Age of Arcane

Chapter 584 The Fourth Trial

Chapter 584 The First Trial

The first trial of the King of the Dragon Kingdom begins!
Dragons are all pretentious. Not only ancient dragons participated in the king's trial, but many other dragon kings also signed up.

Regarding current affairs in the world, the giant dragons who have closed their doors are not clear, but this does not delay the desire of the dragon kings to express themselves.

For a while, the Dragon Nest of the King was like an audition for a talent show. The dragon kings who participated in the King's Trial showed their special abilities and tricks.

But generally it was as Luke expected.

Once the ancient giant dragon stood on the center stage, he could immediately gain the support of many dragon kings, and then he could easily advance to the next level by saying some encouraging words.

The other dragon kings completely regarded the trial as a show.

If you don’t say anything when you are on stage, first let out a long roar that fully demonstrates your lung capacity.The sound was continuous and long, and the timbre was simple and vigorous, which attracted many dragons to sing in harmony with their long roars, turning the trial stage into a big music stage.

Some came to the stage to show off their toned bodies, their bulging muscles pushed out the dragon scales.

There are those who draw big cakes, promising how many benefits they will provide to the dragons after becoming the king of the Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, there are also serious speeches, but most of them are clichés, looking back at the glorious history of the dragon civilization, and then imagining the glorious future of the dragon civilization.

In short, it is rare for the dragon kings to get together and take advantage of this opportunity to choose the king to be a happy dragon.

Luke stood in the position of the ancient dragon, watching the performance of the dragon kings from the closest distance.

Soon it was the silver ice dragon King Soto's turn.

He flapped his wings and glided to the central podium, showing his majesty before speaking.

Silver ice dragons have silver dragon scales all over their bodies, with a layer of ice crystals attached to the surface of the scales, making them look larger than giant dragons of the same size.King Sauron is an ancient dragon. He has a stronger physique. His eyelids and cheeks are covered with icy horns, and his light blue eyes reveal supreme majesty.

King Sauron, who had finished showing his majesty, glanced at Luke next to him, and then began his speech.

"Dragon kings! After the dragon returned to the Emerald Forest, the elders of the Shuojin people visited the Dragon Kingdom. I talked with their elders for a long time.

A point of view raised by the Shuojin people has caused me to think deeply.

Is it because the dragon has been far away from the secular world for too long, so that the lower races in the secular world have forgotten the majesty of the dragon, so they have the arrogant idea of ​​​​obtaining ancient civilization.The human Golden Shield Empire not only challenged the Shining Jin people; they extended their tentacles into hell; a large group of holy angels suddenly came to the Kingdom of the Golden Shield Empire, and it is still unknown what their purpose is.

Also... The Golden Shield Empire opened their mines to the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and they mined fire crystal mines on the territory of the Golden Dragon King Tai Lun.The Shuojin people say that fire crystals are the blood of human civilization development. We provide fire crystals to the Golden Shield Empire, and we will inevitably be backlashed by human civilization in the future.

Of the five ancient civilizations, the Golden Shield Empire has had in-depth contact with four of them. It is still unknown whether the Shadow Civilization has contact with the Golden Shield Empire.

After talking with the Shuojin Elder, I understand that his worry is right, and I also consider forming an alliance of ancient civilizations, gathering our strength, and eradicating human civilization before it threatens us.


Compared with other dragon kings who participated in the election, the Silver Ice Dragon Soto King is really well prepared for the trial.He presented a lot of information and data obtained from the Shuojin people, allowing the dragon kings to intuitively understand how vigilant the current strength of human civilization has reached.

Human beings, this low-level race that once prostrated at the feet of the giant dragon and were on the diet of the giant dragon, are now developing so strongly that every dragon king can't help but worry about the dragon civilization.

The loss of the five great artifacts has greatly reduced the strength of the five ancient civilizations, and they are far less confident than they were in ancient times.The dragons don't know how these lower races will treat the dragons once human civilization surpasses the ancient civilization.

Just sitting on an equal footing made many dragons feel uncomfortable.

Finally, King Silver Ice Dragon Soto said: "I think that the Dragon Kingdom can refuse to allow the Shuojin people to join the Alliance of Ancient Civilizations, but it must stop all cooperation with the Golden Shield Empire. Let the Golden Shield Empire and the Shuojin people fight head-on. Observe the situation from the sidelines and make the right choice of camp at the critical moment."

