Age of Arcane

Chapter 563

Chapter 563
The appearance of armor and weapons made by humans in the Scorched Earth City also attracted the attention of the Shuojin people.

Tan was sure that these armored weapons were all produced by Raging Waves City, but she couldn't figure out how the weapons produced by Raging Waves City would appear in Scorched Earth City.This is purgatory, the depths of hell, and it is definitely a forbidden zone for human beings.

But the weapons of Raging Waves City not only came in, they were also sold out right under his nose, but he couldn't even catch the opponent's shadow.

What does this mean?
It shows that the power of the Golden Shield Empire is not a hell that has simply infiltrated, but has already been immersed in it.This time, I randomly found a starting place in hell. The other party was able to make such a decisive response so quickly, but I just said that I thought the battle with the Golden Shield Empire in hell was too simple.

How did the Golden Shield Empire do it?
How much power do they have in hell?
Demon fanatics... whose side are they on?
Tan's heart was full of questions, but none of them could be answered.

When she was thinking about how to deal with the provocation of the Golden Shield Empire, a lamp demon came to the station, and the lord fanatic invited her to the lord's castle.

"My lord has something important to ask!"

Tan had a hunch that the lunatic looking for him this time must have something to do with the armor weapon that suddenly appeared in Scorched Earth City.

In order to find out the truth of the matter, Tan Ming knew that going there might be dangerous, but he still followed the lamp demon to the Lord's Castle.

Along the way, you can feel the changes in Scorched Earth City.

In the past, the demons rarely went out, but now you can see many demons wearing armor and holding weapons wandering around outside, and the fights have also increased sharply.Tan, who was riding a hellfire horse, was attacked by fireballs from unknown sources many times. Although this kind of attack did not pose a threat, seeing those demons wearing the armor of Raging Waves City made her feel very bad.


This is definitely a provocation from the Golden Shield Empire to the Shuojin Civilization!

Tan urged the Hellfire Horse to speed up. She had a feeling that Scorched Earth City might already be under the control of the Golden Shield Empire.

The fanatic's position must be determined as soon as possible!
Come to the Lord's Castle and walk up the Hanging Bridge.

Tan glanced at the two succubi standing aside. The armor on them was definitely not sold to the madman by himself.

"The madman lord." After saluting the madman briefly, Tan said: "According to our agreement, the Highland Venture Capital Company has the exclusive right to weapons in your territory. Why didn't we provide the armor for these two succubi?" Did you provide it?"

The lunatic did not expect that the human businessman would dare to sue the wicked first.

"Human! I gave you the exclusive rights to weapons and strictly abide by the agreement. But how did you fulfill the contract? Why are there weapons that I don't know are being sold in Scorched Earth City!

Do you really think I'm easy to deceive? "

The madman's anger set fires on both sides of the suspension bridge, and the heads of the fire showed the appearance of different demons barking their teeth and claws.

Facing the threat, Tan said calmly: "Lord Madman, I also noticed that there are a large number of unknown weapons for sale in your city. According to my judgment, these weapons did not come from our Highland Venture Capital Company, but from other sources. A group of humans who opened up the hell market.

Remember when I commissioned you to investigate those human weapon dealers?They are now hiding out in your city, selling their weapons to your daemons. "

Regarding Tan's defense, the fanatic sneered: "I have investigated the group of human weapon dealers, they come from a human kingdom called the Golden Shield Empire, but their scope of activities is on the edge of hell, and this is purgatory.

Do you think so many people are selling weapons in Scorched Earth City, can I not be discovered? "

Tan replied: "I don't know how people from the Golden Shield Empire secretly sold weapons in your city, but there are definitely demons working for them in your city."

At this time, Mistress Malvini, who was standing aside, said, "It must be the Madobusa family. The current Mistress Madobusa was born of a succubus and a human. She must have colluded with foreign humans."

The lunatic looked at Mistress Malvini.

Dalikova reminded: "Mother, don't let hatred blind your eyes. The most important thing now is to trace the source of these weapons. If you mislead the lord, it will only make the serious incident worse."

