Age of Arcane

Chapter 599

Chapter 599
Back to the dragon's nest!
Eiffel was very puzzled by the king's decision: "Your Majesty, now the Shuojin people are attacking the Shadow Clan with all their strength, and they don't have the energy to take care of us. At this time, the chance of breaking through the siege is the highest."

"No!" Luke looked at the fierce battle on the battlefield, and quickly judged the situation at this time: "The Shuojin people did not invest a lot of troops in this attack. I think they made a temporary decision without making sufficient preparations." launched this attack.

The Shuojin people didn't attack us, not only because they didn't want to annoy Longguo, but also because they didn't have enough troops and wanted to force us to break through and leave.If we go, the ShadowClan is truly doomed!

Let's go back to the dragon's nest!
Gather all the Shadow Race that can be saved. "

King Taotie made the final decision, and the dragons took full care to protect Luke and returned to the dragon's lair.

Along the way, when the Shuojin people fought with the Shadow Clan, the giant dragons stopped watching and rushed to drive the Shuojin people away, and then retreated to the Dragon's Nest with the saved Shadow Clan.

Fighting and stopping all the way, rescue and gathering, the giant dragons returned to the dragon nest with dozens of shadow clans.

The harpies who were abandoned here jumped for joy when they saw the dragons come back.

Luke then ordered Eiffel to release a large number of magic messengers to the outside world, telling the Shadow Clan in Shenjing City: The King of the Dragon Kingdom can provide them with shelter, and they can go to the Dragon's Lair in Shenjing City for refuge in case of danger.

Magic couriers are sent out at regular intervals.

Luke asked the black dragon Bale to arrange the defense of the dragon's lair, and then found Malcolm to a secluded place behind the pile of gold and gems.

"Do you have a way to distinguish the difference between the shadow parasitic element and the shadow parasitic element after iterative body parasitic?"

Malken replied: "The shadow parasite completely obtains the host's body, and his mental power attribute is single. After the shadow parasite iterates the body parasitism, it only plays an auxiliary role, and the control is with the host, so there will be two mental attributes. .

Your Majesty, why do you ask this question. "

Luke looked at the Shadow Clan who followed into the dragon's lair, their morale was very low.

In a head-on confrontation, the Shadow Clan was no match for the Shuojin people.Now the Shuojin people are using the weapons that are lore against the Shadow Clan, and the Shadow Clan has no power to fight back.

Every Shadow Race is worried about the fate of the race.

Luke said to Malken again: "So many Shuojin people can sneak into Deep Well City quietly because of the cover of Shadow Race traitors. But I don't think those traitors are the real Shadow Race, they should be the people who were killed by Shuojin." The shadow parasitic elements cultivated by human beings are iterative body parasitic reformers who disguised themselves as shadow tribes and lurked in Shenjing City."

Malken was awakened, and he also looked at the shadow tribe in the dragon's nest, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, do you think there are shadow parasitic metamorphoses mixed in?"

"There is a possibility. Besides, if we want to gather the Shadow Clan here, the Shuojin people will definitely send reformers to sneak in.

Is there any way you can find them without alarming them. "

Malken thought about it: "It can be done. I use the existing tools to make a mental wave separation illuminator. There are two shadow clans with different mental wave bands. There is a high probability that it will transform people."

At this time, the entire Dragon Nest vibrated violently, and the shift of gravity made the whole pile of gold and gemstones start to slide sideways.

Luke immediately took out the colorful magic heart.

The colorful light shines outward from the devil's heart, the gravity in the dragon's nest is restored, and the vibration is also weakened a lot.

"Do it quickly, don't disturb the Shadow Clan."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Dragon Nest began to collect the Shadow Clan who had taken refuge, and more and more Shadow Clan and dungeon residents fled for refuge.

Luke reorganized them, some of them assisted the dragon in laying out magical defenses, and some of the powerful Shadow Race were sent to rescue their compatriots.

Soon the whole city of Shenjing knew the news that the king of the dragon kingdom had provided asylum, and more shadow tribes fled into the dragon's nest.The Shuojin people also discovered this refuge, and they sent out part of their troops to guard the outside of the Dragon's Nest, cutting off the entrance to the Dragon's Nest.

Luke activated the secret passage that he had been using secretly, and continued to welcome the shadow clan who had taken refuge.

Among the new batch of Shadow Clan who took refuge in the Dragon's Nest, Luke also saw Sisi Li, who was enslaved by the human face.

