Age of Arcane

Chapter 553 Entering Hell

Chapter 553 Entering Hell
Darikova followed the waiter to a private room. The room was messy, and all kinds of garbage left by the previous batch of guests remained on the tables and chairs.The wine flowed down the table, and a drunk and unconscious hostess lay under the table.

The waiter skillfully grabbed the girl's leg and pulled it out, and said to Dalikova with an apologetic smile: "There are so many guests today, we are a little short of manpower, and someone will come to clean it soon.

The person you're looking for is right next door. "

Dalikova was not here for consumption. Seeing the instructions from the waiter, she stepped on the sofa and put her ear against the wall to listen to the voice next door.

He only heard the door of his room being slammed shut by the waiter.

Dalikova didn't care, and couldn't hear the sound, so she looked for a gap where she could see the next door.

But with a slight "呲呵" sound, white smoke spewed out from all over the room.

Damn it, I was tricked by that guy!
Dalikova quickly took out a black mask and put it on her nose and mouth, pulled out the dagger from the boot with her right hand, and pulled out a magic wand from the leather sheath on the back waist with her left hand.The magic wand tapped the mask to release the detoxification magic, and then rushed to the door with the blade.

Before her enchanted dagger touched the door, the whole room shook violently, and the floor disappeared immediately, and Darikova fell down along with the table, sofa and a pile of sundries.

Helkkin, if I can get out alive, I will not spare you!
At this time Luke has reached hell through the entrance of the teleportation array in the High Tower Bar.

It has been a year and a half since the last time I came here, and Chi Yan's territory has changed a lot.Chi Yan's original palace without a door has been torn down, and now a large theater designed by the designer of Raging Wave City has completed the main construction.The spacious stage is full of lighting and sound, and the semi-enclosed open-air auditorium is under construction.

To build such a modern opera house in hell, it is a test of the heat resistance of all components.In order to satisfy the demon Chi Yan's wish, Raging Waves City really worked hard and overcame many technical difficulties.

The demon Chi Yan, who wants to become the most popular idol in hell, is rehearsing very attentively on the unfinished stage at this time.Holding an electric guitar, he sang loudly to the accompaniment of the band, accompanied by enchanting succubus dancers, and all the audience were his demon fans.

Luke didn't bother the rising demon Chiyan, and was going to inspect the current Chiyan territory.

The last time I came here was a refugee camp, and the hell creatures dug their nests wherever they found, which is their home.The demon Chiyan runs a gang in the dungeon, and his human subordinates manage it for him. When it comes to his own territory, it is completely free-range.

After Luke reached a cooperation agreement with the demon Red Flame, Rage City sent a group of officers and management talents.After a year and a half of training, Chi Yan's territory finally has the embryonic form of a city.The roads and buildings have been re-planned, and all the demons in the territory are registered, and then arranged to live in their respective areas according to their different races.

The next step is to select suitable soldiers to be recruited into Chi Yan's army according to the registration records.The officer corps of Raging Waves City will conduct strict discipline and command training for each new recruit team, and select outstanding performers to be transferred to the officer training corps.

The hellish race that likes disorder is very repulsive to this kind of training, and many conflicts occurred during the period.But Chi Yan is a non-mainstream demon. He can see that discipline training has significantly improved the combat effectiveness of his army, so he concentrates on his own music, and the human instructors can train as they want.If there is a conflict, Chi Yan doesn't ask the reason, and any demon descendant who causes trouble will be thrown into the lava river directly, and he will live or die, and go wherever he likes.

There are more demons thrown, and the demons are all honest.

The training efficiency is greatly improved.Although the discipline and execution ability of the Chi Yan army cannot be compared with the human army, but in hell... it is definitely the number one elite.

With the weapons and equipment provided by Raging Waves City and the advice of human staff, the newly organized three-headed dog army of the demon Chiyan really killed the Quartet like a wreck, and doubled the area of ​​​​the territory in a short period of time.

The surrounding demons were also awed by the power of the three-headed dog army, and they paid tribute one after another.

Then, under Luke's suggestion, the demon Chiyan became the general agent of the Hell of Rage City, and those demons attached to him became the lower-level wholesalers, relying on the lava rivers in hell to make the arms business flourish.

