Age of Arcane

Chapter 555 Scorched Earth City

Chapter 555 Scorched Earth City

The tyrant and the madman sat facing each other, surrounded by darkness without any light.The two demons seem to be friends eating the same piece of meat without gaps, but in fact they are both on guard against the other's surprise attack, and their words are also testing each other's details.

The tyrant didn't show any anger at the insulting suggestion made by the fanatic. He reached out and tore off a large piece of meat, and stuffed it into his mouth: "Madman, if I go to the edge of hell to grab the territory, I'm afraid you will be the first to know it." Attack me one.

You don't need to test how many demons I have now, since I have come to Purgatory, it means that I am ready to take back my territory.I never expected that you would send troops to help me, I'm here... just to remind you not to intervene in this territorial war. "

The self-confidence shown by the tyrant made the fanatics unable to guess what kind of strength he had now.The demons who survived until the end of the ancient war have learned to endure, so the fanatic said straightforwardly: "If you can return to purgatory, of course I will not have any objections, on the contrary, I will be very happy. I promise not to intervene in your war , but your odds of winning do not seem to be high, after all, it is the ancient demon Rage who seized your Furnace City. Even I... dare not provoke him easily."

The tyrant said contemptuously: "Although the devil's promise is not credible, I believe that with your prudence, you will not do anything without ensuring victory."

The fanatic smiled and said, "You know me."

The tyrant grabbed the meat and ate it again: "I saw some of your demons wearing armor that can adapt to the high temperature and high corrosion of hell. Where did you get it? Can you sell me some."

"Oh! Those armors you mentioned? They were sold to me by a group of human merchants from the secular world." Hearing the tyrant talking about the armors, the fanatic said with emotion: "I haven't paid attention to the world for about 100 years. In the world, I didn't expect that humans could make such good armor and weapons.

If you want... I can sell you some, but you need to pay for rare silver diamonds. Humans in the secular world like to add silver diamonds to metals, which can look very beautiful. "

The tyrant has been in the Golden Shield Empire for so long, of course he knows the value of silver diamonds.It is a necessary addition to some special alloys, which can greatly improve the hardness and magic resistance of the alloy.With the upgrading of the manufacturing industry of human civilization, especially the shipbuilding industry has officially entered the era of all-metal ships, all countries are building large-scale warships, and the demand for silver diamonds is increasing.

Not only silver diamonds, but many special and rare minerals have become expensive necessities because of the discovery of their industrial uses.

Not to mention the commonly used minerals, which are even more abundant in Hell.

In the past, when people talked about hell, their expressions changed, and they were afraid to avoid demons.

In the future, as a treasure house of mineral resources, it will be the general trend for human beings to further develop Hell.

The tyrant can deeply feel the exuberant and limitless development potential of human civilization, and at the same time can't help feeling sorry for the ignorance and complacency of the demons.

"No problem, as long as the armor and weapons are good, I can pay the corresponding silver diamonds..."

At this time, a ball of fire floated from a distance, and the light illuminated a larger area. You could see the shadows of the demons surrounded by the two demons.

The tyrant waved his hand, and the demons behind him retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

The lunatic smiled, and waved his hands to make his demon descendants back.

"Lantern Demon, don't you know that I am entertaining friends? If you don't have a valid reason, I will snuff out your candle with my own hands."

The fire ball swayed, and an empty voice said: "My master, the human businessman Miria, asked to see me. She brought the armor given to you."

The demon lunatic was very happy: "Very good, very good, I am looking forward to what kind of armor she can bring me. Light the way for her, let her come in!"

With the lunatic's words, two rows of fire were lit, extending from where they sat to a gate.The demon descendants who were illuminated by the light retreated in a hurry, retreating to a place where the light could not reach.

The area illuminated by the fire ball was not large, and it could only be seen that this was a large hall, and the four walls and vaults could not be seen.What the fire ball illuminated was a spacious suspension bridge. The bottom of the bridge was completely dark, but one could feel that there were dangerous things below.

The gate on the opposite side of the suspension bridge was open, and Tan led his entourage to pull a huge stone box onto the suspension bridge, walking forward step by step.When they got close enough, the fire that had brought them in blocked them.

