Age of Arcane

Chapter 552 Returning to the Winter Capital

Chapter 552 Returning to the Winter Capital
Winter in midsummer has a different style from winter. Women take off the cotton-padded clothes that have covered the whole winter and half of the spring, and welcome the summer with refreshing clothes.In terms of boldness in dressing, the girls in Dongdu surpassed those in Raging Waves City. The streets here are full of hot pants and tube tops.They will dye their hair in colorful colors, reveal tattoos, and wrap gun belts around their waists. Walking among the steam pipes in the city is full of steampunk style.

Luke, who came to Dongdu again, sat in a cafe, ordered a cup of coffee and enjoyed the scenery outside the window.

In order to avoid being recognized by acquaintances, he deliberately made some disguises.Her hair was dyed a deep purple, and she wore contact lenses of the same color in her eyes.After minor modifications to his appearance, he looked about 40 to [-] years old.He was wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket with matching fingerless leather gloves, which opened to reveal a T-shirt with a skull printed on it.

There are six studs and earrings on the left ear, and a half-naked succubus tattoo is exposed on the neck.

Anyone who saw him would think he was a member of a gangster, and the waiters in the cafe all hid away from him after delivering the coffee.

A cup of coffee was not finished, and a person sat down behind Luke.He leaned against Luke and ordered a cup of coffee and two bagels.

"My lord, do you need to be so flamboyant in winter? I have been observing outside for a long time before I dare to come in to meet you."

It was Helkkin who connected with Luke. He took out a pen to activate the sound-cancelling magic inside and put it on the table, then picked up a newspaper and read it.

Luke said to Helkkin: "Don't worry, Mr. Secretary of State. Your failure to participate in the assassination of the meteorite in the Golden Valley is enough to prove your loyalty to the county union, and I also believe in your professionalism. Your work should be very smooth recently. ?”

Hulking immediately became a pivotal figure in Yate County United after returning from Golden Valley. He has the resources of the World Bank in his hands, and he is an urgent target for all parties in Yate County United.

Now Hulking has been promoted to Secretary of State of the United County Union, and is the highest official of the foreign department of the County Union.No one dared to mention his previous experience in the ice cave, and even tacitly allowed him to transfer some retired ice cave agents to the department he was in charge of.

With the intelligence blessing of the ice cave, Helkkin is in the diplomatic field like a fish in water, and important personnel in many countries are held by him.

"My lord, my current achievements and status come from your help. May I ask if you have come to Winter Capital in person this time, is there any important thing for me to do?"

Luke said: "I have some things to go to hell to deal with. I need to borrow the identity of the Winter Capital Dungeon Gang and come to see you. I also want to inform you that the Empire will launch an attack on the County Union in the fall.

Don't's not an all-out war, the empire doesn't want to over-irritate the Shuojin people yet.How to fight the war fiercely without one-sided accidents requires the close cooperation of the intelligence agencies of both our sides. "

Helkkin replied: "Please rest assured, I will fully cooperate with the actions of the empire. My lord, do you need any cooperation from me when you enter hell this time?"

"I don't need it for now, I'm only going to hell because of business matters. I wish you continued promotion!"

"Thank you, my lord." Helkkin folded the newspaper and got up to leave the cafe without touching the coffee and bagels in front of him.

Luke waited for Hulking to go away, drank the coffee in his cup and left.

A steam motorcycle was parked outside the cafe, its cool and avant-garde shape attracted a few street gangsters to watch.When they saw Luke riding a motorcycle and wanted to leave, they immediately surrounded him.

"Hey! Old guy, which gang are you from? Do you know us?"

Luke looked at a few young people, the entire face pattern was gaudy, and the bodies of two people had obviously undergone mechanical transformation.

Across the street stood a few punk girls who seemed to be in the same group as these street gangsters, shouting and dancing to cheer.In order to show it in front of the girls, the gangster showed off his hidden weapons even more arrogantly.

Luke didn't want to waste time on these people. He waved a wave of air and threw the gangsters who were blocking the front to the side. Then he started his motorcycle and jumped out.

How can these gangsters who run rampant in this neighborhood bear this kind of insult, especially if they still embarrass themselves in front of the girls.The gangsters immediately pushed out their assembled steam motorcycles from the narrow alley, and chased after Luke who was going away.