The weapons of Raging Waves City are also highly praised by many forces in hell because of their excellent quality, and the orders keep rising again and again.

Now Raging Waves City can obtain extremely cheap high-quality minerals from hell through the arms trade. The demon Chiyan has consolidated the expanded territory with the stable and strong arms channels, and has continuously absorbed powerful demons and demon descendants to strengthen the strength of its three-headed dog army.

According to recent statistics, the Raging Waves City Officer Corps has trained 2000 qualified soldiers for the Three-Headed Dog Army.After laying a solid foundation, the speed of future training will be much faster.The demon Chiyan directly controls more than [-] square kilometers of land by virtue of the three-headed dog army, and the land attached to Chiyan's territory exceeds [-] square kilometers, and can easily pull out a hundred thousand hell troops.

Chi Yan can say without humility that he is the most powerful demon in this edge of hell area, and his name has been known by the ancient demons deep in hell.

"Lord Luke! Lord Luke!" A governor wearing a full body armor came running, calling out Luke's alias: "Our lord invites you to his Red Flame Theater."

Luke stopped visiting Red Flame and followed the Governor to the Opera House.

In the dressing room of the opera house, Chi Yan took off her performance costume under the service of the demon descendant, and at the same time applied her makeup.Seeing Luke coming, he took a sip of throat water, then shook hands and hugged enthusiastically.

"Congratulations, Duke of Raging Waves." The demon Chiyan pulled Luke out: "I admire your courage in leading a human empire to challenge the Shuojin people. I always thought that although I can't provide you with direct help, I must Good luck with your business in hell.

It's just that hell suddenly there's another competitor. "

Luke didn't know where Chi Yan was going to take him, so he followed and asked, "Who is the other party?"

"We'll discuss this matter later." Chi Yan walked to a door and said mysteriously, "I have a gift for you."

Luke followed Chi Yan in.

This is a closed room, similar to a human interrogation room.A woman was tied to a metal chair, with a black cloth hood on her head.

Luke asked suspiciously, "Who is this?"

Chi Yan walked behind the woman and put her hand on her head: "I don't know. My men said that she entered the High Tower Bar behind you and asked the bartender about your whereabouts.

The people at the bar sent her here out of concern for your safety.

Wow!Very tasty soul!Self-discipline, perseverance, bravery, intelligence... A strong human soul can make the best tasting food..."

The demon Chiyan sniffed greedily, as if he was about to take out the woman's soul immediately.

Luke couldn't figure out why he was followed and followed when he first arrived in Dongdu: "Chi Yan, it's not time for you to eat yet. Take off her headgear, I want to ask who sent her."

"I can wait."

The demon Chi Yan took off the woman's headgear.

Luke couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the woman's appearance: "Darikova?"

"You are..." Although Luke made a disguise, Dalikova recognized him: "Luke, you are Mr. Luke! You really are not dead!"

Demon Chi Yan asked: "Do you know each other?"

Dalikova turned her head and saw Chi Yan, even though she was calm enough after training, she couldn't help exclaiming: "Evil... devil!"

She had heard that there was a crack leading to hell in the dungeon of Winter Capital, and she would often see traces of hell demons, but she never expected that she would actually encounter a demon so close.

Thinking of what I just heard, this demon wants to eat his own soul, not kidding.

Dalikova looked at Luke, not knowing what relationship this man had with the devil.

Luke said to Chi Yan: "You are waiting for me outside, I have some questions to ask my friend."

"It turned out to be your friend. Fortunately, she didn't hurt her...I'll wait for you outside."

Dalikova watched the demon leave the room in disbelief, and closed the door carefully.She looked at the man in front of her with strange eyes: "Who the hell are you? Why are you pretending to be dead? And why can you command a demon?"

Luke walked behind Darikova and lifted her from the shackles and restraints: "Your question, I need to think about it before answering.

Now I need you to answer my question first. "

Dalikova moved her wrist and looked at the closed room vigilantly. After Luke sat down opposite her, she said, "What do you want to ask?"

"how did you find me?"

Darikova replied: "Those punks chasing you are my informants."

"Is it such a coincidence?" The coincidence surprised Luke: "It's just that I didn't hurt a few of them, but you chased them to the tower bar in the dungeon. How should this be explained?"

