Age of Arcane

Chapter 560 New Rules of Hell

Chapter 560 New Rules of Hell

The demon tyrant quietly left the temporary fortress and left a mark at the place agreed with Luke.After waiting for about an hour, Luke came to the place where the tyrant was meeting.

This is an empty house. There used to be a few slave demons living here, but now they have disappeared.

The tyrant tells Luke how the Glitterkin came to see him.

"Milia's offer is very good. With the support of the Shuojin people, I should be able to regain my territory. If you need it, I can give them a backstab at any time."

After listening to the tyrant's words, Luke thought for a while, and then expressed his thoughts: "The complexity of the situation in the Scorched Earth City is beyond my expectation, and the situation seems to be very beneficial to us. Since the Shuojin people took the initiative to find you, I want to rearrange our plan of action."

The demon tyrant asked: "My lord, what do you think?"

After thinking about his new idea again, Luke made up his mind and said to the demon tyrant: "I want to help you become the master of hell!"

The demon tyrant said in astonishment: "Are you kidding! Hell has never been unified from ancient times to the present. During this period, many powerful demons appeared, but they could not subdue the entire hell."

"That's their method is wrong, and the timing is wrong." Luke summoned a fireball and placed it in the air, and the fire light illuminated the dimly lit house.Luke uses magic to smooth out a wall and draw pictures of the relationship of Scorched Earth on it.

The demon tyrant looked at it seriously. Although he didn't believe that he had the ability to unify hell, but this is Meteor, so far he hasn't been unable to do what he wants to do.

The fiery heart beat violently in the chest of the demon tyrant.

After drawing the relationship diagram, Luke said, "During the time I came to Scorched Earth City, I have been looking at this diagram. It explains why no demon can unify hell."


"Because the hierarchy of hell is completely solidified, and a small number of demons rule a large number of demons. Now demon fanatics are determined to launch a territorial expansion war, and they have also issued a great ambition to unify hell. I believe that demon fanatics can rely on their equipment advantages Played many victories in the early stage.

These demon families belonging to Scorched Earth City will also expand rapidly with the victory, but the madman will never allow his subordinate demon families to be too powerful, he will split the too large demon family into countless small families .

So what will these demon families who fight for the lunatics get in the end? "

The demon tyrant said: "They will get nothing, hell belongs to the demons, this is the rule!"

"Yes, this is the rule made by the devil. But when the demons find that they fought desperately for the lunatics but got nothing, will they work hard on the battlefield in the future?"

The tyrant was silent.

Luke continued: "The demons are not willing to fight to the death. No matter how good the equipment is, it is useless. The demon families are constantly splitting up. How much loyalty does the new demon family have to the demon fanatics? The old demon family allows the new demon family to replace them." own status?
I'm afraid they will be recruited by other demons at will, and those demon families who followed the fanatics and had no early life will all run away. "

The demon tyrant agrees with Luke's analysis very much. In fact, in his long life, he has seen many demons with the ambition to unify hell, but they all failed because of their own internal collapse.

The tyrant believes that this is due to the suspicious and jealous character of the hell race. Demons must guard against both demons and demon descendants. Even eight hundred minds are not enough.

But listening to the meaning of the meteorite, it seems that there are other reasons.

"My lord, do you have a solution to this dead situation?"

Luke said, "Of course!"

The tyrant asked eagerly, "How?"

"Break the existing class restrictions in hell and introduce the merit enfeoffment system. In your eyes, there will no longer be demons and demon descendants in hell. All hell races that work for you are on the same starting line."

With a wave of Luke's hand, the scorched earth city relationship map on the wall changed from a pyramid to a performance table.

The tyrant saw that demons were on the same level as other hellfiends on the chart, and even slaves were on an equal footing with demons.

"This... This is not allowed! Hell belongs to the devil. This is a rule set since ancient times! If we do this, we will turn the whole hell upside down."

Luke took a step back and looked at his masterpiece, and said with a smile: "But the rules that have been set since ancient times have never unified hell. Since there are problems with the rules, why not change them?"

The demon pointed to the chart: "What if there are demons whose achievements surpass those of the demons? Could it be that the demons become subordinates of the demons!"

"What's wrong with this? Think about being able to command demons, and your demons will definitely fight for you madly. Think about getting your own family territory from you, and your demons will desperately destroy all your enemy!"

The tyrant couldn't help roaring angrily: "But how can the devil kneel under the devil!"

"Why can't the devil kneel under the devil?" Luke looked at the tyrant, even though the devil in front of him was much taller than himself, his momentum was still above the devil: "Tyrant, the devil will not take the initiative to embrace you as the master of hell , but a huge number of demons will use their heads to push you to an unprecedented peak.

When you slam the dignity of the devil to the ground, the devil will kneel to you like a demon descendant! "

The tyrant looked into Luke's eyes, as if seeing another hell.

All kinds of complex expressions appeared and disappeared on the tyrant's face.

Finally he knelt down in front of Luke.

"If the devil needs to kneel, then I will be the first devil to kneel." The tyrant bowed his head to Luke and completely exposed the back of his neck. Exposing weakness is a symbol of submission: "Great meteor! I can see you Initiate a new era with our own hands, an era that we have never experienced and cannot imagine.

I swear by my real name, Congreve Auston Tyrant Melville Aldrich, that from this time to the end of my life, I have you as my lord. "

The tyrant stretched out his hands forward, and a devil's contract was formed.

Luke put his hand on the devil's contract: "Although I don't know how binding this contract is on you, I believe that even without the contract, you will still be loyal to me at any time."

The tyrant responded: "Yes, I am loyal to you at all times. A strong contract can reduce my hesitation and hesitation in the face of temptation!"

Luke laughed and said, "Then make a contract!"

Luke's handprint was printed on the devil's contract, and the contract was rolled into a scroll and aggregated into a light ball. A chain tightly wound the light ball, and the two ends of the chain were connected to Luke and the tyrant.

The contract was concluded, and the light cluster and chain disappeared.

This is the first time Luke has signed a master-servant contract, and he can feel that there is an extra mark on his spiritual consciousness.

The tyrant stood up: "My lord! What should our first step be?"

Luke erased the name of the fanatic on the wall: "Start by looting the Scorched Earth City!"

Seeing that his name replaced the madman, the tyrant said in astonishment: "Snatch the Scorched Earth City? We don't seem to have such strength."

Luke smiled and said: "Your start is much better than mine in Raging Waves City. Wait for the Shuojin people to find you again, don't rush to agree to them, talk slowly first, and leave the other things to me."

"Follow your will, my lord!"

The tyrant left in a trance, feeling that this short meeting made his heart fluctuate as if another ancient war had been fought.

Breaking the current order of hell is tantamount to putting all demons on the opposite side of oneself.

This battle will definitely open up a new hell!
(End of this chapter)

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