Age of Arcane

Chapter 583

Luke stood on the top of Dragon Bone Mountain, and the dragon-shaped light that densely covered the space gradually dissipated, leaving only the dragons around.

The newborn Twilight Dragons are full of curiosity about this world, but the Dragon King is here, and they still stay where they are, waiting for Luke's order.

Luke raised his hand and retracted Taotie to the back of his hand, and then the dragon armor began to cover his arms, layer upon layer, and soon spread to his whole body.

"From now on, I am the gluttonous king. The purpose of coming to the Dragon Kingdom is to participate in the Dragon King's Trial. I ask you to pay more attention to those small dragon groups. Only by absorbing them can we expand our dragon group."

The dragons bowed their heads together: "Follow your order, my king."

"Very good, now we are leaving here and will not disturb the resting place of the dragons. There are still three watchout adventurers outside, clean them up when we leave..."

Outside the entrance of the Dragon Tomb, the three adventurers gathered all the supplies they were carrying and covered them with branches and weeds.After everything was handled properly, the three of them watched the surrounding situation vigilantly while waiting for the companions who had entered the Dragon Tomb to return.

Waiting is a test of patience.

However, all three of them are experienced adventurers, knowing that in this environment, dangers are everywhere and will come at any time.Therefore, the three of them have always maintained a high degree of vigilance, scattered and hidden in three different directions, and expanded the scope of surveillance as much as possible.

Time passed little by little, and there was no news from Longkou Cave.

Are you in danger?
This is the Dragon Tomb, who knows what is inside.

Just waiting like this is not an option, so they discussed it and decided to send the only thief into the Dragon Tomb to re-establish contact with the adventure team.

The thief who received the important task walked to the Longkou Stone Cave. The open upper and lower jaws were covered with row upon row of stone teeth, and the inside of the throat hole was pitch black.The tension and fear made the thief clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

After reciting spells and combining gestures, the thief's body gradually blurred.

Before the thieves could completely enter the stealth state, a strong wind suddenly blew out from the hole.The fierce wind interrupted the thief's spell, and he was constantly retreated by the strong wind, retreating from his invisibility.

Then, before the thieves could gain a firm footing, a huge monster rushed out of the cave.

It is a white dragon.

"Dragon, run away!" Seeing a dragon rushing out of the dragon's tomb, the thieves gave a loud warning, turned around and fled at the same time.

But the speed of his escape is after all not as fast as the speed of the dragon's flight, and faster than the dragon's breath.

The white dragon flew at a low altitude, and after an ups and downs, it slanted down and sprayed out a dragon's breath from its mouth.The dragon's breath came from behind the thief, engulfing him in the high-temperature flames in an instant.The thief screamed loudly, his body burned, and after a few seconds there was no sound, and then a charred body fell to the ground.

The white dragon roared past, and behind her, giant dragons rushed out of the cave one after another.

The other two adventurers ran away decisively after hearing the warning from the thieves.It's just that they also didn't escape the pursuit of the Twilight dragons, and were hit by the dragon's breath almost at the same time.

So far, the adventure team hired by Luke... was wiped out.

The Twilight Dragons returned to human form, they found the supplies left by the adventurers, and found spare clothes from inside to change into.

After Luke in dragon armor flapped his dragon wings and flew out of the dragon tomb, the Twilight dragons were ready to go.

"Let's go to King's Peak!"

Luke spread his wings and flew high into the sky, and the twilight dragons that changed into human forms also stretched out their dragon wings from their backs. They took off together and formed a formation in the air with their king guarding them in the middle.

King's Peak is located at the southern tip of Longguo.

The cliffs surrounding the Dragon Kingdom suddenly formed a mountain that pierced into the sky. This is the King's Peak. Only the king of the Dragon Kingdom is eligible to own this mountain.King's Peak is extremely steep and there is no way to walk up the mountain at all.From the halfway up the mountain, there is ice and snow that never melts all year round, which makes the idea of ​​climbing up become a luxury.

During this time, Wangwangfeng, which had been quiet for thousands of years, suddenly became lively.

All the dragon kings who received the notice gathered from all over the Dragon Kingdom to Wangwang Peak.The dragon king must bring his sons and grandsons with him when he comes. The larger group of dragons will bring more dragons, and the smaller group of dragons will come in full force.

The dragon kings flew up to the King's Peak to wait for the start of the King's Trial. If the following dragons could not fly up to the King's Peak, they would all gather in the sea on the south side.They swim, play, fly, chase, and dive straight into the sea to hunt fish when they are hungry.

Since there was no king, the frequency of communication between the giant dragons has decreased, and the Dragon Kingdom has not had such a grand occasion for a long time.