Her condition was dire, with her body shrunk by a third, her face burned in half, and her spirits depressed.Fortunately, she is a human face servant, a supernatural fungus creature, and she is a flora. After being attacked by the psycho wave knife, her shadow parasites were separated from the mother nucleus. It was her flora that drove the body unconsciously. Only then escaped from the Shuojin people.

Leaving the attack range of the psycho wave knife, the shadow parasitic element re-fused, but it also suffered a lot of damage.

Luke had the harpy carry Sisly's remains in front of him.

Said to Sisli as the gluttonous king: "I recognize you, you are working for Miss Weatherlight."

"Your Majesty Taotie, it is my honor to be known by you." Sisli reluctantly bent down to salute, but she always had a smile on her face, as if such a blow was nothing to her.

Luke raised his hand, floating above the dragon's lair to suppress the gravity of the colorful demon heart, and cast a beam of light at Sisi Li.Sisili's injuries recovered quickly, and the bacterial flora also multiplied and increased visible to the naked eye.

"I know you joined the Shadow Assassins, what was the result of the Shadow Assassins going to rescue the Great Chief?"

Sisli, who had grown a lot bigger, spread her hands helplessly.

"The Shuojin people knew that we would go to rescue the Great Chief, so they arranged an ambush there in advance. The spiritual wave knife is really unsolvable. If it is swept by the wave it sends out, the shadow parasite will be forcibly separated from the host's body." The mental power is separated, and then he is slaughtered by the Shuojin people.

How can there be such a weapon in this world? It is simply to exterminate the Shadow Clan. "

Luke continued to ask: "The Shadow Assassins are all wiped out?"

"Basically they're all finished, but there are some who escaped...such as me."

"That tauren Mendez?"

"Although Mendes is a Phantom Assassin, he was also swept down by the Psychic Saber. I watched his head be chopped off by the Shining Jin. It is estimated that his shadow parasite has been destroyed."

It seems that the Shadow Assassin Group, which became famous in ancient wars, is really finished.

"If I were a Shuojin person, I wouldn't easily destroy such an excellent shadow parasite. I would keep it well and use it to cultivate better shadow parasite iterations." Luke guessed Mendez Then she said to Sisli: "Since you have come to me, I will protect you and let you return to Miss Weatherlight safely."

But Sisli said with some disbelief: "Now that the Shuojin people have almost occupied Shenjing City, you should consider how to break out."

"I want to leave, but the Shuojin people can't stop me." Luke said confidently: "I just want to do my best to keep more Shadow Race.

As one of the few shadow assassins left, you should have a strong appeal in the shadow clan.If you can, help me organize the Shadowfolk here.If the Shuojin people come to negotiate with me, the Shadow Clan also needs to have a representative. "

Sisli moved her body a bit, and after the treatment, she felt much better.

"Okay, I will manage the Shadow Race here."

Sisli went to reorganize the Shadow Clan in the Dragon Nest, and her identity as a Shadow Assassin was indeed more likely to be recognized by the Shadow Clan.

The negotiations that Luke expected are also coming soon.

The Shuojin man in the Dragon Nest sent in a message: Tan, the elder of the Shuojin man, hoped to meet King Taotie of the Dragon Kingdom.


She did come in person.

Luke led Sisli and the Twilight dragons out of the dragon's lair, and Tan in golden armor stood outside, surrounded by a large group of golden armored golden warriors behind her.

In addition to holding golden weapons, some Glitter warriors also held a stick with an antenna in their hands.

Maybe that's the Psychic Saber.

Luke made guesses in his heart, and walked in front of Tan without pausing.

"The Shuojin people are still so resolute, and they wiped out the shadow civilization in an instant. From now on, there will be four of the five ancient civilizations."

The Shadow Civilization was destroyed in the First World War, which made Tan very high-spirited.

"This can only show that the shadow civilization with fatal flaws is not qualified to be side by side with us. I didn't expect you, Your Majesty, to discover the essence of assassination so quickly, forcing us to do it in advance. Fortunately, the research and development of the spiritual wave knife has been completed. There was no surprise in this battle."

Luke nodded: "It can be seen that the Shuojin people have made careful arrangements for this battle for a long time. No wonder the Shadow Clan assassinated one of your elders, and you can still hold your breath."

The ending has been decided, and Tan no longer hides it.

"I only found out about the plan to destroy the Shadow Clan when I entered the Elder's House. Ever since the Golden Shield Empire accidentally obtained a shadow parasitic element remnant, our Elder's House has been paying attention to the research of the Imperial Institute of Extraordinary Biology, and has also spent a lot of property Buy insiders and get some iterations.