The lunatic looked at Darikova again and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Dalikova ignored Mistress Malvini's suspicious gaze, stepped forward and replied: "Lord! My mistress just proposed a suspicious demon family to you, and we have no conclusive evidence to prove that Madobu The Sha family is involved.

Please believe that the suspicion of the Madobusa family has nothing to do with the personal grievances between our two families. "

The lunatic nodded slightly, and then warned Mistress Malvini: "Malvini, I know you have always wanted to annex the Madobusa family. I don't care about the grievances between the two families, but don't try to deceive me. Achieve your selfishness."

Mistress Malvini turned to thank Darikova, she was indeed too impatient.

If the Madobusa family has nothing to do with this incident, he will bear all the wrath of the madman lord.

Mistress Malvini knelt down to the lunatic: "Lord, I just suspected that the Madobusa family colluded with humans, and it has absolutely nothing to do with the personal grievances between our two families."

"It doesn't matter, I know very well. The territorial war is about to start, don't do things that make me unhappy."

"Yes, yes, I don't dare anymore." Under the coercion of the fanatics, Mistress Malvini's body couldn't help trembling.

The fanatic withdrew his coercion, and punishing Mistress Malvini was not an important matter.

"Mulvini, you should learn more from your younger generations." The madman admired Dalikova's performance and asked her, "Do you think it's time to investigate the Madobusa family?"

Dalikova replied: "Although the human father of Mistress Madobusa has been dead for many years, it is not ruled out that Mistress Madobusa has relatives from her father's line in the human world, so the Madobusa family needs to be investigated. .

I lived in the secular world for a while when I was wandering. If there are traces of human activities in the Madobusa family, I will definitely find it. "

The lunatic said: "Okay, I will leave the investigation of the Madobusa family to you! You are excellent, and I need a smart demon like you in my journey.

If you do well in this matter, I allow you to form your own family. "

"Thanks to the great fanatic lord!" Dalikova knelt down on one knee happily.

Mistress Malvini felt [-] regrets in her heart. She originally brought Dalikova here to make her take the blame, but in the end, she wanted to form a family in advance.And seeing how highly valued the lord of the lunatics is to Dalikova, the future Dalikova family will definitely challenge the status of the Malvini family.

The current Madobusa family is the future of the Malvini family.

This bitch must not be allowed to succeed!
Mistress Malvini said, "Lord! Whether the Madobusa family has colluded with human weapon dealers is only our guess. Highland Venture Capital still has a lot of suspicion..."

The demon lunatic laughed and said, "Mulvini, your attitude changes really fast. Tell me... what do you think?"

Malvini said: "I remember the human Miria once said that their highland venture capital company has the best weapon forging technology, and industrial alchemy makes alchemy weapons very cheap.

But look at the armored weapons that Highland Ventures sold you, and then look at the armored weapons I bought from unknown sources.Is it because Highland Ventures' technology is not enough, or are they deliberately selling you defective products? "

The lunatic was very satisfied with Malvini's sudden increase in IQ, and he asked Tan, "Can you explain it?"

Dan didn't know how to answer.

Is it to admit that the technology of Highland Venture Capital Company is not enough?
Isn't this slapping a fanatic in the face in public?
Still acknowledging that Highland Ventures has the technology...just not selling you the good stuff.

Isn't it a disguised admission that the excellent armor and weapons circulating in the underground market of Scorched Earth City were made by my Highland Venture Capital Company.

"Lord Madman!" Tan saluted first, and then said: "Highland Venture Capital Company is definitely top-notch in armor manufacturing technology, but to manufacture armor suitable for hell creatures, certain industrial upgrades and redesigns are required.

Our company is updating our products with the fastest speed, and we will be able to supply you with better armor and weapons soon.

As for those armored weapons secretly sold, they definitely do not belong to our company. "

The lunatic doesn't understand what industrial upgrading and redesign are. In his opinion, it should be very simple to change the style and add functions.

Therefore, Tan's explanation not only did not reduce the fanatic's suspicion of her, but actually confirmed that the highland venture capital company was playing tricks.

