Age of Arcane

Chapter 562 Gunpowder Keg

Chapter 562 Gunpowder Keg

Scorched Earth City Blackcastle Family Chamber.

The fire light flickered on the wall, and some shadows that shouldn't exist in some positions swayed with the light.

Madobusa sat on the mistress's seat, and Luke sat next to her, reading a hardcover book in his hand.

A succubus came in to report that the Malvini family had bought all fourteen sets of succubus armor.

"Understood, you go down!" Madobusa asked her subordinates to go out, and then leaned her whole body on Luke's back, wrapping her hands around his waist: "Brother, I don't understand, why did you sell it to Malvini?" That cheap succubus armor? Those are all high-quality products, won’t letting her get them strengthen the strength of our enemies?”

Luke flipped through the book, even though Madobusa made small movements on his body, he was unmoved.

"It's just fourteen sets of armor, and the Malvini family won't improve their strength too much. The succubi of our Madobusa family should have a full set of armor, right?"

Madobusa leaned into Luke's ear and said, "Thanks to my good brother. Not only the family's succubi have a full set of armor, but even the attached demon descendants, I have prepared weapons for them And armor. As long as I launch an attack on the Malvini family, I will distribute all the armor and weapons.

At that time, that bastard Malvini must have looked pretty.

Brother, when are we going to attack the Malvini family? "

Luke grabbed Madobusa's dishonest hand, and replied: "Now is not the time. Continue to sell armor and weapons to the Malvini family, don't sell more... Just give them eleven or twelve sets at a time."

Hearing that she would continue to sell armored weapons to the Malvini family, Madobusa stood up angrily: "I will continue to sell them! I don't agree, unless you tell me why!
What are you going to do?I'm dying of anxiety! "

Madobusa is like a girl losing her temper.

Luke closed the book, took Madobusa's hand, and made her sit down again.

"In the past, the lord of the madman didn't care about the battle between the demon families in Scorched Earth City, and he was very happy to watch you fight. But now the madman is about to launch a territorial war. If the Madobusa family attacks the Malvini family, the madman will Do you sit idly by?"

"No!" Madobusa could understand the situation: "Maybe we can assassinate Malvini, just like she did to our mother.

I see!

Brother, are you selling armor and weapons to the Malvini family bit by bit, are you trying to paralyze that bitch Malvini, and when she carelessly has fewer guards around her, we will launch an ambush on her at the weapon trading point! "

Madobusa thought she had guessed Luke's intentions, and happily hugged his arm again.

But Luke said: "Ambush Malvini will also attract the anger of fanatics. Now the demons in Scorched Earth City cannot fight among themselves. Whoever strikes first will end badly."

Madobusa shook Luke's arm anxiously, and said coquettishly: "Then what should we do? We can defeat Malvini, but can we only watch her be arrogant outside?"

"If you want to defeat the Malvini family without arousing the anger of fanatics, you must follow my method. First sell armor and weapons to the Malvini family to whet their appetites a little bit. Soon they will because of This bit of armor and weapons couldn't meet their needs, and they became more and more impatient.

They will eagerly search for the source of goods, and make random guesses, and eventually they will make trouble with the lunatics. "

Madobusa asked in a daze, "And then?"

"Then the lunatics will go to Highland Ventures."

"Ah?" Madobusa thought about it, and asked blankly: "What does this have to do with dealing with the Malvini family?"

Luke looked at Madobusa and said with a smile: "My purpose is to deal with the Highland Venture Capital Company, which is also the primary reason why I came to Scorched Earth City to recognize your sister. Dealing with the Malvini family is only a side task, not the main task." It doesn't matter how many times."

Madobusa opened her mouth wide: "I, I thought you sold them armored weapons to deal with the Malvini family."

"That must be because you are overthinking! But while I am dealing with Highland Venture Capital, I will also help you deal with the Malvini family.

