Age of Arcane

Chapter 561 Succubus Armor

Luke made a whole new change to his Hell strategy.

Originally, he only wanted to help the tyrant regain his former territory, and put a nail in the center of hell. Cooperating with the demon Chiyan can effectively prevent the Shuojin people from penetrating hell.

And when he thoroughly studied the relationship between hell, he couldn't help but come up with such a bold idea.

Under the current system of hell, demons and demons are fixed in their own positions, and no one can afford to turn the tide.If you want to make a difference, you must dare to break this sealed relationship, so that the bottom demons have room to rise, and even "profess the prince and worship the prime minister"!
Whoever dares to be the first to change the law of the ancestors will sweep the world.

Now the devil tyrant is still one territory away from the journey to unify hell...

Scorched Earth City is fine.

In the following days, Luke left the Stockmore hut to Darikova, and he officially settled in Black Castle as the elder brother of Madobusa.

With the arrival of subsequent armor and weapons, all the succubi of the Madobusa family will be armed again. The succubus armor, enchanted dagger, and hand crossbow are standard equipment.In addition, Ma Duobusa also spent a huge sum of money to buy [-] hell steam tracked vehicles. The vehicles were equipped with ballistas specially made for hell and equipped with a thousand siege crossbow spears.

All other imported weapons entered the black market of Scorched Earth City under the covert operation of the Madobusa family.

It caused a great commotion in the whole city.

The Shuojin people have just set their sights on the hell market, and their production capacity of using weapons for the special environment of hell has just started.Highland Venture Capital Company quickly casts a net to seize the market in Hell, so that each Hell Territory can only allocate a small amount of quota. Even if the Madman Territory is a transfer point, the weapons he can get are far from enough for what he wants.

The number of weapons is small, of course the fanatics first arm their direct descendants, and then the head demon family.It would be nice to get one or two pieces from a declining demonic family like the Madobusa family and an already low-status demonic family.

But the lunatic lord wants to launch a territorial battle, no matter how high or low his status is, he must follow him.On the battlefield, a qualified armor is one life, and a handy weapon is the second life. No one thinks they have more lives.

There are more wolves and less meat, and the demons who can't get weapons can only find ways to get equipment by themselves.The slightly wealthier demon families directly use alchemy to forge armor and weapons. The equipment is expensive and the quantity is small, so it can only be used by important members of the family.Other demons who couldn't make alchemy armor weapons used refractory stones to make armor. Let's not talk about whether it is practical or not, at least I have some comfort in my heart.

And Luke has been in hell for a long time, and has been cultivating the hell market for a year and a half.Raging Waves City has a systematic factory producing and supplying hell, and a full-time design team familiar with hell.Therefore, the weapons Luke sent to Scorched Earth City were not only sufficient in quantity, but also higher in quality and style than those provided by the Shuojin people.

Although the price is a bit high, can things that are used to save lives in war be too expensive?
Expensive is expensive for a reason.

And it's cheap, isn't it impossible to get it?

Therefore, on the black market in Scorched Earth City, armor and weapons from Raging Wave City are in short supply, and as many as there are are sold immediately.

But all the demons who bought armored weapons didn't know the source of these weapons, and they didn't even know who shot them in the scorched earth city.During the transaction, the payment is separated from the goods, and the seller expressly expresses that "don't engage in any fraudulent behavior during the transaction, otherwise the supply will be interrupted; it is not allowed to resell the purchased armor and weapons, otherwise the supply will be interrupted; it is not allowed to investigate the source of goods, otherwise the supply will be interrupted. Discontinuation of supply."

In order to continue to obtain excellent armor and weapons, all the demons involved in the transaction have the spirit of contract.After getting the goods one by one, they secretly had fun, and closed the door to wear them again, without telling anyone.

However, no matter how good the secrecy measures are, as more and more armored weapons from Raging Waves City are sold in Scorched Earth City, the existence of these armored weapons from unknown sources is known to more and more forces.

Among them was the Malvini Succubus family.

With the support of the fanatic lord, the strength of the Malvini family has grown very rapidly.After the assassination of the former Mistress Madobusa, the power of the Malvini family expanded significantly again, becoming the head demon family of Scorched Earth City in one fell swoop.