But the lunatic didn't point it out. Instead, he said calmly: "You suspect that there are demons in Scorched Earth City colluding with outsiders to sell weapons here. I will check my demons. My demons suspect that you are secretly selling weapons in Scorched Earth City. You should Also accept our investigation."

Tan asked: "How do you want to check?"

"Terminate your use of the space channel, open all your stations and warehouses to my subordinates, and take out all your transaction records for me to check."

Can this be checked?

As long as the resident and warehouse are opened and the transaction records are handed over, the matter will definitely be found out.

Tan refused on the spot: "Lord Madman, it is clearly recorded in our agreement that we have the right to make independent decisions during the lease period on the land you leased to us. Moreover, business information is our company's secret, and it is impossible for us to keep our Customer information is entrusted to you."

The lunatic forced: "If you don't let me investigate, I want to investigate even more!"

Tan tit for tat: "Lord Madman, our agreement does not allow you to investigate."

When the two sides refused to give in, Dalikova interjected and said: "Ms. Milia... things have happened to this point, and you can't dispel our suspicions if you don't let the investigation.

If this batch of armored weapons really comes from your competitors, actively cooperate with us to keep your business going.

Otherwise why doesn't our lord choose a better weapon supplier? "

"Yes!" The fanatic laughed: "You once said a word to me, and I will return the original sentence 'you are not my only choice'!"

Things have developed to this point, if Tan wants to continue to compete with the Golden Shield Empire in hell, he must not give up the starting point of Scorched Earth City.Otherwise, the Golden Shield Empire will seize the opportunity to seize the purgatory market and make double efforts from the center to the edge, and it will be difficult for the World Bank to enter.

The lesser of two evils.

Tan had no choice but to agree: "I can let you investigate, but only under our supervision."

"Very good!" The lunatic looked at Dalikova appreciatively. Regardless of whether it can be found out that the Highland Venture Capital Company is related to unknown armor and weapons this time, it will definitely find out a lot of benefits.The madman said to Tan again: "I will order my army to seal the space channel now, you go back and prepare for an investigation. Only when everything is in place can you prove your innocence."

"I understand, Lord of Outlaws."

Tan exited the suspension bridge, and the flames on both sides quickly extinguished and became bottomless again.

The madman waited for Tan to leave, and said to Mistress Malvini: "I will leave the investigation of the Highland Venture Capital Company to you."

Mistress Malvini knelt down happily: "I obey, my lord. I will definitely search through the Highland Venture Capital Company and find out everything they have hidden from you."

"Do not let me down!"

"I will not disappoint you, my lord."

The fanatic said again: "I really like this succubus you accepted, and I hope she won't have any accidents that I don't want to see."

Mistress Malvini gritted her teeth and replied, "I will definitely protect her."

"Very good, very good! You go to work and find out the truth for me."

"Yes, lord!"

Mistress Malvini and Darikova left the lord's castle together.

Mistress Malvini sneered: "Little bastard, don't be complacent! You'd better find out something from the Madobusa family, so that you can continue to please the lord. Otherwise... the lord will definitely allow me to get rid of you. your."

Dalikova retorted: "Mistress, I also want to remind you. You'd better find out from the Highland Venture Capital Company that they are related to the succubus armor on us, otherwise, if the Madobusa family really The way to master this kind of sophisticated armor do you think the lord will deal with you?"

Mistress Malvini's expression changed instantly.

She realized that she might have guessed wrongly what the madman lord was thinking. He wanted to investigate the sellers who secretly sold weapons in Scorched Earth City, was he planning to punish them?
It should not be.

The Outlaw Lord even wished for such a weapon supplier to exist so he wouldn't be held hostage by Highland Ventures.

Like it just happened.

If there were no competitors, Highland Venture Capital would definitely not allow investigations on them, but they backed down this time...

Does this represent the Succubus Armor on my body? It really doesn't belong to Highland Ventures!
If these armor and weapons come from the Madobusa family, will the mad lord use his own head to win over that bitch Madobusa!

In the scorching hell, Mistress Malvini felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

On the other side, Tan ordered immediately after returning to the station: "I want to meet the demon tyrant in secret!"

(End of this chapter)

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