You can rest assured about this. "

"I..." Ma Duobusa's blood was filled with enthusiasm, and she was poured cold water just like that.Tears began to roll in my eyes, and I said aggrievedly: "Am I just so unattractive? Or are you concerned that I am your sister and are unwilling to accept me? I have a lot of succubus here. I can do whatever you want. For you!
You can't bully me like this! "

Luke wiped Madobusa's tears with his hand, and said, "I am immune to mental influences, so don't try to loosen my mental barriers by changing tricks.

Go get ready to pick up the next batch of goods. I want to read a book quietly for a while to gain a deeper understanding of hell. "

Ma Duobusa did not expect that pretending to be pitiful would not be able to shake her brother's spiritual barrier, and her eyes became charming again in the blink of an eye.

"Brother, the more you are like this, the more I feel that my heart is about to be captured by you. I probably understand why my mother fell in love with a human being. A human with a strong spirit can arouse the succubus' desire to win.

I...will not let you go. "

Madobusa quickly kissed Luke on the cheek, then ran away quickly, then turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving behind a series of laughter.

Luke rubbed the place where he was kissed and continued to read.

Stockmore recorded the conditions of hell from the perspective of an outsider during the decades he lived in hell.It can be said that Stockmore's notes are an encyclopedia of hell... Its value is for Madobusa to read, but she can't see it.

At this stage, we are constantly adding "gunpowder" to the scorched earth city.

If the amount is enough, there will always be a moment of fire and detonation.

The arms trade in the underground black market in Scorched Earth City is becoming more and more rampant, like a fire wrapped in paper can hardly be contained.

After several transactions, Mistress Malvini's mood was not happy because she bought the excellent armor, but became more and more impatient.

The interval between two transactions needs to wait five to ten days, and only eleven or twelve sets of armor equipment can be bought at a time, and other enchanting blocks and expansion equipment are like constipation, just a little bit at a time.

This amount of equipment is simply not enough for the huge Malvini family.

During the period, the madman lord distributed another set of armor weapons, more than 500 sets, but no succubus was willing to wear them.

They all stared at the succubus armor eagerly.

There are also many factions in the demon family, and the main force and leaders all want to get more sets from the limited succubus armor.

Malvini is one head and two bigs these days.

After another transaction, but only bought ten sets of succubi armor, Malvini broke out completely.

She summoned Darikova to her face: "Is there no other way to get the other party to provide us with more armor? It's not that I don't have silver diamonds, I can buy hundreds of sets!"

Dalikova was very helpless: "Mistress, it's useless for you to lose your temper with me. It's not that I haven't tried to communicate with that slave demon, but it didn't work, as if it was only responsible for this kind of small transaction.

There should be other channels for large transactions. "

Malvini has been investigating the seller behind the Succubus Armor these days, and knows that there is indeed a large transaction in Scorched Earth City.It's just that those large demon families refused to disclose detailed information, fearing that the seller would know and cut off their supply.

The succubus of the Malvini family is also constantly looking for the slavish who is in charge of the big deal, but they have no clue at all.

And during the investigation, a discovery made Mistress Malvini restless.

The Madobusa family seems to have bought a lot of succubi armor, and they must have a large transaction channel in their hands.

The Malvini family has been stepping on the top of the Madobusa family all the way. Now that the Madobusa family is secretly expanding its strength, how can Madam Malvini not be nervous?
Can't sit still!

Mistress Malvini said to Dalikova: "You and I go to meet the mad lord, and tell the lord in detail about the fact that you discovered that an unknown force is selling armored weapons in the scorched earth city."

"Okay! I didn't expect that I would meet the great ancient demon fanatic so soon. Do I need to dress up?"

Dalikova showed her figure.

The charm of the young succubus made Mistress Malvini a little jealous: "No need, demons don't pamper succubus unless it's a snack."

Mistress Malvini took Darikova to the Lord's Castle, and walked onto the hanging bridge under the guidance of the Lantern Demon.

Demon lunatics are high above.

"Mulvini! The armor you're wearing doesn't seem to be given to you by me. It seems that you... and some demon families have found weapon suppliers that I don't know about. I can consider suspending the supply of weapons to you. "

The fanatic's tone carried an extremely displeased taste.

