Age of Arcane

Chapter 554 This is hell

Chapter 554 This is hell

Hell is a large landmass on the Lava Plane, and the landmass swirls down from the edge to the middle level.Different from the water cycle in the mundane world, the magma in hell enters the land in reverse from the lava sea on the outside, starting from the edge and converging along the intricate river channels to the middle, and converging in the central area into the endless purgatory.

All hell creatures are born in lava rivers, and the closer to the central area, the easier it is for powerful hell creatures to be born, so the competition in the depths of hell is very fierce.The demons who can stand firm in such involution are all demon lords with powerful strength and military power.

And purgatory is the center of hell, and all the people occupying the territory in it are ancient demons. Once the artifact, the red flame torch, was in purgatory, creating the purgatory civilization, one of the five ancient civilizations.

The passage between hell and the mundane world will generally be in the center of volcanoes and geothermal heat.Find the space cracks that can be connected due to energy pressure, and then use the corresponding spells to open a stable teleportation array.

It's just that such passages are generally very small, not suitable for the transportation of bulky items, and of course not suitable for large troops to pass through.The trading channel between Raging Waves City and the demon Chi Yan is located on a volcanic island in the ocean, corresponding to Hell is a place called Three-headed Dog Mountain.

The three-headed dog mountain was originally the border area between the demon Chiyan's territory and another demon's territory, and now it is completely controlled by Chiyan.The headquarters of his three-headed dog army was set up here, and the headquarters of the military advisory group of Raging Waves City was also here.

After seeing Chi Yan, Luke took Darikova to Three-Headed Dog Mountain.

They traveled on steam tracked vehicles.

This is a means of transportation specially designed by the Alchemist Guild of Raging Waves City for the hell environment.In hell, there is no cost for heat energy, and water will immediately turn into water vapor when it arrives here, so liquid water is a scarce resource.

A self-circulating turbo steam engine used by a steam tracked vehicle.The engine is arranged around the car body, and the magic circle is used to realize heat stratification and energy accumulation. The water vapor expands multiple times in the heating process in a closed cycle, and generates vortex kinetic energy.

This steam tracked vehicle has very good passability, even if it passes through semi-solidified lava ground, it can travel at a slow speed.Now the Raging Wave City Alchemist Association is developing more versatile vehicles based on this steam tracked vehicle. The heat source of hell is really too cheap.

In the compartment, Dalikova adjusted the heat transfer air conditioner, and the cool air with frost and mist from the air outlet made her take a deep breath comfortably.After her whole body was completely cooled, she said with relief: "For polar people who are used to the cold, every second in hell is suffering. Where are we going?"

Luke sat in the back with Darikova, driven by a human driver.

"Three-headed dog mountain."

Luke answered very concisely.

Dalikova asked again: "I didn't expect that the Golden Shield Empire would infiltrate its forces into hell. Hell can't produce those armored weapons, and it can't make such a steam tracked vehicle. You are an imperial agent! Hull..." Dalikova looked at the driver in front of her, and instead of saying Helkkin's name, she asked, "Is Baldy working for you?"

"Baldy? It's a very vivid title." Luke couldn't help smiling and said, "He is indeed working for me."

"How is this possible?" Dalikova couldn't believe that the former head of the Ice Cave Agent was working for the enemy country, but that was the truth.

"That's why the bald man forced to cut you off."

"It seems that the League of Counties is doomed to fail in this war." Dalikova couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Helkkin used to be the head of the ice cave. Although he left the ice cave, his influence is still there.And now Helkkin is the secretary of state of the county federation, and is highly valued by all parties in the county federation.The person sitting in this position is a spy for the development of the enemy country, how can the county union win?
Luke said: "The Empire has never regarded Yate County United as an opponent. Now the County United is just a battlefield between the Empire and the World Bank. Therefore, no matter what the outcome of this battle is, Yate County United is a loser. "

"Although your words make me very uncomfortable as a member of Yate County United, I have no way to refute." Dalikova looked at Luke: "But who are you? I asked the demon descendants and Humans, they don't seem to know your true identity."

Luke smiled: "I am Luke."