The girls cheered loudly.

At this time, a woman came out of the shop behind them. While putting a notebook into the back pocket of her tight denim shorts, she asked, "What's the matter? Green hair and them?"

A girl said: "Sister Dalikova, the green hair is chasing an old guy who sprayed them with steam. Have you finished your work? Are there any problems with the information we provided?"

The woman who came out was Darikova. She took out a few crumpled banknotes from her pocket and gave them to the girl: "Your information is correct. I will get the money from my employer soon. This is for you." remuneration."

The girl happily took the money and shared it with her sisters.

Dalikova didn't say much to the girls, she got on the steam motorcycle parked by the side of the road and was about to leave.At this time, a familiar voice suddenly rang in my ears: "I suggest you catch up and have a look, there will be surprises..."


Darikova recognized the owner of the voice, and she turned her head to look behind her, only to see a black figure disappearing into the dark alley next to her.

What does he mean?
Dalikova didn't go after her. If Helkkin didn't want to see her, she couldn't find him.It's just that he is now the Secretary of State of the County Federation, with a very high status, how could he appear here alone and secretly.

"Ella!" Dalikova called a girl's name: "Which direction did the green hair go?"

"Over there! Sister Dalikova."

Dalikova started the motorcycle and galloped away with the roar of the engine.

At the same time, she activated the tracking spell she learned in the ice cave, and her eyes with the enhanced state could see the traces of steam.

Luke, who was driving a steam motorcycle, did not expect that gang of street gangsters would catch up with them on motorcycles, and his street racing skills were pretty good.Luke didn't use magic to deal with these gangsters, because drag racing on the streets of Winter City is very common, and as long as there are no accidents, the Sheriff of Winter City generally doesn't care.But using magic will not only attract the Sheriff, but also the Ice Agent.

Luke drove a motorcycle on the street, flexibly avoiding other vehicles and pedestrians.He tried several times to get rid of the chasing gangsters, but he was almost blocked by them back and forth due to his unfamiliarity with the terrain.

I didn't expect that I would travel all over the world, and one day I would be entangled by a few gangsters.

Luke called up the map of Winter Capital in his consciousness, and after turning a corner, he got into a dark pipeline.

The punks stop before the pipes.

"Boss Green Hair, this pipeline leads to the dungeon, shall we chase after it?"

"Chasing!" Lu Mao shouted: "There is nothing to be afraid of in the dungeon, today we must let him know how powerful our brother is!"

The gangsters slammed the motorcycle valves and rushed into the pipe one by one.

Not long after, Dalikova arrived, and the steam trail showed that the green hairs had entered the dungeon.Without stopping, she drove the motorcycle into the pipeline.

The roar of the steam engine was extremely deafening inside the pipeline, and the headlights could only illuminate a place not too far ahead.Luke drove the motorcycle and galloped through the pipes, and some startled small animals screamed and ran around. Unfortunately, they were directly crushed into a piece of paper.

Through the sound, you can hear those punks not far behind.

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

Luke chanted a spell, and the place where the wheels passed immediately ignited a fire, and the motorcycle raced through the pipes pulling the fire rails.

The trail of flames finally made the gangsters stop.

"Magician! Green hair, I'm chasing a powerful magician! Will he kill us?"

Looking at the fire track extending to the depth of the pipeline in front of him, Lumao also turned pale with fright.It is too easy for a magician who can cast such powerful magic to kill them in this narrow pipeline.


The lucid green hair yelled, and the gangsters turned the car to flee, but the strong light behind them made them unable to open their eyes.

Thinking that the magician blocked their retreat, the gangsters threw the motorcycle aside and knelt on the ground in fright.

"Honorable mage, please forgive us. We just wanted to make a joke for you..."

The brightness of the lights decreased, revealing the figure of a woman riding a motorcycle.

"Lu Mao, where is the person you are chasing?"

"It's Sister Dalikova...we are saved!"

Seeing that it was Dalikova who came, all the gangsters sat down on the ground and talked about how they chased people.

Darikova looked at the fire track that didn't know where the end was, and could feel that this magician was really strong.

Who is he?
Why did Helkkin ask me to chase after him?