King Soto's speech attracted most dragon kings to flap their wings.

Apparently his speech was successful, and he won the support of more than 50 Dragon Kings, becoming No.1 in the first round of trials.

King Soto was also very satisfied with his speech. He jumped back to his seat and said to the golden dragon King Tyrone, "King Tyrone, you are getting too close to humans!"

Tyron King countered: "So I understand human civilization better than you."

"Hmph! So you chose a humanoid ancient dragon?"

"I'm not the only one who chose the Gluttonous King. Didn't you notice that his aura is very familiar?"

King Soto, the silver ice dragon, turned his head to look at Luke who was not far away. After carefully feeling the breath emanating from him, he couldn't help saying in surprise: "It's him! How could it be him?"

King Tai Lun smiled and said: "You are too focused on the trial. Didn't you find that other ancient dragons have already noticed the inheritance of King Taotie? I don't know why he chose such an inheritance, I only believe in his choice."

King Soto looked at the other ancient giant dragons. Sure enough, they were all observing the King Taotie in various ways, and their focused looks clearly revealed the inheritance of the former king.

"It's just an inheritance!" King Suoto showed indifference: "It's not him who is the gluttonous king, he can't become the king of the Dragon Kingdom."

"Let's's his turn."

King Soto immediately looked at Luke. Although he said it easily, his nervous expression betrayed him.

Luke in dragon armor spread his wings and flew to the central podium.

The podium prepared for the giant dragon is a bit big for him.

However, when Luke stood on it, the noisy meeting place immediately fell silent.Not all dragon kings can see his inheritance. They respect the Taotie king because he let the dragon return to the Emerald Forest.

"What I want to say has already been said by King Soto, so that I don't know what to say now."

Luke's opening remarks drew laughter from the dragons.

King Soto's speech was entirely from the standpoint of the Dragon Kingdom, and refuting him would not have a positive effect, but would cause discomfort to the dragons.

So Luke squared his position as soon as he came up, expressing his approval to King Soto.

Then Luke said: "What King Soto said just now is all the information he got from the Shuojin people, so I will talk about what human civilization looks like in detail for Dragon Kings from my personal experience.

Let's start with the end of the ancient war..."

Luke begins to tell the history of human civilization.

After the ancient war ended, the world was devastated.Many races in the secular world have started a battle for resources that has lasted for hundreds of years for the few survival resources.

This war is not as grand as the ancient war, but the race that was exterminated in the war is no less than during the ancient war.

At the beginning of this war for survival, humans were not a powerful race.The individual strength of human beings is not as good as that of giants, their reproductive ability is not as good as that of goblins, and their intelligence is not as good as that of psychics, but human beings eventually become the biggest winners in this battle for survival.

Now the footprints of human beings are all over the secular world, and other races are either extinct, or lingering in remote places, or integrated into the world order created by humans.

"When we look at human civilization, we should not only look at its current achievements, but also look at how it got to this position step by step.

Throughout the history of human civilization and previous wars, we can clearly see that human civilization is very inclusive.All alien races such as orcs, barbarians, elves, and psychics, as long as they are willing to join human civilization, humans are willing to accept them, and they will not discriminate against them because of racial differences.

In human civilization, there are orcs who have been kings, barbarian dukes, psychics who have served as deans of magic schools, goblin inventors, and elf scholars.After these alien races integrated into human civilization, they also added their civilization characteristics to human civilization.

Human civilization is constantly merging and merging in this way, and finally developed into what it is today.And those races that stubbornly stick to their own civilization and are unwilling to make changes are almost extinct.

Therefore, when we look at human civilization, we can't just think of it as human civilization. It now includes the entire secular world, including the forest elves in the Emerald Forest.

If you regard the entire human civilization as an enemy, then you are an enemy of the entire secular world, including the Emerald Forest.

In fact, the Shuojin people did not clearly regard human civilization as their enemy. They always regarded the current battle as a trade war between the World Bank and the Golden Shield Empire. "

Luke finally exposes the Shimmer's sinister intentions.

They themselves did not regard human civilization as the enemy of the Shuojin civilization, but came to tell the dragons... Human civilization is very dangerous, and it must be attacked in advance.