Tan noticed that there was one more demon here than last time, and his status seemed to be equal to that of a madman.

"Respected madman lord!" Tan took off his hat and saluted: "We didn't know you had guests, please forgive us for disturbing us."

The lunatic ate ​​the meat and said, "If your gift satisfies me, it is not an interruption. If I am not satisfied... I can only use your souls to apologize to my friends."

"You will be satisfied." Tan asked his followers to open the stone box, and asked the tyrant again: "Sorry, demon lord, I didn't know you were here, so I didn't prepare a gift for you. I can know your name And the location of your territory? We will prepare gifts as soon as possible and go to your territory to make a formal apology."

Without waiting for the tyrant to answer, the fanatic said: "This friend of mine doesn't have a territory yet, so just send your gifts here."

Tan couldn't help but look at the tyrant one more time.

The lunatic is an ancient demon who has experienced ancient wars, and he must be an ancient demon who can sit on an equal footing with him.An ancient demon with no territory... Are you kidding me?

However, the ancient demon didn't even refute the insult.

It seems that this guy really has no territory.

It's so miserable, it's interesting!
Tan tactfully did not continue to dwell on this topic: "The gift will be delivered here soon. Now, Lord Madman, please check your armor."

The stone box has been opened from all sides, and the attendant lifted the covering, and a set of shining armor made the madman stand up involuntarily.

He walked to the armor, and several demon descendants appeared in the shaking of the lights.The demons violently pushed Tan's followers aside, and cast their skills together to inspect the armor carefully.

The tyrant also stepped forward, admiring the armor side by side with the lunatic.

The armor is red-gold throughout, and the one-piece breastplate and bear-claw shoulder armor are exaggerated in shape, which can reflect the strong physique that the devil is proud of.There are devil wing patterns embossed on the armor surface, and many magic formations are integrated into the patterns just right. The attracted fire elements make the armor even more imposing.

Zealots obviously prefer helmets, not because of the fully wrapped style, but because of the two pairs of decorations that can cover the devil's horns, making the devil's horns appear bigger, thicker and more gorgeous.

The demon who checked the armor said that there is no problem with the armor.

"Then put it on for me!"

The demon descendants nested the armor one by one on the demon fanatics.

Tan introduced the function of this set of armor.

Increased hardness, increased magic resistance, increased strength, spiritual defense, fire elemental energy, adaptive elemental shield...

Shuojin people have a deep understanding of armor, so the carefully crafted armor is also extremely good.

The madman followed the explanation step by step to test the function of the armor, and at the same time he was full of praise.

"Very good! This set of armor is not only in line with my aura in appearance, but also has so many functions. I am very satisfied with your gift..." The lunatic touched the horns, and the jewel-studded hands felt very good: "But I am very happy. Dissatisfied with some of your practices."

Tan didn't expect the devil to turn his face so quickly: "Lord Madman, what are you dissatisfied with our actions?"

The lunatic glanced at the tyrant beside him, and said to Tan: "I heard that you not only supply me with weapons and armor, but also supply other demons. I'm telling you now, I'm not happy!
I order you to stop providing weapons and armor to any demon leader other than me, you can only supply me. "

The madman pressed down in front of Tan, looked down at the human woman in front of him, and the fire on his body erupted through the gap in the armor.

Tan didn't retreat, and all the approaching fire was within a palm's distance.

"Lord Madman, we are merchants, and how we do business is our freedom. According to our agreement, our trading materials are transferred through your territory, and you can only collect a certain percentage of taxes from it."

The demon fanatic didn't expect that the weak-looking human in front of him could block his power. He put further pressure: "Now I want to change the agreement!"

Tan laughed and said: "If you want to tear up the agreement, then I don't need to abide by the agreement. There are many cracks connecting hell to the secular world, not only you have large passages here."

"You're arrogant, woman! Aren't you afraid I'll kill you right now?"

"I'm just an ordinary salesman. If you kill me, it will have no effect on the company I serve. And you will be on our company's dishonest list, and then the demon territory around you will be supplied with armor and weapons from the company."

The fanatic's expression froze. He didn't expect that he would be grasped by a weak human being.

He has seen the improvement in combat effectiveness brought by human armor weapons to his army, and he is thinking of purchasing more and then expanding his territory.Unexpectedly, this is still a double-edged sword. If one's enemy obtains a human weapon, he may be the one who gets beaten.