Dalikova took out the notebook in the back pocket of her buttocks, threw it to the green hair and said, "Give it to Mr. de la Cruz, it contains evidence of his wife's betrayal of him. Remember to ask Mr. de la Cruz to settle the balance, When I come back, I will give you corresponding rewards."

Lumao took the notebook: "Yes, Dalikova. Are you really going to chase that magician? We are not injured, and you don't need to avenge us."

"I don't need you to teach me how to do things. Go away, this is not a safe place."

Watching the gangsters get back on their motorcycles and leave, Dalikova chanted a spell, and the front end of the motorcycle under her seat protruded from a section of ice horn.Then Dalikova rushed into the burning fire track on a motorcycle, and the cold pressure from the corner of the ice rammed the fire, and drove forward.

Luke had burst through the end of the pipe, the wheel flames out.

He listened to the inside of the pipe, but there was no sound.

Should scare those little bastards back.

The law and order in Dongdu is really bad!
Luke looked into the distance, and entered the dungeon through a section of wilderness.

There is no concept of time in the tower bar in the center of the underground city. No matter what time of day it is, there will always be people dancing, drinking and enjoying free colored smoke.

In the corner of the bar, the demons of hell are enjoying the energy of their souls.

Luke entered the bar, ignoring the girl who came over to strike up a conversation, he went straight to the bar and gave a business card to the waiter.

The waiter took the business card and looked at it, then motioned for Luke to follow him.

At this time, Dalikova arrived under the high tower, and saw the steam motorcycle described by Lumao and the others at a glance.Dalikova put her motorcycle away, took out a banknote and handed it to the gang personnel who came over: "Did a person with purple hair and purple eyes and a stud earring on his left ear go up just now?"

Dalikova is now a bounty hunter, and most of the gang members know her because she often goes to and from the dungeons.

The other party took the money and replied: "There is such a person going up. Miss Dalikova, do you need our help?"

Dalikova smiled: "It's a small commission to catch a rape, and there is not much commission. When I encounter a big commission next time, I will definitely ask you for help."

"I'm sorry for the gentleman whose wife cheated on you. Go up, Darikova, your car won't be stolen here."

"Thank you!" Dalikova walked into the elevator leading to the bar on the top of the tower.

Entering the bar, Dalikova, who is of superb figure and appearance, attracted countless eyes, and a man even wanted to hug her shoulders with the help of alcohol.Darikova twisted the man's arm and tripped him to the ground.

Seeing the man writhing in pain, the others immediately realized that this beautiful woman was not something they could provoke, and all made way for her.

At this time, smoke sprayed from above, and the crowd immediately smoked greedily and danced to the music.

Dalikova covered her mouth and nose, trying to inhale as little of this gas as possible.She walked to the bar, called the waiter, ordered a glass of wine first, then gave a large tip as usual, and asked, "I'm looking for someone, and he's here."

The waiter put away the tip and asked with a smile: "Miss Dalikova, my eyes are on each of them. Who are you looking for, I will point him out immediately."

Dalikova said: "He has purple hair and purple eyes, wears a black jacket and a T-shirt with a skull. He is between 40 and [-] years old, with a stud and earring on his left ear, neck Has a succubus tattoo on it.

It shouldn't be long since he came in. Have you seen him? "

"Such a person?" The waiter thought for a while and said: "I remembered, I saw him, he did come in just now."

Darikova asked: "Where is he?"

The waiter asked back: "He looks like a guy who is not easy to mess with. May I know why you are looking for him? If you fight here, I can't explain to my boss."

Darikova continued to use the excuse she just made up: "I received a commission to investigate an adultery case, and the man just now was the adulterer who shamed a factory owner. I don't need to catch him, I just need to collect evidence That's fine, I won't get you into trouble."

"I like to hear this kind of story." The waiter laughed: "When your investigation is over, you must tell me the content of the case, and I will buy you a drink."

"No problem! I have many similar stories here... Where is he?"

The waiter said: "Come with me. He booked a private room and seemed to be waiting for someone, maybe the wife he had committed adultery with. I can let you hide in the private room next door, and the rest is yours." Something happened."

Darikova followed the waiter: "Thank you, I can leave the rest to me."

(End of this chapter)

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