Mistress Malvini naturally became one of the most powerful demon patriarchs under the madman lord.

After the demon fanatics distributed the purchased armored weapons, the Malvini family became the first family to obtain armored weapons.

This is a symbol of the lord's trust and a manifestation of the family's strength.

When the succubi of the Malvini family put on new armor and picked up new weapons, they all showed off their might, their tails soaring to the sky.

As a result, some wandering succubi were attracted into the Malvini family, allowing the family power to rise again.

However, Mistress Malvini hadn't been happy for a few days when she was put in an extremely bad mood by a set of armor.

It was a set of armor specially designed and manufactured for the succubus, and the source was a wandering succubus who had just applied to join the family.

In the family hall, she demonstrated the functions of her set of armor to Mistress Malvini and the main members of the family.

High temperature resistance and corrosion resistance are basic properties.

In addition, there are hardness enhancement, energy absorption, and magic resistance of industrialized alchemy enchantments.There is also a lot of functional expansion space reserved inside the armor, and enchanting blocks can be added as needed to add more protective functions to the armor.

There are many expansion slots on the skirt armor, which can hold different weapons and equipment.

The inner lining is silky and close to the body, and the alchemy thread interspersed inside can automatically gather the armor according to the curve of the body. The armor is easy to wear, and it is very firm after wearing, and will not loosen easily.

The wandering succubus also showed off the dagger, and the sound of the slashing through the air was extremely pleasant.

"Mistress Malvini, this set of armor and short knife has spent all my savings, but I still want to buy some detachable enchanting blocks and a pair of riding boots. Therefore, I have come to join your family, and I hope you can provide me with Some silver diamonds.

I think my strength is worth your investment. "

The wandering succubus saluted Mistress Malvini gracefully, and looked provocatively at the main members of the family with her eyes sideways.

The demons living alone in hell are either very good or very strong.

This wandering succubus who came to seek refuge obviously belongs to the second type.

The main force of the Malvini family were very angry at the provocation of the wandering succubus.Looking at the armor on the wandering succubus, he became even angrier.

Regardless of the functionality of the armor, it can be seen from the style that this is a set of armor specially designed for succubi.Like fashion, it highlights the perfect figure of the succubus, and the beautiful patterns and costumes on it make the armor like a work of art.

Looking at the armor on my body, it is an indescribable pain.

The Shuojin people provide Hell with one-piece cast armor, which is used as a production line to manufacture armor for human beings. At most, they can modify the size according to the size of the demons of hell.

The Malvini family wears light infantry half armor, a whole piece of armor is worn on the upper body, and it is obvious that the front squeezes the chest, and there is a lot of space on the sides and the back.In order for the armor to wear firmly on the body, not only the chest must be bound, but also a lot of inner linings must be filled to fill the empty space.

Not to mention whether it is comfortable to wear such armor, it looks like a tortoise shell.Coupled with the bare arms and long legs of the succubus, it is even more vivid.

A few days ago, they could use armor to despise those demon descendants without armor, but now compared with the succubus armor on this wandering succubus, they can really piss off the succubus.

The succubi of the Malvini family looked at the wandering succubus with envy, jealousy and hatred in their eyes.

If it weren't for the presence of the mistress, they would have attacked together and stripped such a beautiful armor off the succubus with the cocked tail.

Mistress Malvini can still maintain the majesty of the head of the family.

She had already heard that in Scorched Earth City, another batch of armored weapons was being secretly sold.Originally, she didn't care too much. After all, the Malvini family could get it from the lunatic lord for free, and is there any quality of this kind of armor and weapons circulating in the black market?
The quality of armor and weapons provided by Highland Venture Capital Company is already the upper limit that Mistress Malvini can imagine.


The wandering succubus standing in the middle of the hall was wearing a set of succubus armor from the black market, more like the mistress than herself.

Mistress Malvini also wanted to take off the armor and wear it herself, but she held back.

It is in the family's interest to ascertain the origin of the armor.

Mistress Malvini asked the wandering succubus who had come to seek refuge: "Your name is..."

"Dalikova!" Dalikova, who turned into a succubus, saluted gracefully again.