The lunatic is very grateful to the ancient war for tempering his temper: "Just kidding! How could I tear up the agreement? I just want to add a few more... First of all, you can't provide armor and weapons to the demon territory around me, and you can't provide me The enemy provides armor and weapons, and cannot..."

The demon tyrant interrupted the fanatic at this time: "I will not bother you to increase the terms of the agreement. I will live in your scorched earth city during this period, and I will come to you after I determine how many weapons I need to buy."

"Okay, I welcome you here anytime... Goodbye!"


The tyrant turned into a shadow and fled into the darkness.

Madman continues to discuss with Tan about amending the agreement.

At this time, on the upper floor of Scorched Earth City, a sarcophagus ship entered the city along the lava river.The hull of the sarcophagus is covered with cracks and claw marks, and there are only three scattered slaves clinging to the outside of the ship.Infernals catch their prey from the lava river, and are also caught by monsters in the lava river.

Arriving at a section of the river where the lava flow is gentle, the sarcophagus ship docked on the shore.

A group of slave demons waiting on the shore immediately surrounded them. They prostrated their bodies, lowered their heads, and raised their hands high.

The one-horned governor came down from the boat first, and he swung his long whip at the slave demons for a while, and quickly drove them all away.

"My lord, you can disembark now."

Under the protection of the demon, Luke and Dalikova got off the sarcophagus ship.They wore fire-resistant smocks, with fat hoods covering their heads.

After identifying his position, Luke said to the Unicorn: "You keep an eye on the ship, and pay attention to the news from the Red Flame Leader. We will stay in Scorched Earth City for a while, and we will come to you if there is anything to do."

"Yes, sir, we will wait for you here."

When Luke and Dalikova walked into the city, the one-horned governor ordered the devils to pick a strong slave devil, and all the chosen ones could get a piece of meat.

Luke and Dalikova walked in the scorched earth city, feeling this hell-style city.The buildings in hell are not built by mining stones, but by pouring magma, which is physically shaped when the magma is in a semi-solidified state.

Therefore, most of the houses in hell are integrated, and many hideous handprints and pawprints will be left on them.Even when the magma is taken, some creatures inside will be brought out. After the magma solidifies, they will be sealed in the wall, and some limbs will stand out.

It wasn't that the devils of hell deliberately built the house to be terrifying and hideous, it was entirely caused by the building materials and construction process.

Luke walked on the road paved with lava, explaining to Dalikova the characteristics of the hell city and the source of these characteristics.

Although Dalikova has been trained, she is still frightened by all kinds of hell devils she meets and follows Luke closely.This is the depths of hell... No, this is purgatory. All human children share the most feared place, which is purgatory.

Here is a collection of all the horror and evil that has ever been in everyone's nightmares.

"Your soul will go to purgatory!" is the most vicious curse.

Dalikova never thought that she would really come to purgatory one day.

Avoiding a monster with four snake heads and a frog body, Dalikova approached Luke: "I think you are very familiar with this city, have you been here before?"

Luke identified the road, turned a corner and continued walking forward: "I have been here several times a long time ago. The appearance of the hell city can remain unchanged for thousands of years, unlike our city, which will look different after a few years .”

"How many times have you been here!"

Dalikova felt that her head was a little confused. What kind of needs does a human being have? He needs to come to purgatory several times.

I really think of going to purgatory as a tourist.

Luke thought what Dalikova said was a question, and thought about it seriously: "I have been here about eight times specifically, and I can't remember the number of times I passed here when I went to other hell cities."

Looks like a real trip.

Dalikova didn't dare to continue asking, afraid that she would hear an answer that she couldn't bear.

After passing through several winding paths, Luke and Darikova came to a dead-end alley.

"Follow me closely and don't be disturbed by other things."

Luke reminded Darikova to walk towards the wall at the end.Countless eyes opened on the walls on both sides, and layers of black shadows swam in the walls.

"Food, food, food..."

Dalikova obeyed Luke's words and followed without any influence.

At the end, Luke put his hands on the wall and said a spell.

A door opens out of nowhere.

Luke opened the door and took Darikova in, and the door disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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