As a lord, he certainly knew that there were a batch of armored weapons of unknown origin in his city.What's annoying is that while those demon families purchased armor and weapons privately, they reached out to themselves for more weapon ratios, and none of them came to tell themselves that there were unknown weapons dealers in Scorched Earth City.

His heart can be punished!
But the law does not blame the public. In the scorched earth city where private armored weapons have already flooded, the lord fanatics can only hold back their anger and secretly investigate the source of unknown weapons.

But no clue.

Mistress Malvini felt the madman's anger, and she took Dalikova to kneel down on one knee in a gesture of submission.

"Great mad lord, as your servant, I have unparalleled loyalty to you. This time I came to see you, I just want to report to you that there are unknown weapons dealers wantonly selling armor and weapons in Scorched Earth City.

Many demon families are secretly dealing with this weapon dealer.

Among them is the Madobusa family. "

When Mistress Malvini exposed the unknown arms dealer, she did not forget to bring along the Madobusa family.

The demon fanatic's expression eased a lot: "Mulvini, I know you are loyal, more loyal than most demon families.

Now tell me what you found.

Who is secretly providing weapons to my demon descendants. "

Mistress Malvini asked Dalikova to come forward and introduced: "This is a wandering succubus Dalikova just recruited by the Malvini family, and she brought me the news of the unknown weapons dealer.

Let Dalikova tell you what she has found, your lord. "

Dalikova secretly scolded Malvini for being treacherous and cunning.

If the lunatics are offended, Malvini can easily throw the blame on himself, the newly surrendered wandering succubus.If the madman is happy, all the credit goes to the mistress.

However, Darikova can easily deal with this kind of scene.

Recounting the process from meeting the slave demon to buying the succubus armor, Dalikova finally said: "When Mistress Malvini found out about this, she immediately pretended to buy the succubus armor to investigate who was buying the succubus armor without the lord's permission." With your permission, sell armor and weapons of unknown origin in Scorched Earth City without authorization.

But the other party is very cunning, and all those who show up are humble slave demons, and we got nothing.

That's why the mistress brought me to the lord's castle to report this vicious incident to you. "

Malvini was very happy to see Dalikova being so upbeat, and she then said to the demon fanatic: "My lord. Although we haven't found out who is secretly selling armor weapons, we are very concerned about the succubus armor we bought. Did a test.

This kind of armor is very well made, much better than the armor provided by human merchants.However, the material is basically the same as the armor provided by human merchants. All of them use the so-called industrial alchemy of humans to make metal materials resistant to high temperature and corrosion. "

Malvini drew out the dagger, and took off a nail leaf from his body and presented it.

The lamp demon envoy presented two things to the demon fanatic.

The lunatic watched carefully with a dagger and armor.

The material seems to be similar to the armor and weapons sold by Highland Ventures, and most of them are better in details.In fact, it can be seen from the succubus armor worn by the two succubi that it fits better than the bust armor issued to them.

Malvini timely introduced the expandability and comfort of Succubus armor to the fanatics.

The last one said: "I think... if the Highland Venture Capital Company wants to do it, it should be able to make such excellent armor and weapons."

The fanatic asked the Lantern Demon to return the two items to Mistress Malvini, and asked, "Do you think these unknown armors were sold by human merchants in the Scorched Earth City?"

Mistress Malvini replied: "Although there is no evidence to prove that they did it, they are the most suspected. The price of these armor tools is very expensive. If they are sold publicly, they will have to pay high taxes."

The lunatic mused.

The source of these unknown armors must be the human world in the mundane world. In Scorched Earth City, only the Highland Venture Capital Company is human. They happen to sell weapons to hell, and the resources they exchange are mainly silver diamonds.

"It seems that these human beings are very dishonest, and they have no contract spirit than demons!" The madman said to Matron Malvini: "You stay here. I will let the people from the Highland Venture Capital Company come here to explain and see Are they pleading guilty or pleading guilty."

"Follow your orders, my lord."

Mistress Malvini and Dalikova stood on the side of the suspension bridge, and a lamp demon went to the Highland Venture Capital Company's residence under the order of the fanatic, and asked the person in charge, Miria, to come to the lord's castle.

(End of this chapter)

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