Darikova thought about it for a while, and said, "I met Helkkin, who asked me to catch up. Maybe the commission I received was also arranged by him."

"It turned out to be him! I should have guessed that he would definitely be hiding in the dark and wait for me to leave." Luke realized that he was still a little less advanced than Helkin in this professional field.

Dalikova said: "I have finished answering your questions, and I am suddenly not interested in any deal between you and Helkkin. Let me go, now I have no questions for you to answer... Can you believe that I am not Talking nonsense outside."

Luke said, "I can't let you go."


"Because Helkkin is using you to test me, he is checking if I will kill you."

Darikova understood what Luke meant.

He knew the secret of Helkkin and Luke, but he couldn't kill it himself, so he sent himself to Luke.

Darikova asked Luke, "Are you going to kill me?"

"Killing you, Hulkkin and I have eliminated a great hidden danger, but I haven't considered how to deal with you now. Therefore, I can't let you go yet. I need a period of time to think about it. During this time, you will stay in the Here."

Darikova asked: "What is this place? Are you not afraid that I will escape?"

Luke smiled and said, "This is hell. If you can escape from hell, I don't need to think about whether to kill you."

"Hell, hell!" Dalikova looked at the room and furnishings again: "Is this different from what I imagined?"

"Here is an engineering project we undertook, and there is a cooling system inside. If you want to go outside, you need to protect against high temperature." Luke stood up and took out a badge and handed it to Darikova: "Wear this, here The Hellborn will not embarrass you. You can move freely in this territory, but it is best not to leave this building too far.

I still have something to talk to the demon Chi Yan, so I won't accompany you.

Have a great time in hell. "

I had a good time in hell... It doesn't seem like this should be counted as a blessing, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Dalikova took the badge in a daze, and then watched Luke go out in a daze.

With the door wide open, can I really move freely in hell?

Who is he?

Luke found the demon Chi Yan outside, and then they went to another room to talk about competitors.As for Dalikova, I really didn't think about how to deal with her.

Helkin should have heard about his engagement to Agatha, so the significance of Dalikova's existence is lower than the hidden dangers caused by her being alive.If he didn't kill her, but put her back, Hulking would most likely do it himself.

Now I can only keep Darikova by my side first, and slowly think of a safe solution.

Luke and the demon Chiyan came to a quiet and closed room, and the demon Chiyan began to tell the information he had collected now.

In the previous world, a group of unidentified human businessmen entered hell.They found an ancient demon named Madman.

I don't know what kind of agreement this group of human merchants reached with the demon fanatics. The demon fanatics have a large number of high-temperature and corrosion-resistant weapons in their hands.Then the human merchants found other demons and sold weapons to them in the same way.

This direct sales model does not have middlemen to make the difference, which will have a great impact on the distribution model developed by the devil Chi Yan.Although the hell market is huge, it has not affected Chiyan's business for the time being, but if it cannot be dealt with in time, it will definitely be difficult to continue the arms business in Chiyan's territory in the future.

"My lord duke! I have secretly sent demons to ambush these human merchants many times, and none of them came back alive. The other party dares to wander among the demon territories, so it must be very powerful."

Luke thought for a moment and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this group of human merchants may be the Glittering people in disguise. The Glittering people should know that Rage City is exchanging weapons from Hell for mineral resources, so they plan to fight with Hell for mineral resources." We fight a trade war.

Direct selling needs to establish a complete and safe logistics system in Hell, obviously Hell does not have such conditions.The larger the area covered by the counterparty's direct sales, the higher the logistics cost and risk will be.Don't send the demons to trouble those human merchants, just ambush them on the path of their goods, do not rob but only destroy, and change places after one vote.

It is impossible and dare not to enter Hell on a large scale. The transportation of goods is either to hire Hell Demons or use real human hired labor. It should not be difficult to ambush.

At the same time, you send demons to lurk into their direct sales area to spread rumors, saying that a certain demon lord received a hundred sets of excellent armor, but said that only ten sets are good, and he insisted on buying a hundred sets for the price of ten sets of armor armor.

Let me teach you these two tricks first, and let's see how the Shuojin people react. "

The demon Chi Yan laughed loudly: "Your Excellency is amazing, I will arrange for the demon descendant to do it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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