"Forget it, I will check it myself." Dalikova turned her head and looked out of the window. Outside was a red world that could not see any life. After a while she murmured: "I know that for you, I It's a tool to be used,'s great to see you again!"

It didn't take too long for the steam tracked vehicle to arrive at Three Dog Mountain.

The shape of the mountain resembles a lying hound, and the passage to the mundane world is a large cave in the abdomen.

Now the entire Three-Headed Dog Mountain is a large military camp, with the Three-Headed Dog Army occupying the head, the recruit training camp at the rear, and the large area in the middle is the material transfer station.The transfer station is full of ores ready to be transported to Raging Waves City. The crushing and inspection workshop is working day and night, and the rail cars are constantly transporting the crushed ore materials into the cave.

On the other side of the three-headed dog mountain is a lava river. The wholesale of arms has formed a market here, and the market has attracted more hell races to trade here.According to this development momentum, Santou Mountain will definitely become a trading city.

Luke climbed to the highest point of the Three-Headed Dog Mountain, and had a panoramic view of the military camp, transfer station, training camp, and lava river.There are many sarcophagus boats unique to hell in the lava river, and the shore is full of strings of low-level demon trackers pulling the sarcophagus boats.

After the sarcophagus ship docked, the low-level demons carried the ore from the ship to the shore with their hands on their shoulders, which was very inefficient.

Dalikova followed Luke to the top of the Three-Headed Dog Mountain, and she was shocked by the sight on this side of the mountain just now. Rage City not only obtained mineral resources from hell, but also trained a team of quasi-humans here. A modern army of hell.

On the other side of the mountain is a large market with a pier.

All the eyes are filled with red demon descendants of hell, and boats pass by in the river, and the supervisor of the demon descendants keeps beating the slave demons with whips.On both sides of the market, two city walls can be seen being built against the mountains. Is the Golden Shield Empire really going to build a trading city in hell?

Doing business with the devil?

This is crazy!
But Golden Shield Empire is doing it.

Dalikova couldn't help asking: "Does the Golden Shield Empire want to conquer hell?"

"If hell can be conquered, I don't mind conquering it."

"Arrogance..." Dalikova didn't continue, she looked at the man beside her, with the aura of overlooking the world, she couldn't help but believe his words, and "Who are you?"

"If I decide to kill you, I will tell you." Luke smiled and cast his magic to float towards the lava river: "Let's go... We are going to the depths of hell by boat."

To the depths of hell!

Dalikova felt that there was a high probability that she would not be able to leave hell alive.Seeing that Luke had flown away, she immediately cast a spell and floated down the mountain.

Come to the lava river, a sarcophagus ship is ready.

The shape of the sarcophagus ship is a large sarcophagus, which is made of a high-temperature-resistant stone material, with a length of up to 25 meters and a width of about six to seven meters.There is a narrow platform around the outer edge of the sarcophagus ship, on which many minions are clinging.Slaves are a general term for low-level demons. They are at the bottom of hell society, and they are coolies and spare rations.

These minions are the trackers who pull the sarcophagus boats when needed.When Luke came over, several humanoids were cutting up the meat of the lava crocodile and feeding them.

Luke showed a token, and the headed one-horned governor saluted immediately: "My lord human, after we received the order from Lord Red Flame, we immediately prepared this ship for you..."

At this time, a slave demon bared its teeth at Luke, and was immediately captured by the demons and dismembered, and then threw it to other slave demons.The slave demons scrambled to share the food, and were afraid to look at Luke's side.

Luke didn't look at the slave devil much, and said to the one-horned governor: "We are going to the territory of the deep demon lunatics in hell, can your ship get there?"

Hearing that his lord's guest was going to the deepest part of hell, the one-horned governor was embarrassed and said, "I've heard about the demon fanatic. He is an ancient demon whose territory is in the deepest purgatory of hell. There he owns a In the ancient scorched earth city, there are many demons who are stronger than ordinary demons.

My lord, if you go to Scorched Earth City, we probably have no way to protect your safety. After all, you are a human being, and the souls of you and this human lady are delicacy for the hell race. "

Luke said: "I am responsible for my safety, you just send us to Scorched Earth City... Is there a problem?"