The king's peak is the king's dragon nest, which is like a large open-air stadium, where the ice forms a layer of steps.

The dragon kings squatted on the ice layer according to their strength, the lower they went, the fewer positions they had, and the higher their status.

The cold wind formed a cyclone and howled on the King's Peak. All the dragon kings in the king's dragon nest squatted there quietly and motionless.The dragon kings who arrived earlier were already frozen, and the dragon kings who arrived earlier were directly wrapped in the ice layer, as if they were dragon-shaped ice sculptures.

Occasionally, dragon kings from afar arrived, and they did not spoil the atmosphere here.Land quietly, find your own position quietly, then squat quietly and wait.

Day by day……

Finally the appointed time came.

On the ice platform in the innermost circle of the King's Dragon's Nest, squatting are eleven ancient giant dragons, all of which have formed a thick layer of ice.

One of the dragons moved, and the hard ice shattered immediately, sliding down from his smooth dragon scales, and soon a heroic silver ice dragon was revealed.

"King Tai Lun!" Yin Binglong looked to his side and said, "King Taotie has not arrived yet, does that mean he has abstained?"

The dragon-shaped ice sculpture next to the silver ice dragon moved, and the broken ice slid down to reveal a golden dragon: "King Soto! King Taotie came back to the Dragon Kingdom from the Golden Shield Empire with me. He said he wanted to visit the Dragon Kingdom, so he would Come to King’s Peak later.”

King Silver Ice Dragon Soto said dissatisfiedly: "It's too late! Could it be that all the dragon kings of the Dragon Kingdom are waiting for him? He is not the king of the Dragon Kingdom yet!"

King Gluttony hasn't appeared yet, King Tai Lun is also very anxious, but he still replied calmly: "As the Dragon King who brings the giant dragon back to the Emerald Forest, King Gluttony is qualified to let all the dragon kings in the Dragon Kingdom wait. And there is no one yet. It's time for the king's trial... Am I right, King Saier."

A red crystal dragon shattered the ice layer on its body. Its shape is already a bit old, and its dragon scales are not as shiny as the young dragon's.

In response to King Tai Lun's inquiry, King Red Crystal Long Saier said: "Yes, the agreed time for the king's trial has not yet come. King Soto, please wait patiently for a while.

If the time is up and the Taotie King has not yet arrived, as the judge of the trial, I can only sentence him to abstain.

You don't have an opinion, do you?King Tyrannosaurus. "

King Tai Lun replied: "I have no objection!"

King Red Crystal Dragon Saier said again: "I am very puzzled by your choice not to participate in the king's trial, let alone why you recommended King Taotie to participate in the trial.

King Taotie did let the giant dragon return to the Emerald Forest, but he...doesn't seem to belong to the Dragon King of the Dragon Kingdom, and he isn't even a giant dragon. "

King Tai Lun closed his eyes, as if he was recalling: "Why do I recommend King Gluttony to participate in the king's trial? You will know when you see King Gluttony. The war that has stopped for a thousand years is about to restart. The king of the Dragon Kingdom should be a A real king."

The silver ice dragon King Suoto snorted, and a few wisps of smoke emerged from the gap between his teeth.

Then he said disdainfully: "Humanoid dragon... I have never heard of it before. I think the king who can lead the entire dragon civilization must be a giant dragon.

King Tyrone, if you come to participate in the king's trial, you can still be regarded as a strong competitor.You recommend the Taotie King to participate... It is almost like giving me this King's Peak. King Suoto, the silver ice dragon, raised his head triumphantly, and then couldn't help but stare blankly at the sky. "Is it really a humanoid dragon?" "

A team in the air is diving down rapidly.

The leader is wearing a dragon armor with red phosphorus and gold trim, and a pair of dragon wings behind it.

Behind him is a group of "people" with dragon wings.

The speed of this team's whereabouts was very fast, and it landed in the king's dragon's nest in an instant.Their arrival caused restlessness in the entire king's dragon nest. The ice layer shattered and fell from the dragon's body. The static dragon kings seemed to come alive as sculptures.

All the dragon kings looked at this strange team in the center of the dragon's nest.

They are indeed in the form of human beings, but what they exude is the orthodox dragon power.Especially the one wearing the dragon armor, whose aura is exactly the same as that of the eleven ancient dragons.

An ancient dragon in human form.

It must be the legendary... Gluttonous King!

The Golden Dragon Tyrone King was happy that Luke arrived in time, but he wondered where these "people" with the might of the dragon behind him came from?
Time did not allow King Tyrone to ask questions. He quickly introduced to Luke the ancient dragons present, and specially introduced the red crystal dragon Saier, the adjudicator of the king's trial.