Then there is the cleansing of internal political enemies by the Golden Shield Empire, which allowed us to obtain a lot of talents and technologies, and Dr. Bruckner is one of them.

Finally let us complete the puzzle of destroying the shadow civilization. "

Luke said with emotion: "The advancement of technology will eventually abandon some old civilizations and shape new ones. The decline of the shadow civilization is inevitable, but the shadow clan has the qualifications to continue.

Elder Tan... After this battle, the Shuojin people killed the Great Chief of Darkness and occupied Shenjing City. The Shadow Civilization no longer poses any threat to the Shuojin Civilization.It's better to give Longguo a face, let it go, and let the Shadow Clan here leave on their own. "

Tan laughed: "Your Majesty, Gruzelle's underground world is too vast. It is impossible for the Shuojin people to rule here directly, but they will definitely not give the Shadow Clan any chance. The fewer the Shadow Clan, the better for Shuo Jin. Jin people control here.

Give us all the Shadow Clan in the dragon lair, and I can let the dragons leave Gruzelleh safely. "

Luke said, "What if I have to keep the Shadows inside?"

Tan showed his golden sword: "Your Majesty Taotie, I hope you can understand the situation in Shenjing City. You can't do anything that the Shuojin people don't allow you to do. Take your dragon group and leave. Don't let the Dragon Kingdom need to choose another one." king."

Luke flashed the Blazing Sword tit for tat, wrapped in a dark purple grid around his body.

"Elder Tan, it's because you didn't understand the situation in Shenjing City. Do you know why there is a gravity disorder in this city?"

The shaking of the city became more and more serious, and the gravity changed randomly.Huge cracks appeared, and large rocks fell down.

Tan stared at the sword in Luke's hand, and asked vigilantly, "Do you know?"

"I also just discovered it not long ago. The spiritual power left by the host of the dark chief is the support of the city. Now the dark chief is separated from the spiritual power of the host. Since the host is dead, the spiritual power left by him is not enough The condensation of the dark chief will diverge in a short time.

Deep Well City will soon completely collapse, falling toward the center of the earth. "

"You're lying to me!" A violent shock caused Tan's body to shake, and she was a little unsure whether what King Taotie said was true or not: "You knew that Shenjing City would fall, so why did you stay here?"

"I want to see if Tan, who has just ascended the throne of Shuojin Elder Master, has the courage to fall into the center of the earth with me, the king of the new Dragon Kingdom."

Tan clenched the golden sword tightly: "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

"Aren't you afraid of death? It just so happens that I'm not afraid of death either." The power grid surrounding Luke became even more intense: "I died here, but the Dragon Kingdom lost a king who was not recognized by most dragons and more than a dozen dragons. They just choose another king. If you die here, those presbyterians who were emptied by you will regain power, and the Shuojin people here will also be buried with you.

I don't know if the Shuojin civilization can bear this kind of loss? "

Luke's words made Tan's eyes no longer firm.

After all, the shadow civilization is a powerful ancient civilization. Although the Shuojin people brought by Tan to attack Shenjing City are not too many, there are also many, and they are all really powerful elites.

If this elite team falls into the center of the earth with him, I don't know if he can return to the surface alive.

If the Shuojin civilization loses this part of its power, it will greatly weaken its overall strength.There are too many challenges that the Shuojin civilization has to face now, and it cannot bear such a big loss.

On the contrary, the Dragon Kingdom only lost a king who couldn't gather all the dragons together and more than a dozen dragons who followed the king.

This kind of exchange, the Shuojin civilization is definitely at a loss.

Can he defeat King Taotie in a short time, and rush into the dragon's lair to slaughter the Shadow Clan inside?

Tan observed the strange dragon in front of him.

The majestic energy radiating from his body, and the coercion of the ancient giant dragon like a mountain pressing down on the top, all show that this is a very powerful giant dragon.

What is even more terrifying is the sword in his hand.

There have been many rumors about this sword in the world.It was a sword that the elf Qingkong ignited the sky and forged for the Taotie King, which contained the flame energy like the sun.

Tan is very proud of her own strength, but she doesn't have the confidence to defeat King Taotie in a short time.

The earthquake on the ground became more violent, and the city would collapse at any time, everything inside would be submerged in the rubble, and then fall to the ground.

The attack on Shenjing City this time was too hasty!
If it wasn't for King Taotie's intervention, he would have been more prepared and had a more careful plan.

just now……

There was no time to even think about it.

Tan put away the golden sword and said to Luke: "You are courageous enough to be my opponent. I will let you off this time, and you may not have such good luck next time!"

After finishing speaking, Tan led the Shuojin people away without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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