy Code, was no match for Qingkong, so she deserved the loss.

At the same time, Nilteye was also happy that the other party was Clear Sky.

If Qingkong, the Moonlight Queen, becomes the Hunting King, wouldn't the headhunters successfully take over the Moonlight Royal Court?

Neil Teje increased his attack strength, relying on his ability to be resurrected, he wanted to risk his life for his life many times.

The hunting angels also launched a desperate attack under the order of Nierteye.

The fight continues.

Nierteye's strong attack showed results, and as the vines continued to squeeze, the space available to Clear Sky became smaller and smaller.Flowers bloomed on the vines, pollen spread, and the inhalation of toxins made Qingkong's movements no longer so elegant and ghostly.

Qing Kong shook his head, using time regression to give himself time to use spatial displacement to avoid the head-on blow, and then chanted a spell to detoxify himself.

At this moment, a thick rattan beside her suddenly burst into flames.Then in the explosion, a sprite-like thing rushed out of the pyrotechnics and debris.It vibrated its dragonfly wings, and the short blade in its hand was attached with a streamer of flames. Its body swayed in a broken line, and it swayed behind Qingkong in an instant.

Nirteye appeared in front of Qingkong, and slashed down with all his strength.

Qingkong felt the sluggishness of the time flow, and at the same time, the space was imprisoned and could not be displaced.Unable to dodge, she could only raise her knife to hold Niltyer's sword, and then summoned a frozen armor to resist the blow from behind.

It's just that the hard ice-bound battle armor didn't exist in front of the burning short blade. The short blade easily melted the armor and pierced through Qingkong's back.

Then Hunting Fire Spirit stabbed continuously, making more than a dozen bloody holes behind Qingkong.

Blood flowed out along the ice armor.

The ice armor shattered because there was no supply of mana.

Qingkong spat out a mouthful of blood, her body was unable to support and fell from the air, she fell heavily on the ground, motionless...

Nilter fell down.

"As I said, I will bring your corpse to the queen. Get ready to accept your new life, Queen of the Clear Sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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