"Darikova." Mistress Malvini remembered the name of the succubus in front of her: "I can see a strong aggressiveness and wildness in your eyes. You and most succubi who need family protection No, I don't think you're worth my big bucks."

Dalikova said arrogantly: "The danger of wandering makes me have to be aggressive and wild. My purpose of joining the Malvini family this time is not only to obtain investment, but also because I heard that the madman lord wants to Start a territorial war.

I want to take this opportunity to build my own family, a succubus family attached to the Malvini family. "

Dalikova properly revealed her ambitions.

Mistress Malvini showed such an expression as expected.

Demon fanatics have never hidden their desire to start a war, and their strength in active preparations has attracted many powerful wandering demons to join them.

It is not an easy task for the demons to form their own family. Not only do they need to have strong strength, but they also need the approval of the demon lord.In general, demon lords will not arbitrarily increase the number of demon families in the territory, and existing demon families will also reject the appearance of new demon families.

Only war can increase the demon family in large numbers, because the demon lord will split the expanded demon family.

This is common sense in Hell Wars.

Mistress Malvini tested Dalikova's strength and found that the succubus society has a lot of skills, which can be described as complex. It can be seen that the wandering experience has taught her a lot.Putting the overall strength in the Malvini family, it can definitely become the main force of the family, and it is the main force in the front.

There is no problem at all for Dalikova to create a family by herself, the only thing missing is the approval of the demon lord, which needs to be obtained from the battlefield.

"I allow you to join my family and get a place in the family hall." Malvini accepted Darikova, granted her the status of the main force of the family, and asked, "How did you get this set of armor?
I want a set for all the main members of my family, including the enchanting block you mentioned. "

Mistress Malvini's words drew cheers from the succubi, they liked this set of armor so much!
Dalikova replied: "It was told by a slave demon. It showed me a piece of leather paper with the style, function and price of this set of armor.

At first, I didn't believe that hell has such a good thing, but I still couldn't resist the temptation and bought a short knife. After receiving the goods, the quality of the short knife was far beyond my expectation.So I exchanged all my savings for silver diamonds and bought a whole set of armor. "

Mistress Malvini certainly didn't believe that Numo was selling these things. Consumables such as Numo were just the mouthpiece of the seller behind them. Even if they were arrested and tortured, they would not be able to find useful information.

Then Mistress Malvini asked some more questions, and found that the other party had arranged the entire transaction process very carefully, and it was difficult to find out who the seller was during the transaction.

Who the hell is selling such fine armor and weapons.

Could it be that human merchants are selling high-value armor and weapons in this way to avoid the taxation of the mad lord?
It's not impossible.

Mistress Malvini looked at the armor she was wearing...Compared with the armor on Darikova, it was simply low-grade and shoddy.


"Darikova, can you still buy the succubus armor on you through that slave demon?"

"Of course! The slave demon said that it has fifteen sets of succubus armor and thirty short knives. The enchantment block and other additional equipment need to be ordered in advance with the type and quantity."

Fifteen sets of succubi armor, except for the one on Dalikova, there are still fourteen sets left.

You must buy them all before other succubi find out!
Mistress Malvini stood up: "Where is that slave demon? Take me to see it!"

"Yes, Mistress! Please follow me..."

Dalikova took Mistress Malvini under the protection of the succubus, and found the succubus selling succubus armor in a half-collapsed house.

Dalikova gave Numo a piece of meat, and after expressing that she would buy all the succubi armor and short knives, she got an address from Numo.

Dalikova took a look and handed it to Mistress Malvini: "This is the place of payment. There should be a temporary space vortex. The other party only accepts silver diamonds. We put the full amount of silver diamonds into the space vortex. There is a storage address for the goods sent by slave demons."

Mistress Malvini took the address and looked at it, and asked, "What if we give the silver diamonds and the other party doesn't give the goods?"

Dalikova shrugged: "How do I know? I was also worried about being hacked when I bought the armor, but I still didn't resist the temptation."

Mistress Malvini couldn't resist the temptation either. She said to the succubus carrying boxes full of silver diamonds behind her, "Go, I'll go buy armor!"

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