"Except for me and King Purcell, all other ancient dragons participated in the king's trial."

Luke looked at the ancient dragons around him, and nodded to them one by one.

Arriving at King Suoto, the silver ice dragon, after saluting, King Soto immediately asked, "King Gluttonous, what kind of species are these... that came with you?"

"They are Twilight Dragons..." Luke introduced: "I stumbled across them when I was traveling in the Dragon Kingdom. Twilight Dragons are energy-like dragons with two forms, human and dragon."

After speaking, Luke gestured to the green dragon Giskab.

Giscarb's body burst out with a strong green light from the inside out, and after the green light shrank, it showed the form of a green dragon.

The strange change made all the Dragon Kings exclaim involuntarily.

Two forms can be freely transformed!
And when the Twilight Dragon took on the shape of a dragon, the might of the dragon and the aura of the giant dragon became more pure.

For Luke, he said that the Twilight Dragon that he accidentally found while walking around the Dragon Kingdom, King Soto, the Silver Ice Dragon, did not believe it.But there is no evidence to falsify it. After all, the Twilight Dragon is a real dragon no matter what, it just has another form.

There are also many types of giant dragons in the Dragon Kingdom, including ice dragons that live on top of snow-capped mountains; sea dragons that live in the sea; crystal dragons that live in mine layers; and rock dragons that live in rocks.

Now suddenly there is a Twilight Dragon with two forms, the dragons are not unacceptable.

Because the Taotie King let the dragon return to the Emerald Forest, his status as the Dragon King was recognized by all the dragons in the Dragon Kingdom.Now he not only came to participate in the king's trial, but also brought a special group of dragons, which made King Suoto, the silver ice dragon, feel a little more pressure.

But King Soto did not lose confidence in winning the King's Trial.

Wangwangfeng is in the ice and snow, and the environment here is naturally better than the ice dragon. It can be said that the king's trial is the home field of the ice dragon.King Soto is an ice dragon, which is the source of his confidence in winning the throne of the Dragon King.

King Soto, the silver ice dragon, glanced at the Twilight dragons, and then said to King Saier, the red crystal dragon: "It's time for the king's trial, let's start quickly!

The dragons have been waiting for their king for thousands of years, and it's time to welcome their king back. "

The Red Crystal Dragon King Saier said loudly: "Now all the dragon kings of the Dragon Kingdom are here. This trial of the Dragon Kingdom King, regardless of the race and identity of the dragon, regardless of the strength of the dragon and the size of the dragon group, as long as the Dragon King can participate.

The Dragon King who wins the King's Trial is the co-lord of the Dragon Kingdom, our king!
The first trial is now open. The dragon kings who participated in the king's trial are invited to come to the center of the Dragon Nest one by one, and explain to all the dragon kings your predictions about the future world and the position that the Dragon Kingdom should be in.

As long as you get the support of ten dragon kings, you can enter the second trial. "

After listening to the rules of the first trial, Luke glanced at the dragon kings present.Visually, there are [-] to [-] dragon kings in the Dragon Kingdom, and it seems that it is not difficult to obtain the support of ten dragon kings.

But Luke knew that for himself, this was definitely not an easy task.

The first trial looked like a game of politics.

In fact, considering the current environment of the Dragon Kingdom, this trial is actually comparing the influence of the competitors in the Dragon Kingdom.

Needless to say, the ancient dragon can easily get the support of ten dragon kings at that stop.

The powerful Dragon King worked hard, and he could still beat ten supporters.

A Dragon King who has no strength, even if you make all the hype, may not be able to complete this trial.

King Taotie has a great reputation in the Dragon Kingdom, but his influence is hard to describe.

It's a newcomer, and I haven't met other dragon kings before, so it's hard to win their trust.Twilight Dragon belongs to a minority of orphan races in the Dragon Kingdom, and it is impossible to play the emotional card to win the votes of the same race.

Therefore, for Luke, he can only follow the trial rules honestly and impress some dragon kings with a wonderful political discussion.As for the final effect, it can only be resigned to fate. After all, most dragon kings don't know what the outside world looks like, and their impression of the world may still be in the period of ancient wars.

Fortunately, at the beginning, I didn't set the ultimate goal of becoming the king of the Dragon Kingdom on this trip.

It's just that I was eliminated in the first trial, doesn't it seem that I, the Gluttonous King, are too incompetent.If there is a day of decryption in the future, this matter will definitely be a big stain on Meteor.

Therefore, Luke made up his mind that no matter how many rounds of trials he could go through in the future, he would never be eliminated in this first round! (end of this chapter)

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