Isn't this fooling the giant dragons into being a winner?

The dragon kings who figured this out were very angry.

At the same time, it also appeared that King Suoto, the Silver Ice Dragon, had fallen into the trap of the Shining Gold people, and his own leadership ability was naturally questioned.

The expression of the silver ice dragon Soto King really became serious. He glanced at King Tai Lun quietly, and found that the golden dragon was smiling arrogantly.

Before Luke could finish his speech, King Soto, the Silver Ice Dragon, asked first, "King Glutton, do you think that Dragon Kingdom should support human civilization and fight against Jin civilization or other ancient civilizations?"

Luke replied: "King Soto, there are many differences between this era and the ancient times. The battle of civilizations is not just war, but an all-round confrontation in many fields such as politics, culture, trade, and scientific research.

I think that in this battle of civilizations, it is very likely that there is no clear camp and position.

The Dragon Kingdom can reach an agreement with the Shining Gold Civilization on the level of higher civilization cognition while conducting trade with the Golden Shield Empire.Even when a war breaks out, some channels of communication with the enemy can be maintained to control the scale of the war together.

These are not my unilateral conjectures. In fact, such struggles are already a certain norm within human civilization.

Therefore, I made it clear at the beginning that I support your point of view. The Dragon Kingdom will not intervene in the world war by force prematurely, but it can actively participate in the world war through other means. "

Luke not only supports King Soto's point of view, but also denies King Soto's point of view.

It made King Soto feel like he had eaten curry-flavored shit.

King Soto opened his mouth, not knowing what he should say?
At this moment, King Tai Lun, the golden dragon, stretched out his dragon wings and flapped his wings, expressing his appreciation for King Taotie's speech: "Very wonderful speech! Human civilization, Jin Jin civilization, and other civilizations are all opponents of our dragon civilization, but we still have to deal with it now." It's not time to define who is the enemy. Now that the battle of civilizations has started, avoiding it will only make the dragon civilization lose the opportunity to control the situation.

Actively participate in the battle, but avoid intervening in the war prematurely. This can not only accumulate strength for the Dragon Kingdom, but also hold the initiative in our own hands.

King Taotie, your wisdom still makes me admire you as always.

On behalf of my dragon group, I support you! "

The Golden Dragon Tyrone King made an easy-to-understand summary of Luke's speech just now, which made the dragon kings who didn't understand it suddenly realize.

Now King Tai Lun publicly supports King Gluttony, and some dragon kings who have good friends with King Tai Lun also express their support for King Tao Tie.Then some Dragon Kings who agreed with the Taotie King's point of view gave their own support votes.

However, there are still Dragon Kings who have a bit of a grudge against King Taotie's human form, so even if he agrees with his point of view, he still does not vote for it.

According to the final statistics, King Taotie had the support of 48 dragon kings, slightly less than King Soto.

However, three of the Dragon Kings who supported the Taotie King were ancient giant dragons, while the Silver Ice Dragon Soto King did not get the support of an ancient giant dragon.

In addition, some dragon kings expressed their support for King Taotie this time after they had already expressed their support for King Soto. I wonder what would happen if the rules were changed so that each dragon king could only vote for one vote?

This made King Suoto not happy to be number one at all, even though he had advanced to No. 1 in the first round of trials.

So far, the first trial of the King of Dragon Kingdom is over.

After eliminating most of the contenders for the king, there are only twelve dragon kings who are eligible to enter the second trial.

Among them, there are ten ancient dragons and two dragon kings.

Red Crystal Long Saier announced: "The king of the Dragon Kingdom must have great power! In the second trial of the king, the twelve dragon kings will be divided into six groups to face each other. The winners can enter the third trial.

Now the Dragon Kings who have advanced are invited to draw lots! "

Then King Purcell recited the dragon language, and a large magic circle unfolded in front of him.There are twelve circles surrounding the outer edge of the magic circle, and the twelve dragon kings who participated in the second trial stamped their own magic logos in different circles.

After the twelve marks were marked, King Purcell was going to group them randomly.

At this time, the Silver Ice Dragon Soto King said: "I want to fight against the Gluttonous King."

King Purcell suspended group magic and asked Luke, "Is the gluttonous king willing to fight?"

Luke said, "Of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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