"No problem!" Without being responsible for safety, the one-horned governor readily agreed, "Please board the boat with your lord and your female companion, and we will set off immediately."

A demon on the boat put down the stone slab, and Luke and Dalikova entered the sarcophagus ship through the stone slab.

After the unicorns allocated the cabins, the sarcophagus ship left the shore and sailed along the lava river to the depths of hell.

Purgatory is a world that spirals vertically downwards, and at the same time, the space is fragmented. If you don't master certain methods, it is easy to get lost in purgatory.The territory of the ancient demon lunatics is located in a stable space in Purgatory, and the Scorched Earth City is the residence of the demon lunatics.

Due to the prejudice and misunderstanding of hell, the mainstream common sense in the secular world does not think that hell has a real meaning.Because the hell race has no architectural talent, because the hell race likes to kill each other, and because the limit of human contact with hell is the marginal area, so there is such a stereotype of hell.

In fact, as one of the ancient civilizations, the purgatory civilization can accumulate a city through time, no matter how there is no city predestined relationship.Especially in the demonic realm with a stable ruler, the high-level demons will form cities if they live together, and there are even several large-scale cities in Purgatory.

Scorched Earth City is a large hellish city.

Built along a main river of lava that spirals downward, the structure resembles an upside-down tower.And because several lava river tributaries converge or flow out, this place has a traffic advantage.It is precisely because of this characteristic of Scorched Earth City that Tan set the first stop of his hell business road trip here.

Today, Tan and her subordinates brought a big stone box to the castle at the bottom of Scorched Earth City.The stone chest is drawn by four hellfire horses and has beautiful carvings on it.

Wearing a body-shaping suit, Tan took off his hat and bowed to the closed castle gate: "I am Miria, a human merchant, here to visit the mad lord."

A face protruded from the black castle gate, and it surveyed the group of humans below, with the hellfire horse and the stone box it was pulling.

"Humans, why did you come to meet my master?"

Tan replied: "Some time ago, I promised to give the madman lord a set of special armor. Now that this set of armor has been manufactured, we came to visit this time to ask the madman lord to try it on.

If there is something unsatisfactory, we can also modify it. "

"The armor made for the master? It is a good gift. My master is very satisfied with the armor and weapons you provided. You will definitely be able to return with a full load when you come to visit this time.

Come in, follow the flames, and you will meet my master. "

The gate of the castle opened, and a ball of fire floated through the door.

The fire ball shook and drifted into the castle.

As soon as Tan waved his hand, the team followed into the castle.

In the depths of the castle, two demons were eating a piece of meat from an unknown creature.They tore off the meat, stuffed the skin and bones into their mouths, and chewed.

One of the demons said while eating: "Tyrant, since the last time you were defeated by the Sword of Oath, we haven't seen each other for more than 1000 years. We all thought you were dead, but we didn't expect you to appear in front of me so suddenly.

What do you want to do now that you're back in hell?As a former comrade in arms, I will definitely help you. "

The tyrant chewed the meat and spat out another bone: "Of course I came back to take back my former territory, would you help me?
Outlaws! "

The demon fanatic laughed: "Tyrant, if I can help you regain your territory, do you think I will give it back to you? You have been out of hell for more than 1000 years, and this place is no longer what it used to be. There is not much stable space in purgatory , all unowned territories have long been divided up.

I suggest that you submit to me, and I can allocate a piece of land in my territory for you to manage. "

The tyrant sneered: "I won't cling to demons who are weaker than me. I used to beat you all over the place."

"But that was in the past! Your purgatory magic is very strong, really strong, and can make the sword of the oath deal with you personally. But the artifact has been lost. Without the artifact, how much strength do you have left?"

The tyrant stopped eating: "Do you want to try it?"

The fanatic chuckled and said, "Don't try. Even if you are still very strong, I can bring my demons to defeat you. Tyrant, if you really want to take back the territory, I suggest you start from hell." Edge starts.

Wait for you to gather enough powerful demon descendants, and then approach purgatory little by little.If there is no accident, you can enter Purgatory to challenge after 1000 years. "

(End of this chapter)

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